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Gabriela Alejandra Morales Mazón 03/02/2024


GENERAL INSTRUCTION. – Read carefully the instructions and develop the
activities below.

1. The strength of an earthquake is measured by the Richter scale.

2. There are four things that affect the casualty rate of an earthquake.
3. Good construction techniques can reduce the danger to people
in buildings affected by an earthquake.
4. Damage is often caused by poor construction.
5. If an earthquake occurs near a major city, more people will be

1. The article said the deadliest earthquake in history took place in

2. The article said the highest Richter-scale reading was recorded in
the Pacific Ocean, near the Chilean coastline.
3. The article said if an earthquake strikes far from population centers,
it causes fewer deaths.
4. The article said modern building construction techniques and an
earthquake that occurs during the day can lessen the destruction
and economic impact.
Some of the common impacts of earthquakes include structural damage
to buildings, fires, damage to bridges and highways, initiation of slope
failures, liquefaction, and tsunami. The types of impacts depend to a large
degree on where the earthquake is located: whether it is predominantly
urban or rural, densely or sparsely populated, highly developed or
underdeveloped, and of course on the ability of the infrastructure to
withstand shaking.

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