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The Tempest quotes:


Act 1 Scene 1

In act 1 scene 1, Prospero stood on a raised platform observing the men try to sail through
the storm. Proxemics

● Boatswain: (to antonio) you do assist the storm Power/weakness

● Gonzalo: remember who thou has aboard

Boatswain: none that I love more than myself Power/weakness

● Antonio: let’s all sink with the king

Sebastian: let’s take leave of him power/weakness and love/hatred

The mariners exit the stage by walking single file down the steps into the audience. Antonio
removes his crown as he descends.

Act 1 scene 2

● Miranda: If by your art… you have put the wild waters in this roar, allay them

● Miranda: Had I been any god of power Power/weakness

● Prospero: pluck thy magic garment from me Power/weakness

Miranda slowly removes his robe as music plays. It's a moment

● Prospero: obey and be attentive Power/weakness

● Prospero: in my false brother awaked an evil nature Peace/conflict

● Miranda: Good wombs have borne bad sons Love/hatred

● Prospero: Thou wast that did preserve me Love/hatred

He hugs miranda

● Prospero: a noble neapolitan Love/hatred and power/weakness

● Miranda: Would I might but ever see that man! (Gonzalo) Love/hatred

● Ariel: All hail, great master… i come to answer thy best pleasure Power/weakness
Ariel has a ink top with pink eyeliner, with blue trousers
● Prospero: But are they safe? Love/hatred

● Prospero: what is it thou canst demand?

Ariel: my liberty
Prospero: … no more! Power/weakness and love/hatred
Prospero demands everything of Ariel but when Ariel demands something he immediately
shuts them down

● Miranda: Tis a villain I do not love to look upon Love/hatred

● Prospero: Tonight thou shalt have cramps All

● Caliban: to name the bigger light that burn by day and night
● Caliban: And then I loved thee Love/hatred

● Prospero: Thou most lying slave Love/hatred

● Prospero: Used thee with human care and lodged thee in thine own cell, till thou didst
seek to violate the honour of my child love/hatred and peace/conflict

● Caliban: I had peopled else this isle with Calibans Power/weakness

● Miranda: abhorred slave Love/hatred

● Miranda: I pitied thee, took pains to make thee speak Love/hatred

● Caliban: the red plague rid you for learning me your language Love/hatred

● Ferdinand:(the music) it waits upon some god of the island (foreshadowing)

Ferdinand: this is no mortal business Peace/conflict

● Prospero: thou mightst call him a goodly person Love/hatred

● Miranda: I might call him a thing divine, nothing natural I ever saw so noble

● Ferdinand: A goddess on whom these airs attend! (Seeing Miranda) Love/hatred

● Ferdinand: If a virgin I’ll make thee queen of Naples Love/hatred

● Miranda: There’s nothing ill can dwell in such a temple (about Ferdinand)

● Prospero: My foot My tutor? Power/weakness

The fight between Prospero and Ferdinand is comical- with Ferdinand being thrown into the
air and tossed around without Prospero lifting a finger. The audience laugh.

● Prospero: Hang not on my garments All

● Ferdinand: Might I but through this prison once a day behold this maid Love/hatred

Act 2 scene 1

Alonso still wears his crown after the wreckage, which shows he must have made an effort
to cling onto it even when he was drawing. Goes to show just how much he values power.

● Gonzalo: our garments are as fresh as when we first put them on in Africa

● Alonso: You cram these words into mine ears against the stomach of my sense

● Alonso: My son is lost… and she too… I never again shall see her Love/hatred

● Sebastian: Sir you may thank yourself for this great loss Peace/conflict
That would not bless our Europe with your daughter but loose her to an African
Racism and post-colonial themes. Power struggles and status ambiguity.

● Gonzalo: you rub the sore when you should bring the plaster (to sebastian)
Peace/conflict and Love/hatred

● Gonzalo: (were he ruler of the island) riches, poverty: none

All men idle, and women too, but innocent and pure;
No sovereignty All
Modern marxist values, ahead of his time.

● Antonio: my strong imagination sees a crown dropping upon thy head

Power/weakness peace/conflict

● Antonio: what great hope have you! (that Ferdinand is dead) All

● Antonio: What a sleep were this for your advancement! Power/weakness and

● Sebastian: you did supplant your brother Prospero

Antonio: true, and look how well my garments sit upon me All

● Antonio: (his conscience?) Where lies that?... I feel not this deity in my bosom
Love/hatred and Power/weakness
● Sebastian: Thy case dear friend, shall be thy precedent… and I the king shall love
thee All

● Antonio: Draw together Love/hatred

When Ariel enters to make their speech Antonio and Sebastian move in slow motion.

Act 2 scene 2

● Caliban: sometime I am all wound with adders, who with cloven tongues do hiss me
into madness Peace/conflict

Trinculo enters dressed as a jester. He enters through the audience, interacting with them
and making them laugh. Comic relief portion of the play- as it always would have been.

● Trinculo: When they will not give a doit to relieve a lame beggar, they will lay out ten
to see a dead indian All

● Trinculo: My best way is to creep under his gaberdine Comedy

Stephano is dressed in wild contrast to Trinculo. He is in all black and moves around more
slowly. While he ponders what the Isle monster is, Caliban hits Trinculo with sticks as they
run around the stage, making for a comedic moment.

● Stephano: four legs and two voices: a most delicate monster! Comedy

● Caliban: that's a brave God and he bears celestial liquor. I will kneel to him Comedy
and power/weakness

● Stephano: I was the man in the moon (joking) Comedy

● Caliban: I will kiss thy foot (to Stephano) Comedy and power/weakness

● Trinculo: I shall laugh myself to death Comedy

Act 3 scene 1

● Ferdinand: (Prospero) he is composed of harshness Peace/conflict

● Miranda: I would the lightning have burnt up those longs that you are enjoyed to pile
(Similar to when she says if I were a god) Power/weakness and love/hatred

● Ferdinand: I had rather crack my sinews, break my back (than have her pick up logs)
Love/hatred and peace/conflict

● Miranda: and I should do it with much more ease (carry the logs) Power/weakness
and love/hatred
● Ferdinand: so perfect and so peerless love/hatred

● Miranda: Do you love me? Love/hatred

Like when Ariel asks if Prospero loves them

● Ferdinand: I do love, prize, honour you Love/hatred

● Miranda: I am your wife if you will marry me Love/hatred and power/weakness

Miranda gets down on her knees as she asks him. Gender role reversal.

Act 3 scene 2

● Stephano: Trinculo if you trouble him (Caliban) any more… I will supplant some of
your teeth Comedy and peace/conflict
Ariel swings across bars while the three argue. His ease of movement contrasts him and
emphasises his sprightliness.

● Caliban: remember first to possess his books, for without them he’s but a sot

● Stephano: I will kill this man. His daughter and I will be king and queen
Peace/conflict and power/weakness

Act 3 scene 1

● Alonso: well, let him go (About ferdinand) Love/hatred and peace/conflict

● Antonio: I am right glad that he’s so out of hope Love/hatred

● Sebastian: the next advantage we will take throughly All

As the nobles walk towards the feast it sets alight with fire on Prospero’s command. Ariel
enters as a Harpy with wings operated by three different people.

● Ariel: I and my fellows are ministers of fate Power/weakness

● Ariel: The powers delaying have incensed the seas and shores… against your peace
Peace/conflict and power/weakness

● Prospero: They are all in my power Power/weakness

● Prospero: I visit young Ferdinand, and his, and mine, loved darling Love/hatred

● Alonso: O, it is monstrous, monstrous! Peace/conflict and power/weakness

● Antonio: I’ll fight their legions over

Sebastian: I’ll be thy second Love/hatred
Honour amongst thieves. They come as a pair and look out for one another.
● Gonzalo: their great guilt now begins to bite their spirits Love/hatred

Act 4 scene 1

● Prospero: I have given you here a third of mine own life Love/hatred

● Prospero: All thy vexations were but trials of thy love Love/hatred and

● Prospero: she will outstrip all praise and make it halt behind her Love/hatred

● Prospero: if thou dost break her virgin knot… barren hate… shall bestow the union of
your bed… so you shall hate it both All and comedy

● Ariel: do you love me master? No? Love/hatred and power/weakness

● Prospero: dearly, my delicate Ariel. Love/hatred

● Prospero: these our actors …are all spirits and are melted into air Peace/conflict

● Prospero: we are such stuff as dreams are made on Peace/conflict

● Prospero: be not disturbed by my infirmity Power/weakness and love/hatred

● Caliban: The prize I’ll give you shall hoodwink mischance Love/hatred

● Caliban: do the murder first Peace/conflict and love/hatred

The dog is a puppet controlled by Ariel and their spirits. It is a carcass with only bloody
muscle and bone visible. It could represent how Prospero can merely reanimate dead things
rather than create new life, it shows the cracks in his powers.

● Prospero: at this hour lies at my mercy all mine enemies Power/weakness and

Act 5 scene 1

● Prospero: my charms crack not, my spirits obey and time goes upright with his
carriage Power/weakness

● Ariel: your charm so strongly works em that, if you now beheld them, your affections
would become tender Love/hatred and peace/conflict

● Ariel: mine would sir, were I human Love/hatred

● Prospero: With my nobler reason ‘gainst my fury do I take part.

The rarer action is in virtue than in vengeance Love/hatred and peace/conflict

● Prospero: graves at my command have waked their sleepers… by my so potent art


● Prospero: this rough magic I here abjure Power/weakness and peace/conflict

● Prospero: I’ll break my staff… I’ll drown my book Power/weakness

● Prospero: good Gonzalo, my true preserver Love/hatred

He acknowledges that while Miranda preserved him mentally, it is Gonzalo that quite literally
preserved him by making sure he survived.

● Prospero: I do forgive thee Peace/conflict and love/hatred

Antonio is in a trance and at the mercy of Prospero’s staff. He sways with it and seems to not
hear Prospero.

● Prospero: ariel, fetch me the hat and rapier in my cell Power/weakness

Spirits surround him and cloak him in ornate robes. Ariel stands still and sings- looking sadly
at Prospero.

● Prospero: I shall miss thee, but yet thou shalt have freedom Love/hatred

● Prospero: thy company I bid a hearty welcome Love/hatred and peace/weakness

He literally embraces Alonso though with a straight face, the audience finds this comical.
Alonso doesn't hug back and is instead confused. Prospero embraces Gonzalo as well as
Antonio. It shows equality- that he forgives everyone just as much as the other.

● Alonso: that were living both in Naples (regrets that Ferdinand and Miranda are
dead) Love/hatred

● Miranda: sweet lord you play me false

Ferdinand: I would not for the world Love/hatred and power/weakness

● Sebastian: a most high miracle Love/hatred

Ferdinand runs down the steps and embraces his father, where he then kneels to him.

● Miranda: how beauteous mankind is! Love/hatred

● Alonso: Is she the goddess that… has brought us thus together? Love/hatred and
power/weakness and comedy
He made the same mistake his son did by mistaking her for immortal.

● Alonso: I must ask my child for forgiveness All

● Boatswain: the best news is that we have safely found our King Love/hatred and
Contrasts when he said he valued himself over the king
● Trinculo: I have been in such a pickle since I saw you last Comedy
Trinculo comically pulls a giant fish out of his clothes as he stumbles drunkenly around.

● Caliban: I’ll be wise hereafter and seek for grace Love/hatred and peace/conflict
Prospero takes Caliban’s hand and helps him to stand, he then exits to his cell.

● Prospero: I have hope to see the nupitual Love/hatred

● Prospero: every third thought shall be my grave Power/weakness

● Prospero: then to the elements be free All

Prospero takes his staff behind his shoulders, and as drums build, he snaps it and slowly
puts it on the ground. Ariel sits and watches even though he has been discharged, showing
that he does not stay because he is obligated but because he loves Prospero.

● Prospero: let your indulgence set me free All

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