My First Bible Story

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My First Bible Story


Mary Gave birth to Jesis in a stable in Bethlehem, she placed

him in a manger for all to see including three wise men, three
shepherds and all the animals

Throughout Jesus life, he healed and helped people with

God’s love. Once, he turned five loaves of bread and two fish
into enough food for thousands of hungry people.

Jesus told many parables to help people learn how to live

well. One was about a good Samaritan who helped a stranger.

Jesus had 12 disciples to spread his word. Jesus had a last

supper with them, when he knew he was going to be killed.
One of them he knew, would betray him.

It was Judas that had betrayed Jesus and Jesus was captured
and put on a cross to die. Later His Disciples buried him in a

Mary and the disciple Peter went to the tomb and pray, but to
their surprise found that the tomb was empty. Jesus had risen
again and was alive.

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