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The Reason for My Return to School

Two years ago, I entered the English Department of National Tainan

University without a sense of loss or ecstasy. My ideal university
experience seemed to be elsewhere. The reality of university life
confirmed that this wasn't the institution I envisioned, leading me to
contemplate taking a leave of absence to pursue my own academic and
life plans.

Venturing into the field of tutoring, I have met numerous teachers

and students from various departments. During this time, I gained not
only academic and professional knowledge but also a profound
understanding that the lack of a university diploma was my major
shortcoming. However, this shortcoming did not become the ambitious
goal I envisioned during my hiatus; instead, it gradually faded into the
background as I immersed myself in work.

Two years swiftly passed, and the baptism of tutoring class made me
acutely aware of the importance of an academic diploma. Consequently,
in August of this year, I submitted an application to return to school,
embarking once again on the academic journey. This isn't merely a
return to the realm of education; it's a venture into the next stage of my

I am well aware that only through resuming my studies can I

reimmerse myself in the learning environment, inspiring diverse
thoughts and creativity. Returning to school is not just about academics;
it's about exploring the unknown territories of life and embracing the
richer possibilities that academic might can bring to me.

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