1D Kinematics Tutorial 2nd

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By S. J. C. Masuku

1. A racing car starts from rest at 𝑡 = 0 and reaches a final speed 𝑣 at time 𝑡. If the acceleration
of the car is constant during this time, which of the following statements are true? [Show
(a) The car travels a distance 𝑣𝑡.
(b) The average speed of the car is 𝑣/2.
(c) The magnitude of the acceleration of the car is 𝑣/𝑡.
(d) The velocity of the car remains constant.
(e) None of the above statements is true.

2. A pebble is released from rest at a certain height and falls freely, reaching an impact speed
of 4 m/s at the floor. Next, the pebble is thrown down with an initial speed of 3 m/s from the
same height. What is its speed at the floor?
(a) 4 m/s (b) 5 m/s (c) 6 m/s (d) 7 m/s (e) 8 m/s
[Ans: (b)]

3. A certain car manufacturer claims that its sports car will accelerate uniformly from rest to a
speed of 42.0 m/s in 8.00 s. Determine
(a) the acceleration of the car. [Ans: 5.25 m/s2]
(b) the distance the car travels in the first 8.00 s. [Ans: 168 m]
(c) the speed of the car 10.0 s after it begins its motion if it continues to move with the
same constant acceleration? [Ans: 52.5 m/s]

4. An object is at 𝑥 = 0 at 𝑡 = 0 and moves along the 𝑥 axis according to the velocity–time

graph in the diagram.

(a) What is the object’s acceleration between 13.0 s and 18.0 s? [Ans: -3.6 m/s2]
(b) What is the total displacement ∆𝑥 of the object at 𝑡 = 18.0 𝑠? [Ans: 84 m]
(c) What is the final position 𝑥 of the object at 𝑡 = 18.0 𝑠?
(d) What is the total distance 𝑑 of the object at 𝑡 = 18.0 𝑠? [Ans: 204 m]
5. Kansiime tests her new sports car by racing with Sibusiso, an experienced racer. Both start
from rest, but Kansiime leaves the starting line 1.00 s after Sibusiso does. Sibusiso moves with
a constant acceleration of 3.50 m/s2, while Kansiime maintains an acceleration of 4.90 m/s2.
(a) the time at which Kansiime overtakes Sibusiso. [Ans: 5.46 s]
(b) the distance she travels before she catches him. [Ans: 73 m]

6. A person takes a trip, driving with a constant speed of 89.5 km/h, except for a 22.0 min rest
stop. If the person’s average speed is 77.8 km/h,
(a) how much time is spent on the trip? [Ans: 2.81 h]
(b) how far does the person travel? [Ans: 219 km]

7. A particle moves along the x axis according to the equation 𝑥 = 2.00 + 3.00𝑡 − 1.00𝑡 2 ,
where 𝑥 is in metres and 𝑡 is in seconds.
a) At 𝑡 = 3.00 𝑠, calculate the
i. position of the particle. [Ans: 2 m]
ii. the particle’s velocity. [Ans: -3 m/s]
iii. the particle’s acceleration. [Ans: -2 m/s2]
b) Determine the average velocity between 𝑡 = 3.00 𝑠 and 𝑡 = 5.00 𝑠 [Ans: -5 m/s]
c) When is the object at the same position that it was at 𝑡 = 0.

8. A person standing on the edge of a high cliff throws a rock straight up with an initial velocity
of 13.0 m/s. The rock misses the edge of the cliff as it falls back to earth.

(a) Calculate the position and velocity of the rock 1.00 s, 2.00 s, and 3.00 s after it is
thrown, neglecting the effects of air resistance.
(b) Draw the vertical position, vertical velocity, and vertical acceleration vs. time for a
rock thrown vertically up at the edge of a cliff in different axis.

9. What happens if the person on the cliff throws the rock straight down, instead of straight up?
To explore this question, calculate the velocity of the rock when it is 5.10 m below the starting
point, and has been thrown downward with an initial speed of 13.0 m/s. [Ans: −16.4 m/s.]
10. A chunk of ice breaks off a glacier and falls 30.0 meters before it hits the water. Assuming
it falls freely (there is no air resistance), how long does it take to hit the water? [Ans: 2.5 s]

---------------------------------------------------------THE END----------------------------------------------------

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