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A little me was I was learning a

born in this world step by step walk

full of chaos, and and was guided
full of enjoyment by my parents;
at the same time. was also learning
I’ve started to com- or trying to enun-
municate little by ciate words
little and ofcourse correctly.
it is still not as
comprehensive as
According to my I’ve shared laugh-
Parents, I was ter with my sib-
Learning to enun- lings and in my
ciate words correctly sorroundings I’ve
but not that very also remembered
comprehensive as that this is my
I was still little. first meet with
Jollibee as we
were celebrating
my birthday that
I’ve started as a I’ve remembered
Kindergarten and how am very
I’ve remembered competitive in
how much we school activities
enjoyed being a little with my class-
vendor in our mini- mates in our
store there at out school back then.
kindergarten centre. This is also the
I’ve already met new year that I got my
Friends back then, first ear piercing.
and never thought
that I would still be
fiends with them
up until now. The
memories back then
cannot be easily for-
gotten within a This was one of
glimpse of an eye. my most hurtful
year in my
lifetime. It
This is my first was January 27,
experience in a big 2015 at that time
earthquake here in when I heard my
bohol, it was on sister crying, I’ve
October 15, 2013 confronted her
with a magnitude of what’s wrong?
of 7.2 which literally and then I’ve just
broke thousands of noticed uncoun-
houses buildings. table tears fall
We’re also blessed down through my
at the same time that eyes, as she said
we, my family, are all that lola already
safe at that time.
I’ve started joning went to the gar-
Majorette in my den of God. I
this year, and also cannot imagine
assigned as a emotions at that
prayer leader in our time as I was
school, this year also very shock. I
is the first year i’ve just want to go
gained more back time where
knowledge of how i can tell my
to speak another grandma, “CAN
language which is YOU COMB MY
English and slight HAIR LOLA?
In Filipino.
I’ve met a lot of This is the year
Friends and became that i’ve joined
my bestfriends but the hudyaka
never last in my dance and was
highschool year. Awarded as the
This year taught me first place.
That “it takes a Despite these
Strong commu- years, I’ve still
nication or strong remembered
bond for your group how my co-
of friends to last, dancers put so
because there is no much effort to
such thing last get the reward,
forever”. it was such an
memorable expe
rience to be one
of them.
This is the year I still remem-
That I joined intra- bered how exci-
murals meet as a ted I am to be a
volleyball player. Highschool stu-
And it was literally dent back then.
Amazing to be there At first glance in
At Tangnan Elemen- Lourdes Natio-
tary School, I’ve met nal High School,
new friends and new it was such very
memories with them. Confusing as
This is also one of my there were a lot
Memorable year as I’ve of students
Graduated elementary whom are
And was very excited finding for their
for the upcoming year classrooms. I’ve
never thought
This is the first year there were a lot
that I’ve managed to of students here
handle works in in Lourdes Na-
school in modular tional High
form. It was also School. I’ve also
the year that a lot remembered
of houses or even that this is the
barangays experienced year where a lot
being lockdown and of News from
was secured by other count-
POLICE and even ries came up
‘TANODS’ in with the virus

every barangay. Many COVID-19

people struggled living
but despite of those
struggles, there were
also kind hearted This is the year
people whom ne- that health
ver only thought workers found
of themselves and a vaccine that
had shared also helped to make
of their blessings make our
like food, and other immune system
which is need strong and fight
for daily living. those variouses
Despite the learning This is my
In modular form from year as a Senior
Last year, DepEd High Student,
Still find a way to and even
a face-to-face classes though this year
for us students to haven’t ended
experience what is yet, I’ve already
needed to experience made new memo-
during in this year. ries in this year.
It was such a memo- I still remember
rable year being as a the time we
grade 10 student. Went to the
I’ve also met a lot of beach as a
friends in which some whole family
became my best- as well with my
friends relatives also.
throughout the year. And it was such
It was such a very an enjoyment.
nice experience to And then there’s
be with section also that time
LOVE. I’ve that we tour
Also graduated around bohol
In Junior High with my
School. relatives from
other country,
We’ve shared
laughter with
Them and it
Was very
Then I’ve
managed to
handle different
school activities.

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