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Good evening. My name is mafer and my partners are willy y Belen.

We are
here to complain about the poor service they provide us. Belén is the one
who complains the most. She wouldn't pay for her meal if she's not satisfied.

1. Would you complain if you order a pizza, but they delivered the wrong
one? belen
I ordered a large pizza to share with the family, but the delivery arrived after 2
hours and the pizza did not have the ingredients described on the menu, I
called the restaurant manager to complain. (ordene una pizza grande para
compartir en familia, pero la entrega llego después de 2 horas y la pizza no tenía los
mismos ingredientes, descritos en el menú, llame al gerente del restaurante, para
quejarme). Willy

They actually arrived after 2 hours with the pizza, what terrible service, something
similar happened to me, I went to dinner at a restaurant with my friends, and we
ordered several dishes, when we asked for the bill it came out a little high, I asked
for a detailed description of consumption and then I filed my complaint. Willy, what
happened after your complaint, in the end they gave me a discount and Willy, what
happened after your complaint. ? (realmente llegaron después de 2 horas con la
pizza, que pésimo servicio, me sucedió algo parecido, fui a cenar a un restaurante
con mis amigos, y pedimos varios platos, cuando pedimos la cuenta, me salió un
poco alta, pedí una descripción detallada del consumo, luego presente mi queja, al
final me hicieron un descuento y Willy que paso luego de tu queja ..) mafe

the director called me and gave me an explanation of the order confusion

and they gave me a discount on my next order for the problem. (me llamo el
gerente y me dio una explicación de la confusión del pedido y me dieron un
descuento para mi próximo pedido por la molestia) Willy

2. Would you complain if you booked a hotel room with a large bed, but got
a room with two single beds? Belen

I traveled for work reasons and made a reservation at a hotel, I chose a room
with a large bed, which was accepted, however, when I arrived at the place
they gave me a room with two small beds, "this made me feel very angry", so
I presented my complaint to the manager, and requested a room change.
(viaje por motivos de trabajo and realice una reserva en un reconocido hotel, yo
escogí una habitación con una cama grande, la cual fue aceptada, sin embargo, al
llegar al lugar, me entregaron una habitación con dos camas pequeñas, esto me
enojo mucho, por lo que presente mi queja ante el administrador, y solicite un
cambio de habitación). Willy

3. Would you complain if you order something online and it arrived a week
late? mafe
Last month was my mom's birthday. and ordered a gift via delivery, it should
have arrived days before the birthday, however, the delivery was delayed and
arrived three days later, this was very disappointing. I went to the website
and send my complaint, they responded explaining the reason for the delay.
there was nothing more to do (el mes pasado fue el cumpleaños de mi mamá. y
ordene un regalo vía delivery, esto debió llegar días antes del cumpleaños, sin embargo,
el delivery se retrasó y llego tres días después, esto fue muy decepcionante. ingresé a la
web y envié mi queja, me contestaron explicando el motivo del retraso. no había más que
hacer). belen

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