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I dream about my future classroom every day.

A person only really knows what their

classroom is going to look like once they are a teacher one day, but we still have to dream.

Creating my dream classroom was a dream come true because I was able to think about specific

things that I want in my future classroom. The first part of my classroom that is a must is a huge

library with many books. This station is going to be a safe space for students to go so they can

decompress from real life. I will have a huge rug, blankets, comfy chairs, and pillows available

for students to use only in this area. To the right of my classroom library will be a huge window

to bring in lots of natural light. In the left corner of my room will be floor-to-ceiling storage. This

storage is going to be teacher storage only. This means that only I will be allowed to go into

these cabinets. In the cabinets will be anything that I will need during the year to teach my

lessons, decorate my room, or anything else I might need. In front of this, I will also have a

kidney table where I am able to have small group with my students. I will also have a supply cart

next to this table filled with paper, markers, pencils, highlights, and any other supplies I might

need during small group.

The next thing I will have in my room is a sink. A sink in a classroom is a lifesaver and

that is one of the number one things I hope I am able to have in my future classroom. Next to the

sink will be counter space for the students to place their water bottles. To the left of that will be

more floor-to-ceiling storage. These cabinets will be filled with supplies the students will be able

to get themselves. This will be where white boards, scissors, erasers, glue bottles, construction

paper and any other supplies the students might need in a day will be located. Next to these

cabinets will be my desk area. The reason I made this space bigger is that I want students to be

able to come into this area and work one-on-one with me if needed. In my desk area, I will have

a Monday-Friday cart to help me get organized for each week and a supply the cart with any
supplies I might need. In front of my desk, I will have a huge rug where the students will sit for

any lesson that is needed. In front of the rug will be a whiteboard where I will have the daily

schedule, the date, and classroom expectations written. Next to the whiteboard will be a

smartboard. In the middle of the room will be all of the student's desks. I laid out the desks this

way because then the students to be able to work in small groups. I also made the desks lift up

desk so the students are able to have their own space. In the students, desks will be their supplies

of crayons, markers, glue, notebooks, folders, and books. Lastly, all of the students will have

their own locker in the hallway where they are able to put their coats, backpacks, and snacks.

My dream classroom is set up the way it is because I want the best for every student who

enters my classroom. There are six keys that go into a child's success and I will explain why my

classroom with hit each of those keys and positive affordances that go with each key.

The first key is the safety key. The reason this key is important is because a child can not

learn if they do not feel welcomed in a classroom. I designed my room in a way that feels open

and welcoming. I hope that when each child walks in they know that they are welcome in my

classroom. A way that I will show this key is a positive affordance is by posting my classroom

expectations on the whiteboard at the front of the room. These expectations will clearly state how

students should treat each other.

The next key is the success key. I designed my room in a way that the students are in

charge of their own success. Each student has their own desk with their own supplies. This

means that if they lose a pencil they need to ask for one, if they forget their folder at home it is

their responsibility. These children are being put more in charge of themselves and I am holding

them all to the same expectations. A way I will show affordance is by posting a supply list of
items needed before each lesson on the smartboard. This will allow the students an opportunity

to get out any supplies they will need and ask for any supplies that they do not have.

Another key is the love and belonging key. A good relationship with students is crucial

for their learning. In my classroom, I will have space in my office area for students to come and

ask for help. This allows the students to understand that I am always there for them and that I

want them to succeed. A way I will show affordance is by telling my students about that space

and how it is okay for them to use it anytime they need it.

The fourth key is the freedom and independence key. As previously stated in the success

key the students have their own desks. I did this because it gives the students their own space so

they have a place that is theirs. Having their own desk gives that child freedom and

independence because they are given their own personal space in the classroom. As previously

stated in the safety key the affordance that I will use is having clear expectations stated on the

board. These expectations will state that each child is in charge of themselves and they are

responsible for his/her own work.

Another key is the fun and enjoyment key. A way that this key is shown in my classroom

is with my classroom library. The classroom library is a space for the students to go and

decompress if needed. A way I will show affordance in my classroom is by making my

classroom library comfortable. This will show the students that they are able to get comfortable

in the classroom library.

The last key is the value and purpose key. A way I will show this in my classroom is by

giving the students jobs to do in the class. The students who do the jobs will change weekly, but

this will give the students a purpose to show up to class. These jobs will be daily tasks that need

to be done every day in the classroom. A way to show affordance is by handing out the jobs in
the classroom equally. This will equally distribute the jobs and show that no student is more

important and will get more jobs than another student.

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