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March 6th

There are many different ways the language can be used, depending on how the person would
like to use it
- Like using person first, a person with autism rather than an autistic person
The term disability, like African-American, or gay, holds together in a complex web of social
ideals, institutional structures, government policies

We can observe who has the power to establish and police these categories, the criteria by which
individuals are included in a category, and what rights and privileges are denied or allowed
category members

Asking for assistance with a coffee cup becomes an issue for individualism
It raises a question: do we live in a world that we need each others assistance
In most cases, strangers will not help you, unless they are very nice and good people, making
“average” people the type of people to not help strangers

In America, its more friendly to make small talk, so in other countries: it’s not popular to help

People don’t usually go out of their way to help. Most aren’t afraid to ask for help, but most
don’t help without being asked first.

What’s the line between human and animal?

We have thumbs so we can grab stuff, but monkeys have thumbs, and some people are born
without hands or thumbs and so on
- The line maybe that we can write, and speak in our own language, so an entire form of
communication be taught like sign language, parrots can speak but can only mimic,
humans can think and speak, and articulate emotions
- We do stuff for pleasure, animals eat for survival.
- Animals don’t kill each other based on race, or sexuality, gender so on they kill for food
and territory
A problem we have in this society is- is this a scam or does this person really need help? In some
cases, we have to think about our safety, if it overpowers helping someone else.

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