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The ABC stories

A cristal kingdom had a queen

Beautifull, smart, furious and kind
Come here and listen, the story of the cristal queen or at list what people
remember about it.
Documents describe her as the “always alone queen”, the perfection that find
shadows, and the shadows that find peace.
Every good story begins with pain and this one is not different, so pain attention
and remember to never forget.
Falling into a little town, we find a little girt, whit blue eyes and a kind smile in the
arms of her mother hearing her laugh.
¨give smiles, give crimes, give presents and let them fall¨
Hoping of find his dad in the office, she ran over her mom arms and open the office
getting inside and searching for his father, when she hears a noice, she heard her
mom screaming on the other room.
“I don’t know anything about it” scream her mother
Jumping into a box seeing the little window she saw her mother criying in arms or
to big mens.
“Kill me, kill me but let her go, is only a child” her mother scream, so she seeing at
her mom cry start to open the office door to try to help her mother, but his dad
finally come and take her hand saying “your mother is ok, we should live the
house, come with me nesta”
“LIVE HER HERE??” scream nesta “no dad we should go and help mom, go and
help her” nesta look at his father, he closes his eyes and shout “I don’t have time
for this, nesta come with me RIGTH NOW”
Making a little move nesta open the office door and see the body of her mother
with a big red hole into her head, her open eyes and the shape of her mouth, nesta
fall on her knees and start to cry closing her eyes.
“NO, hey nesta I am here” shout his dad looking very different that in her memories
because of the years “it was only a dream darling” whisper him “Only a dream”
nesta take a deep breath and said “I know, I am sorry I was dreaming with mom
murder again, you should go rest, tomorrow is important ¿right?”
Otto the father of nesta finally live the room giving a glance to nesta with an
emotion that was terrified for her
Pity, his father was seeing at her with pity making her feel like wen she was 10
years old; she was never going to forget her mother and the stories of her the
magnificent “cristal queen”
Quit the idea of what her mother was never help nesta, her mother was a queen a
magnificent queen that was promised to the king since she was 6 years old but
when she finally become the queen of a kingdom that she never asks for instead of
become some type of disgusting queen she always was kind, grateful and
incredible smart.
Remembering old stories nesta know that her mother won the name “cristal queen”
because of the comparison of it to herself, “strong, beautiful but fragile” her mother
become the best queen the kingdom could ever had, nesta still remember when
her mother found her
“sorry” that was the first word her mother said to her, nesta was a little girl in town
trying to survive alone in the kingdom when a beautiful women found her and give
her something to call “home” her mother was her home, she felt safe with her, she
discovers what love is with her.
Thinking about her mother was already something normal for nesta, she always
remembers her, for her smile, the blue of her eyes making her believe the truth of
the name that people has given to her the “cristal queen”
Usually, nesta try to walk over the kingdom trying to imagine how it could be for her
mother being in the same places, smelling the same scents, thinking the same
Various people tell nesta stories of her mother and how she was a little girl in the
body of a queen
¿Why? That was the most common question on nestas mind every moment that
she thinks of her mom, if she was nice, kind, good then ¿why will someone kill her,
kill the cristal queen?
Xmas was her favorite day, she said that it makes her fell in home, the winter, the
nostalgic of the season, makes her remember her own kingdom
Yellow was her favorite color, yellow like nestas hair, yellow like her dresses, yellow
like the sun, her mother was amazing think nesta before entering on the arms of
Morpheus again.
Zest my reader, this story had finished for you but the amazing life of the “cristal
queen” is never getting forget, you are one of the Locky ones that have the
pleasure of knowing this history now you to help to remember her.

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