Art History Research Assignemnt

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Ashley Osendorf

Art 384

Amanda Klauck

April 8th, 2024


A visual illustration or digital image of the art, and the website sources where you got your


(Cites are at the bottom of the page)

Artwork and Artists’ Background: This section needs to include the name, date and period

of the artwork. Name of the artist, date and location of their birth. Where they lived,

worked (if different from place of birth) and studied. Any other personal information that

you feel might be pertinent to know about the artist’s background.

The title of this piece of art is “Girl with Balloon”. The artwork was created by an artist

named Bansky. Nobody knows Bansky’s real name, but he is a well known street artist and has
changed the way people view street art. The painting above was painted under Waterloo Bridge

at London’s Southbank, in 2002. “Girl with Balloon” was chosen as the nation's favorite artwork

in 2017. Before Banksy created this original painting he was still an artist, but he was not a well

known artist. He did not become a well known artist until about 2004, which was 2 years after he

created the Girl with Balloon piece. Banksy was born in Bristol, England in 1974. Since his

identity is unknown, his exact date of birth is unknown, but he did grow up and go to school at

Bristol Cathedral School. He then went on to a sixth-form college where he studied art. Banksy

started free-hand graffiti in Bristol, England in 1990. Around 1994 is when he started making

stenciled graffiti art. Banksy has traveled all over the world and puts his art wherever he is. To

him the world is his canvas, and he doesn't see his art as vandalism, he sees it as brandalism.

Major Accomplishments of the Artist: 10 points: Why are they famous? What are they best

known for? Did they receive any awards or honors? Did they invent any new techniques or


Bansky is famous for taking street art and turning it into something real. Street art use to

be seen as “bubble writing” but it has now turned into “narrative-driven street art” with the help

of Bansky. Although Bansky did not create any new techniques or materials he did create a new

way of looking at street art. Bansky has taken real life situations like domestic violence, the

Ukrainian war, artists who have passed away, and so many other situations and made them

known with his art. Bansky changed street art so much that he was selected to receive an award

for the Greatest Living Britain. This award sheds light on the most creative and successful

individuals in the UK. Bansky changed street art so much that a Banksy vs. Bristol Museum

exhibit was created. In this exhibit more than 100 pieces of artwork were displayed.
What made their work unique or how did this piece change the direction of art? 10 points:

How did their work affect art history? How was this piece culturally significant to the time

period? How did it influence other artists? Why is the piece of art still considered

important today?

Girl with Balloon was the piece that changed Bansky’s life. Bansky was not a well known

artist before this piece, but after this piece more people started to notice his art. At this time

period, Banskys’ art was not given the negative reputation that street graffiti was typically given.

Girl with Balloon had meaning behind it and people loved that about it. The meaning behind this

piece is to hold onto hope. The artwork also addressed a lot of political issues and showed off the

real world. A well known incident with this piece is when it was shredded by Bansky after it was

sold at an auction. That shredded artwork's name is “Love Is In The Bin” and it sold for 25.5

million dollars.

How could you use this piece of art in the classroom? 10 points: Give me an idea for a unit,

lesson or project that this piece of art could be used in. Are there any themes this artwork

relates to? How could you introduce this artwork to kids in your class to get them excited

about art history?

In an elementary classroom I would first introduce the artwork by talking about street art.

When something is illegal kids usually take an interest in it, so talking about street art and how it

is illegal to do might spark their interest in the topic. I would then go on and explain to the

students how Bansky changed the view of street art. Even though Bansky is still living today his

art is still history. Back in 2002 Bansky changed the way people view street art, and that change,
changed how we view art today. I would next have the students do a project that involves street

art. The students would make their own stencil, like Bansky did to make his art. Bansky used

theme in his art by recreating real-life situations that he wanted to bring awareness too. I’ll have

the students create their street art off of real-life situations that they want to bring awareness too.

This could be anything from a big event in their life, or anything they feel passionate about. The

students will then use that stencil to create their own street art. The materials for this project can

be crayons, markers, paint, watercolor, etc. There are endless options on how students could

make their own street art in their own unique way like Bansky.




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