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Status and potential of exploration for PGE in India

Conference Paper in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta · August 2007


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V. Balaram
CSIR-National Geopysical Research Institute Hyderabad -500007


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Journal of Applied Geochemistry
Vol.8 No.2A (2006) pp 441-457


V. Balaram
National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad - 500 007, India
E-mail :
Discovery of new platinum group of elements (PGE) deposits/mineralized zones is of great economic importance for the
country. An account of the formation mechanisms of different PGE deposits and their reported occurrences across the
world are presented. In India till date only the Baula-Nuasahi layered Complex in Orissa, mafic-ultramafic Hanmalapura
Complex in Karnataka, and the layered Sittampundi Anorthosite Complex in Tamil Nadu, are the three known promising
PGE occurrences. Recent studies show that there is a tremendous potential for PGE-mineralisation in mafic-ultramafic
complexes, ophiolite complexes and the fine grained sediments such as sulfide bearing black shales, occurring in different
parts of our country. Determination of PGE at extremely low concentrations with the accuracy and precision and at high
throughputs required for exploration studies needs optimization of critical steps such as selection of a representative
sample and application of sensitive analytical techniques, etc. For identifying economically viable deposits and their
mining, detailed geological, petrological and geochemical studies are essential on massive potential areas. These aspects
are discussed in detail with examples.
Keywords : PGE, Exploration, Mafic-ultramafic, Ophiolite complexes, Black shales, Manganese nodules, Nickel sulphide
fire assay, Laser ablation.

1. Introduction fractionation with respect to Pd-PGE. Petrological

as well as geochemical studies indicate that olivine,
Platinum group elements (PGE: Ru Rh, Pd, chrome-spinel and/or sulfides are the most
Os, Ir and Pt) are assuming an increasingly important compatible mineral phases for PGE-enrichment
role in modern industrial society. Due to their high (Zhou, 1994; Barnes et al, 1985; Barnes and Maier,
melting points and relatively low reactivity, these 1999). The principal types of PGE deposits around
elements together with gold (Au) are called “noble the world are summarized in Table 2 (Naldrett, 2004).
metals” and for many years after their discovery,
their use was essentially limited to jewelry, dentistry 2. PGE occurences in the world
and minor laboratory consumption. PGE and gold The most important PGE metallogenetic
(Au) are generally present at low concentration levels provinces are the Bushveld Complex of South Africa,
(ng/g) in crustal rocks being siderophile elements the Siberian flood basalt province and associated
(Naldrett, 1981; Naldrett, 1989). Table 1 presents a magmatic sulfide deposit of the Noril’sk region in
comparison of concentrations of PGE, Au and Re in Russia, the Sudbury structure with associated
continental crust, mantle and core (Baker and Krogh- sulfide deposit in Canada and the Stillwater Complex,
Jensen, 2004). Metallogeny and genesis of PGE ores Montana, USA. Epithermal PGE mineraliztion in
and the geochemistry of PGE in magmatic systems association with gold at Coronation Hill in the
in Ni-Cu sulfide deposits are the subjects of on- northern Territory of Australia and the alluvial
going active and intense research world over. The deposits of PGE along rivers in Choco Province of
behavior of these elements in different geological north western Columbia are also important in this
settings is well understood. PGE is sub-divided into context (Fig. 1). World’s proven major PGE deposits
two sub-groups with contrasting behavoural are distributed in eight countries (Fig. 2) with South
characteristics: a) Ir-PGE, containing Os, Ir and Ru Africa as the leading country (Vermaak, 1995).
and b) Pd-PGE containing Pd, Pt, Rh and Au. The Enormous reserves of PGE within the South African
former are more siderophile and refractory in Bushveld Complex are found in the Merensky Reef,
comparison to the latter, which are more chalcophile the Platreef and UG2 chromite layer (Davis and
and volatile. During magmatic processes, they show Tredoux, 1985). The Great Dyke of Zimbabwe
features like i) affinity towards sulfide phase (Pd- constitutes the world’s second largest reserve of
PGE>Ir-PGE), ii) compatible character of Ir-PGE with PGE after the Bushveld Complex. However, the
olivine fractionation with respect to Pd-PGE and iii) economically viable PGE concentrations are
compatible character of Ir-PGE and Rh with spinel restricted to sulfide disseminations of the Main

* Keynote Address
V. Balaram

Table 1. Concentrations (ng/g) of PGE, Au and Re in different phases of the Earth system (Modified
after Baker and Krogh-Jensen, 2004).
Element Continental Crust Mantle Core Corbonaceious Chrondrite (C1)@
Re 0.40 0.096 122 -
Os 0.03 2.700 1110 514
Ir 0.03 2.620 - 540
Ru 1.06 5.300 - 690
Rh - - - 200
Pt 1.50 8.420 5140 1020
Pd 2.00 4.900 - 545
Au 4.00 - - 152
@ Riddle, 1993.
Table 2. Types of PGE-mineralization in the world (Naldrett, 2004).

1. PGE-rich zones associated with Ni-Cu deposits-Noril’sk, Sudbury

2. Stratiform layers of PGE-rich sulfides in layered instrusions
(a) near changes in magma type-Merensky and J-M Reefs, UG-2
(b) in fractionated parts of intrusions - Skaergard, Sonju Lake
3. Strata-bound zones of PGE-rich sulfide near margins of layered intrusions - Platreef, Portimo,
River Valley.
4. Associated with chromitite zones without sulfides - Bushveld Lower Zone chromitites, Ophiolite
5. Associated with irregular zones of remelting within intrusions - Lac des Iles
6. Hydrothermally remobilized - Duluth, Bushveld Dunite Pipes
7. Associated with recrystallised chromite schlieren - Nizhny Tagil
8. Black Shales - Suhkoi Log.

Sulfide Zone (MSZ), which is found to be in of this type. Canada’s Sudbury deposit is also an
pyroxenitic host rocks a few meters below the important source. The only other deposits currently
transition between the lower ultramafic and the upper being mined predominantly for PGE are the JM Reef
mafic sequence of the Great Dyke (Oberthur et al., of the Stillwater Complex in Montana, USA
2003). Eluvial and alluvial deposits of PGE have been (a Bushveld-like occurrence) and the unique Lac Des
found in a number of areas around the world. They lles deposit in Ontario, Canada, which is primarily a
have been mined in the erstwhile USSR, Canada, Pd deposit.
Columbia and the USA. The metals in such deposits
occur as native alloys of varied composition. At 3. Petrogenesis of different PGE deposits
present 98% of the world’s PGE come from four In order to form a deposit the processes of
countries, South Africa (66%), Russia (23%), USA segregation, migration and enrichment or a
(5%) and Canada (4%). Recently with promising combination of these process in a selective
deposits such as Jinchuan Ni, Cu-(PGE) sulfide environment must bring about the enrichment of one
deposit, China has also joined these countries in a or more minerals or metals. It therefore requires that
big way. Besides the Bushveld Complex, PGE the constituent elements have to be acquired and
production comes largely as a by-product of mining transported from a source region, and selectively
and extraction from magmatic Ni-Cu deposits, such deposited in a location where the conditions are
as from the vast PGE-rich deposits of the Noril’sk- physico-chemically favorable for ore formation.
Talnakh camp in Siberia which is the major reserve These three domains, namely the source region, the

Exploration for Platinum Group Elements (PGE) in Peninsular India - status, problems and scope

Fig. 1. Major PGE deposits and reported occurrences around the world.

Fig. 2. Distribution of the PGE resources of world’s major deposits (Vermaak, 1995).

V. Balaram

migration path-way and the depositional site, sulfide melt segregate at the base of the magma
therefore have a definite control on ore formation, chamber to form a sulfide enriched horizon, and
and ore deposits as prevalent for example, in the during this processes the highly chalcophile PGE
massive chromite deposits in Bushveld Complex, gets partitioned into sulfide melt. In large intrusions
South Africa. It is suggested that primary (magma chamber), the sulfide droplets can equilibrate
magmatogenetic concentrations of metals seldom (sink through) a large volume of magma and thus
yield economically workable deposits. Subsequent scavenge more PGE from the magma. The mass ratio
processes such as deformation, remobilization and of sulfide to silicate melt during sulfide segregation
metamorphism acting upon the host rocks are is referred to as R factor (Cambell and Naldrett, 1979).
responsible for the release of metals entrapped in 5. Layered intrusions
crystal lattices of minerals in the lava piles or plutonic
igneous rocks and for mobilizing and concentrating When a large body of mafic magma is
them in favorable locations. Recently Mungall (2005) emplaced into the Earth’s crust, slow cooling takes
presented an excellent account of the behavior of place. Silicate, oxide and sulphide minerals crystallize
PGE in an igneous environment. According to him, it and sink to the bottom of the magma chamber to
is important to recognize that each magmatic suite is form texturally distinctive layers depending upon
unique, and blind application of simple oxygen fugacity, temperature, viscocity and other
generalizations will usually lead to incorrect factors. The removal of more refractory minerals in
conclusions. Metallic mineral deposits may also get this way depletes or enriches the residual melt in
concentrated through hydrothermal processes at various elements. The magma thus changes
sea-floor spreading centers. continuously until solidification is complete. As a
result, elements such as the PGE, nickel and copper
4. Magmatic deposits when in the presence of a sulphide phase can become
Magmatic Nickel-Copper-Platinum group sufficiently enriched to form mineralized horizons at
element sulfide deposits form as a result of predictable levels within the intrusion (Buchanan,
segregation and concentration of droplets of liquid 1988). A prime example of such a body of layered
sulfide from mafic or ultramafic magma and the igneous rock is the Bushveld Complex of South
partitioning of chalcophile elements into these from Africa.
silicate magma (Barnes and Picard, 1993). Magmatic 6. Intrusive and extrusive mafic intrusions
PGE deposits are economically significant. It is
believed that the PGE are mainly concentrated by Sulphide mineralization can also be
primary magmatic sulfides even in cases where associated with smaller bodies of mafic and ultramafic
actually sulfur contents are relatively low, like in many intrusive and extrusive magma, provided the original
chromitites. Recently, Maier (2005) considers that magma was enriched in PGE. These intrusions can
the first requirement to form primary magmatic PGE also host significant levels of PGE mineralisations.
deposit is that the mantle derived magma is fertile in The Sudbury nickel sulphide deposit in Canada is a
terms of PGE. The amount of PGE required for a prime example of sulphide mineralisation associated
parental magma to form an economical PGE deposit with a small mafic intrusion.
is not clear due to lack of data on parental magma 7. Other types
compositions from most of the major PGE mineralized
intrusions, but the Bushveld parental magma appears Alluvial deposits of PGE for example, along
to have about 10-15 ppb Pt and Pd each. As the PGE rivers in the Choco province of northwestern
have higher partition coefficients with regard to the Colombia are found in association with gold. Placer
sulfide melts, the PGE would largely remain in the platinum deposits were discovered in central Ural
cumulate portion and the fractionated basaltic magma Mountains in 1819, north of Sverdlovsk. In the early
would be PGE-poor. Large degrees of mantle melting 1920’s, these placer deposits represented virtually
produce komatiites and Mg-rich basalts as well as the only source of platinum upto the discovery of
the most important PGE deposits (Bushveld, Great Bushveld. Today, placer PGE deposits contribute
Dyke, Stillwater) which are associated with relatively only a small proportion of the world’s PGE production
magnesium rich magmas (Mg-basalts). (less than 2%). Epithermal PGE mineralisation
associated with gold is also known from Coronation
Once the magma gets emplaced in the crust, Hill in the Northern Territory of Australia. In the
it is normally assumed that the dense droplets of Zechstein copper deposits of Poland, gold and PGE

Exploration for Platinum Group Elements (PGE) in Peninsular India - status, problems and scope

are concentrated in a layer a few centimeters thick at South America, the Pacific Rim and Africa outside of
the bottom of black shale. Hydrothermal fluids South Africa (Mungall et al., 2004) (Fig. 2). There are
probably introduced the PGE but these deposits limited PGE occurrences in India and undiscovered
represent geologically exotic environments. PGE resources are likely to occur in those regions.
Although hydrothermal processes may have The layered ultramafic intrusions with chromite have
redistributed or concentrated magmatic PGE, there indicated high to moderately anomalous PGE values,
appears to be little realistic potential for significant though no significant breakthrough was achieved
resources of PGE of purely hydrothermal origin in PGE discovery during the last two decades.
(McCallum et al., 1976). At present the three promising PGE occurrences,
i) Baula-Nausahi Complex in Orissa and ii) mafic-
8. Manganese nodules / crust as possible ultramafic Hanumalpur Complex in the Shimoga
sources of PGE District, Karnataka and iii) Sittampundi Anorthosite
Marine geochemical studies of Pt and Ir show Complex in Tamil Nadu have been identified as
that both these elements are relatively enriched in potential deposits (Fig. 3). Geological Survey of India
manganese nodules and in manganese crust, with (GSI) has carried out massive exploration survey for
concentration upto 900 ng/g and 7 ng/g respectively, PGE in the ultramafic rocks, laterites and placers in
compared to 3 ng/g Pt and 0.2 ppb Ir in pelagic clays. chromiferous Sukinda ultramafic belt, but the results
Pt and Ir are incorporated into hydrogenous Fe-Mn are not encouraging though very high values for Ag
oxyhydroxide minerals, and these phases might (20-1433 mg/g) (Table 4) were obtained (Balaram et
control the distribution of Pt and Ir in manganese al., 1999). The Baula-Nausahi igneous complex
nodules as well as in marine sediments. It is also however holds great promise (Mukerjee and Patra,
observed that Ir and Pt enrichments in oceanic 2001).
sediments are accompanied by enhanced Fe, Mn,
Nausahi ultramafic-mafic complex occurs
Cu and Ni concentrations (Banerjee, 2004). Fe-Mn
within the 3.2 Ga old Archaean iron ore group made
(FeOOH, MnO2) crusts precipitate out of cold
up of metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks. The
ambient seawater (hydrogenetic) onto hard-rock
economic potential for PGE minerals was identified
substrates throughout the ocean basins at water
from the brecciated zone of Baula-Nausahi complex
depths of about 400 to 4000 m. They grow at
(Mohanty and Sahoo, 1989; Mondal and Baidya,
incredibly slow rates (1-6 mm/myr), have high
1997; Baidya et al., 1999; Mukherjee and Patra, 2001).
porosity (mean 61%), and enormous specific surface
This breccia zone contains high concentration of
area (mean 323 m2/g). These characteristics promote
platinum group elements (Pt upto 9.6 mg/g; Pd upto
the acquisition of large quantities of metals from
17.9 mg/g and Au upto 6.6. mg/g (Mondal et al., 2001).
seawater most notably Co from an economic
Sittampundi Anorthosite Complex, Tamil Nadu is
standpoint and Te in terms of enrichment (5,000-
another promising area with the concentration of
50,000 times) relative to its Earth’s crustal abundance
PGE upto 0.93 mg/g (Sundaram, 1984). GSI had
Pt, Mn, Mo, Co, Bi, Tl, As, Pb, W, and Sb and the
carried out reconnaissance survey for PGE in
other elements also get enriched (50-250 times) in
chromitite and chromite bearing pyroxenite of
Fe-Mn crusts relative to their Earth’s crustal
Karungalpatti area, Sittampundi Anorthosite
abundances. The concentrations of PGE obtained
Complex and identified ten chromitite bands in
in the manganese crust sample from central Indian
Karungalpatti area with concentrations of ∑PGE in
Ocean basin (Table 3) show that these samples are
the range 30ng/g to 4.67 mg/g (Kumaraguru and
strongly enriched especially with respect to Pt, Ru
Gopalakrishnan, 1996). Recent work also shows an
and Ir. These high concentrations of Pt, Ru and Ir
unusually thick sulfide-poor mineralized zone
are due to oxidative scavenging into the MnO2 and
enriched in PGE (Pt+Pd+Au nearly 6 mg/g) in the
FeOOH. Studies show that manganese crusts from
late Archaean Hanumalapur complex, Shimoga
the ocean basins can be an alternative resource for
District, Karnataka in Western Dharwar Craton in
PGE (Balaram, 1999; Balaram et al., 2005; Hein et al.,
the south India (Devaraju et al., 2002; 2004; 2005).
Chromites are the important hosts of PGE in
9. PGE resources in India the ophiolitic complexes (OC), such as the Mayari-
The most important undiscovered PGE Baracoa OC, Cuba; Neoproterozoic OC of Bou-Azzer,
resources are likely to occur in those regions of vast Morocco; Mersin OC, Turkey; Ray-Iz OC, Polar Urals,
geographic extent like Central Asia, China, India, Finland; Acatlan OC, Southern Mexico; New

V. Balaram

Table 3. Comparative data (in ng/g) of PGE in a few manganese nodule samples from central Indian
Ocean by NiS-FA and ICP-MS from two different laboratories (Balaram et al., 2006).

Au Ir Pd Pt Rh Ru
CC2/ADR12 18 21 11 7 13 13 636 580 40 35 17 11
CC2/ADR10 7 16 6 2 5 13 149 65 13 6 1 6
CC2/ADR11 11 277 6 2 6 13 166 88 13 17 1 8
CC2/ADR18 10 9 10 7 10 13 610 523 33 30 30 25
CC2/ADR19 13 9 9 7 8 11 568 512 38 35 20 18
CC2/ADR20 14 26 8 5 11 13 673 623 31 28 12 8
CC2/ADR24A 19 13 4 2 4 15 101 80 7 6 12 10
CC2/ADR24B 29 16 5 3 11 11 110 89 9 8 15 12
CC2/ADR26 15 7 3 2 6 12 102 79 6 6 12 8
CC2/ADR27 18 10 10 6 20 11 286 229 23 21 31 20
CC2/ADR4 13 3 5 1 8 9 111 36 10 5 15 5
CC2/LDR5B 11 8 5 4 7 11 148 150 13 13 12 10
CC2/LDR5A 22 22 10 6 13 11 292 223 25 21 17 14

NGRI : NiS fire-assay (11000C) - Te coprecipitation - ICP-MS estimation

USGS : NiS fire-assay (12000C) - ICP-MS estimation

Table 4. Concentration (μg/g) of precious elements in some chromite ore samples from the Sukinda valley,
Orissa, (Balaram et al., 1999).

Element Su-1 Ti-1 Ka-1 K1-1 Kt-1

Ru 0.12+0.01 0.10+0.01 0.08+0.01 0.05+0.01 0.03+0.01
Rh 0.06+0.01 0.05+0.01 0.05+0.01 0.04+0.01 0.03+0.01
Pd 0.24+0.02 0.19+0.02 0.17+0.01 0.21+0.01 0.21+0.02
Ag 570.83+17.11 35.65+0.01 19.78+1.20 64.37+1.95 1452.68+43.5
Os 0.03+0.01 0.04+0.01 0.08+0.01 0.05+0.01 0.07+0.01
Ir 0.08+0.01 0.11+0.01 0.12+0.01 0.11+0.01 0.03+0.01
Pt 0.12+0.01 0.08+0.01 0.07+0.01 0.09+0.01 0.14+0.01
Au 0.07+0.01 0.08+0.01 0.05+0.01 0.09+0.01 0.13+0.01

Exploration for Platinum Group Elements (PGE) in Peninsular India - status, problems and scope

Caledonia OC, France; Veria OC, Northern Greece, exploration, but pegmatoids, breccias, alteration
etc. In India, ophiolite sequences occur in i) Dras zones and veins should also be considered. The
ophiolite in the Himalayas, ii) Naga Hills Ophiolite structurally controlled “offset” deposits in the
(NHO) belt, and iii) the Andaman-Nicobar Islands, footwall of Sudbury Complex, Ontario, often have
though economic deposits of PGE are not reported. high levels of PGE. On the regional scale, features
The Nagaland ophiolite belt is favourable for PGE such as the irregular distribution of PGE, at only
and the Pt, Pd and Rh concentrations in the mafic moderately varying PGE contents, as in the Merensky
and ultramafic rocks particularly from the chromite Reef of the Bushveld Complex point towards fluid
bearing horizons of the belt in which PGE range from controlled distribution, or redistribution of PGE.
33.8 to 209 ng/g (Tables 5 and 6) are encouraging These irregular patterns cannot be easily explained
(Subba Rao et al., 2004b; Balaram et al., 2004; Balaram by sulfide scavenging PGE from turbulently mixed
et al., 2006). The Indus Suture Zone (ISZ) ophiolites magmas in the hanging wall of a reef. On the local
contain a sequence of chromite, PGE and Ni-sulfides (km) scale, the recognition of oxides represented a
minerals. The Nidar ophiolite, one of the largest breakthrough. This was followed by the discovery
ophiolite complexes of the ISZ in the eastern part of of minable quantities of oxidic PGE ores in the Great
the Ladakh, chromites and sulfides (chalcopyrite, Dyke of Zimbabewe (Stumpfl, 2004).
pyrrhotite, pyrite and arsenopyrite) occur within the
serpentinised ultramafic rocks. The massive 11. Chondrite-Normalized PGE and Au
chromitites contain 1-2.5 μg/g of PGE (Siva Siddaiah distribution patterns
and Masuda, 2001). Unlike the Siberian traps of Ir and its geochemical analogue, Os form high-
Russia which host the Norilsk-Talnakh Ni-Cu-PGE temperature alloys and behave as compatible
deposit, the continental flood basalt (CFB) provinces elements being retained in refractory mantle residues.
of India were not studied in detail for PGE- Pt and Pd are incompatible elements and partition
mineralization. Recently, Crocket and Paul (2004) into the silicate melt, but are also strongly partitioned
studied PGE-mineralization in a suite of mafic rocks into sulfides relative to silicate minerals and melts
(basalts and dolerite dykes) from Maharashtra region (Naldrett and Duke, 1980) and hence their behavior
in the Western Deccan volcanic province. But, the is largely considered exclusively chalcophilic in
PGE concentrations reported are of no economic sulfide bearing systems. The sulfide component and
significance. Subba Rao et al. (2004a) identified sulfur abundance are, therefore, central to any study
promising PGE concentrations (Σ PGE ranging from of PGE signatures in the upper mantle and to an
19-165 ng/g) in the Archaean layered mafic-ultramafic understanding of the genesis of magmatic PGE-rich
rocks from Nuggihalli greenstone belt, South India. sulfide ore bodies associated with basaltic
In addition to this, the chromite bearing ultramafic magmatism (Lorand, 1989; Baidya et al., 1999). The
rocks from Bababudan Nallur shear zone in Karnataka concentrations of PGE and Au, normalized on the
contain significant concentrations of PGE (Hussain basis of elemental abundance in Type 1
and Sunder Raju, 2005). carbonaceous chondrite (C1), are plotted against
these elements in the order of their melting points,
10. PGE-Exploration studies
which provide patterns that are much more regular
Metallogenic investigations of PGE rely on a than those that would be obtained if the unnormalized
synthesis of geochemical, tectonic and structural data were directly plotted. The elemental abundances
information coupled with deposit models to define in C1 chondrites (Table 1) are the best available
characteristics of terrains favorable for deposit indication of cosmic abundances (Naldrett and Duke,
formation. PGE-exploration techniques have radically 1980). These chondrite-normalised PGE and Au
changed our outlook and approach to PGE- distribution patterns provide information on the
resources. These include analytical techniques and source and redistribution of elements within a
experimental methods, the role of fluids in layered deposit after emplacement of the metal bearing
igneous complexes, ophiolites, the discovery of sulfide liquid by fractional crystallization, diffusion
economically viable PGE deposits in non-traditional of elements in response to thermal gradient and
rocks such as, metaliferous black shales and PGE hydrothermal activity. These chondrite-normalized
concentrations in other marine sediments and plots also help in the assessment of the accuracy of
porphyry copper deposits. (Martin, 2002). Not only PGE and Au data. Fig. 4 presents chrondrite-
“orthomagmatic” environments in layered igneous normalised PGE patterns for a few selected samples
complexes (or in ophiolites) are relevant for from Baula Complex (Auge et al., 2002).

V. Balaram

Fig. 3. Reported occurrences of PGE in India.

Table 5. PGE concentrations (ng/g) in the ultramafic suite of NHO belt (Subba Rao et al., 2004b).

0 7.3 8.6 6.4 0 16.5 8.5 2.7 7.4 12.4 11.9 7.3 12.8 4.5
0.7 1.1 2.4 0.8 0 3.4 1.7 1.1 2.4 2.9 3.2 1.2 2.3 1.4
12.4 60.8 0 0 0 44.0 0 15.2 44.8 134.4 0 0 24 14.8
0.1 3.1 6.2 3.3 0.4 9.6 4.3 2.3 4.5 6.9 6.8 2.9 7.0 3.1
3.3 6.1 13.6 11.4 2.4 14.8 7.5 3.9 95.0 24.4 27.7 6.2 22.3 9.2
12.6 8.7 12.1 55.7 0 22.7 8.8 7.2 12.0 28.3 16.4 6.6 10.1 7.3
4.7 0 0 0 0 18.0 15.8 69.4 5.7 0 0 1.7 20.3 0
34.0 87.0 42.9 78.0 2.8 129.0 47.0 102.0 172.0 209.0 66.0 25.9 99.0 40.0

Table 6. PGE and gold concentrations (ng/g) in the gabbros of the NHO belt (Subba Rao et al., 2004b).

NOB-94 NOB-95 NOB-99 NOB-100 NOB-121 NOB-122

Ir 1.2 0.01 1.30 1.5 0.3 0.01
Ru 2.9 0.70 0.70 1.5 0.8 0.50
Rh 236.0 0.01 60.40 170.0 28.4 18.80
Pt 0.2 0.10 0.01 0.6 0.2 0.01
Pd 1.3 0.50 0.30 1.0 0.4 0.30
Os 12.1 1.80 3.80 9.9 14.9 6.50
Au 22.2 12.90 9.90 18.3 26.5 37.40
Exploration for Platinum Group Elements (PGE) in Peninsular India - status, problems and scope

ΣPGE + Au 275.9 16.02 92.40 202.8 71.5 63.50

V. Balaram


Fig. 4. Chondrite-normalised PGE patterns for a few selected samples from Baula Complex (Auge et al.,
PGE mineralization in the Baula Complex 12. PGE analysis - general principles
occurs in two environments both associated with
the Bangur Gabbro. The first type of mineralization Exploration for precious metal deposits is
is Pt-dominant and restricted to the basal part of the typically characterized by large-scale integrated
Bangur Gabbro, where chromitite has been surveys comprising of remote sensing, geophysical
incorporated into the gabbro as nodules (magmatic survey, geological mapping, petrological and
origin). The second type is Pt-dominant and occurs geochemical studies, exploration geochemistry,
in gabbro matrix of the breccia zone in sampling and analysis leading to the establishment
hydrothermally altered rock, where it is usually of iso-concentration contour maps, describing the
associated with basemetal sulfides and ferrian distribution and occurrence of economically
chromite (hydrothermal origin). PGE, Au and Re important deposits. Consequently, analytical
content of a few selected samples from two methods developed for the determination of precious
mineralized environments from Baula complex, India metals in geological samples must have sufficient
are provided in Table 7 (Auge et al., 2002). A zircon sensitivity to quantify individual PGE at ng/g level
age of 3122+5 Ma was obtained on PGE mineralized and sufficient rapidity to make sampling and analysis
gabbro intrusion of the Baula Complex (Auge et al., in exploration studies economically feasible. The first
2003). Fig. 5 presents the chrondrite - normalized challenge in this process is to obtain a representative
PGE patterns of rocks from the NHO belt. The sample for analysis. The PGE are not evenly
patterns in gabbro show negative slopes towards distributed between the mineral phases in most of
the Ir-PGE indicating their more fractionated nature, the rocks and often segregate in PGE minerals, as
while the ultramafic cumulates have relatively flat inclusions in phases such as spinel, or in solid
patterns with a slight enrichment of Pd over Pt except solution within sulfides (Barnes et al., 1985). Hence,
in a few samples suggesting only a limited PGE are generally found to be heterogeneously
fractionation of PGE in them (Subba Rao, 2004). distributed within an ore body and tend to be

Exploration for Platinum Group Elements (PGE) in Peninsular India - status, problems and scope

Table 7. PGE, Au and Re content (ng/g) of selected samples from the two mineralized environments,
Baula Complex, India (Auge et al., 2002).

ppb Os Ir Ru Rh Pt Pd Au Re
Type 1 Magmatic
OBG1 226 636 1670 2210 5240 770 15 20
OBG1R 143 485 1220 1800 1100 173 2 13
BN40 355 1250 3550 3830 9700 1720 20 32
Type 2A Hydrothermal, sulfide-bearing
BLR96 30 113 188 1170 1650 25800 3250 28
FGH4 2 7 53.6 249 280 4350 3070 149 <1
FGH4 59 6 16.4 128 37 516 2300 70 <1
Type 2B Hydrothermal, sulfide-free
FGH5 91 16 33.8 207 85 1000 1210 92 2
FGH5 92 30 78.7 429 203 2460 2200 46 4
FSH1 42 15 39.5 201 161 1230 1450 55 2

10.00000 1.00000




0.00001 0.00001
Os Ir Ru Rh Pt Pd Os Ir Ru Rh Pt Pd
Fig. 5. Chondrite-normalized PGE patterns of ultramafic cumulates (a) and mafic cumulates (gabbros) (b) of
Naga Hills Ophiolite belt, India (Subba Rao et al., 2004).

V. Balaram

agglomerated in discrete particles or phases. These analytical method for the precise determination of
characteristics should be taken into consideration PGE. Analytical techniques such as flame atomic
when sampling strategies are formulated. Sample absorption spectrometry (F-AAS) and inductively
preparation protocols must incorporate sufficient coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-
grinding and mixing to homogenize the collected AES) cannot achieve the sensitivities required for
sample. The extent to which this can be minimized the precise estimation of PGE in different rocks and
and representative PGE concentrations obtained ore samples. Table 8 presents a comparison of the
from any individual sample aliquot depends on: detection limits offered by different analytical
i) the initial distribution of individual PGE between techniques for PGE and Au. Obviously, it requires a
different PGE-rich phases; ii) the average particle high sensitive analytical technique such as
size (many PGE minerals are <5 nm size across) in the inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-
crushed sample; and iii) the mass of sample analyzed MS) for their precise estimation. In addition, the low
(larger test portions contain greater number of PGE abundances of PGE in geological minerals require
rich particles and thus average out statistical the use of separation and preconcentration
variations (McDonald, 1998). Some workers have processes. The most common procedure is the well-
concluded that it may be impossible to entirely known fire assay technique. Here the ore sample is
homogenize Au and PGE in many geological materials fused with a known amount of flux and the Au and
(e.g., Potts, 1987). Hence, usually relatively high PGE are selectively extracted and collected either in
amounts (5-50 g) of sample masses are typically used a lead or nickel sulfide phase. In the case of lead
in the chemical analysis of PGE. Regardless of how collection, the button is cupelled in a furnace to give
precise the actual analysis procedure is, there will a noble metal prill, which will be typically dissolved
always be a degree of uncertainty over how using aqua regia, and the PGE and Au are determined
representative any selected aliquot is relative to the by ICP-MS. In the case of nickel sulfide pre-
whole sample. Moreover, the analysis of a single concentration, NiS beads or buttons are generally
aliquot does not allow measurements of all possible dissolved in HCl, and PGE and Au remain as the
uncertainties involved, particularly those caused by
residue. The residue is dissolved in aqua regia and
sampling. Therefore, replicate analyses are the best
analyzed by ICP-MS or instrumental neutron
means by which one can assess the reproducibility
activation analysis (INAA) (Stone and Crocket, 1993;
of data from rocks, that are heterogeneous with
respect to Au and PGE. Balaram, 2001; Balaram et al., 2006). With the advent
of these sensitive mass spectrometer techniques,
Following the selection of a representative especially, ICP-MS and more innovative chemical
sample of the ore, one should look for an appropriate procedures, the capability to analyse PGE and gold
Table 8. Comparative detection limits of PGE and Au by atomic, nuclear and mass spectroscopic techniques.

Limit of determination (ng/g)

(ng/g) (μg/g) (ng/g) (ng/g) (ng/g) (ng/g)
Ru 3.0 0.50 10.0 125 3.90 0.016
Rh 0.5 0.10 1.0 25 0.45 0.010
Pd 0.2 0.10 4.0 30 4.40 0.010
Ir 2.5 0.75 0.1 160 0.26 0.005
Pt 1.6 1.00 10.0 40 0.11 0.004
Au 0.1 0.20 1.0 10 0.01 0.010
GF-AAS : Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
Flame-AAS : Conventional atomic absorption spectrometry
INAA : Instrumental neutron activation analysis
ICP-AES : Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry.
ICP-MS : Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
AMS : Accelerator mass spectrometry (Wilson et al., 1995)

Exploration for Platinum Group Elements (PGE) in Peninsular India - status, problems and scope

in rock samples has increased to parts per billion and directly measuring argide interferences
(ppb) and even parts per trillion (ppt) range. Analysis (Sylvester, 2001). Alternatively, a pure metal such as
of PGE and Au is subjected to a number of significant copper can be analyzed during each session and
oxide-based interferences in ICP-MS. Their removal ratio of metal / metal-argide determined (Allard et al.,
would therefore constitute a significant improvement 2000). Cox and Barnes (2005) successfully reduced
in analytical accuracy. A dynamic reaction cell (DRC) the effects of argide interferences using high-
based ICP-MS can be utilized with oxygen as the resolution ICP-MS (HR-ICP-MS) or by the use of
reaction gas to promote oxidation of interfering reductant gases in a hexapole collusion cell ICP-QMS
species to higher oxides, with a resulting separation instrument (HEX-ICP-QMS). The method was
of analytes from the interfering oxides (Simpson et applied to natural samples in the study of
al., 2001). Of particular concern is the possible compositionally zoned sulfide droplets from
contamination of samples during sample preparation, Medvezhy Creek mine, Norilsk, Russia. This study
sample grinding and powdering. Minimizing cross also demonstrated that PGE compositional variations
contamination between samples is more important. could now be studied effectively at the 40-80 mm
Laboratory reagents and laboratory environment are scale.
also important factors that affect the accuracy of
determination. At low concentrations, the reagent 14. Constraints in exploration studies in
blank becomes a limiting factor for the accurate India and future directions
determination of PGE. Although every reagent used
in the procedure contributes, the PGE content in The Indian subcontinent is bestowed with
nickel powder is very important. High pure nickel good mineral wealth and there may be many mineral
powder (99.999%, - 100 mesh) with extremely low deposits, which are yet to be discovered. There is
blank values only is suitable for such estimations also a great need to develope intensive and extensive
(Balaram et al., 2006). Other sources of laboratory integrated methods of exploration in conjunction
contamination can be minimized by using ultra-pure with geological, geophysical and geochemical
reagents, clean laboratory atmosphere for sample techniques for discovering world-class concealed
preparation, and good laboratory practices (e.g. no PGE deposits which might have remained undetected
so far by conventional methods of exploration.
jewelry worn and use of gloves).
Metallogenic investigations of metallogeny of PGE
13. In-situ analysis of PGE rely on a synthesis of geochemical, tectonic and
structural information with deposit-scale ore deposit
The distribution of PGE in sulfide minerals models to define the characteristics of terranes
will provide important information for researchers in favourable for deposit formation. The results of
studying, mantle processes, magma generation, metallogenetic models can be used to assess the
magmatic ores and crustal contamination. In order potential for undiscovered PGE deposits of different
to establish the first order link between PGE and types on a regional scale. Such studies are extremely
sulfides in magmatic systems, it is necessary to important, especially in view of the increasing
determine PGE concentrations in different sulfides, demand for PGE. In our country, the efforts made so
by identifying the different PGE bearing minerals. far for PGE exploration studies appear to be
For industrial metallurgical extraction studies, in inadequate despite the presence of several favorable
addition to the information on the bulk values of locales. It is high time that a comprehensive action
PGE, it is also necessary to identify and characterize plan for the exploration of PGE is initiated. It is also
different PGE minerals with which these elements necessary to assess and consolidate our national
are associated. Laser ablation inductively coupled PGE resources including known and potential
plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) is highly reserves, update the knowledge and techniques of
suitable for such studies (Schonberg and McMurtry, PGE exploration, and improve our understanding of
1994). However, interferences caused by metal- PGE as tracers of geochemical processes and of the
argide molecules are problematic especially when mechanisms of formation of major deposits of the
considering in-situ analysis of Ni, Cu, Co and Zn PGE. Detailed geological, petrological and
sulfides. Two slightly different external correction geochemical studies have to be carried out on a
methods are commonly applied. The first involves massive scale in different potential areas across
the analysis of several reference materials (pure PGE, Peninsular India and the data should be evaluated
Ni-bearing PGE etc.) during each analytical session for the purpose of potentiality of PGE mineralization

V. Balaram

and identifying economically viable deposits and R., Verma, R. and Mathur, P.K., (1999). PGE
their mining. By combining on-going research on Ag-Au mineralization in a Cu-Ni-Fe sulfide
the regional and deposit-scale controls on PGE rich Breccia zone of the Precambrian
mineralization with the knowledge available in the Nausahi ultramafic-mafic complex, Orissa,
regional and global database, we will be able not India, J.Geol. Soc. India 54: pp.473-482.
only to define metallogenetic provinces based upon Balaram, V., (1999). Determination of precious metal
known mineral occurrences, but also to define concentrations in polymetallic nodule
regions of high potential based upon general reference samples from the Indian Ocean
principles of PGE deposit formation. It is also by ICP-MS. Marine Georesources and
necessary to strengthen chemical laboratories of Geotechnology, 17: pp.17-26.
earth science R & D organizations across the country Balaram, V., (2001). Noble metals, their significance
by setting up several fire-assay laboratories with in geochemistry and analytical strategies
ICP-MS, LA-ICP-MS, SEM-EDS and other related in exploration studies. Geol. Surv. India, Spl.
state-of-the-art analytical instrumentation. The staff Pub. No.58: pp.471-485.
should be properly trained with latest advancements Balaram, V., Anjaiah, K.V. and Anil Kumar, (1999).
in PGE exploration. Microwave digestion for the determination
of platinum group elements, silver and gold
Acknowledgements in chromite ores by ICP-MS. Asian J.
The author is grateful to Dr. V.P. Dimri, Chem., 11: pp.949-956.
Director, National Geophysical Research Institute, Balaram, V., Banakar, V.K., Hein, J.R. and Rao, C.R.M.,
Hyderabad for permission to publish this paper. (2005). Concentration of the platinum-group
Dr. R. Gopalakrishnan (Sr. Geologist) AMSE Wing, of elements (PGE) and gold in manganese
Geological Survey of India, Bangalore and nodule samples and their precise determina-
Dr. S.N. Charan (NGRI) are thanked for their valuable tion. Proc. of 10th International Platinum
comments on the earlier version of the manuscript. Symposium, Geological Survey of Finland
and University of Oulu, Finland pp.33-36.
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