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KMS3084 Employment Laws

Semester 1, Session 2023/2024 (October 2023 Semester)

Take Home Mid Term Exam
Friday, 8 December 2023
Time: 10:00am to 12:00pm

Question 1
Sabariah is working with the Company W for 4 years in Kuala Lumpur. Due to some unforeseen
circumstances, she is admitted to hospital for 95 days in year 2023.

You are required to stated:

(a) If Sabariah has never take outpatient leave (non hospitalization leave) in year 2023. Stated how
many days of outpatient leave that she is entitled for year 2023:
(b) How many days of hospitalization leave that Sabariah entitled for year 2023?
(c) Looking at the above scenario, list down how many days of total unpaid leave that she needs to
pay to Company W?
(6 marks)

Question 2
Sherlene joins Company Z in January 2023 in Sarawak. She has her pregnancy in March 2023. She is
expected to give birth to a baby boy by the mid of December 2023. However, she has a miss-carriage in
November 2023 and the baby decease (die) throughout the process.

You are required to answer these questions.

(a) Does Sherlene eligible for paid maternity leave? Provide ONE (1) justification for your answer.
(b) How many days of paid maternity leave that Sherlene is entitled?
(c) Stated the conditions where the female employee is eligible for paid maternity leave?
(10 marks)

Question 3
Provide TWO (2) situations where the employer is not obligated to pay the wages to the employees.
(4 marks)

Question 4
Is the medical examination being compulsory for the employees in private sector in Malaysia? Give your
view on this statement?
(3 marks)

Question 5
How many minimum days of paid public holiday per year eligible by the private sector employees in
Malaysia? State 3 of the fixed public holidays day in Malaysia.
(4 marks)

Question 6
Maniam is working with Company G as HR Assistant for 8 months. She has confirmed in her employment
in 6 months. She wants to take 3 days of annual leave but her Company approved 3 days unpaid leave
for her.

Is the above Company G practice is accepted by the laws in Malaysia? Do you have any solution or win-
win situation to assist Company G on this matter.
(3 marks)

End of Mid Term Examination

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