Inclass Exercise Chapter 4

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HPR 303

Chapter 4-Assignment 3

Locate a computer lab on-campus with SPSS. Class will not meet on
Tuesday October 5, 2010. Use this time to complete this assignment.

Remember your flash-drive to save all of your assignments.

When the output of each Mastery Item appears, click on “Insert”, the “New
Title” and place your initials, the Mastery Item number and a one or two
word reflective statement describing how you felt about the process as the
title for the output. Print the output for each Mastery Item or the complete
set at the end of your work.

Mastery Item 4.5: Remember to get the data set from the website or
retype. Remember you need to label the columns if re-typing

Mastery Item 4.6: Before printing insert text and tell what type of
relationship these numbers have. To insert text, go to insert
text and type in the statement.

Mastery Item 4.14: Before printing insert text and calculate how many
pulls ups Carl would be able to do if his body weight is 180 lbs.
Show your work.

Mastery Item 4.16: Before printing insert text and calculate how likely
it would be for Carl to complete more than 5 pull-ups. Show
your work.

Make a cover sheet for these items with your name and assignment due
date; staple all the pages together in the upper left hand corner to submit at
the beginning of class on Thursday, October 7, 2010
Complete the following questions to turn on Thursday, October 7, 2010
Show all your work and staple all pages together. Indicate the final answer for each question
with a box around the answer.

1. Calculate the Correlation Coefficient for the following sets of scores

Subject Long Jump Dash

A 67 5.2
B 68 5.4
C 57 6.1
D 60 5.5
E 71 5.1

Professor Dunn is interested in predicting class success on the final examination from
scores on the midterm examination. He notes that the correlation between the midterm
and final is 0.80. Assume that the tests had the following characteristics: mean of
midterm = 100; mean of final = 200; s of midterm = 10; s of final = 100
2. Calculate the standard error of estimate.
3. The equation for predicting final examination scores from midterm scores is defined
as Y' = 3X + 10. Terry scored 40 on the midterm. What is Terry's predicted score on
the final?
4. Using the same prediction equation how likely is it that Terry's actual score on the
final examination will be greater than 70?

Professor Dunn is interested in predicting class success on the final exam from scores
on the midterm. He notes that the correlation between the midterm and final is 0.60.
Assume that the tests had the following characteristics: mean of midterm = 90, s of
midterm = 5, mean of final = 150, and s of final = 100.
5. Calculate the standard error of estimate.
6. The equation for predicting final exam scores from midterm scores is defined as Y' =
2X + 40. Kelly scored 50 on the midterm. What is Kelly's predicted score on the
7. How likely is it that Kelly's actual score on the final will be greater than 220?

The mean for skinfold fat is 25% and the standard deviation is 10%. The coefficient of
determination for skinfold fat and body fat is 0.91. Assume that the prediction equation
for predicting percent body fat from skinfolds is percent body fat' = 0.5X + 2.
8. Calculate Terry's estimated percent fat if Terry's skinfold thickness is 20 mm.
9. Calculate the error for predicting percent body fat from skinfolds.
10. How likely is it that Terry will have an actual percent body fat greater than 14 if
Terry's skinfold thickness is 20 mm?

1. -0.89 2. SEE = 60 3. Y' = 130 4. 84.13% 5. SEE=80 6.Y`=140 7. 15.87% 8. 12% 9.3 10.25.14%

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