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HPR 303 Evaluation in Human Performance and Recreation

Performance Test Final Project

Fall 2009

Select and administer two existing test of human physical performance on five (5) peers. You
may use a combination of any of the following: Step test, Rockport 1-mile walk test, 12 min walk
test, BMI (must complete hand calculations), Push-up test, sit-up test, sit-and-reach, or any other
human performance test approved by the instructor.

Requirements Points

Title page (Title of tests, student’s name, and date centered on page) 5
List of tests and Hypotheses (3) SUBMIT VIA EMAIL FOR APPROVAL by 11/19/0910
Psychometric Information (Validity and Reliability) and Purpose of tests 5
Procedures 5
Instructions to Participants 5
Scoring Methods 5
Data Sheet 5

Administration of test to 5 subjects 10

Report the scores label each section with appropriate title (Initials and heading below)
1. Frequency Distribution for each test (Mastery Item 3.5) 10
2. Histogram for each test (Mastery Item 3.7) 10
3. Measures of Central Tendency for each test (Mastery Item 3.8) 10
4. Range, Minimum, Maximum, Standard Deviation, Variance (Mastery Item 3.10) 10
5. Histogram with Normal Curve (pre & post) (Mastery Item 3.15) 10
6. Correlation between the test (Mastery Item 4.5) 10
7. Scatterplot of relationship between test) (Mastery Item 4.6) 10
8. Linear Prediction from test (Mastery Item 4.14) 5
a. Construct your own prediction equation based on the information 5
9. Calculate the SEE (Mastery 4.16) 10
10. t test for independent Groups 10

Conclusions 10
Accept or Reject Hypothesis

Total Points 160

Date Due: Monday, December 7 4:15pm


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