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Telescopes and Instrumentation DOI: 10.


Effects of the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha‘apai Volcanic

Eruption on Observations at Paranal Observatory

Robert J. De Rosa 1 climate. When injected into the strato- the 1810s and the volcanic eruption of
Angel Otarola 1 sphere, SO2 is transformed into sulphuric Tambora was not recognised at the time.
Thomas Szeifert 1 acid (H2SO4) by the photochemical effect This connection was only realised after
Jonathan Smoker 1,2 in the presence of water vapour. While the eruption of the Krakatoa in Indonesia
Fernando Selman 1 Earth’s surface effectively cools because in 1883 (Royal Society, 1888), at a time
Andrea Mehner 1 the Sun’s short wavelength radiation is when news could be quickly reported via
Fuyan Bian 1 scattered by the sulphate aerosols in the telegraphy across the world.
Elyar Sedaghati 1 stratosphere, heat radiation from Earth’s
Julia Victoria Seidel 1 surface is efficiently absorbed by the same
Alain Smette 1 particles, resulting in an altered weather The eruption of the Hunga Tonga–
Willem-Jan de Wit 1 pattern and climate. The sulphate aerosol Hunga Ha‘apai volcano
particles in the stratosphere circulate glob-
ally and are only removed by precipitation The submarine HTHH volcano in the
ESO on timescales of several years. South Pacific erupted violently on 15 Jan-
UK Astronomy Technology Centre, uary 2022. An ash plume shot 57 km into
Royal Observatory, Edinburgh, UK In terms of the energy released, the the mesosphere, shockwaves rippled
world’s biggest volcanic incident in the through the atmosphere, and the eruption
past 1300 years was the eruption of triggered a tsunami with heights of more
The Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha‘apai vol- Mount Tambora, in what is now Indone- than 19 m above sea level 3, causing mas-
cano erupted on 15 January 2022 with sia, in April 1815. In addition to the imme- sive infrastructure destruction on the
an energy equivalent to around 61 meg- diate and direct destruction, a huge dust nearby islands and the death of four peo-
atons of TNT. The explosion was bigger cloud entered the stratosphere, which ple in Tonga and two in Peru. The ener-
than any other volcanic eruption so far disrupted weather systems in 1816 and getic output from the volcano has been
in the 21st century. Huge quantities of for the following three years in the north- estimated to be approximately 61 mega-
particles, including dust and water ern hemisphere. The year 1816 was the tons of TNT equivalent (Diaz & Rigby,
vapour, were released into the atmos- second-coldest year on record since the 2022). Ocean floor maps showed that the
phere. We present the results of a pre- Middle Ages and is known as the ‘year volcano spewed out at least 9.5 km 3 of
liminary study of the effects of the without a summer’. The change in climate material in total4. By comparison, the
explosion on observations taken at was followed by famine, disease, poverty 1815 eruption of Tambora in Indonesia
Paranal Observatory using a range of and civil unrest, with many social and ejected more than 100 km 3 of erupted
instruments. These effects were not political consequences (D’Arcy Wood, material, the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa in
immediately transitory in nature, and a 2014; Behringer, 2019). The years after Indonesia 25 km 3, the 1991 eruption at
year later stunning sunsets are still the Tambora eruption also sparked the Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines
being seen at Paranal. imaginations of artists (for example Mary 5.5 km 3, and the CE 79 eruption of Mount
Shelley’s Frankenstein, the dark poetry Vesuvius 4 km 3. In the case of HTHH,
of Lord Byron, paintings by J. M. W. Turner 1.9 km 3 of material ended up in the
Introduction and Caspar David Friedrich, and music atmosphere, which caused the stunning
by Beethoven and Schubert)1,2. Interest- sunsets observed from Paranal following
Many astronomers were likely unaware of ingly, the link between climate change in the eruption.
the impact of volcanic eruptions on astro-
nomical observations when the Hunga
Pressure Anomaly (in 10-minute time intervals), hPa/hPa

Tonga–Hunga Ha‘apai (HTHH) volcano 0.003

erupted in January 2022. The release of Paranal Observatory
sulphur dioxide (SO2) by such eruptions t2
0.002 La Silla Observatory
can have a significant effect on the t0 t1
Eruption time
atmospheric transmission and on Earth’s

Figure 1. Atmospheric pressure anomaly. Observa- 0

tions on Paranal and La Silla of the pressure wave
caused by the HTHH volcanic eruption. The indi-
cated time stamps are: t0 = eruption moment – 0.001
(2022-01-15 04:14:45 UT), t1 = arrival of the front t3
edge of the pressure wave at La Silla Observatory
(2022-01-15 13:28:42 UT), t 2 = arrival of the front – 0.002
edge of the pressure wave at Paranal Observatory
(2022-01-15 13:43:49 UT), t3 = arrival of the far edge
of the pressure wave at Paranal Observatory – 0.003
(2022-01-16 07:45:32 UT), t4 = arrival of the far edge 15.2 15.4 15.6 15.8 16 16.2 16.4
of the pressure wave at La Silla Observatory
(2022-01-16 07:20:13 UT).
UTC Date, January 2022

58 The Messenger 190 | 2023

Conclusions drawn in the work of Legras 6 Figure 2. Flux ratio for
i/g (blue symbols) and
et al. (2022) and references therein i/g
i/u (red symbols) sky
describe the following picture that char- 5 i/u flatfields taken with
acterises the event: a) the eruption was OmegaCAM at the VLT
intense with a large injection of water Survey Telescope as

Normalised flux ratio

a function of time.
vapour into the stratosphere; b) the zonal
Observations in the dif-
atmospheric circulation spread the plume ferent bands were taken
across all longitudes in less than one simultaneously with
month; c) after six months the plume, the mosaic filter and are
normalised to the pre-­
mainly sulphates and water vapour, had 2
explosion ratio. The ver-
spread in the 35°S–20°N latitude range, tical line indicates the
in two plumes separated in latitude; d) 1 date of the volcanic
satellite observations of the plume in the eruption.
optical and millimetre spectral bands and
the observed sedimentation rate seem to 2011-01-01 2013-01-01 2015-01-01 2017-01-01 2019-01-01 2021-01-01 2023-01-01
show the sulphate aerosol particles
reached a size of about 1.0 and 1.4 μm in
diameter. The size evolution of the parti- Effects on Paranal show any change in the flux ratio, indicat-
cles has been explained by hygroscopic ing that the observed effect is atmos-
growth during the first phase (up to about Sky flatfields pheric and not instrumental.
April), followed by coagulation (in the
period April–May) and then decay by Particles of volcanic dust in the atmos- A similar effect was seen in the sky flats
evaporation in the later stage which is phere can cause spectacular sunsets, taken with the VIRCAM camera at the
dominated by evaporation as a result of which have been captured in paintings, Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for
dry air and a more diluted plume. for example by the artists J. M. W. Turner Astronomy (VISTA) where the ratio of the
and Caspar David Friedrich, after the Ks (2146 nm) to Y (1021 nm) twilight flats
Tambora eruption in 1815. Following the increased after the explosion. A sudden
Detection of the atmospheric eruption of the HTHH volcano, there was change in the decay time of the twilight
shockwave at La Silla and Paranal some awareness of this effect on Paranal, was also observed in near-infrared data
Observatories because of publications of several from the HAWK-I instrument at the VLT.
post-eruption standard-star observations Figure 3 shows the count rate during twi-
The shockwave from the eruption was on La Silla (Rufener, 1986a,b; Grothues & light with the Ks filter as a function of the
detected at various weather stations Gochermann, 1992; Burki et al., 1995a,b). elevation of the Sun, before and after the
around the world (Harrison, 2022). Fig- In the aftermath of the HTHH eruption, volcanic eruption.
ure 1 shows the pressure anomaly caused the colour of the Paranal sunset was very
by the shockwave passing over both different from what we were used to see-
Paranal and La Silla in Chile, a distance ing in the previous years. Model of the observed changes in the
exceeding 10 000 km from the eruption. HAWK-I twilight sky brightness
From the geodetic distances between the During normal operations at Paranal, sky
volcano site and the ESO observatories, flatfields are taken on a regular basis to The change in the decay time of the sky
and the elapsed times for the arrival of calibrate scientific data and to monitor brightness in the HAWK-I twilight flat-
the atmospheric pressure wavefronts we the instrument health. Figure 2 shows the fields can be explained by a 36-km-high
were able to compute the average speed normalised flux ratio against time for opti- column of dust in the line of site of the
of the pressure wave to be approximately cal flatfields taken at twilight using the telescope, which became the dominant
307 m s –1. Moreover, the ESO weather segmented filter of the OmegaCAM cam- source of reflection rather than the
stations show both the arrival of the front era at the Very Large Telescope (VLT) molecular gas in the troposphere before
edge and the far edge of the pressure Survey Telescope, where images are the eruption. The decay of the reflected
wave. The front edge is the part of the taken simultaneously with the ugri SDSS light observed in the twilight sky flats can
shockwave that propagated from the filters. A few days after the volcanic erup- be explained by the rising of the Earth
location of the volcano towards the East tion, the ratio of the i (770 nm) and both shadow, as illustrated in Figure 4, where
in the direction of Chile. The far edge is the the u (350 nm) and g (480 nm) flatfields the Rayleigh scattering region is shown in
part of the shockwave that propagated in increased by a factor of five, indicating a blue, and the stratospheric layer with the
the opposite direction, around the planet, significant reddening of the twilight sky, red circle. Twilight ends when the Earth
before reaching the observatory sites. and these have still not returned to the shadow reaches the upper boundary of
The amplitude of the pressure anomaly pre-explosion values one year later. the stratospheric layer of dust. From this,
for the far-edge wave is down to 30% of These measurements are consistent with the height of the volcanic dust plume can
that of the front-edge wave, an indication perceived changes of the colour of sun- be estimated as 36 km in March 2022
of the loss of energy as the shockwave sets seen at Paranal. Dome flatfields compared to the 57-km height of the dust
propagated away from the main event. obtained with the same filters do not dome above the volcano immediately

The Messenger 190 | 2023 59

Telescopes and Instrumentation De Rosa, R. J. et al., Effects of the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha‘apai Eruption at Paranal

Figure 3. Decay of the that could be attributed to an increase in

14 000 twilight flux in near-­
aerosol content in the stratosphere (at
infrared light (Ks)
12 000 2022-02 (1st) observed with HAWK-I 25–27 km altitude) from the volcano is
2022-03 (max) as a function of the not significant compared to the seasonal
Count rate (adu s –1)

10 000 2022-05 elevation of the Sun variability in the sky extinction. The sea-
below the horizon. The
2022 07 & 08 sonal variability is due to the change in
green line is a model for
8000 2022 09 & 10 the atmospheric absolute humidity and
March 2022, which esti-
2022-11 mates a column height barely visible cirrus condition induced

6000 2023-01 (last)


of the volcanic dust by the altiplanic winter. The OmegaCAM


plume of 36 km. The


data show an analogous seasonal


4000 blue line indicates a

ti o

model for November


2000 2022, which estimates a

height of 29 km and
0.6 times less reflected
Water vapour
– 4.00 – 5.00 – 6.00 – 7.00 – 8.00 light per meter of illumi-
nated column height.
Sun elevation (degrees)
The HTHH explosion released substantial
amounts of water vapour into the strato-
after outburst (Proud, Prata & Schmauß, was very sudden — roughly 150 days sphere (Millán et al., 2022; Legras et al.,
2022). In observations obtained in (El Chichón) and 100 days (Pinatubo) 2022). The work of Legras et al. (2022), with
November 2022, the flatter twilight flat- after the eruptions. The removal of the data from the satellite-borne Microwave
field decay time indicates a decreasing volcanic aerosols from the atmosphere Limb Sounder (MLS) instrument, shows the
density of the dust in the stratosphere lasted at least 1000 days. Aerosols from eruption of the volcano injected a plume of
and a reduction in the height of the dust different volcanoes are very different; for water vapour of up to 25 ppmv concentra-
layer down to 29 km, indicated by the example, Pinatubo produced a flatter tion in the layer between 20 and 30 km
later onset of the infrared twilight and extinction curve than El Chichón. above sea level. This is five times more than
illustrated in Figure 3. the background water vapour level at that
To search for the possible effect of the altitude for the tropical latitude of the
aerosols injected into the upper atmos- Paranal Observatory.
Atmospheric extinction and zero points phere by the eruption of the HTHH vol-
cano, we analysed the extinction meas- At the time of the volcanic eruption, two
The atmospheric extinction is an impor- urements obtained from the observation water vapour radiometers were in opera-
tant parameter for photometric measure- of standard stars utilising the FORS2 tion at Paranal (LHATPRO; Kerber et al.,
ments. Besides seasonal and other long- imager at the VLT on Paranal. Data from 2012). Unfortunately, the increase in
term variations, significant increases of the wide-field imager OmegaCAM were water vapour at such high altitudes is
the extinction coefficients can be caused also included in the analysis, although in not detectable at ground level using the
by major volcanic eruptions that inject this case we do not measure the atmos- LHATPRO. This is because the water
large amounts of aerosols into the strato- pheric extinction, assuming instead a vapour emission in the stratosphere gets
sphere at altitudes between 20 and constant value. Hence, a variation in attenuated by absorption along the long
30 km. These aerosols are distributed extinction is observed as a change in
over wide areas of Earth’s atmosphere by zero point which we monitor for each
jetstreams and can influence astronomi- detector and filter; an increase in atmos- Zenith
cal observations at great distances (for pheric extinction should appear as a
example, Moreno & Stock, 1964; Rufener, reduction in the zero point of similar Horizon H
1986a,b; Grothues & Gochermann, 1992; magnitude. o
Burki et al., 1995a,b). R θ1
The corrected extinction data for four R
Long-term variations of the extinction FORS2 filters and only for stable night C
caused by the volcanic eruptions of transparency conditions are plotted in t1
El Chichón in Mexico in 1982 and the Figure 5. They were obtained as a part
Pinatubo eruption in the Philippines in of the QC1 quality control process 5
1991 were observed extensively at ­following the method developed for the t2
La Silla (Rufener, 1986a,b; Grothues & FORS Absolute Photometry project6,
Gochermann, 1992; Burki et al., 1995a,b). as described by Freudling et al. (2007). H = R (sec θ1 - 1)
The stratospheric load due to the The data, for filters bHIGH (440 nm), vHIGH
eruption of El Chichón was estimated to (557 nm), RSPECIAL (655 nm) and IBessel Figure 4. Schematic diagram (not to scale) of our
be about 8 megatons of SO2 and the (768 nm), cover the period from 1 January model to explain the sky brightness variations during
Pinatubo eruption emitted about 20 meg- 2021 until the end of December 2022. twilight caused by scattering from aerosols at differ-
atons of SO2 into the atmosphere. The The date of the eruption is shown with a ent altitudes within the stratosphere. The Sun at time
t 2 only illuminates the higher regions in the strato-
increase of the extinction in both events vertical line. The increase in extinction sphere when observing the zenith from position O.

60 The Messenger 190 | 2023

0.4 0.3
Austral Summer Austral Summer
FORS2 b HIGH filter extinction

FORS2 vHIGH filter extinction


Volcano eruption date

59 300 59 400 59 500 59 600 59 700 59 800 59 900 60 000 59 300 59 400 59 500 59 600 59 700 59 800 59 900 60 000
0.25 0.2
FORS2 RSPECIAL filter extinction

FORS2 IBESSEL filter extinction




0 0
59 300 59 400 59 500 59 600 59 700 59 800 59 900 60 000 59 300 59 400 59 500 59 600 59 700 59 800 59 900 60 000

path to the LHATPRO detector on Earth’s and barely visible cirrus, induced by the Figure 5. FORS2 extinction time series 5 between
1 January 2021 and 30 December 2022. The vertical
surface. We computed the atmospheric altiplanic winter atmospheric condition.
line in each subplot shows the date of the eruption.
brightness temperature using the atmos- The detection of the increase in water (top-left) bHIGH filter, (top-right) v HIGH filter, (bottom-­
pheric model am (Paine, 2022) and find vapour, injected by the volcano in the left) RSPECIAL filter, (bottom-right) IBESSEL filter.
that a change in brightness temperature stratospheric level, was not possible
at the peak of the 183 GHz water vapour because of the low sensitivity of our
line induced by a 25 ppmv water vapour water vapour radiometers to emission Proud, S. R., Prata, A. T. & Schmauß, S. 2022,
layer, with respect to the background from such a high altitude. A more detailed Science, 378, 554
condition, is only around 0.07%, corre- analysis of the data is ongoing to deter- Royal Society 1888, The Eruption of Krakatoa: And
sponding to a change of 0.04% in precip- mine the composition of the aerosols and Subsequent Phenomena (London, Trübner &
itable water vapour, which is well below to monitor the longer-term effects of the Rufener, F. 1986a, The Messenger, 44, 32
the daily temporal variability of water explosion on astronomical observations. Rufener, F. 1986b, A&A, 165, 275
vapour at Paranal. Given the intensity of the eruption and Paine, S. 2022, The am atmopsheric model (v. 12.2),
the large amount of water vapour injected
in the stratosphere, it is believed the
Conclusions effects will last for several years. Links

The HTHH volcanic eruption had several Ian Ritchie’s website:
References the-year-without-a-summer
observable effects at Paranal Observa- 2
T he Guardian website:
tory, located more than 10 000 km away Behringer, W. 2019, Tambora and the Year without a
from the eruption site. These included Summer: How a Volcano Plunged the World into jun/16/1816-year-without-summer-dark-
measurements of the shockwave and a Crisis (Medford, MA: Polity Press) masterpieces-beethoven-schubert-shelley
striking change in the colour of the sky Burki, G. et al. 1995a, The Messenger, 80, 34 T he BBC website:
Burki, G. et al. 1995b, A&AS, 112, 383 science-environment-61567521
visible in routine calibration sky flats taken D’Arcy Wood, G. 2014, Tambora: The Eruption That 4
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric
during twilight at optical and infrared Changed the World (Princeton: Princeton Research website:
wavelengths. The detection of variations University Press) eruption-confirmed-as-largest-ever-recorded
in the extinction, observed via standard Diaz, J. S. & Rigby, S. E. 2022, Shock Waves, 32, 553 5
FORS2 QC1 processed zeropoint and extinction
Freudling, W. et al. 2007, The Messenger, 128, 13 data:
star observations, is harder to assess Grothues, H.-G. & Gochermann, J. 1992, cgi?action=qc1_browse_table&table=fors2_
since the volcanic eruption took place The Messenger, 68, 43 photometry
during the austral summer. This is a Harrison, G. 2022, Weather, 77, 87 6
See the section FORS2 Absolute Photometry
period when we observe a natural varia- Kerber, F. et al. 2012, Proc. SPIE, 8446, 84463N Project at
Legras, B. et al. 2022, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22, 14957 paranal/instruments/fors/doc.html
bility and increase of the atmospheric Millán, L. et al. 2022, Geophys. Res. Lett., 49, 99381
extinction owing to an increase in humidity Moreno, H. & Stock, J. 1964, PASP, 76, 55

The Messenger 190 | 2023 61

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