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Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 62 (2020) 102368

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Cooking evaluation of crayfish (Procambarus clarkia) subjected to microwave T

and conduction heating: A visualized strategy to understand the heat-
induced quality changes of food
Hailong Fana,c, Daming Fana,b,c, , Jianlian Huangb,d, Jianxin Zhaoa,c, Bowen Yana,c,

Shenyan Maa,c, Wenguo Zhoub,d, Hao Zhanga,c

State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China
Key Laboratory of Refrigeration and Conditioning Aquatic Products Processing, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Xiamen 361022, China
School of Food Science and Technology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China
Fujian Anjoyfood Share Co. Ltd., Xiamen 361022, China


Keywords: The evaluation of food cooking process is an important way to understand the heat-induced quality changes and
Microwave optimize the heating process. To understand the quality changes in crayfish tail heated by microwave (MW) and
Crayfish boiling water (BW), the protein denaturation, cooking uniformity and overheating degree of tails were visually
Cooking evaluation evaluated based on the theories of reaction kinetics and maturity value in this work. Protein denaturation
analysis showed that heat-induced protein denaturation in crayfish tails heated by MW and BW followed first-
Reaction kinetics
order reaction kinetics and had similar one-dimensional denaturation patterns and temperatures, but their
Maturity value
distributions were non-uniform and with reverse trends. Moreover, strong correlations between protein dena-
turation degree and heat-induced qualities changes were observed in crayfish tail during heating. The cooking
uniformity and overheating degree of crayfish tail heated by MW and BW were evaluated by the maturity value
(Mv) and overheating value (Ov), respectively. Evaluations showed that the profiles of Mv and Ov in the crayfish
tail were non-uniform and with reverse trends, and there was lower ΔMv and Ov for crayfish tail heated by MW
than by BW, but higher Ov occurred in the centre, which corresponded to the texture of crayfish tails heated by
MW was more susceptible than by BW when proteins had completely denatured.
Industrial relevance: The general patterns of cooking process in crayfish tail during microwave heating and
boiling have been visually evaluated and compared based on the theories of reaction kinetics and maturity value,
which enriched the knowledge for the application of microwave in the industrial thermal processing of crayfish
and reaction kinetics in the analysis of cooking (especially microwave heating). Furthermore, the theory of
maturity value was introduced into the evaluation of the cooking uniformity and overcooked degree in crayfish
tail during the heating, which provided a new strategy for the cooking evaluation of food.

1. Introduction mainly include boiling, frying, baking, etc., and boiling is one of the
most widely used heat treatments (Moody, 1989). However, the pro-
Crayfish (Procambarus clarkia), a kind of freshwater shellfish with blems of low efficiency, high nutrient loss and wastewater pollution in
delicious meat and rich nutrition, has become one of the fastest growing traditional processing methods (boiling or frying) of crayfish are be-
aquatic products in China (Shao et al., 2018). In recent years, the coming more and more prominent with the rapid increase of demand
processed products of off-season crayfish have increased rapidly and the for crayfish processing in China.
main products include deep-frozen crayfish tails and whole or seasoned Microwave (MW) heating, which is a type of dielectric heating
crayfish (Gillespie, Nyaupane, & Boucher, 2012). Most products usually without requiring any heat-transfer medium, has been widely used in
require heat treatment to cook the meat or inactivate endogenous en- food processing (Chandrasekaran, Ramanathan, & Basak, 2013; Eng,
zymes and pathogenic microorganisms during processing (Ling, Tang, Emmanuel, Eng, & Omosun, 2014). Compared with the traditional
Kong, Mitcham, & Wang, 2014). Traditional heat treatments of crayfish boiling, MW heating has the advantages of high efficiency, eco-

Corresponding author at: State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China.
E-mail address: (D. Fan).
Received 13 February 2020; Received in revised form 20 April 2020; Accepted 21 April 2020
Available online 30 April 2020
1466-8564/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Fan, et al. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 62 (2020) 102368

friendliness and more nutrients were retained (Jouquand et al., 2015). Crayfish with a similar body weight (30 ± 3 g), size (9 ± 1 cm) and
Therefore, the application of MW in the thermal processing of crayfish apparent color (red shell) were selected as the experimental samples
will reduce the requirement for water, which enables a greater reten- and analyzed within 48 h.
tion of nutrients in crayfish meat and less costs or wastewater dis-
charge. However, the cooking responses and quality changes of crayfish 2.2. Thermal treatments
heated by MW and boiling water (BW) are different and unrevealed due
to the differences in the heating principles and little work have been The crayfish were immersed in an ice water bath for 60 min to in-
done. The lack of knowledge for the cooking of crayfish has limited the duce unconsciousness and divided into 24 groups. Ten groups, which
application of microwave in the heating processing of crayfish. More- without packaging and each was placed in a cylindrical glass bowl,
over, the evaluation of food cooking process is an important way to were respectively heated for 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240 and
understand the heat-induced quality changes and optimize the heating 270 s at 3 W/g (power: 250 W, sample load: 83 ± 3 g) in a microwave
process. oven (Model NN-7251WBGTG, Panasonic, Osaka, Japan) equipped with
Protein is the major organic component of crayfish meat and gives a rotating turntable (rotation rate, 5 r/min); the rest of groups without
the meat high nutrition and delicious taste (Romero, Cordobés, packaging were respectively heated for 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 90,
Guerrero, & Puppo, 2011). Protein denaturation is the most important 120, 150, 180, 210, 240 and 270 s by BW (99 ± 1 °C). After heating,
change during the cooking of crayfish, which affects the hydro- the crayfish were immersed in ice water immediately and cooled to
phobicity, aggregation and gel properties of proteins, and thus affects room temperature for analysis. The above treatments of each group
the qualities of food such as color and texture (Ishiwatari, Fukuoka, & were repeated to ensure sufficient samples (6/group) for analysis and at
Sakai, 2013; Tornberg, 2005). However, the denaturation of proteins in least 144 crayfish were needed in one study lot.
crayfish is a complex dynamic process in heat processing. It is related to
the heating histories or temperature responses of food. Usually, there 2.3. DSC measurement
are different uniformities in temperature distribution and degree of
protein denaturation during the heating process of food due to the DSC was used to analyze the thermal denaturation temperature and
different heating rates in different parts of the food (Ishiwatari et al., enthalpy of the protein. In order to improve the representativeness of
2013). However, excessive denaturation and incomplete denaturation sampling, the central meat (about few mm3 in volume) of the second
of proteins have great impacts on the food quality and safety, especially tail segments of crayfish treated as Section 2.2 mentioned were col-
in MW heating (Vadivambal & Jayas, 2010). Therefore, the quickly lected and homogenized (at temperature < 4 °C) into mince by a
control and visually predict this complex process is an important way to precooled grinder (A11 basic, IKA Inc., Guangzhou, China), respec-
improve the heat processing and quality of crayfish. tively. Then approximately 15 mg each were chosen randomly from the
Raman spectra, circular dichroism, infrared spectroscopy, SDS- mince samples and hermetically sealed in 40 μl aluminium sample pans,
PAGE and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) are commonly used and an empty aluminium pan was used as a reference for DSC mea-
in the study of protein denaturation, but DSC analysis is considered to surement in the instrument (DSC3, Mettler Toledo, Switzerland). Both
be the most effective way to explore the dynamic denaturation of samples and reference were heated over the range from 25 °C to 100 °C
protein in a mixed protein system (Herrera, Pastoriza, & Sampedro, at different heating rates (5, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15, 17.5 and 20 °C/min) for
2001). Some previous researches have successfully applied the reaction the unheated (raw) group and at 10 °C/min for heated groups. The
kinetics to the protein denaturation analysis of seafood (shrimp or denaturation peak temperatures [Tmax (K)] of proteins in the unheated
prawn or fish) or meat (pork or beef) during conduction heating based meat sample measured at different heating rates and the protein de-
on DSC analysis (Ishiwatari et al., 2013; Li, Llave, Mao, Fukuoka, & naturation enthalpy [ΔHt (kJ/g)] of samples heated for different time
Sakai, 2018; Liu, Yu, Fukuoka, & Sakai, 2014; Llave, Yu, Fukuoka, & were recorded. At least three parallel samples were measured to ensure
Sakai, 2014; Mao et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2018). However, these the reliability of the results.
studies were limited to conduction heating, and there are few reports
about microwave heating or the comparison between conduction and 2.4. Measurement of temperature profiles in crayfish tails
microwave heating. Furthermore, although protein denaturation degree
significantly affects the muscle quality, it cannot completely describe The measurable isothermal map, which is more accurate than nu-
the relative cooking degree of food and it is difficult to show the phe- merical simulation and more immediate than infrared thermal imaging,
nomenon of overheating. Deng (2013) proposed a new dynamic func- was used to measure the temperature profiles of crayfish tail in this
tion (maturity value or M value) for the cooking based on cook value (C study. Five optical fiber thermometers (FOT-L-SD-C1-F1-M2-R1-ST,
value) proposed by Mansfield (1962) for the aseptic process of low acid Fiso, Canada) and an infrared thermal imager (IRI4010, Northants
food, and was successfully used to describe the equivalent changes of N49BG, Irisys, UK) were respectively used to monitor the internal
cooking quality factors in the cooking of Chinese food. temperature and determine the surface temperature of the second tail
In this work, the theories of reaction kinetics and maturity value, segment [the thickest part and can best describe the quality of shrimp
which based on DSC analysis, were used to explore and visually eval- tail (Nunak & Schleining, 2011)] of crayfish heated for 270 s by MW at
uate the cooking process (including protein denaturation, cooking 3 W/g or BW. The positions (A, B, C, D and O) of optical fiber ther-
uniformity and overheating degree) of crayfish heated by MW and BW, mometers as shown in Fig. 1 and temperatures of five points were re-
and the corresponding heat-induced quality changes (including cooking corded by a computer. The treatment of each group was repeated 3
loss, moisture content, color and texture) of crayfish tail during heating times to obtain the average temperature of each point. According to the
to provide theoretical basis for the cooking evaluation and optimization time-temperature curve of five points and surface in the tail, the tem-
of the heat processing of crayfish and even all the high-protein food. perature profiles of cross section in the second tail segment of crayfish
heated by MW or BW were drawn by Surfer 15.0 (Golden Software Inc.,
2. Materials and methods USA) which has powerful functions of interpolation and drawing iso-
gram (Yang et al., 2019).
2.1. Samples of crayfish
2.5. Measurement of cooking loss of crayfish and moisture content of
Fresh crayfish were purchased from Xuelang Fishery Market (Wuxi, crayfish tail
Jiangsu, China) in the harvest season (June to September) and im-
mediately transported to the laboratory at 0–4 °C to maintain vitality. The weight of the crayfish were recorded before and after heating,

H. Fan, et al. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 62 (2020) 102368

Fig. 1. Diagram of temperature monitoring points (A, B, C, D, O) of cross section in the second tail segment of crayfish.

and cooking loss [CL(%)] of the whole crayfish was calculated ac- L⁎0, a⁎0 and b⁎0 represent the cross-section L⁎, a⁎ and b⁎ of the unheated
cording to following equation (Eq. (1)) for each group (Vittadini, crayfish tail segment, respectively.
Rinaldi, Chiavaro, Barbanti, & Massini, 2005):
E= (L L 0 )2 + (a a 0)2 + (b b0 ) 2 (3)
CL = (Mi Mj)/Mi × 100%, (1)
where Mi (g) and Mj (g) represent the weights before and after heating,
respectively. The results were reported as the average of 6 repetitions. 2.7. Measurement of crayfish tail texture
About 5 ± 0.5 g homogenized tail meat of each group were
weighed and dehydrated to a constant weight in an oven (FD115, The measurement of crayfish tail texture (including surface hard-
Binder GmbH, Tuttingen, Germany) at 105 °C. All of the measurements ness, springiness, internal hardness and compactness) referred to our
were performed in triplicate, and the moisture content [MC (%)] was previous invention patent (CN 109270231A). The peeled whole tails
calculated by Eq. (2) (Li, Li, & Zhang, 2018; Tanaka, Mallikarjunan, & (6/group) from crayfish heated as described in Section 2.2 were placed
Hung, 1999): on the loading platform of a TA-XT2 texture analyzer (Stable Micro
Systems, Ltd., Surrey, UK). A P/5 cylindrical probe was used to measure
MC = (Wi W)/W
j i × 100%, (2)
the surface hardness and springiness of the tails (as show in Fig. 2a).
where Wi (g) and Wj (g) represent the weights of the tail sample before The test parameters were as follows: pre-test speed, 1.0 mm/s; test
and after dehydration, respectively. speed, 1.0 mm/s; return speed, 1.0 mm/s; target mode, distance and
time; compression distance, 3.0 mm; hold time, 30 s and trigger force,
2.6. Measurement of crayfish tail color 5 g. The force (F1) given to the probe when the tail was compressed by
3 mm was defined as surface hardness (N), and the ratio of the force
The tails of crayfish heated as described in Section 2.2 were peeled (F2) maintained compression for 30 s to surface hardness was defined
and then cut into 10 ± 0.5-mm pieces vertically along the direction of as springiness (F2/F1). Next, the P/5 cylindrical probe was replaced
the second tail segment. The cross-section RGB images of the tails were with a P/2 cylindrical probe, which was used to measure the internal
obtained using a digital camera (Nikon D7200, Nikon Corporation, hardness and compactness of the tails (as show in Fig. 2b). The test
Japan) in an image acquisition system equipped with a D65 standard parameters were as follows: pre-test speed, 1.0 mm/s; test speed,
light source. The cross-section L⁎, a⁎ and b⁎ values of the tail pieces 1.0 mm/s; return speed, 1.0 mm/s; target mode, distance; depth of
were measured using a colorimeter (Ultra Scan Pro 1166, Hunterlab puncture, 90% of the crayfish tail height and trigger force, 5 g. The
Inc., USA). Here, L⁎ represents lightness, a⁎ represents redness (+) or maximum positive peak force during the puncture was defined as in-
greenness (−) and b⁎ represents yellowness (+) or blueness (−). The ternal hardness (N) and absolute value of maximum negative peak force
total color difference (ΔE) of the L⁎, a⁎ and b⁎ was calculated by Eq. (3). was defined as compactness (N). Finally the surface hardness,

H. Fan, et al. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 62 (2020) 102368

Fig. 2. The measurement of surface hardness and springiness of crayfish tails and its texture plot (a), and the measurement of internal hardness and compactness of
crayfish tails and its texture plot (b).

springiness, internal hardness and compactness of the crayfish tails follow the first-order chemical reaction kinetics equation [Eq. (4)] as
were determined. reported in prawn or pork during conduction heating (Kajitani,
Fukuoka, & Sakai, 2011; Mao et al., 2016). Eq. (4) was dealt with di-
2.8. Statistical analysis mensionless to obtain Eq. (5), and it was simplified to Eq. (6). The k
(/min) is the reaction rate constant and changed with temperature,
The tests were repeated at least three times, and the data obtained which can be expressed by Arrhenius equation, as show in Eq. (7).
in the tests were expressed as the means ± standard deviations.
Statistical analyses of variance (ANOVAs) were performed by Microsoft = kC
dt (4)
Excel 2010. Paired-t-tests to test differences between the experimental
and predicted non-denaturation ratio of protein were performed with d Ct dX Ct
IBM SPSS Statistics 19.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Multiple com- = = k(T) = k(T)X
dt C 0 dt C0 (5)
parisons of mean values were conducted using Duncan's multiple range
test. lnX = k(T)t (0 X 1) (6)

3. Theoretical calculation Ea
k(T) = Ze RT (7)

3.1. Calculation of kinetic parameters of protein denaturation where C (mol/g) is the concentration of non-denatured protein; t (min)
is the reaction time; C0 (mol/g) is the initial concentration of protein. Ct
According to the hypothesis of the two-state model, Villota and (mol/g) is the concentration of non-denatured protein at t min, and X
Hawkes (2006) supposed that the thermal denaturation rate of protein represents Ct/C0 as the ratio of non-denatured protein; Z (/min) is the
was proportional to the concentration of non-denatured protein pre-exponential factor in Arrhenius equation, Ea (kJ/mol) is the protein
(Robinson, Urquidi, Singh, & Cho, 2001), and thus the protein dena- denaturation activation energy, R [J/(mol·K)] is the gas constant, and T
turation rate in crayfish tail heated by MW and BW were assumed to (K) is the temperature.

H. Fan, et al. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 62 (2020) 102368

When the heating at a constant rate in DSC measurement, there is a t Ti Tref

relationship between heating temperature and heating time, as shown Mv (t) = 10 Zm dt

in Eq. (8). Based on Eqs. (5), (7) and (8), we obtained Eq. (9).

(t j ti)
dT = dt (8) D=
log(Xti) log(Xtj) (17)
dX Ea
= ZXe RT
dt (9) T(ti) T(t j)
Zm =
log(Dti) log(Dtj ) (18)
where β (°C/min) is the heating rate. Furthermore, DSC curve expressed
d(ΔHT)/dt as a function of T or t, and Eq. (10) was established when the where Ti is the cooking temperature (°C) and Tref is the reference
T reached the peak temperature of protein denaturation (Tmax). Further temperature (°C); tj and ti are the heating time (min); Xti and Xtj are the
differential treatment of Eq. (9), we obtained Eq. (11). ratios of total protein non-denaturation at ti and tj, respectively; Dti and
Dtj are the D value (min) at ti and tj, respectively; T (ti) and T (tj) are the
=0 temperature (°C) at ti and tj, respectively.
dT2 (10)
T = Tmax In this work, the non-denaturation ratio of total protein was con-
sidered as the cooking quality factor to monitor the cooking process of
d2X Z Ea Ea Ea
crayfish tail during heating. Therefore, the Mv at any point of crayfish
= e RT + Xe RT
Z dT2 RT 2 (11) tail can be calculated by Eq. (16) based on the time-temperature curve
[T(t) or Txy (t) and even Txyz (t)] of the tail during heating. In order to
Based on Eqs. (10) and (11), we obtained Eq. (12)
describe the cooking uniformity of crayfish tail, we introduced ΔMv (s)
ZR Ea (as shown in Eq. (19)) which referenced to the concept of variation of
ln = ln
T 2max Ea RTmax (12) color (ΔE). Therefore, the higher ΔMv is, the worse cooking uniformity
is. Furthermore, we defined that the crayfish tail was cooked when the
where Tmax (K) is the peak temperature corresponding to the en- proteins denaturation of crayfish tail were concluded (Xtotal = 0.001)
dothermic peak of protein denaturation. (Kajitani et al., 2011), and the subsequent heating was overheating.
A plot (Ozawa curve) of ln ( ) vs. 1 / T
T 2max
max was obtained ac- Therefore, the overheating value [Ov (s)] of crayfish can be expressed
by Eq. (20) and the average overheating value [O v (s)] of crayfish can
cording to Eq. (12) and Tmax at different heating rates (β), and its slope
and intercept were used to calculate Z and Ea (Kajitani et al., 2011). be expressed by Eq. (21).

Mv = (Mvi Mv 2
ref ) (19)
3.2. Calculation of protein denaturation degree
t Ti Tcom dena
Based on Eqs. (6) and (7), we obtained Eq. (13). The protein non- Ov (t) = 10 Zm dt
denaturation ratio [X(t)] of any point in the cross section of the second 0 (20)
segment of crayfish tail was calculated according to Eq. (13) and the
Oxy (t) = Average(Ov1 , Ov2 , Ov3……Ovi) (21)
time-temperature curve [T(t)] of tail. The total protein non-denatura-
tion ratio (XTotal), as shown Eq. (14), was used to represent the total where Mvi (s) is the maturity value at any point, and Mv-ref (s) is ma-
denaturation process of the major proteins (myosin, sarcoplasmic pro- turity value of the reference point; Ti is the temperature (°C) at any
tein and connective tissue proteins, actin) in crayfish tail (Mochizuki, point of crayfish tail and Tcom-dena is the temperature (°C) when protein
Mizuno, Ogawa, & Iso, 1995). completely denatured.
X(t) = e ZeRT(t) t
(13) 4. Results and discussion

XTotal (t) = P1XMyosin + P2 XSarco con + P3 XActin (14) 4.1. Kinetic parameters of thermal denaturation of protein
where XMyosin, XSarco-con and XActin are the denaturation ratios of
A typical DSC curve with three obvious endothermic peaks for the
myosin, sarcoplasmic protein and connective tissue proteins, and actin,
DSC measurement of the unheated meat sample at a heating rate of
respectively. P1, P2, P3 are the ratios of thermal denaturation enthalpy
10 °C/min was showed in Fig. 3a. According to the Tmax of the three
for the three kinds of proteins at native, respectively.
peaks (50.00, 68.00 and 85.67 °C, respectively) and previous researches
X xy(t) was used to represent the average protein non-denaturation
(Bertram, Wu, van den Berg, & Andersen, 2006; Schubring, 2009; Shao
ratio in the cross section of the second segment of crayfish tail (Eq.
et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2018), they corresponded to the myosin
(50 °C), sarcoplasmic protein and connective tissue proteins (mainly
Xxy (t) = Average(X1, X2 , X3……, Xi) (15) collagen) (65 °C) and actin (80 °C), respectively. Therefore, protein
denaturation was an endothermic reaction, and the denaturation tem-
where Xi is the protein non-denaturation ratio of any point in the plane. peratures varied with different proteins (Bertram et al., 2006). Fur-
thermore, each Tmax of protein shifted to a higher temperature with the
3.3. Calculation of maturity value of the crayfish tail
increasing of heating rate (β). As shown in Fig. 3b, the ln ( ) for
T 2max

Deng (2013) applied the definition of cooking value (C value) to the the three major proteins of the crayfish tail varied linearly with 1
cooking process of food, and proposed a new concept of maturity value (defined as Ozawa curve). The Ea, Z and k of the major proteins in the
(Mv) (Eq. (16)). It was the equivalent heating time for the measuring crayfish tail were calculated by the slope and intercept of the Ozawa
point and reference point when their cooking quality factor achieved curve, and the calculated values were shown in Table 1. The results
the same cooking degree in their respective heating histories, which were similar to those reported in previous literatures (Ishiwatari et al.,
depended on the heating history (Deng, 2013). Where Zm represents the 2013; Kajitani et al., 2011). Actin had the highest denaturation acti-
temperature (°C) required for the D value [the time required for the vation energy and myosin had the lowest. In other words, the thermal
cooking quality factor to change one logarithmic unit, as shown in Eq. stability of the three major proteins was actin > sarcoplasmic protein
(17)] to change one logarithmic unit, as shown in Eq. (18). and connective tissue proteins > myosin.

H. Fan, et al. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 62 (2020) 102368

Fig. 3. DSC curve (at β = 10 °C/min) (a) and Ozawa curve (b) of the three major proteins in crayfish tails. Sarco-con represents the sarcoplasmic protein and
connective tissue proteins.

Table 1 BW was more likely in the early stage.

Kinetic parameters (Ea, Z and Zm) of thermal denaturation of protein and the
ratio of thermal denaturation enthalpy for three kinds of major proteins.
4.3. Denaturation kinetics of protein in crayfish tail during heating
Ea (kJ/mol) Z (/min) k (/min) P Zm (°C)
4.3.1. One-dimensional protein denaturation
Myosin 257.53 7.55 × 1041 Ea 0.6 7.15
Sarco-con proteins 282.57 3.16 × 1043
When the temperature gradually increases to the denaturation
Actin 340.22 6.98 × 1049 0.15 temperature, the protein structure will change irreversibly. This process
is related not only to temperature but also to heating rate (Lefevre,
Sarco-con proteins is the abbreviation of sarcoplasmic protein and connective Fauconneau, Thompson, & Gill, 2007). As shown in Fig. 5a and b, three
tissue proteins. Ea is protein denaturation activation energy and Z is pre-ex- kinds of major proteins at point O of the crayfish tail heated by MW and
ponential factor in Arrhenius equation. The k is reaction rate constant and P is BW gradually denatured with increasing temperature in the same trend,
the ratio of thermal denaturation enthalpy for the major proteins. Zm represents
and the sequence of denaturation and denaturation rate were consistent
the temperature required for the D value of Xtotal to change one logarithmic
with their thermal stability. However, there was a higher maximum
protein denaturation rate at point O of the tails heated by MW than BW.
This result might be attributed to the instantaneous heating rate of
4.2. Temperature profiles in crayfish tail during heating point O for the heating of MW was higher than that of BW at a certain
moment (Fig. 5c). In addition, the temperatures (48.00, 63.30 and
Microwave, as a kind of dielectric heating, can simultaneously heat 80.15 °C) corresponding to the maximum denaturation rate of the three
both the inside and the outside of the food, which is different from kinds of proteins were similar to their denaturation temperatures
conduction heating (Acevedo, Usón, & Uche, 2014; Chandrasekaran measured by DSC at the heating rate of 10 °C/min. Thus, we considered
et al., 2013). However, the phenomenon of uneven heating exists in the kinetic parameters determined in Section 4.1 were appropriate. The
both microwave and conduction heating, which is attributed to the ratios of thermal denaturation enthalpy (P1, P2 and P3) for the three
complex shape and heat conduction of the heated object. As shown in kinds of proteins were calculated and shown in Table 1. The order of
Fig. 4a, there are different heating histories for the different points of ratios of thermal denaturation enthalpy (P1 > P2 > P3) was con-
cross section in the second tail segment of crayfish heated by MW and sistent with the fact that the content of myosin (4.73%) > sarco-
BW. Influenced by the accumulation of energy (e.g., focusing effect or plasmic protein (3.85%) and connective tissue proteins
microwaves resonance) in the centre of the cylindrical crayfish tail (0.13%) > actin (3.15%)in the proteins of shrimp tail (Niamnuy,
(Hossan, Byun, & Dutta, 2010), the cross-section temperature profiles in Devahastin, & Soponronnarit, 2008; Sriket, Benjakul, Visessanguan, &
the second tail segment of crayfish heated by MW showed a gradient Kijroongrojana, 2007). When the denaturation degree of protein was
distribution decreasing from the inside to the surface (Fig. 4b). How- expressed by the total non-denaturation ratio of protein (XTotal), the
ever, the cross-section temperature profiles in the second tail segment protein denaturation at point O for the boiled tail was prior to that of
of crayfish heated by BW showed a reverse trend of MW heating MW heating and the maximum denaturation rate was lower than that of
(Fig. 4b), which was attributed to their different temperature between MW heating, but their complete denaturation temperature (83.15 and
the inside and outside of the tail. Furthermore, the non-uniformity of 82.9 °C, respectively) of protein was approached (Fig. 5d). This was
the temperature profiles for the boiled crayfish tail were obvious in the because the temperature at point O for the boiled tail was higher than
first 60 s, but it tended to be uniform in the last 210 s with increasing of that of MW heating at the same time, but its heating rate was lower
heating time and decreasing of heating rate. The uniformity of the than that of MW heating during the denaturation period of protein
temperature profile for crayfish tail heated by MW in the early stage (Fig. 5c). Therefore, compared with boiling, the protein denaturation at
(≤90 s) and last stage (210–270 s) was higher than that in the middle point O of the tail heated by MW at 3 W/g took more time but was more
stage (90–210 s), which might be attributed to the temperature of hot rapid. And the temperature of protein denaturation was not affected by
spots increased rapidly with increasing time until it was maintained due heating methods.
to the water evaporation and then overall temperature tended to bal-
ance driven by heat conduction. This indicated that crayfish heated by 4.3.2. Experimental verification of one-dimensional protein denaturation
MW were more likely to be unevenly heated in the middle stages, while The ratio of the thermal denaturation enthalpy of protein (ΔHt) at t

H. Fan, et al. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 62 (2020) 102368

Fig. 4. Time-temperature curves of different temperature monitoring points (including A, B, C, D, O and the surface of tail) (a) and the visual temperature profiles of
the cross section in the second tail segment of crayfish during the heating (b). The different colors on the color scale indicate different temperatures.

(s) to the thermal denaturation enthalpy of natural protein (ΔH0) was that of boiled crayfish was reverse (Fig. 7b). These results corresponded
proportional to the non-denaturation ratio of protein (Cao, Tian, Wang, to their temperature profiles. Moreover, there was modest protein de-
Liu, & Wang, 2014). Therefore, ΔHt/ΔH0 obtained by DSC analysis can naturation until 60 s and the major denatured protein was myosin in
be used to represent the true non-denaturation degree of protein during the internal area with higher temperature for the crayfish heated by
the heating. As shown in Fig. 6a and b, the trends of ΔHt/ΔH0 at point O MW, which was attributed to its slow initial heating rate and the lowest
changed with the heating time of MW and BW, which were consistent denaturation temperature of myosin. When the temperature rose to the
with the theoretical calculation results in Section 4.3.1 (R2 values were higher denaturation temperature of protein (50–80 °C), the sarco-
0.88 and 0.95, respectively) and there was no significant difference plasmic protein, connective tissue protein and actin began to denature,
(P > 0.05) between the experimental and calculated ratio of total non- and denaturation degree of total protein in the second cross section of
denaturation protein. Although the calculated results of protein non- the crayfish tail began to increase rapidly. Until 150 s, the denaturation
denaturation ratio lagged behind the experimental results, which was a profiles of the total protein in the second tail segment of crayfish heated
normal performance for the sampling of experiment could not be ac- by MW tended to be uniform since most of protein had completely
curate to the point. Therefore, the protein denaturation at point O of denatured except for a small amount of actin (Fig. 7a and c). However,
crayfish tail heated by MW and BW can be accurately predicted by the the uniformity of the protein denaturation profile for the cross section
first-order reaction kinetics model. in the second tail segment of boiled crayfish was poor in the first 60 s
(i.e., a big variance for average protein non-denaturation ratio of cross
4.3.3. Two-dimensional protein denaturation section), and then tended to be uniform in the last 210 s (Fig. 7b and d).
As described in the one-dimensional protein denaturation, the pro- This was attributed to the large temperature difference between the
tein denaturation at point O of the crayfish tail depended on its heating surface and the centre of the crayfish tail that was in direct contact with
histories. Therefore, there was asynchronous protein denaturation at BW in the early stage gradually became uniform with increasing
different points with different heating histories in the crayfish tail. As heating time.
shown in Fig. 7a, the cross-section protein denaturation profiles (two-
dimensional protein denaturation profiles) in the second tail segment of 4.4. Mature kinetics in the crayfish tail during heating
crayfish heated by MW showed a gradient distribution decreasing from
the inside to surface until the protein had completely denatured, while Protein denaturation is the major change in crayfish tail during

H. Fan, et al. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 62 (2020) 102368

Fig. 5. The non-denaturation ratios of three major proteins at point O during MW heating (a) and boiling (b) as well as the heating rates (c) and total protein non-
denaturation ratio (d) at point O. The temperatures indicated by arrow in d were the complete denaturation temperatures of BW and MW, respectively.

Fig. 6. Comparison of the measured and calculated total non-denaturation ratio of protein at point O for MW heating (a) and boiling (b). R2 is the Pearson correlation
coefficient and P is the level of the difference test, P > 0.05 indicated there was no significant difference.

H. Fan, et al. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 62 (2020) 102368

Fig. 7. The visual protein denaturation profiles of the cross section in the second tail segment of crayfish heated by MW (a) and BW (b), and the average protein non-
denaturation ratios of the cross section in the second tail segment of crayfish heated by MW (c) and BW (d). The different colors on the color scale indicate different
protein non-denaturation ratios. X Myosin is the average protein non-denaturation ratio of myosin; X Sarco-con is the average protein non-denaturation ratio of sarco-
plasmic protein and connective tissue proteins; X Actin is the average protein non-denaturation ratio of actin.

H. Fan, et al. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 62 (2020) 102368

Fig. 8. The Mv profiles (a) and ΔMv (b) of the cross section in the second tail segment of crayfish heated by MW and BW. The different colors on the color scale
indicate different Mv; the Mv is maturity value and ΔMv is the variation of Mv at different points.

heating, but the degree of protein denaturation cannot represent the was defined as the complete denaturation temperature of protein, the
relative cooking degree of food when the protein has completely de- overheating degree of crayfish tail was evaluated by the Ov. As shown
natured, especially when subjected to overheating. The maturity value in Fig. 9b, the O̅ v of the cross section in the second tail segment of
(Mv) has been used to describe the equivalent treatments to achieve the crayfish heated by MW kept at a very low level in the first 150 s until it
same cooking degree of cooking quality factor of food. It is a process rapidly increased to the maximum (16,399 s) at last 120 s, while that of
function which can evaluate the accumulative changes of cooking boiled crayfish continuously increase to the maximum (23,930 s) and
quality factor over time. When the ratio of total protein denaturation was always higher than MW. It indicated that there was no obvious
was used as a cooking quality factor, the Zm was calculated by Eqs. (17) overheating until 180 s for the crayfish tail heated by MW at 3 W/g,
and (18), and shown in Table 1, which was in the range of 4–10 °C while boiled crayfish tail was always overheating and more obvious.
reported by Rao, Rizvi, Datta, and Ahmed (2014). In this work, the Furthermore, the area where near the centre or abdomen of tail was
cooking uniformity was evaluated by Mv or ΔMv. when the point O was more easily to be overheated for the crayfish tail heated by MW, while
considered as the reference point. As shown in Fig. 8a, the Mv profiles of the surface for boiled crayfish tail (as the Ov profiles shown in Fig. 9a).
the cross section in the second tail segment of crayfish heated by MW
were relatively uniform in the first 90 s and then an area (near the 4.5. Cooking loss of crayfish and change of moisture content in crayfish tail
centre or abdomen of tail) with higher Mv was appeared in the last during heating
180 s, while that of boiled crayfish tails showed a trend that Mv of
surface was much higher than centre after heating for 20 s and then As shown in Fig. 10, the CL of crayfish heated by MW rapidly in-
maintained. These trends were digitized by the ΔMv in the Fig. 8b. In creased from 0% to 17.42% with the increasing time (especially last
other words, the cooking degree in the area where near the centre or 150 s), while that of boiled crayfish changed slightly (fluctuated be-
abdomen of tail heated by MW was higher than the surface, while the tween −2.87% and 2.84%) and even most were negative value (the
surface was far higher than the centre for the boiled crayfish tail, which water may be entrained by some parts, such as pereion). It indicated
were attributed to their temperature responses. Furthermore, the ΔMv that the crayfish were more easily to lose their mass during the heating
of boiled crayfish tail was far higher than that of crayfish heated by of MW than BW, which might attribute to the heating of BW was in an
MW, which indicated that the cooking uniformity of crayfish tail heated environment with water, but MW was not. Moisture loss caused by
by MW was higher than that of boiled. protein denaturation and muscle fiber contraction or evaporation have
When 83 °C (determined by the results described in Section 4.3.1) been considered as the most important drivers of CL (Bengtsson,

H. Fan, et al. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 62 (2020) 102368

Fig. 9. The Ov profiles (a) and Ov (b) of the cross section in the second tail segment of crayfish heated by MW and BW. The different colors on the color scale indicate
different Ov; Ov is overheating value and Ov is average overheating value.

was no significant correlation between CL and the protein non-dena-

turation ratio or O v for boiled crayfish, which might be attributed to the
CL of boiled crayfish caused by protein denaturation from tail was ea-
sily covered by the contributions from other parts.

4.6. Change of color in crayfish tail during heating

In general, the color of muscle is easily affected by the protein de-

naturation or Maillard reaction during the thermal processing of meat
(Llave, Matsuda, Fukuoka, & Sakai, 2014; Yu, Llave, Fukuoka, & Sakai,
2014). As shown in Fig. 11a, the color of cross section in the second tail
segment of crayfish gradually changed from reddish brown to white or
light yellow during MW heating and boiling, and there was no sig-
nificant difference in the color for the completely denatured tail heated
by MW and BW. However, the color change of the cross section in the
second tail segment of crayfish heated by the MW mainly extended
from the centre to the surface until it tended to be uniform at ap-
proximately 150 s. In contrast, that of the boiled crayfish tails extended
Fig. 10. The cooking loss (CL) of crayfish and moisture content (MC) of crayfish from the surface to the centre and until it tended to be uniform at ap-
tail heated by MW and BW. proximately 60 s (Fig. 11a). These results were corresponded to their
changes of temperature and total protein denaturation profiles during
MW heating and boiling, which indicated that there was a fact that
Jakobsson, & Sik, 2010). As shown in Fig. 10, the MC of crayfish tail asynchronous responses of temperature and heat-induced protein de-
heated by MW decreased from 81.73% to 76.83%, while that of boiled naturation occurred in the crayfish tail heated by MW and BW. Fur-
crayfish tail changed slightly around 80%, which were significant thermore, as shown in Fig. 11b and c, the brightness, yellowness and
proportional to the protein non-denaturation ratio (as shown in redness of the cross section in the second tail segment of crayfish heated
Table 2) and corresponded to the increasing of CL or O v. However, there by MW and BW changed at different degrees with increasing time. The

H. Fan, et al. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 62 (2020) 102368

Table 2
Pearson correlation coefficients among color (L⁎, a⁎, b⁎ and ΔE), texture (hardness, springiness and compactness), average non-denaturation ratios of proteins
(X Myosin, X sarco-co, X actin and X total), average overheating value (Ov), cooking loss (CL) and moisture content (MC) in crawfish tail during microwave heating and

The upper triangle corresponds to MW heating, and the lower triangle corresponds to the boiling. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01. Sarco-con proteins is the abbreviation of
sarcoplasmic protein and connective tissue proteins.

Fig. 11. The RGB images (a) and corresponding color value (L⁎, a⁎, b⁎) changes of the cross section in the second tail segment of crayfish heated by MW (b) and
BW (c).

H. Fan, et al. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 62 (2020) 102368

L⁎, b⁎ and ΔE of crayfish tail increased obviously with increasing time respectively, and then most proteins were denatured in 150 s and 90 s
until it tended to be stable at approximately 150 s for MW heating and (Fig. 7c and d), which corresponded to their changes of texture. As
at approximately 60 s for boiling, but the a⁎ fluctuated slightly. These shown in Table 2, there were significant negative correlations
results were consistent with the color changes of the tail observed in the (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01) between the non-denaturation ratios of
RGB images and corresponded to the changes of protein non-dena- proteins (myosin, sarcoplasmic and connective tissue proteins, and total
turation ratio in cross section of tail (Fig. 7c and d). As shown in protein) and the texture (surface hardness, springiness and compact-
Table 2, there was significant negative correlation (P < 0.05 or ness) of crayfish tail. These results indicated that the denaturation and
P < 0.01) between the L⁎ or b⁎ or ΔE of crayfish tail and average cross-linking of proteins (especially the myosin, sarcoplasmic and
protein non-denaturation ratios, especially for the X Myosin, X Sarcro-con connective tissue proteins) might increase the hardness, springiness and
and X Total. It indicated that the protein denaturation (especially the compactness of crayfish tail during the heating (Harris & Shorthose,
high-abundance protein, such as myosin and sarcoplasmic protein) 1988; Meullenet, Chang, Carpenter, & Resurreccion, 1994). Further-
might be the major driver of color changes in crayfish tail during more, the difference between internal hardness and surface hardness of
heating. That attributed to the protein denaturation or aggregation and crayfish tail heated by MW was higher than that of boiled crayfish tail
muscle shrinkage with increasing temperature during the heating, before their hardness became stable (Fig. 12a and b), which might be
which affected the reflection of light (Skipnes, Johnsen, Skara, attributed to their reverse patterns of protein denaturation distribution.
Sivertsvik, & Lekang, 2011). That might provide a new way to predict It indicated that the effect of asynchronous heat-induced protein de-
the denaturation degree of protein in the crayfish tail by the tail color. naturation on the quality of crayfish tail during heating was also re-
In addition, the color values of crayfish tail heated by MW were flected in their texture.
significantly correlated to the CL and MC, while only to MC for boiled However, continuous heating would cause excessive dehydration
crayfish tail. That might be attributed to there were similar trends be- and contraction of myofibrils in the crayfish tail when the protein of tail
tween tail color and CL changes for the crayfish heated by MW and had completely denatured, which might lead to deterioration of the
opposite trend between tail color and MC changes of the crayfish heated texture (Yu et al., 2014). As shown in Fig. 12a, the hardness, springiness
by MW and BW during protein denaturation. Furthermore, the b⁎ of and compactness of crayfish tails heated by MW began to decrease in
crayfish tail heated by MW and BW were significantly correlated to−Ov 180–270 s, which corresponded to the result that O v rapidly increased
as a result of the browning reaction during overheating (Matsuda, to a larger value and MC at a low level during 180–270 s. Therefore,
Llave, Fukuoka, & Sakai, 2013). overheating and it induced moisture loss might be the important factors
to cause the texture deterioration of crayfish tail heated by MW. Un-
fortunately, there were no significant correlation between texture and
4.7. Change of texture in crayfish tail during heating O v or MC of tail heated by MW (as shown in Table 2), which might be
attributed to the texture changes of the crayfish tail included two stages
Crawfish tail is a kind of protein-based food. Its texture is as sus- (from raw to cooked and from cooked to overcooked, respectively)
ceptible to the changes of muscle structure caused by protein dena- during the heating, but O v only represented the overheating stage and
turation as other meat with high protein (García-Segovia, Andrés-Bello, the moisture loss during overheating was more easy due to evaporation
& Martínez-Monzó, 2007; Kong, Tang, Rasco, & Crapo, 2007). As shown of water and contraction of myofibrils. However, it was worth noting
in Fig. 12a, the surface hardness, internal hardness, springiness and that the texture of the boiled crayfish tail did not change significantly
compactness of crayfish tails heated by MW increased rapidly in the during the overheating, which might be attributed to its overcooking
first 90 s, and then remained stable in the 90–180 s, and finally mainly occurred on the surface rather than in the inside (as shown in
(180–270 s) began to decline. However, the texture of boiled crayfish Fig. 9a) or the dehydration and contraction of myofibrils were weaken
tail changed rapidly in the first 60 s and finally (60–270 s) was largely in the moisture environment. When the high steam pressure was gen-
stable at the level of crayfish tails heated for 90–180 s by the MW erated in the inside of tail due to overheating, the texture of crayfish tail
(Fig. 12b). In the previous analysis of protein denaturation, we learned was more easily to be deterioration (Moore, Harrison, & Dayton, 1980;
that the myosin, sarcoplasmic and connective tissue proteins of crayfish Uzzan, Kesselman, Ramon, Kopelman, & Mizrahi, 2006).
tails heated by MW and BW denatured rapidly in the first 90 s and 60 s,

Fig. 12. The changes of texture in crayfish tail heated by MW (a) and BW (b).

H. Fan, et al. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 62 (2020) 102368

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