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rocess Descr|pt|on

1he SnamprogeLLl urea process ls known worldwlde

1he process ls dlvlded lnLo slx secLlons
- SynLhesls and hlgh pressure (P) recovery
- Medlum pressure (M) purlflcaLlon and recovery
- Low pressure (L) purlflcaLlon and recovery
- vacuum concenLraLlon
- rocess condensaLe LreaLmenL
- llnlshlng prllllng
ln addlLlon Lo Lhe P machlnery requlred Lo feed ammonla and carbon dloxlde and Lo recycle
ammonlum carbamaLe soluLlon Lhls secLlon lncludes Lhe reactor where urea ls formed Lhe str|pper
necessary Lo sLrlp ouL as vapours from Lhe urea soluLlon leavlng Lhe reacLor a large amounL of
ammonla and carbon dloxlde noL converLed Lo urea ln Lhe reacLor Lhe carbamate condenser LhaL
condenses Lhese vapours Lhe e[ector LhaL recycles Lhe ammonlum carbamaLe soluLlon Lo Lhe
reacLor ln Lhls equlpmenL Lhe pressures are of a slmllar level 130 bar whlle Lhe LemperaLures of Lhe
ouLleL soluLlons are 188 203 and 133C for Lhe reacLor Lhe sLrlpper and Lhe carbamaLe condenser
respecLlvely ln Lhe SnamprogeLLl Lechnology Lhe urea reacLor ls characLerlsed by a hlgh ammonla
carbon dloxlde raLlo (nP3/CC2 32 34 molar) and a low waLer carbon dloxlde raLlo (04 06
molar) lnslde Lhe reacLor a maLchlng number of Lrays of a very slmple deslgn are lnsLalled Lo
lmprove Lhe converslon under Lhese condlLlons 6264 (converslon) of Lhe LoLal CC2 enLerlng Lhe
reacLor ls converLed Lo urea 1he LoLal carbon dloxlde converslon ln Lhe P secLlon (or loop) ls 83
90 All Lhe equlpmenL ln Lhls secLlon Lhe heavlesL of Lhe urea planL ls lnsLalled aL ground level
Lhus provldlng a hor|zonta| |ayout wlLh all Lhe relevanL beneflLs 1he sLrlpper and Lhe hydrolyser ln
Lhe wasLe waLer secLlon are Lhe only Lwo lLems of equlpmenL ln Lhe planL LhaL consume medlum
pressure sLeam 1he amounL of sLeam consumed ln Lhe sLrlpper ls pracLlcally compleLely recovered
ln Lhe carbamaLe condenser lLs pressure ls lower buL sLlll sufflclenL Lo be used ln Lhe urea planL
lLself Lven under severe condlLlons all Lhe equlpmenL ln Lhls secLlon has a safe llfe of more Lhan 20
years 1he quanLlLy of oxygen lnLroduced lnLo Lhe planL as alr ls 02S vol of Lhe fresh feedlng
carbon dloxlde 1hls mlnlmum amounL guaranLees aL Lhe same Llme exce||ent equ|pment
pass|vat|on and the absence of exp|os|ve m|xtures where Lhe lnerLs" are released from Lhe planL
lnLo Lhe aLmosphere afLer pracLlcally all Lhe ammonla conLalned Lhereln has been washed 1hanks Lo
Lhe proper cholce of Lhe maLerlals ln conLacL wlLh Lhe process flulds and Lo Lhe presence of excess
ammonla lL ls posslble durlng unscheduled shuLdowns lasLlng only a few days Lo boLLleln Lhe hlgh
pressure synLhesls loop by operaLlng a few valves Lhus keeplng all Lhe process soluLlons lnslde Lhe
loop ln Lhls way obvlous polluLlon and sLarLup problems are compleLely averLed All klnds of
machlnery (reclprocaLlng and cenLrlfugal) ls uLlllsed accordlng Lo local condlLlons or cllenL requesLs

1he purpose of Lhls secLlon ls Lo parLlally sLrlp ouL Lhe reacLanLs ammonla and carbon dloxlde from
Lhe urea soluLlon and afLer Lhelr condensaLlon ln waLer Lo recycle Lhe obLalned soluLlon Lo Lhe
reacLor LogeLher wlLh Lhe ammonla and carbon dloxlde aqueous soluLlon resulLlng from Lhe
downsLream secLlons of Lhe planL 1he ammonla excess ls separaLed ln Lhls secLlon and recycled Lo
Lhe reacLor separaLely A dlsLlllaLlon column ls provlded for Lhls purpose 1he operaLlng pressure ls
17 bar g A parLlcular feaLure ls lncluded ln Lhls secLlon Ammonla and carbon dloxlde are parLlally
condensed ln Lhe shell of a preheaLer wlLhln Lhe vacuum secLlon Lhus recoverlng some energy ln Lhe
form of 200 kg of steam per ton of urea wlLh an lnvesLmenL cosL LhaL even ln exlsLlng planLs has a
payback Llme of less Lhan Lwo years AnoLher parLlcular characLerlsLlc of Lhe M secLlon ls Lhe
washlng of Lhe socalled lnerLs (CC P2 and CP4 conLalned malnly ln Lhe carbon dloxlde and Lhe
passlvaLlon alr) As already emphaslsed Lhe quanLlLy of passlvaLlon alr ln Lhe SnamprogeLLl
Lechnology ls very small (one Lhlrd compared wlLh oLher Lechnologles) lL ls Lherefore easy Lo recover
ammonla from Lhe lnerLs wlLhouL Lhe rlsk of exploslon malnly due Lo P2/C2 mlxLures No hydrogen
remova| from carbon dloxlde ls requlred upon speclal requesLs dlfferenL washlng sysLems have
been deslgned by SnamprogeLLl and have already been lnsLalled ln lndusLrlal planLs lor Lhe
compleLe abaLemenL of Lhe ammonla conLalned ln Lhe lnerLs ln comp|ete|y safe condlLlons wlLh
regard Lo exploslons SnamprogeLLl has paLenLed a washlng meLhod LhaL has already been applled ln
some planLs 1hls conslsLs of washlng Lhe lnerLs wlLh waLer afLer Lhe addlLlon of a quanLlLy of
flammable gas as for example naLural gas ln such an amounL LhaL afLer Lhe ammonla has been
ellmlnaLed Lhe composlLlon of Lhe lnerLs ls ouL of Lhe exploslve fleld due Lo Lhe excess of flammable
gas 1he washed lnerLs are senL Lo a burner LogeLher wlLh Lhe naLural gas lL should be emphaslsed
LhaL Lhe presence of Lhe M secLlon provldes great p|ant f|ex|b|||ty whlch can be operaLed over a
wlde range of nP3/CC2 raLlos wlLh excess ammonla presenL ln Lhe urea sLream from Lhe sLrlpper
belng recovered and condensed by Lhe M secLlon lurLhermore alLhough ln prlnclple Lhe conLrol of
Lhe nP3/CC2 raLlo ln Lhe synLhesls loop ls lmporLanL ln pracLlce owlng Lo Lhe presence of Lhe M
secLlon some flucLuaLlons are accepLable and Lhere ls no need for sLrlcL conLrol of Lhe nP3/CC2
raLlo ln Lhe SnamprogeLLl process

lurLher sLrlpplng of ammonla and carbon dloxlde ls made ln Lhe L secLlon operaLlng aL 33 bar g
1he vapours conLalnlng ammonla and carbon dloxlde are condensed and recycled Lo Lhe reacLor vla
Lhe M secLlon An approprlaLely slzed Lank ls provlded ln Lhls secLlon Lo collecL all Lhe soluLlons
from Lhe planL when lL ls shuL down for long Llme 1herefore |n no c|rcumstances are so|ut|ons
d|scharged from the p|ant

1he urea soluLlon leavlng Lhe L secLlon ls abouL 70 bw and conLalns small quanLlLles of ammonla
and carbon dloxlde 1he flnal concenLraLlon of Lhe urea soluLlon (998 bw) ls made under vacuum
ln Lwo sLeps aL 03 and 003 bar abs lor Lhe prllled producL and ln one or Lwo sLeps for Lhe granular
producL accordlng Lo Lhe granulaLlon Lechnology chosen An lmporLanL feaLure of Lhls secLlon ls Lhe
preconcenLraLlon of Lhe urea soluLlon Lo abouL 86 bw 1he necessary heaL ls provlded by parLlal
condensaLlon of Lhe vapours (ammonla and carbon dloxlde essenLlally) from Lhe M secLlon
evaporaLor arLlcular care ls Laken by SnamprogeLLl ln Lhe deslgn of Lhls secLlon Lo mlnlmlse
LemperaLures and resldence Llmes so as Lo keep Lhe blureL aL mlnlmum values A slmple soluLlon has
been found Lo Lhe problem of lump formaLlon ln Lhe second vacuum separaLor |ump format|on ls
prevenLed by weLLlng Lhe lnLernal walls of Lhe separaLor by means of a small recycle of molLen urea

1he excellenL resulL achleved by SnamprogeLLl ln Lhe LreaLmenL of wasLe waLer from urea planLs has
recelved worldwlde recognlLlon SnamprogeLLl's success ln dlscharglng Lhe large amounL of process
waLer wlLh 1 ppm of urea and 1 ppm of ammon|a shows lL ls posslble Lo reduce po||ut|on wh||e
obta|n|ng urea at a |ower cost (lower speclflc consumpLlon of ammonla and reuLlllzaLlon of process
waLer as 8lW) All posslble and convenlenL heaL recoverles have been lnLroduced lnLo Lhls secLlon ln
order Lo mlnlmlse energy consumpLlon

rllllng ls Lhe easlesL Lechnology Lo manufacLure solld urea wlLh commerclally valld chemlcal and
physlcal characLerlsLlcs MolLen urea (998 bw) ls sprayed aL Lhe Lop of Lhe prllllng Lower aL a
helghL of 3380 m accordlng Lo cllmaLlc condlLlons aL Lhe boLLom essenLlally spheroldal urea
parLlcles namely pr|||s are collecLed and sufflclenLly cooled ln order Lo be senL Lo sLorage or dlrecLly
Lo Lhe bagglng secLlon wlLhouL screenlng coaLlng or any oLher LreaLmenL ln a few planLs based on
Lhe SnamprogeLLl Lechnology planL owners have requesLed LhaL formaldehyde (0203 bw) be
added Lo Lhe molLen urea [usL before Lhe prllllng secLlon ln order Lo lmprove Lhe freeflowlng
characLerlsLlcs of Lhe prllled urea and Lo achleve a sllghL lncrease ln hardness A rlslng draughL of alr
lnslde Lhe prllllng Lower ls Lhe coollng medlum LhaL removes Lhe solldlflcaLlon heaL and cools Lhe
prllls 1he prllllng process alLhough lL ls a slmple one conceals some crlLlcal problems
W Lhe buckeL musL be speclally deslgned Lo llmlL Lhe quanLlLy of flne and overslze prllls Lo a
negllglble value ln facL Lhe Causs dlsLrlbuLlon curve musL be as narrow as posslble Lo avold
severe caklng problems ln sLorage
W Loo much alr can cool Lhe producL excesslvely resulLlng ln undeslrable absorpLlon of
humldlLy from Lhe alr ln humld cllmaLes agaln wlLh posslble serlous producL caklng
problems ln sLorage
W Loo much alr can enLraln Loo much urea dusL aL Lhe Lop of Lhe prllllng Lower
1hls lasL problem consLlLuLes an lncrease ln consumpLlon of speclflc raw maLerlals whlch noL only
means planL lnefflclency buL prlnclpally represenLs a ser|ous po||ut|on prob|em WlLh regard Lo urea
dusL SnamprogeLLl has lLs paLenLed dedusLlng sysLem already applled ln some planLs whlch ls able
Lo reduce urea dusL from 40 Lo 13 mg/nm3 of alr ln Lhe case of ammonla Lhe problem ls noL so
easlly solved due Lo Lhe exLremely low parLlal pressure of ammonla ln Lhe alr from Lhe prllllng Lower
As for Lhe abaLemenL of ammonla Lhe only posslble meLhod ls Lo wash Lhe alr wlLh sllghLly acldlfled
waLer unforLunaLely due Lo Lhe large quanLlLy of alr such a sysLem has a raLher hlgh lnvesLmenL
cosL as well as a conslderable operaLlng cosL SnamprogeLLl has paLenLed and applled a very slmple
soluLlon ln one planL LhaL conslsLs of Lhe addlLlon of an lnorganlc acld Lo Lhe urea melL [usL before
Lhe prllllng Lower ln order Lo drasLlcally reduce Lhe quanLlLy of ammonla ln Lhe alr from Lhe prllllng
Lower 1he values obLalned are 2070 mg/nm3 An lnLeresLlng slderesulL of Lhls meLhod ls LhaL Lhe
quanLlLy of free ammonla ln Lhe prllls ls greaLly reduced and Lhere ls a drasLlc reducLlon ln Lhe
presence of ammonla ln Lhe work envlronmenL (conveyor belL chuLes sLorage) Cf course Lhe prllled
urea conLalns abouL 2000 ppm of relevanL salL wlLh no deLrlmenLal effecL on Lhe use of urea as a
ferLlllser and oLher lndusLrlal uses

1echno|og|ca| Advantages
1he SnamprogeLLl process leads Lo a urea soluLlon of abouL 70 bw whlch ls followed by a flnlshlng
sLep ln order Lo obLaln Lhe solld producL elLher prllled or granular AlLhough slmple Lhe reacLlon has
several complex aspecLs
-1he reacLlon ls governed by an equlllbrlum requlrlng Lhe removal and recycle of Lhe reacLanLs noL
Lransformed lnLo urea
- 1he LemperaLures and pressures are raLher hlgh
- 1he soluLlons are very corroslve
- 1he physlcal and chemlcal characLerlsLlcs of Lhe solld urea are crlLlcal
- A urea planL can be a source of alr and waLer polluLlon
SnamprogeLLl has compleLely solved all Lhe above problems by provldlng hlgh quallLy soluLlons LhaL
are Lhe sLrong polnLs of lLs Lechnology le
- n|gh process eff|c|ency (|ow raw mater|a| consumpt|on |ow energy requ|rement)
- Susta|nab|e env|ronmenta| po||ut|on
- n|gh qua||ty product
- rocess condensate recovery as 8IW
- 1he str|pper
- n|gh re||ab|||ty (easy and safe operat|on |ow corros|on h|gh on stream factor)
- Lasy ma|ntenance nor|zonta| |ayout L[ector
- I|rstrate c||ent ass|stance
- Intens|ve kD support Mathemat|ca| mode|||ng
1he flrsL lndusLrlal urea planL based on SnamprogeLLl's nP3 sLrlpplng Lechnology was puL lnLo
operaLlon ln 1971 Slnce Lhen more Lhan 100 urea planLs based on Lhls Lechnology have been ln
operaLlon or are currenLly belng lmplemenLed 1here has been a sLeady lncrease ln Lhe demand
for urea over Lhe lasL few decades SnamprogeLLl has responded by deslgnlng urea planLs wlLh
lncreaslngly hlgher capaclLles lor Lhe flrsL Llme ln 1998 a planL was deslgned wlLh a capaclLy greaLer
Lhan 3000 L/d 1he roferLll planL ln ArgenLlna deslgned by SnamprogeLLl has a s|ng|e ||ne des|gn
capac|ty of 32S0 t]d 1he planL was sLarLed up ln 2001 and has demonstrated a year|y average
capac|ty of 3600 t]d reach|ng a record product|on of a|most 12 m||||on tons of urea per year
Cn Lhe basls of Lhls experlence SnamprogeLLl has already sLarLed deslgnlng a new generaLlon of
largescale s|ng|e ||ne planLs LhaL wlll cross Lhe Lhreshold of S000 t]d erformance meeLs Lhe mosL
sLrlngenL requlremenLs for energy conservaLlon and envlronmenLal conLrol 1he unlque feaLures
of Lhe SnamprogeLLl Lechnology are Lhe resulL of conLlnuous and lnLenslve 8u work wlLh feedback
from planLs operaLed by lLs llcensees and LesLs made on Lhe same planLs regardlng Lhe process
lLself consLrucLlon maLerlals and Lhe slze of equlpmenL and machlnery SnamprogeLLl makes lLs urea
Lechnology avallable worldwlde Lo all secLors of Lhe lndusLry (soll and leaf ferLlllsers caLLle feed
resln manufacLurlng eLc) by
- Llcenslng dlrecLly or Lhrough selecLed conLracLors
- erformlng planL englneerlng and consLrucLlon enLlrely wlLhln lLs organlsaLlon from baslc deslgn
Lo Lurnkey [obs
SnamprogeLLl urea Lechnology can be used for planLs of any capaclLy ln addlLlon Lo revamplng
exlsLlng planLs

1he process ls exLremely efflclenL as regards boLh raw maLerlal consumpLlon and energy
requlremenLs AlmosL Lhe enLlre quanLlLy of raw maLerlals namely ammonla and carbon dloxlde ls
Lransformed lnLo urea 1hls means |ow consumpt|on of raw mater|a|s as close as posslble Lo Lhe
LheoreLlcal value and aL Lhe same Llme susta|nab|e env|ronmenta| po||ut|on (more Lhan 998 of
Lhe ammonla ls Lransformed lnLo urea) 1he hlgh nP3/CC2 raLlo ln Lhe reacLor ensures a hlgh
converslon of ammonlum carbamaLe an lnLermedlaLe compound ln Lhe reacLlon Lo urea (up Lo
64) 1hls resulL LogeLher wlLh Lhe hlghly efflclenL ammonlasLrlpplng operaLlon drasLlcally reduces
Lhe recycle of unconverLed carbamaLe and Lhe slze of equlpmenL ln carbamaLe decomposlLlon and
recovery secLlons Some lmporLanL heaL recoverles have been lnLroduced wlLh a payback Llme of
less Lhan Lwo years Plgh converslon hlgh sLrlpplng efflclency and heaL recoverles mlnlmlse the
energy requ|rement le sLeam elecLrlc power and coollng waLer consumpLlon

Cver Lhe lasL decade polluLlon conLrol has become a baslc parameLer ln Lhe deslgn of new urea
planLs and ln Lhe managemenL of exlsLlng planLs ln boLh cases lL ls necessary Lo comply wlLh
anLlpolluLlon regulaLlons ln order Lo obLaln permlLs requlred for bulldlng new planLs and operaLlng
exlsLlng ones SnamprogeLLl has anLlclpaLed Lhe lncreaslngly resLrlcLlve anLlpolluLlon regulaLlons wlLh
excellenL paLenLed and Lrled soluLlons LhaL reduce polluLlon Lo susLalnable values 1he values of
polluLanLs are shown ln Lable 1 Pere are a few remarks we feel are worLh maklng
- a parLlcular feaLure of Lhe SnamprogeLLl Lechnology reduces Lo nearly zero Lhe quanLlLy of
ammonla ln Lhe planL venLs where Lhe socalled lnerLs are dlscharged lnLo Lhe aLmosphere 1hls
resulL ls also faclllLaLed by Lhe facL LhaL Lhe quanLlLy of passlvaLlon alr lnLroduced lnLo Lhe planL ls
very low compared wlLh oLher Lechnologles
- Lhe proprleLary deslgn of Lhe naLural draughL prllllng Lower guaranLees urea dusL emlsslon lower
Lhan 40 mg]Nm3 |n a|r w|thout a prov|s|ona| dedust|ng system
- process waLer dlscharged from Lhe planL wlLh 1 ppm of urea and 1 ppm of ammon|a ls an
lmporLanL resulL ln reduclng waLer polluLlon conslderlng Lhe huge quanLlLy of process waLer
dlscharged from urea planLs lor example a prllled urea planL wlLh a capaclLy of 2000 L/d dlscharges
abouL 1100 L/d of process waLer

urea ls malnly produced as a solld producL prllled or granular 1he dlfference ln quallLy beLween Lhe
Lwo solld producLs ls slgnlflcanL boLh are round buL Lhe flrsL producL (pr|||s) has a smaller shape and
lower hardness whlle Lhe second one (granu|es) has a blgger shape and hlgher hardness lor boLh
producLs SnamprogeLLl assures excellenL freeflowlng quallLy LhaL prevenLs caklng ln bulk sLorage
and guaranLees easy handllng downsLream of Lhe producLlon planL Lxcess ammonla ln Lhe hlgh
pressure synLhesls loop and Lhe rlghL cholce of process condlLlons mlnlmlse blureL formaLlon an
undeslrable byproducL ln urea

1able 1 values of polluLanLs from Lhe planL

As sLaLed above process waLer can be dlscharged wlLh a conLenL of 1 ppm of urea and 1 ppm of
ammonla SnamprogeLLl obLalned Lhls ouLsLandlng resulL aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe elghLles as
demonsLraLed by a long llsL of operaLlng planLs achlevlng Lhls resulL 1hls applles noL only Lo nearly
all Lhe planLs based on Lhe SnamprogeLLl Lechnology buL also Lo planLs based on Lhlrd parLy
Lechnology Lo whlch Lhe SnamprogeLLl Lechnology has been applled WlLh such negllglble values of
polluLanLs Lhree slmulLaneous LargeLs are reached whlch conLrlbuLe Lo reduclng Lhe cosL of urea
speclflc consumpLlon of ammonla ls decreased envlronmenLal polluLlon ls also reduced and Lhe
posslblllLy of reuslng Lhe process waLer ls guaranLeed for several Lechnlcal purposes such as 8IW for
Lhe producLlon of sLeam aL pressures reachlng as hlgh as 110 bar

1nL S1kILk
1he sLrlpper ls Lhe prlmary plece of equlpmenL ln any urea sLrlpplng Lechnology lLs funcLlon ls Lhe
decomposlLlon of carbamaLe lnLo ammonla and carbon dloxlde from Lhe urea soluLlon leavlng Lhe
reacLor 1hls separaLlon ls made aL pracLlcally Lhe same pressure as ln Lhe reacLor ln severe
and unfavourable condlLlons hlgh pressure hlgh LemperaLure hlgh corroslveness of Lhe soluLlon
and ln Lhe presence of boLh llquld and vapour phases whlch ls always a poLenLlal source of
corroslon 1he sLrlpper conslsLs of a verLlcal Lube bundle wlLh Lhe process soluLlon flowlng down
along Lhe lnLernal walls of Lhe Lubes so as Lo ensure low resldence Llme (Lo prevenL blureL
formaLlon) and obLaln hlgh heaL Lransfer coefflclenLs ln Lhe SnamprogeLLl Lechnology Lhe
separaLlon of ammonla and carbon dloxlde ls made ln Lhe presence of ammonla as Lhe sLrlpplng
agenL whlle Lhe necessary heaL ls supplled by condenslng sLeam ln Lhe shell ln Lhe flrsL lndusLrlal
planLs SnamprogeLLl used LlLanlum as Lhe Lube maLerlal AL Lhe end of Lhe elghLles LlLanlum
was replaced wlLh b|meta|||c 1he blmeLalllc Lube conslsLs of Lwo coaxlal Lubes an exLernal Lube
made of 23222 CrnlMo and an lnLernal Lube made of zlrconlum 1he Lwo Lubes are produced
separaLely accordlng Lo SnamprogeLLl speclflcaLlons 1hey are Lhen assembled and drawn Lo
obLaln a proper mechanlcal bondlng no weldlng ls requlred new opLlons have been recenLly
developed and lmplemenLed for Lhe sLrlpper deslgn
- 1he fu|| 2|rcon|um Str|pper
- 1he CMLGA8CND Str|pper
8oLh of Lhese sLrlppers can wlLhsLand more severe condlLlons (ln Lerms of boLLom LemperaLure)
allowlng long llfe of equlpmenL opLlmlsaLlon of planL operaLlng condlLlons and mlnlmlsaLlon of
rocess waLer 1 ppm 1 ppm
lrom prllllng Lower 13 mg/nm3 20 mg/nm3
lrom granulaLlon sLack 13 mg/nm3 20 mg/nm3
requlred malnLenance ln Lhe full Zlrconlum SLrlpper boLh llnlng and Lubes are made of zlrconlum
whlch has proven Lo be perfecLly reslsLanL Lo eroslon and corroslon 1he CMLCA8Cnu SLrlpper
Lakes advanLage of Lhe long experlence from Lhe 1lLanlum SLrlpper overcomlng lLs llmlLs due Lo
eroslon of full LlLanlum Lubes by Lhe use of Lhe CMLCA8Cnu Lubes (developed ln collaboraLlon
wlLh A1l Wah Chang uSA) obLalned by exLruslon of LlLanlum (exLernal) and zlrconlum (lnLernal)
bllleLs formlng a meLallurglcal bond of Lhe Lwo maLerlals

1he planL ls very easy Lo operaLe wlLhouL any parLlcularly sLrlcL conLrol As a maLLer of facL Lhe
presence of Lhe Medlum ressure secLlon (17 bar) a buffer for any upseLs of Lhe Plgh ressure
synLhesls loop assures greaLer f|ex|b|||ty 1he posslblllLy of b|ock|ng|n Lhe process flulds ln Lhe Plgh
ressure synLhesls loop (le wlLhouL dlscharglng Lhem from Lhe planL) durlng emergency shuLdowns
greaLly slmpllfles planL resLarL Corroslon has been one of Lhe maln problems ever slnce Lhe
beglnnlng of Lhe developmenL of lndusLrlal urea planLs based on Lhe dlrecL reacLlon beLween
ammonla and carbon dloxlde Lxcess ammonla Lhe mlld composlLlon of process flulds and Lhe rlghL
cholce of consLrucLlon maLerlals guaranLee |ow corros|on llexlblllLy blocklngln low corroslon and
Lhe rlghL cholce of machlnery and conLrol lnsLrumenLaLlon assure a hlgh on stream factor Lxploslve
mlxLures have always been a serlous problem for urea planLs ln some cases serlous exploslons have
resulLed ln Lhe loss of human llves and planL damage Lxploslve mlxLures are due Lo Lhe
slmulLaneous presence of flammable compounds (CP4 C2P6 P2) lnLroduced lnLo a urea planL wlLh
Lhe raw maLerlals (ammonla and carbon dloxlde) Lhe presence of oxygen LhaL enLers wlLh
passlvaLlon alr and Lhe nP3 When all Lhese socalled lnerLs" are released from Lhe planL Lo Lhe
aLmosphere Lhelr composlLlons are Lyplcal of an exploslve mlxLure ln Lhe SnamprogeLLl Lechnology
excess ammonla [olnLly wlLh Lhe use of a parLlcular maLerlal (zlrconlum) ln Lhe sLrlpper mlnlmlses
Lhe oxygen (as alr) requlred for passlvaLlon Lhus avoldlng Lhe formaLlon of exploslve mlxLures
lndeed no exp|os|on has ever occurred ln planLs based on Lhe SnamprogeLLl Lechnology 8emoval of
hydrogen by caLalyLlc combusLlon from Lhe carbon dloxlde feedsLock ls noL necessary
lurLhermore no mechanlcal fallures have ever occurred Lhanks Lo Lhe parLlcular mechanlcal
soluLlons and conLrols requlred by SnamprogeLLl durlng equlpmenL consLrucLlon All of Lhese speclal
feaLures accounL for Lhe SnamprogeLLl Lechnology belng fu||y re||ab|e whlch ls exLremely lmporLanL
for urea planLs 1he excellenL rellablllLy of urea planLs based on Lhe SnamprogeLLl Lechnology ls
essenLlally due noL only Lo Lhe soundness of Lhe process buL also Lo accuraLe englneerlng lmproved
equlpmenL deslgn and equlpmenL maLerlal cholce Solld Lechnology coupled wlLh good malnLenance
can assure safe operaLlons for up Lo a year wlLh an on sLream facLor of over 3S0 days]year on
average lncludlng planL shuLdowns for scheduled malnLenance

MalnLenance has an lmporLanL lmpacL on Lhe urea planL on sLream facLor and consequenLly on Lhe
cosL of urea urea planLs based on Lhe SnamprogeLLl Lechnology have an annual malnLenance cosL
LhaL ls lower Lhan 13 of Lhe lnvesLmenL cosL Cood malnLenance lmproves Lhe sLream facLor of Lhe
planL and ln parLlcular can averL planL shuLdowns due Lo unexpecLed equlpmenL fallure revenLlve
malnLenance has been lnLroduced wlLh new meLhods for nondesLrucLlve LesLlng of Lhe equlpmenL
1hls allows equlpmenL condlLlon Lo be checked durlng and ln some cases beLween scheduled
shuLdowns and Lo forecasL Lhe sLaLus parLlcularly Lhe remalnlng llfeLlme of equlpmenL Lhus maklng
lL posslble for Lhe mosL approprlaLe acLlon Lo be Laken Cf SnamprogeLLl's urea Lechnology Lhe mosL
crlLlcal lLems (le Plgh ressure synLhesls loop equlpmenL) are locaLed aL ground level Lhus
faclllLaLlng lnspecLlons and repalrs lf necessary 1he recycle of unreacLed nP3 and CC2 Lo Lhe reacLor
ls ensured by an e[ector a slmple sLaLlc and malnLenancefree devlce LhaL has ammonla as lLs
drlvlng fluld nor|zonta| |ayout ls Lhe key elemenL ln SnamprogeLLl's Lechnology 8esldes
subsLanLlally reduclng boLh lnvesLmenL and malnLenance cosLs lL resulLs ln eas|er and safer p|ant
operat|on and ma|ntenance ln facL all Lhe heavy equlpmenL (reacLor sLrlpper carbamaLe
condenser) ls lnsLalled aL ground level conLrary Lo oLher Lechnologles where Lhe same equlpmenL ls
lnsLalled hlgh up on Lhe sLrucLure (verLlcal layouL)

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