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A tale of two Cities Chapter

The Trail
1 What were Jerry Cruncher’s duties at Tellson’s bank?
He was a messenger and errand boy for Tellson's Bank.
He was an odd job man. He would wait outside Tellson's
and was never absent from his post during business hours , except
when an errand.
2. What was Jerry Cruncher’s asked to do ?
He was asked to go to the Old Bailey court.
His task was to contact Mr.Lorry
Who was waiting inside the court to give his testimony
And remain there until Mr. Lorry wanted him
3. Who was the accused man? Describe him
He was Charles Darnay
A handsome young man about 25 years old
With long dark hair tied at the back of his neck
He appeared self-confident and calm
4. What was Charles Darnay accused of in England?
He was accused of treason.
He was accused of being a spy to France and a traitor to England.
He was accused of travelling between England and France and
informing the king of France of what armies the English were preparing
to send to Canada and North America.
5. Who were the witnesses and Darnay’s lawyer?
John Barsad, Roger Cly who testified against Darnay,
Lucie Manette, Dr. Manette, Mr.Lorry and a sixth witness
. Mr. Stryver was his lawyer
who was defending Darnay and Sydney Carton, his assistant who helped
6. Who was John Barsad?
He was the main witness Darnay
He was a friend of Darnay.
He was the one who reported him when he suspected him of spying
and passing important information about the British troops
that were being sent to America and Canda, to the king of France

8-Why were Mr. Lorry, Lucie and Dr. Manette called to the
Mr. Lorry had travelled with Darnay on the mail to Dover,
but he was unable to identify him.
All three of those witnesses had travelled on the same boat as Darnay
from France.
Only Lucie could identify him.
Mr. Lorry had spent much of his journey lying on a sofa,
and Dr. Manette could remember nothing
9. Lucie didn’t want to testify against Darnay.Explain
She didn't want to testify against Darnay because he was kind to her
he advised her how to protect her father from the wind or the bad
so she didn't want to testify against him in return for his kindness.
10. Why couldn’t the last witness identify Darnay?
The last witness was asked if he had ever seen anybody like the
He answered "Not so like the prisoner that I could be mistaken.
The witness was the asked to look at Sydney Carton and to say if he
thought he looked like Darnay. The two men were looked so alike that
everyone in the court was surprised. The witness could no longer be
certain that the man he had seen was Darnay.
11. Sydeny Carton was of a great importance in the court.Discuss.
He drew the Stryver's attention to the great similarity between the
prisoner and himself.
Striver was able to use that to prove to the court that the last witness
could have made a mistake and saw another man similar to Darnay
12. How was Darnay acquitted?
Mr. Stryver proved to the court that Darnay had to travel between
England and France because of some family matters,
the papers weren't in his own handwriting,
Roger Cly was a liar and a spy and Barsad was sent to prison,
so their characters were bad and we can't trust their words. Also, by
the help of Sydney Carton Mr. Stryver showed to the court that
Carton was very like Darnay in appearance and the last witness might
have seen someone else similar to Darnay. So Charles Darnay was set
13. ‘’ OH, they will find him guilty all right don’t you worry ‘’
A man was standing beside Jerry Cruncher at the court said these
words to Jerry about Darnay’s accusation .

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