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Presented to the Institution Review Committee of Department of Research, Gusa

Regional Science High School – X In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Research 3

Junior High School- Science Curriculum




Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Gusa, Cagayan de Oro City

Research Department

This research paper entitled “ prepared and submitted by VINCE MILBERT S.

GANZON AND JAMEL RAHEEM S. MAMA in partial fulfilment of the
requirements for JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL - Science Curriculum has been examined
and recommended for defense.


Language Editor Research Adviser

Research 4 Teacher


Approved by the Committee in partial fulfillment of the requirements for, JUNIOR
HIGH SCHOOL - Science Curriculum with a grade of ________.

_____________________________ ____________________________
Chair, Research Panel Research Teacher


Chair, JHS Research Department
Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for JUNIOR
HIGH SCHOOL - Science Curriculum.

School Principal


Above all, the researchers are grateful to God Almighty for without his blessings
and grace this study would not have been possible .
We would also like to thank our dear parents Asnaira A. Macarampat, Gina E.
Bayer, Roel M. Bayer, Louella C. Lagumen and Al Stephen R. Lagumen for their sheer
dedication and unwavering support, without which this research would not have been

We are also grateful to Sir Adam Manlunas, Sir Aris Mabale, and Sir Nolan Alvear
for their support, advice, valuable comments, suggestions, and provisions that benefited
in the completion and success of this study.

Lastly, We would like to express our gratitude to our family, friends, and supporters
for their encouragement and support during this difficult chapter in our lives . They have
given us moral and emotional support.

Thank you all for your invaluable contributions to this project.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgement 3
Conceptual Framework 5
Research Objective 7
Scope and Limitation of the Study 7
Significance of the Study 8
Operational Definition of Terms 8
Challenges in mobile add development 19
Process of App Development 20
Research Design 29
Research Setting 29
Data Collection Method 31
Data Analysis 32
Introduction 33


Smartphone ordering apps began entering the quick-service market in the mid-
2010s. Fast food restaurants like Chick-fil-A, Starbucks, and McDonald's have developed
specialized applications that allow customers to browse menus and order meals from the
comfort of their smartphones. Customers gain from this technological approach since it
creates a smooth transition between ordering and getting meals.
Restaurant businesses can get paid through online transactions thanks to these platforms'
M-commerce functionality. Since 2014, mobile sales have climbed 300% quicker
compared to dine-in and factors for 40% of restaurant revenues. Quick-service sectors
can adapt to the digital age by using mobile ordering apps (, 2023).
By enabling customers to place orders from a variety of restaurants with just one
swipe on their smartphones, online food-delivery aggregators (OFAs) are increasing
choice and convenience (Anuj Pal Kapoor, Madhu Vij, 2018).
In the restaurant industry, mobile food ordering apps (MFOAs) have received a
lot of attention as creative ways to connect with clients and offer them high-quality
services (Ali Abdallah Alalwan, 2019). Hence, the researchers decided to provide a
mobile food ordering app to help in lessening the ruckus and crowd at the RS school

Conceptual Framework

The idea of making a digital app for the school canteen has been long wanted.
Bringing the idea into life will be very beneficial for the whole school of GRSHS-X
(GUSA REGIONAL SCIENCE HIGH SCHOOL). The crowd and ruckus at the canteen
mostly happening at the time of the scheduled break for the school is very much noisy
and confusing for the school canteen workers and also the students. This may very well
help the workers to be more organized and be able to carefully work out the orders from
the students. Oftentimes, the students go down to the school canteen to search for
something/have something in mind to buy and not find such, hence this app will help
lessen the efforts that the students will have to make. The students will be able to find
what and what are not available in the school canteen making the process more quiet,
clean and neat.

Figure 1: The Schematic Diagram of the Study

The diagram above depicted the study's schematic diagram. It includes the
research probation's input, process, and output. The App serves as the Input, App Testing
as its Process, and the Data Gathered for the Output. This study helps in upping the
convenience for both the students and school canteen workers. This will also lessen the
effort that both parties have to make.
Research Objective

The study aims to aid the school canteen regarding overcrowding. The major goal
of this study is to create an efficient mobile food application that allows the viewing and
inquiries of canteen products. The study also aims to determine how well the app can
help the students, the workers, and even the teachers.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The general goal of this research is to improve the school canteen’s ability to
minimize crowding and ruckus as well as the convenience for the app’s users after
integrating the app into the school. The researchers will gather data through app testing.
The scope of the tests only focuses on enhancing the app through the testing of the
efficiency of the app in regards to the real time delay and the processing delay of the app
to the School canteen . There are some limitations of the app that should be noted. The
app will not integrate a delivery system nor self pick-up, viewing will be the only option.
Also, the app requires a third-party app, MIT App Inventor, in order to access the food
viewing app. It also requires a stable internet connection. This app will not be able to use
online transactions. And although the app is available on a smartphone, it will not be
available on PC/desktop.
Significance of the Study

The study has identified strategies using mobile app for the benefit and
convenience of the involved parties. As a result, the study has assisted the following:
Students. Through this study, students can be served equally and not overcrowding
the school canteen.
Teachers. The study can help the teachers that buy food from the canteen themselves.

The teachers would be prioritized.

Utility and staff. The study will be able to help the workers by reducing their need to
be in a rush, hence more convenience for the staff..
Canteen. This study helps people save time and space. Hence, the productivity and
the profit of the canteen will be increased greatly.
Future Researchers. This study can serve as a guide and reference to the future
researchers who have a close relative study.
Operational Definition of Terms
Benefit. An advantage or profit gained from something.

Canteen. A restaurant provided by an organization such as a military camp, college,

factory, or company for its soldiers, students, staff, etc.
Convenience. The state of being able to proceed with something with little effort or


Desktop. Is a computer that fits on or under a desk.

Digital Application. Refers to an application built on a computer to complete or

facilitate a task on a computing device.
Effectiveness. The degree to which something is successful in producing a desired
result; success.
Internet Connection. A connection provided by an Internet Service Provider that
enables individual computers or other hardware components, either individually or
registered within a Local Area Network, to exchange Data over the public Internet.
Profit. A financial gain, especially the difference between the amount earned and the
amount spent in buying, operating, or producing something.
Smartphones. A cell phone that includes additional software functions (such as email
or an Internet browser).
User. Refers to the person who makes use of a computer or network service.


Research Design

This study used a pre-experimental research approach, in which a subject or group

is observed after a study has been applied to see if the technique has the potential to
induce change. The study’s goal was to see if the application, ORDERS, lessen the
students that are waiting in line to get snacks or lunch. The primary purpose of this
research is to improve the service of the GRSHS-X’s school canteen and to lighten the
crowdedness of the canteen. During this time, users are expected to be viewing their
preferred products through the app while they are still in their respective classrooms. It is
also a way to view snacks or lunch more efficiently as students tend to use cell phones

Research Setting

The study area is located in the Northeastern part of the city of Cagayan de Oro.

Four kilometers and 800 meters (4.8km) away from the city proper. It is bounded by

Tablon in the east, Cugman in the south and Lapasan in the west. Gusa Regional Science
High School - X has the appropriate environment to conduct this study.

Figure 2. Map of Barangay Gusa showing

Gusa Regional Science High School –X

Sampling Procedure
The researchers tested the app on their own. This study’s sampling procedure is
Convenience Sampling involves using respondents who are “convenient” to the
researcher. There is no pattern whatsoever in acquiring these respondents—they may be
recruited merely asking people who are present in the street, in a public building, or in a
workplace, for example.

Data Collection Method

Development of the Mobile Application. The researchers will use MIT App Inventor, a
tool that enables people new to computer programming to create applications for the
Android operating systems. This allows users to design applications that can run on
Android devices. In the app, the researchers included 3 categories The researchers
created the app format using main menu with buttons where the participants of the study
click to proceed with the inquire/viewing of the product,

Figure 3. Actual layout of MIT-App-inventor and the format of the app that the
researchers developed.

Process delay testing. The participants of the study inquired 15 different times 5
times per category, the researchers then timed the process delay of the user of the app to
the admin with a stopwatch timer.
Data Analysis

The collected data will be analyzed using statistical methods such as descriptive
statistics and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics will be used to summarize and
present the data in a meaningful way, while inferential statistics will be used to test the
hypotheses and determine the significance of the results. The data will be analyzed using
statistical software such as SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) to ensure
accuracy and reliability of the results. The results of the analysis will be presented in
tables, graphs, and charts, and will be interpreted in the discussion section of the study.

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

To complete this study properly, it is necessary to analyse the data collected in

order to test the hypothesis and answer the research questions. As already indicated in the
preceding chapter, data is interpreted in a descriptive form.
This chapter comprises the analysis, presentation and interpretation of the
findings resulting from this study. The analysis and interpretation of data is carried out in
two phases. The first part, which is based on the results of the questionnaire, deals with a
quantitative analysis of data. The second, which is based on the results of the interview
and focus group discussions, is a qualitative interpretation.

1. What is the efficiency of the Mobile food app in receiving inquiries (Time Wise)?
Table 1. Time Delay from the User to the Admin

Category Test Number Time (in seconds)

Snacks (French Fries) #1 12.98

Snacks (Siomai) #2 7.38

Snacks (Donuts) #3 11.11

Snacks (Munchkins) #4 14.99

Snacks (Kamote Q) #5 13.35

Rice Meals #6 13.27

Rice Meals #7 23.94

Rice Meals #8 13.57

Rice Meals #9 18.12

Rice Meals #10 19.45

Beverages #11 17.49

Beverages #12 12.72

Beverages #13 10.9

Beverages #14 14.69

Beverages #15 9.57

Table 1 represents an extensive summary of the time it takes for the inquiry of the user to
reach the admin and update the information of the app. The table shows a different time
frame between the user and the admin.
It can be seen to have an average time of 14.24s which is a relatively good process delay
from the users to the admin. Suggesting that this app is quite efficient in receiving
inquiries in the school canteen which also suggests to be a possible solution to the
overcrowding and ruckus in the canteen.

2. What is the efficiency of the Mobile food app in updating information specifically
admin to user information? (Time Wise)?
Table 2. Time Delay: Admin-User

Category Test Number Time (in seconds)

Snacks (French Fries) #1 3.05

Snacks (Siomai) #2 2.69

Snacks (Donuts) #3 3.13

Snacks (Munchkins) #4 3.62

Snacks (Kamote Q) #5 3.63

Rice Meals (Chicken Fillet) #6 3.92

Rice Meals (Pater) #7 2.96

Rice Meals (Chicken Sisig) #8 3.16

Rice Meals (Letchon Kawali) #9 3.62

Rice Meals(egg with spam) #10 2.74

Beverages (Real Leaf) #11 2.66

Beverages (Vitamilk) #12 3.15

Beverages (Yakult) #13 3.24

Beverages (Minute maid) #14 3.78

Beverages (Dutchmill) #15 4.08

Here in Table 2, when compared to Table 1, the time it takes (Time Delay) between User-
Admin and Admin-User is vastly different. The Table 1, User-Admin time delay, as
mentioned, has an average of 14.24s, a median of 13.35s, and a range of 7.38s-23.94s.
While in Table 2, Admin-User time delay is: Average — 3.30s, Median — 3.16s, Range
— 2.66s - 4.08. This shows that the User-Admin process takes way longer in reaching the
Admin compared to the Admin-User process.

Its average time of 3.30s proposing the idea shows that this app is highly efficient
in updating the information in the app which is the number of items available in the
school canteen menu as the processing time is quick, this shows that the app is a very
promising solution in mitigating the crowd and the ruckus of the school canteen.



Based on the findings from the study, the following conclusions are found:

1. The User-Admin process takes an average of a 14.24s time delay. While the
Admin-User process has an average of 3.30s.

2. Although the User-Admin time delay takes quite long (specifically the average
of 14.24s) the Admin-User process (with an average of 3.30s) compensates for
and balances the time delay.

3. The User-Admin-User process or otherwise referred to as “interaction” takes an

average of approximately (adding the averages of both processes) 17.54s
disregarding the exact actions the Admin has to take in updating the information
of the app.

1. Future studies related to the school canteen can take some ideas and
inspirations in what to consider and how to efficiently develop an app for the

2. Aspiring studies relating to the development of an app using the MIT app
inventor can expect the time delay of an interaction between: User-Admin,
Admin-User, and User-Admin-User.

3. To integrate this study into the school canteen. As it serves as a more efficient
way to view the canteen products without having to go to the exact location of the
canteen. As it is very tedious, especially if the student resides on a higher floor.


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