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AP Human Geography Unit 6 Quiz

1. What is the relationship between low order (basic) items and range?
a. no matter how basic the good the range will stay the same
b. the more basic the item the lower the range
c. the more basic the item the higher the range
d. the range varies no matter how basic or specialized the good is

2. Who created the central place theory?

a. Walter Christaller
b. Von Thunen
c. Mercator
d. Ral santiago

3. What range does the newspaper have?

a. global
b. national
c. state wide
d. city wide

4. Where are primate cities most commonly found?

a. Unstable, reliant nations
b. Global power houses
c. 3rd world countries
d. Remote islands
5. Why do North American cities like New York, have the majority of the poor live in the city
center while the rich live on the outskirts (this is the opposite of European cities like
a. Cultural barriers
b. legislation
C. time period
d. employment

6. What did redlining do to cities?

a. It changed the power lines of cities in America and lowered energy cost
b. it helped with city crime and poverty in low income areas
c. it discriminated against people of color and caused neighborhood segregation
d. It created a border for city edges

7. What is NOT a effect of urban areas

a. increased water quality
b. Increased pollution
c. smaller ecological footprint
d. Decreased sanitization

8. What are the slums in Brazil called?

a. favela
b. rocinha
c. janeiro
d. Complexo da maré

9. What is NOT a consequence of squatter cities?

a. Low employment
b. Increased ability for personal self expression
c. high gang activating and low police regulation
d. poor average health and health care
10. What is the estimated threshold of a primary school?
a. 500
b. 25,000
c. 60,000
d. 1 million

11. What is a characteristic of sprawl?

a. Efficient housing placement
b. areas reliant on automotives
c. large cities
d. economic instability

12. Poorer communities are over run and kicked out by high class groups specifically
sounding land, this is an example of what?
a. Red lining
b. gentrification
c. sectionality
d. Forced immigration

13. What is an example of dependency?

a. An underdeveloped nation trading one raw good with one developed nation
b. Being an isolationist nation
c. trading multiple goods from a under developed nation to a developed nation
d. A developed nation trading with an under developed nations for only raw goods

14. What is NOT a characteristic of megacities?

a. Multitude of job opportunities
b. Houses for the poor
c. largest and most prevalent city
d. Population that is larger than 20 million persons
15. What is the Hoyt sector model based on?
a. Ancestral wealth
b. Distance from job
c. ethnicity
d. income level

16. How is the Harris and Ullman model different from others?
a. The peripheral cities have the most urban life
b. Its study sample was from all around the world
c. there are multiple cores or nuclei
d. It is not symmetrical

17. How did “white flight” change cities' make up?

a. Cities became more condensed
b. people who lived in the city center on average had a higher income
c. cities got larger
d. The outskirts of cities became more populated

18. Which example follows the bid rent theory?

a. buying cheap land in a highly populated area
b. buying cheap land near, but outside a core area
c. buying expensive land in a rural area
d. buying cheap land in a core area

19. What is the centerpoint of the concentric zone model?

a. factories
b. Farm land
c. working class living
d. CBD
20. How is globalization achieved through urban industries and cities?
a. migration
b. Immigration and trade
c. religious diffusion
d. Tourism

1. The answer is B. (the more basic the item the lower the range). When an item is
common/basic/low order people will travel less far for it, rather than a
specialized/high order item. Ex. an average person would not travel 2 hours to go to
a basic grocery when there is one almost the same ten minutes away. They would
travel two hours to a roller coaster park since there are none in their town.
2. The answer is A. (Walter christaller). He created the central place theory to explain
the number, size, and location of important places within cities and towns.
3. The answer is D. (city wide). At most, newspapers have a city wide range. Range
is how far people will travel for a good or service.
4. The answer is A. (unstable, reliant nations). Primate cities are huge cities that tower
over any other city in its nation. They are normally found in not completely
developed nations that heavily rely on trade with “power house” nations.
5. The answer is C. (time period). Many European cities were made when
transportation was not readily available, even to the rich, in turn the rich wanted to
live as close as possible to their jobs for walking. In America when New York was
becoming big, transportation was only for the rich who wanted to live in the cleaner
outskirts of the city, where the poor had to walk to work.
6. The answer is C. (it discriminated against people of color and caused neighborhood
segregation). Red lining marked areas where people should not get loans on
housing and businesses should not start up in. This segregated cities and was
heavily racially motivated.
7. The answer is C. (decreased ecological footprint). Ecological footprints get larger
in urban areas.
8. The answer is A. (favela). Favelas are the slums in Brazil; they are somewhat
unique, being that they have very little to no government regulation or surveillance.
They have large rich cultures and self expressions, but they also are heavily run by
9. The answer is A. (low employment). Many people who live in squatter cities live
there because they work in the central city but cannot afford to live there. There are
also people who are self employed within squatter cities since there is very little
regulation of the job market. If not for the jobs that squatter cities provide they
would be less prevalent in developing nations.
10. The answer is A. (500). The threshold of something is the minimum number of
people needed to sustain an entity. Primary schools on average are quite small and
do not need a multitude of workers like a university or large department store
11. The answer is B. ( areas reliant on automotives). Urban spral is when areas are not
efficiently spaced and heavily rely on automotive transport, common in suburban
12. The answer is B. (gentrification). Gentrification is when one demographic with
more power kicks out a less powerful entity from an area.
13. The answer is A. (An underdeveloped nation trading one raw good with one
developed nation). The less prosperous nation only has one concrete market and is
balancing it on one nation. If that nation were to find a better seller their economy
would suffer.
14. The answer is B. (houses for the poor). Mega cities normally do not house the poor,
but are surrounded by poor cities that go to the megacity for work.
15. The answer is D. (income level). The Hoyt model is based on the income level of a
group and what type of land they are able to afford based on that income.
16. The answer is C. (multiple nuclei). In the harris and ullman model there are multiple
core areas instead of one.
17. The answer is D. (The outskirts of cities became more populated). During the 50’s
many white Americans left the city to live in suburbia. They had a prejudiced idea
of immigrants moving to the city and believed that there were high crime rates and
too many people of color. Because of this they moved to the outskirts of the city
and traveled to work in their cars.
18. The answer is B. (buying cheap land near but outside of a core area). The bid rent
theory explains that it is more expensive to live in a sought after area rather than a
rural area.
19. The answer is D. (CBD) also known as the central business district, is the center of
the concentric zone model. It is then surrounded by the transition zone, working
class zone, residential zone, and the commuter zone.
20. The answer is B. (immigration and trade). Urban cities not take in international
goods but also contain minority, immigrant groups that are looking for jobs. Ex. like
little Italy in New York.

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