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Teacher Education Department Prelim Examination: Facilitating

Gingoog City Colleges Inc. Learner-Centered Teaching

Brgy. 24-A, Gingoog City Instructor: Joseph Gerson A. Balana


PLEASE BE HONEST IN TAKING THE EXAM. God bless and keep up the good work!

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read each statement below. CHOOSE the letter that corresponds to your best
choice. Each correct response will earn two (2) points.

1. Which method was used by Piaget in order for him to formulate his theory?
A. reviewing the anecdotal records of teachers
B. surveying thousands of parents in Switzerland
C. observing his own children grow and develop
D. testing hundreds of children in his laboratory

2. Which of the following is an EXAMPLE of a cognitive scheme?

A. Sorting by color B. Solving a math problem C. Sounding a rattle D. Sucking a

3. The following are descriptions of metacognition, which one is the MOST ACCURATE?
A. process of thinking about one's own thinking and learning and strategies applied
B. pupils think about their own learning more explicitly and verbally during class
C. awareness and control of thinking for learning that has impact to student learning
D. understanding of one’s own thought processes before adjusting their own skills

4. Metacognitive strategies empower students to think about their own thinking. Awareness of the
learning process enhances control over their own learning. It also enhances personal capacity for self-
regulation and managing one’s own motivation for learning.
A. The statement above is entirely FALSE. C. The statement above is NOT TRUE.
B. The statement is completely TRUE. D. The statement is not necessarily FALSE.

5. Which statement IS NOT TRUE about the benefits of using metacognitive strategies in class?
A. enhanced personal capacity for self-regulation
B. increased ability to manage one’s own motivation
C. students becoming more independent learners
D. high grades for top performing learners at the end

6. Which of the following is the most distinctive feature of the 14 learner-centered psychological principles?
A. democratic education B. holistic for learners C. primarily intrinsic D. universal applicability

Items 7 to 15: Which learner-development related theory do the following statements refer to?
CHOOSE from: A-Sigmund Freud B- Erik Erikson C-Jean Piaget D- Lawrence Kohlberg

7. The id is a concept in psychology that represents the primitive and instinctual part of the mind, driven by
pleasure-seeking and immediate gratification.

8. If the caregivers are inconsistent or neglectful, infants may develop a sense of mistrust and become wary
of others.

9. Infants learn about the world through their senses and motor actions. They develop object permanence
and begin to understand cause and effect relationships.

10. Theory that is broken down into three major levels, each of which contains two stages, making a total
of six stages.

11. This means that individuals with conventional morality prioritize maintaining harmonious relationships with others
and following the accepted rules and expectations of their community.

12. Regression refers to reverting to an earlier stage of development or behaving in a childlike manner when faced
with stress or anxiety.

13. Child development typically follows a predictable sequence and children generally go through the same stages in
the same order. Each phase builds upon the previous one, and skipping a phase is not a common occurrence.

14. Individuals make moral decisions based on self-interest and avoiding punishment.

15. These theories suggest that behavior is learned through conditioning and reinforcement. They emphasize the role
of the environment in shaping an individual's personality and behavior.
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16. Which of the following is the most acceptable explanation of Oedipal complex?
A. refers to a psychosexual stage in which a child develops unconscious sexual desires for their
opposite-sex parent and feels hostility towards their same-sex parent

B. refers to a psychosexual stage in which a child develops conscious sexual desires for their
opposite-sex parent and feels relativity towards their same-sex parent

C. refers to a psychosexual stage in which a child develops unconscious sexual desires for their
same-sex parent and feels hostility towards their same-sex parent

D. refers to a psychosexual stage in which a child develops conscious sexual desires for their
same-sex parent and feels relativity towards their opposite-sex parent

17. Which of the following BEST DESCRIBES the stage of “Autonomy vs. Doubt”?
A. During the toddler stage (1-3 years old), children are developing a sense of initiative and autonomy. They are
exploring their environment and asserting their will. This stage is characterized by the conflict between starting to gain
independence and do things personally (initiative) and feeling unsure or doubtful about their abilities. It is a crucial
stage for developing self-confidence and a sense of initiative over their actions.

B. During the toddler stage (1-3 years old), children are developing a sense of independence and autonomy. They are
exploring their environment and asserting their will. This stage is characterized by the conflict between wanting to do
things on their own (autonomy) and feeling unsure or doubtful about their abilities. It is a crucial stage for developing
self-confidence and a sense of control over their actions.

C. During the toddler stage (1-2 years old), children are developing a sense of autonomy and guilt. They are exploring
their environment and asserting their will. This stage is characterized by the conflict between being able to see beyond
literal configurations (autonomy) and feeling secured or not confident about their abilities. It is a crucial stage for
developing self-confidence and a sense of control over their actions.

18. The following statements provide the basic assumptions of Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral
Development, EXCEPT ONE, which is it?
A. Individuals make moral decisions based on self-interest and avoiding punishment.
B. Individuals conform to societal norms and laws.
C. Individuals develop their own principles based on abstract reasoning and universal ethical principles.
D. Individuals vie for honor and prestige in society.

19. Which of the following points to a stage where a child’s sexual energy is largely suppressed?
A. anal stage B. genital stage C. latency stage D. phallic stage

20. Which is a notable feature of the pre-operational stage according to Piaget?

A. development of language B. object permanence C. symbolic thinking D. variability of mind

II. COMPLETION. FILL-OUT the terms that will make the selection comprehensible. Each correct
response earns two (2) points.
The American Psychological Association (APA) espoused ______(1) principles pertaining to the
______ (2) and the learning process. These principles are divided into ______ (3) categories or groupings
labelled as ______ (4). Most of these principles fall under the ______ (5) and metacognitive factors; one
principle under such states that learning is influenced by environmental factors such as culture, ______ (6),
and _____(7). Also under the factors of individual differences, effectiveness in learning results when
differences in _____ (8), ______(9) , and ______ (10) backgrounds are considered.

III. SHORT WRITING ACTIVITY. Write a 5-sentence explanation on your interpretation of the
given quote. Make sure your work is neat, concise, and most of all grammatically error-free. 15 points
is the highest possible score. A scoring guide is provided for your reference.

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