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Art: ©
© Hi-Rez
Hi-Rez Studios
Studios (2015)

The Mad Scientist

An artificer
artificer specialization
specialization of
of craziness
craziness and
and gadgetry,
gadgetry, for
for the
the World’s
World’s Greatest
Greatest Roleplaying
Roleplaying Game
The Mad Scientist
"So much has been done — more, far more, will I achieve:
treading in the steps already marked, I will pioneer a new
way, explore unknown powers, and unfold to the world the
deepest mysteries of creation..."
-Dr. Victor von Frankenstein
Mad Scientists are artificers who have become deranged or
certifiably insane in their pursuit of knowledge.
Astute observers of the world and all manner of creatures
in it, they always remain true to the cause of Science,
uncaring of what must be done in order to acquire
information, the dangers of learning forbidden secrets, or the
consequences of unrestricted experimentation (particularly
for creatures other than themselves).
Although somewhat scatterbrained, and often reliant on
questionable practices, these technologists possess a level of
intellect unparalleled in mortal kind; having the ability to
create virtually any idea that enters their mind. They are
usually found inside their private laboratories, building
implausible gadgetry or slightly ridiculous superweapons.
It is not unheard of, however, for a few of those scientists to
willingly go out into the world; after all, adventuring and Quantitative Aptitudinal
exploration go hand in hand for providing stimulating new At 3rd level, you can briefly put your brain into overdrive,
insights into a wide variety of fields. being able to thoroughly and completely understand the basic
and complex functions of any creature you are focusing on,
Pseudoscience Manipulation related to measuring the amount of matter usually estimated
When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you gain by spatial measurement.
proficiency with one type of artisan's tools of your choice. Once per long rest, you can use your action to make an
Additionally, you have a bonus of +1 to all your Intelligence Intelligence check against a DC equal to double the specified
(Arcana), Intelligence (History), Intelligence (Investigation), creature’s CR. On a success, you may learn the attacks,
Wisdom (Medicine) and Wisdom (Survival) ability checks. immunities, features or resistances granted by the target’s
This increases to +2 when you reach 12th level. race or type. You must be able to see and hear the target for
this feature to work, and the full breadth of what you learn is
Mad Scientist Spells at the DM’s discretion (particularly obscure monsters may
reveal very little, and a hidden weapon remains hidden).
Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared The DC of the check becomes equal to the creature’s CR
after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the when you reach 9th level, and equal to half the creature’s CR
Mad Scientist Spells table. These spells count as artificer when you reach 15th level.
spells for you, but they don’t count against the number of
artificer spells you prepare. Crazy Contraption
Mad Scientist Spells At 3rd level, your unbridled genius gives you a knack for
Artificer Level Spell inventing the unthinkable, usually in disregard of your own
3rd Identify, Chaos Bolt safety. This may be channeled into a flash of inspiration,
allowing you to build an insane gadget of unprecedented
5th Enthrall, Enlarge/Reduce design. Using tinker's tools or smith's tools, you can spend 1
9th Lightning Bolt, Thunder Step hour building the contraption in an unoccupied space on a
13th Summon Construct, Vitriolic Sphere
horizontal surface within 5 feet of you.
Have your DM roll on the Crazy Contraption table, and
17th Raise Dead, Cloudkill then describe to you the resulting creation.
Crazy Contraption
d6 Contraption Properties
Once you create a contraption, you can't do so again until you
finish a long rest, or until you expend a spell slot to create
1 Unstable This item is identical in appearance to one; in which case the building time is reduced to 1 minute.
Gadget one of the other contraptions, but faulty Only one contraption can be active at a time, and you can't
in its design. It will explode when a create another while your current one is present. You may
creature attempts to use it, dealing 1d8
fire damage and 1d8 lightning damage
dismantle your current contraption during the same time
to the holder and any creatures within 5 spent on the creation of a new one. After 24 hours of use,
feet of them. your contraptions break down and become unusable.
Starting from 9th level, you may have two contraptions
2 Shock
You can use this item as a spellcasting
focus for your artificer spells. While you
active at the same time, and they last for a number of days
are wearing the gauntlet, you may cast equal to your Intelligence modifier.
either Shocking Grasp or Lightning Lure
as a bonus action on your turn. Omnifabrication
3 Laser Gun This item functions as a one-handed At 5th level, your absolute knowledge of all forms of science
firearm with a range of 30/90. When gives you the power of improvisational inventing: Being able
rolling for attack with this weapon, use to efficiently construct any item, device or weapon you might
your Intelligence modifier instead of need in an exceptionally short time, by using the existing
your Dexterity. On a hit, the target takes resources in your surroundings.
radiant damage equal to 1d8 + your Once per long rest, you may gain the benefits of one 3rd
Intelligence modifier + your proficiency
level feature from a different Artificer Specialization of your
choice. If the chosen feature requires the use of a specific
4 Electron This single-use item can be thrown up to type of artisan's tools, you may instead use any type of
Grenade 30 feet away as an action, detonating artisan's tools that you are proficient with.
when it reaches the end of its trajectory.
Upon detonation, it creates a 15-foot-
Your chosen feature lasts for 1 minute, and each time you
radius sphere of whirling electricity use it, the DM must roll a d6. On a 1, the device malfunctions,
which remains in place for 1 minute. All losing its usability for the next round.
creatures inside the sphere when it In addition, you can now use your contraptions as the
appears, as well as any that enter or end targets for your artificer infusions.
their turn in it, take 2d8 lightning
damage. Hardened By Experimentation
5 Utility This single-use item can be used to At 9th level, your exploits in the pursuit of science have
Gizmo create a dramatic or specific effect, exposed your body to consistent hazards, granting you some
rather than causing damage. It might
blast open an impenetrable wall, steal an
level of acclimation to them. You gain resistance to acid,
object carried by an enemy, reactivate a lightning, and poison damage. When you reach 12th level, you
fallen construct, or any other suitably gain immunity to the poisoned condition.
dramatic effect that the DM approves.
6 Volatile This item works in the same way as one
Gadget of the other contraptions, but its energy
cell is overcharged. Each time you use it,
the DM must roll a d4. On a 1, you take
1d6 lightning damage. When you reach
9th level, this damage increases to 2d6.

When using Omnifabrication, if your chosen feature's benefits

are dependent on a short or long rest, you may opt to ignore
such requirements, reducing the activation time to one action.
That means you can instantly boot up your robot, turret, armor,
jetpack or whatever other apparatus you might be in need of.
Doomsday Device
At 15th level, you reach the stage required to finally create
your crowning achievement; the ultimate tool of destruction Death Ray
to take over any dungeon: A Doomsday Device!
You must expend a spell slot of 4th level or higher to build You can spend 1 minute building a high-
your device, choosing from the following options. You regain performance laser turret in an unoccupied space
the ability to do this when you finish a long rest. within 5 feet of you, which lasts for up to 1 hour.
The turret is a Medium-sized cannon, with an AC of
20 and a number of hit points equal to five times
Killer Robot your artificer level. It is immune to poison and
psychic damage. If it is forced to make an ability
check or a saving throw, treat all its ability scores as
You can spend 1 minute building the robot in an 14 (+2). If the mending spell is cast on it, it regains
unoccupied space within 5 feet of you. You can 2d4 hit points.
also choose to spend 1 hour on it instead, making You can activate the turret as an action on your
it last for longer. Once created, the Killer Robot turn, as long as you are within 5 feet of it. Once
lasts for 1 hour if you spent 1 minute on it, or 8 activated, it fires off a beam of searing light against
hours if you spent 1 hour on it. a target within 60 feet of it. Make a ranged spell
attack. On a hit, if the target has 80 hit points or
The robot can take the form of any Large or smaller
fewer, it dies. Otherwise, it takes 5d6 radiant
construct with a CR equal to or lower than 6. It has damage and 5d6 fire damage. The Death Ray
immunity to psychic and necrotic damage, in ignores the damage threshold of objects and
addition to the features given by its chosen form. It structures, always dealing maximum damage to
is friendly to you and your companions, and obeys them.
your commands. During combat, it rolls its own
You can fire off the ray a number of times equal to
initiative and acts on its own turn. If the Mending half your Intelligence modifier (rounded up). Once
spell is cast on it, it regains 2d8 hit points.
the number of shots is expended, the ray hits a
The robot breaks down and becomes unusable if living creature, or the turret is reduced to 0 hit
reduced to 0 hit points, unable to be healed or points, the turret then completely breaks down and
revived afterwards. becomes unusable.
Explodium Bomb
You can spend 1 minute building a Large-sized
missile launch pad in a 10-foot square unoccupied
space within 5 feet of you, which lasts for up to 10
minutes. It has an AC of 16 and a number of hit
points equal to three times your artificer level. It is
immune to poison and psychic damage. If it is
forced to make an ability check or a saving throw,
treat all its ability scores as 10 (+0). If the mending
spell is cast on it, it regains 2d4 hit points.
You can initiate the launching sequence as an
action on your turn, as long as you are within 5 feet
of it. Once activated, the structure takes one round
to load the warhead, launching it to the sky at the
start of your next turn. The sequence is interrupted
if the launch pad takes any damage.
Once successfully launched, one round later at the
start of your following turn, the missile comes
down at a point of your choice within 300 feet of
you, generating an explosion of insensible
proportions. Each creature in a 50-foot-radius
sphere centered on the specified point must make
a Dexterity saving throw. The sphere spreads
around corners. A creature takes 1d4 fire damage
and 1d4 lightning damage per artificer level on a
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful
one. The blast damages objects in the area and
ignites flammable objects that aren’t being worn or
Once the Explodium Bomb is launched, or the
launch pad is reduced to 0 hit points, the launch
Bioweapon Beast pad then completely breaks down and becomes
You can spend 1 minute transforming the corpse of
a Huge or smaller creature within 5 feet of you into
your bioweapon. You can also choose to spend 1
hour on it instead, making it last for longer. Once
created, the Bioweapon Beast lasts for 1 hour if you
spent 1 minute on it, or 8 hours if you spent 1 hour
on it. Credit
The bioweapon can be any beast of the same size Artwork: Cover: ©Smite, Hi-Rez Studios. First page
as the corpse with a CR equal to or lower than 8. It - background: ©Fortnite, Epic Games; character:
has immunity to acid and poison damage, in Ben Zhang. Second page: ©League of Legends,
addition to the features given by its chosen form. Riot Games. Third page: ©Legends of Runeterra,
During combat, it rolls its own initiative and acts on Riot Games. Fourth page: ©Legends of Runeterra,
its own turn. It is hostile to all creatures, including Riot Games. Fifth page: ©Magic the Gathering,
you, and will pursue and attack the nearest targets Wizards of the Coast. Sixth page: ©Hearthstone,
to the best of its ability. Blizzard Entertainment.
If the bioweapon is reduced to 0 hit points, its Watercolor: u/flamableconcrete
body breaks down into a pool of acid, unable to be
healed or revived afterwards. Design: u/CamunonZ
Expanded Contraptions
If you truly wish to bring up the craziness with your character,
crank it up to eleven, and blow it out of the tavern, then you
may opt to use this expanded d20 list with 14 new options,
instead of the usual d6 one. You may also feel free to remove
or add any number of your own options, as well as mix them
around in the table. The objective is to maximize the amount
of fun gained when roleplaying this archetype, so the only
real limit here is your imagination (and the DM’s patience for
your shenanigans).

When using Omnifabrication, you may choose to build a

temporary version of an item from this list, instead of picking
a 3rd level feature from a different Artificer Specialization.
If adhering by this optional rule, the requirement to roll a d6
each time you activate your chosen item is changed to a d8.

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