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Page 336 Areas Related to Circles Chap 12


ONE MARK QUESTIONS So, area of sector =

arc length
# pr
arc length # r
1. The radii of two circles are 19 cm and 9 cm respectively. = = 44 # 17.5
2 2
Find the radius of a circle of a circle which has
circumference equal to sum of their circumferences. = 22 # 17.5 = 385 sq. cm.
Ans : [Board 2020 Delhi Basic]
4. Find the area of the sector of a circle of radius 6 cm
Radius of 1st circle r1 = 9 cm whose central angle is 30c. (Take p = 3.14 )
Radius of 2 nd circle r2 = 19 cm Ans : [Board 2020 OD Standard]

Let r the radius of required circle. According to Radius, r = 6 cm

question, circumference of required circle is sum of
circumference of two circles. Central angle, q = 30c

2pr = 2pr1 + 2pr2 Area of the sector,

2pr = 2p (r1 + r2) pr2 q = 3.14 # 6 # 6 # 30c

360c 360c
r = r1 + r2 = 9 + 19 = 28 cm.
Hence, radius of required circle is 28 cm = 9.42 cm2

2. The minute hand of a clock is 12 cm long. Find the 5. What is the perimeter of the sector with radius 10.5
area of the face of the clock described by the minute cm and sector angle 60º.
hand in 35 minutes. Ans : [Board Term-2 2012]
Ans : [Board 2020 Delhi Standard] As per question the digram is shown below.
Angle subtended in 1 minutes = 6c
Angle subtended in 35 minutes = 6c # 35 = 210c
Area of the face of the clock by the minute hand, i.e.
area of sector,
pr2 q = 22 12 # 12 # 210c
360c 7 # 360c

= 22 # 12 # 12 # 7 # 30c Perimeter of the sector,

7 12 # 30c

= 22 # 12 = 264 cm2 p = 2r + 2prq

3. The radius of a circle is 17.5 cm. find the area of the
= 10.5 # 2 + 2 # 22 # 10.5 # 60
sector of the circle enclosed by two radii and an arc 7 360
44 cm in length.
= 21 + 11 = 32 cm
Ans : [Board 2020 OD Basic]

6. If the circumferences of two concentric circles forming

Given, arc length = 44 cm
a ring are 88 cm and 66 cm respectively. Find the
Radius of circle, r = 17.5 cm width of the ring.
Ans : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2013]

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Chap 12 Areas Related to Circles Page 337

As per question statement figure is shown below. r2 = 289 or r = 17 cm

Circumference of circle
2pr = 2p # 17
= 34p cm

9. The diameter of a wheel is 1.26 m. What the distance

covered in 500 revolutions.
Ans : [Board Term-2 2012]
Circumference of the outer circle, 2pr1 = 88 cm
Distance covered in 1 revolution is equal to
r1 = 88 # 7 = 14 cm circumference of wheel and that is pd .
2 # 22
Circumference of the outer circle, 2pr2 = 66 cm Distance covered in 500 revolutions

r2 = 66 # 7 = 21 cm = 10.5 cm = 500 # p # 1.26

2 # 22 2
Width of the ring, = 500 # 22 # 1.26
r1 - r2 = 14 - 10.5 cm = 3.5 cm = 1980 m. = 1.98 km
7. Two coins of diameter 2 cm and 4 cm respectively are 10. A thin wire is in the shape of a circle of radius 77 cm.
kept one over the other as shown in the figure, find It is bent into a square. Find the side of the square
the area of the shaded ring shaped region in square (Taking, p = 227 ).
Ans : [Board Term-2 2012]

Let side of square be x .

Perimeter of the circle = Perimeter of square
2pr = 4x

2 # 22 # 77 = 4x

x = 2 # 22 # 11 = 121
Ans : [Board Term-2 2012] 4

Area of circle = pr2 Thus side of the square is 121 cm.

Area of the shaded region = p (2) 2 - p (1) 2 11. What is the area of the largest square that can be
inscribed in a circle of radius 12 cm.?
= 4p - p = 3p sq cm
Ans : [Board Term-2 2012]
8. The diameter of two circle with centre A and B are As per question the digram is shown below.
16 cm and 30 cm respectively. If area of another circle
with centre C is equal to the sum of areas of these
two circles, then find the circumference of the circle
with centre C.
Ans : [Board Term-2 2012]

Let the radius of circle with centre C be r .

According to question we have,
p (8) 2 + p (15) 2 = pr2
64p + 225p = pr2
289p = pr2
Radius of the circle =12 cm

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Page 338 Areas Related to Circles Chap 12

Diameter of circle = 24 cm Ans : [Board Term-2 2012]

Diagonal of square = 24 cm From Pythagoras theorem we have

Let the side of square be x . AB = (16) 2 + (12) 2
From Pythagoras theorem we have
= 256 + 144
x2 + x2 = (24) 2
= 400 = 20 cm
2x2 = 24 # 24
Radius of circle = 10 cm.
x2 = 24 # 24 = 288
2 Perimeter of shaded region
Thus area of square,
pr + AP + PB = 3 # 10 + 12 + 16
x2 = 288 cm2
= 30 + 12 + 16 = 58 cm
12. What is the name of a line which intersects a circle at
two distinct points? 15. Find the area of circle that can be inscribed in a
square of side 10 cm.
Ans : [Board Term-2 2012]
Ans : [Board Term-2 OD 2012]
A line intersecting the circle at two distinct
points is called a secant. Radius of the circle = 10 = 5 cm
13. What is the perimeter of a sector of a circle whose Area of the circle,
central angle is 90º and radius is 7 cm?
Ans : [Board Term-2 2012]
pr2 = p # (5) 2 = 25p cm2

As per question the digram is shown below. 16. What is the diameter of a circle whose area is equal
to the sum of the areas of two circles of radii 40 cm
and 9 cm?
Ans : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2012]

Area of the circle = sum of areas of two circles

pR2 = p # (40) 2 + p (9) 2
R2 = 1600 + 81
Perimeter of the sector, R = 1681 = 41 cm
p = 2r + 2prq Thus diameter of given circle = 41 # 2 = 82 cm

= 2 # 7 + 2 # 22 # 7 # 90 17. Find the area (in cm2 ) of the circle that can be
7 360 inscribed in a square of side 8 cm.
Ans : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2012]
14 + 11 = 25 cm

14. In the given figure, AB is the diameter where AP = 12

cm and PB = 16 cm. Taking the value of p as 3, find
the perimeter of the shaded region.

Side of square = diameter of circle = 8 cm

Radius of circle, r = 8 = 4 cm

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Chap 12 Areas Related to Circles Page 339

Area of circle, pr2 = p # 4 # 4 = 16p cm2 Circumference of a circle = 44 cm

Radius of the circle = 22 = 7 cm

18. If the radius of a circle is doubled, what about its
2 # 227
Ans : [Board Term-2 2012] Area of the circle = pr2 = 22 # 7 # 7 = 154 cm2
Let the radius of the circle be r , then area
22. A steel wire when bent in the form of a square encloses
will be pr2
an area or 121 cm2. If the same wire is bent in the form
Now if radius is doubled, of a circle, then find the circumference of the circle.
Ans : [Board Term-2 2012]
Area = p (2r) 2 = 4pr2 = 4 # pr2
The area will be 4 times the area of the first circle. Area of square = (side)2 = 121 cm2

Side of square = 121 = 11 cm

19. If the perimeter and the area of the circle are
numerically equal, then find the radius of the circle. Parameter of square = 4 # 11 = 44 cm
Ans : [Board Term-2 Foreign 2012]
Circumference of the circle = Perimeter of the square
Perimeter of the circle = area of the circle.
= 44 cm
2pr = pr2
23. Find the radius of a circle whose circumference is
r = 2 units
equal to the sum of the circumference of two circles of
diameter 36 cm and 20 cm
20. In given fig., O is the centre of a circle. If the area of
the sector OAPB is 365 times the area of the circle, Ans : [Board Term-2 2012]
then find the value of x. Circumference of the circle,
2pr = 2p # 18 + 2p # 10
r = 18 + 10 = 28 cm
Hence radius of given circle is 28 cm.

24. Find the diameter of a circle whose area is equal to

the sum of areas of two circles of diameter 16 cm and
12 cm.
Ans : [Board Term-2 2012]

Let r be the radius of the circle. Since area

Ans : [Board Term-2 2012] of the circle is equal to the sum of areas of
two circles,
Area of the sector,
pr2 = p # ^8h2 + p ^6 h2
A7 = pr q
360º pr2 = p ^64 + 36h
Area of sector OAPB is 5 times the area of circle. r2 = 100 or, r = 10 cm
Diameter of the circle = 2 # 10 = 20 cm.
Thus p r 2 # x = 5 pr 2
360 36
25. If the circumference of a circle increases from 4p to
x = 5 8p , then what about its area ?
360 36
Ans : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2013]
x = 50º Circumference of the circle
21. If circumference of a circle is 44 cm, then what will be 2pr = 4p cm or r = 2 cm.
the area of the circle? Increased circumference,
Ans : [Board Term-2 2012]
2pR = 8p cm or R = 4 cm.

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Page 340 Areas Related to Circles Chap 12

Area of the 1st circle i.e., pr 12 = 9

pr 22 4
pr2 = p # ^2 h2 = 4p cm
r 12 = 9
Area of the new circle r 22 4
pR2 = p ^4 h2 = 16p = 4 # 4p r1 = 3
r2 2
Area of the new circle = 4 times the area of first circle.
Ratio of their circumference
26. If the radius of the circle is 6 cm and the length of an 2pr1 = r1 = 3
arc 12 cm. Find the area of the sector. 2pr2 r2 2
Ans : [Board Term-2 2014]
Hence, the ratio of their circumference is 3 : 2.
Area of the sector = 1 #(length of the corresponding 30. The length of the minute hand of clock is 14 cm. Find
the area swept by the minute hand in 15 minutes.
arc)# radius
Ans : [Board 2020 OD Basic]
= 1 # l # r = 1 # 12 # 6 Minute hand completes full circle degree in 1 hour. So,
2 2
degree swept by minute hand in 1 hour (60 minutes)
= 36 cm2 is 360c.
Degree swept by minute hand in 1 minute is 360 60 = 6c

and degree swept by minute hand in 15 minutes,

27. A chord of a circle of radius 10 cm subtends a right
angle at the centre. Find area of minor segment. q = 6c # 15 = 90c
^p = 3.14h Hence, q = 90c
Ans : [Board Term-2 2012]
and r = 14 cm
Radius of circle r = 10 cm, central angle = 90c
Area of minor segment, Area swept by minute hand
q 90c 22
= 1 # 102 # : 3.14 # 90 - sin 90cD
2 2
# pr = # 7 # (14)
2 180 360c 360c

= 1 # 100 # 61.57 - 1@ = 28.5 cm2 = 1 # 22 # 14 # 14 = 154 cm2

2 4 7
28. If the perimeter of a semi-circular protractor is 36 cm, 31. The perimeter of a sector of a circle with radius 6.5
find its diameter. ^Use p = 227 h . cm is 31 cm, then find the area of the sector.
Ans : [Board Term-2 2012] Ans : [Board 2020 Delhi Basic]

Perimeter pr + 2r = ^p + 2h r = 36 Given, Radius = 6.5 cm

Let O be the centre of a circle with radius 6.5 cm and
or, b 7 + 2 l r = 36 or, r = 7 OACBO be its sector with perimeter 31 cm.

Diameter = 14 cm.


29. The areas of two circles are in the ratio 9 : 4, then

what is the ratio of their circumferences?
Ans : [Board 2020 Delhi Basic]

Given, Thus, we have

Area of 1 circle = 9 )
OA + OB + ACB = 31 cm
Area of 2 nd circle 4
6.5 + 6.5 + ACB = 31 cm

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Chap 12 Areas Related to Circles Page 341

ACB = 18 cm 6 = 2p # 5.2 # q
Now, area of sector OACBO
) 3 = q#p
= 1 # radius # ACB 5.2 360c
q q#p 2
# pr = b 360c l r
= 1 # 6.5 # 18 = 58.5 cm2 Now, area of sector =
32. A piece of wire 22 cm long is bent into the form an = 3 # (5.2) 2 = 15.6 sq. units.
arc of a circle subtending an angle of 60c at its centre. 5.2
Find the radius of the circle. 6Use p = 227 @ 34. The area of a circular play ground is 22176 cm2 . Find
Ans : [Board 2020 Delhi Standard] the cost of fencing this ground at the rate of 50 per
From the given information we have drawn the figure
Ans : [Board 2020 OD Standard]
as below.
Area of a circular play ground,
A = 22176 cm2
i.e., pr2 = 22176 cm2

r2 = 22176 # 7

= 7056
Here AB is an arc of a circle of radius r .
r = 84 cm = 0.84 m
Length of arc = 2prq Perimeter of ground,
p = 2pr
22 = 2 # 22 # r # 60c Cost of fencing this ground,
7 # 360c
=< 50 # 2pr
22 = 22 # r & r = 21
=< 50 # 2 # 22 # 0.84 =< 264
Hence, the radius of the circle is 21 cm. 7
35. The wheel of a motorcycle is of radius 35 cm. How
33. The perimeter of a sector of a circle of radius 5.2 cm
many revolutions are required to travel a distance of
is 16.4 cm. Find the area of the sector.
11 m?
Ans : [Board 2020 Delhi Standard]
Ans : [Board 2020 OD Basic]
From the given information we have drawn the figure
as below. Given, radius of wheel, r = 35 cm
Circumference of the wheel,

2pr = 2 # 22 # 35 = 220 cm
Number of revolutions required to cover 11 m or
1100 cm,

= 1100 = 5 revolutions
Perimeter of the sector

p = 2r + 2prq 36. The length of the minute hand of a clock is

360c 14 cm. Find the area swept by the minute hand from
9 a.m. to 9.35 a.m.
16.4 = 2 # 5.2 + 2p # 5.2 # q Ans : [Board Term-2 2012]
Angle subtended by minute hand in 60 minute = 360 %
16.4 = 10.4 + 2p # 5.2 # q
360c Angle subtended in 1 minute = 360c = 6c

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Page 342 Areas Related to Circles Chap 12

Angle subtended in 35 minutes, r b 22 + 14 l = 72 cm

q = 35 # 6c = 210c
36 r = 72 & r = 14 cm
Area swept by the minute hand 7
= Area of a sector Area of protractor,

= pr2 q = 22 # 14 # 14 # 210c 1 pr 2 = 1 22 14 14
360c 7 360c 2 2# 7 # #

= 1078 = 259.33 cm2 = 308 cm2

37. Find the area of the square that can be inscribed in a 39. A paper is in the form of a rectangle ABCD in which
circle of radius 8 cm. AB = 20 cm, BC = 14 cm. A semi-circular portion
Ans : [Board Term-2 2015] with BC as diameter is cut off. Find the area of the
part. Use p = 227 .
As per question the digram is shown below. Ans : [Board Term-2 2012, Foreign 2014 ]

As per question the digram is shown below.

Let the side of square be x and radius of circle be r .

Radius of the circle, r = 8 cm
Diameter of circle, 2r = 16 cm Area of remaining part,

Diagonal of square 2r = 16 cm = Area of rectangle - Area of semi-circle

From Pythagoras theorem we have = 20 # 14 - 1 p72

x2 + x2 = (2r) 2
= 280 - 1 # 22 # 7 # 7
2 2
x + x = (16) 2 2 7

2x2 = 16 # 16 = 280 - 77 = 203 cm

x2 = 16 # 16 = 128 Hence, area of remaining part is 203 cm.

40. Two circular pieces of equal radii and maximum areas,
Thus area of square, touching each other are cut out from a rectangular
x2 = 128 cm2 cardboard of dimensions 14 cm # 7 cm. find the area
of the remaining cardboard. ^Use p = 227 h
38. If the perimeter of a protractor is 72 cm, calculate its Ans : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2013]
area. Use p = 227 .
As per question the digram is shown below.
Ans : [Board Term-2 OD 2012]

Perimeter of semi-circle
pr + 2r = 72 cm

^p + 2h r = 72 cm
b 7 + 2 l r = 72 cm

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Chap 12 Areas Related to Circles Page 343

Area of the remaining cardboard Ans : [Board Term-2 2011]

= Area of rectangular cardboard - 2 # Area of circle Figure given below shows the single sector.
= 14 # 7 - 2p b 7 l

= 14 # 7 - 2 # 22 # b 7 l

7 2

= 98 - 44 # 49 = 98 - 77 = 21
7 4

Hence, area of remaining card board is 21 cm2

41. If the difference between the circumference and the

radius of a circle is 37 cm, then using p = 227 , find the
circumference (in cm) of the circle.
Ans : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2012] Since DABC is an equilateral triangle

Let r be the radius of the circle. +A = +B = +C = 60c

Now, circumference - radius = 37 Here we have 3 sector and area of all three sector is
2pr - r = 37
Area of sector AFEA,
2 # 22 r - r = 37
7 q 2
Area AFEA = # pr
r b 22 - 7 l = 37
= 60c # p (5) 2 = 25 p cm2
360c 6
r # 37 = 37 Thus total area of shaded region
Area = 3 b 25 p l = 25 # 3.14
r = 37 # 7 = 7 cm 6 2
= 39.25 cm2
Circumference of the circle,
43. Find the perimeter of the shaded region if ABCD
2pr = 2 # 22 # 7
7 is a square of side 21 cm and APB and CPD are
semicircle. Use p = 227 .
= 44 cm.

42. In fig. arcs are drawn by taking vertices A, B and C of

an equilateral triangle of side 10 cm, to intersect the
side BC , CA and AB at their respective mid-points
D, E and F . Find the area of the shaded region. (Use
p = 3.14 ).

Ans : [Board Term-2 SQP 2016]

It may be seen easily that perimeter of the

shaded region include AD , BC and two semi
circle arc.
Thus perimeter of the shaded region, = AD + BC +
+ lengths of the arcs of semi circles APB and CPD

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Page 344 Areas Related to Circles Chap 12

= 21 + 21 + 2 b 22 # 21 l = 42 + 66 = 108 cm. THREE MARKS QUESTIONS

7 2

44. Find the area of the corresponding major sector of a 46. A road which is 7 m wide surrounds a circular park
circle of radius 28 cm and the central angle 45c. whose circumference is 88 m. Find the area of the
Ans : [Board Term-2 2015] road.
Ans : [Board 2020 Delhi Basic]
As per question statement figure is shown below;
Let w = 7 m be the width of road.
Circumference of a circular park,
2pr = 88 m
Inner radius of park,

r = 88 = 88 # 7
2p 2 # 22

= 2 # 7 = 14 m
Outer radius of park including road width,
Area of major sector,
R = r+w
= area of circle - area of minor sector
= 14 + 7 = 21 m
= pr b1 - q l
360c Area of the road,

= 22 # 28 # 28 b1 - 45c l p (R2 - r2) = p (R + r) (R - r)

7 360c
= 22 (21 + 14) (21 - 14)
= 22 # 28 # 28 # 7
7 8
= 22 # 35 # 7 = 770 m2
= 2156 cm2 7
Hence, the area of the road is 770 m2 .
45. The diameters of the front and rear wheels of a tractor
are 80 cm and 200 cm respectively. Find the number of 47. Three horses are tied each with 7 m long rope at three
revolutions of rear wheel to cover the distance which corners of a triangular field having sides 20 m, 34 m
the front wheel covers in 800 revolutions. and 42 m. Find the area of the plot which can be
Ans : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2013] grazed by the horses.
Ans : [Board 2020 Delhi Basic]
Circumference of front wheel
As per information given in question we have drawn
pd = 22 # 80 = 1760 cm the figure below.
7 7
Distance covered by front wheel in 800 revolutions

= 1760 # 800
Circumference of rear wheel

= 22 # 200 = 4400 cm
7 7
Revolutions made by rear wheel
1760 Let +A = q 1 , +B = q 2 and +C = q 3 .
# 800
= 7
4400 Now, area which can be grazed by the horses is the
sum of the areas of three sectors with central angles
= 1760 # 800 = 320 revolutions q 1 , q 2 and q 3 each with radius r = 7 m.
pr2 q 1 + pr2 q 2 + pr2 q 3 = pr2 (q + q + q ) ...(1)
360c 360c 360c 360c 1 2 3

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From angle sum property of a triangle we have As per information given in question we have drawn
the figure below.
q 1 + q 2 + q 3 = 180c
Substituting above in equation (1) we have
pr 2 q 1 + pr 2 q 2 + pr 2 q 3 = pr 2 pr 2
# 180c = 2
360c 360c 360c 360c

= 22 # 1 # (7) 2
7 2

= 22 # 1 # 7 # 7
7 2
Length of the rope is 21 cm.
= 77 m2 Shaded portion AEFA indicates the area in which the
Hence, the area grazed by the horses is 77 m2 horse can graze. Clearly it is the area of a quadrant of
a circle of radius, r = 21 m.
48. In Figure, PQ and AB are two arcs of concentric Area of quadrant,
circles of radii 7 cm and 3.5 cm respectively, with
centre O . If +POQ = 30c, then find the area of 1 pr 2 = 1 22 (21) 2
4 4# 7 #
shaded region.
= 1 # 22 # 21 # 21
4 7

= 346.5 m2
Hence, the graze area is 346.5 m2

50. Sides of a right triangular field are 25 m, 24 m and

7 m. At the three corners of the field, a cow, a buffalo
and a horse are tied separately with ropes of 3.5 m
each to graze in the field. Find the area of the field
Ans : [Board 2020 OD Basic]
that cannot be grazed by these animals.
We redraw the given figure as below. Ans : [Board 2020 SQP Standard]

As per information given in question we have drawn

the figure below.

Area of shaded region

p [R2 - r2] q = 22 [72 - (3.5) 2] 30c

360c 7 360c

= 22 (7 + 3.5) (7 - 3.5) # 1
7 12

= 22 # 10.5 # 3.5 # 1
7 12
Let +A = q 1 , +B = q 2 and +C = q 3 .
= 9.625 cm Now, area which can be grazed by the animals is the
sum of the areas of three sectors with central angles
49. A horse is tethered to one corner of a rectangular field q 1 , q 2 and q 3 each with radius r = 3.5 m.
of dimensions 70 m # 52 m , by a rope of length 21 m.
pr2 q 1 + pr2 q 2 + pr2 q 3 = pr2 (q + q + q ) ...(1)
How much area of the field can it graze?
360c 360c 360c 360c 1 2 3

Ans : [Board 2020 OD Basic]

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Page 346 Areas Related to Circles Chap 12

From angle sum property of a triangle we have = 3.14 # 100 = 314 cm2
q 1 + q 2 + q 3 = 180c Area of major segment ALBQA = 314 - 28.5
Substituting above in equation (1) we have
= 285.5 cm2
2 2 2
pr q 1 + pr q 2 + pr q 3 = pr 2
pr 2
# 180c = 2
360c 360c 360c 360c 52. In the given figure, AOB is a sector of angle 60c of a
circle with centre O and radius 17 cm. If AP = OB
= 22 # 1 # (3.5) 2 and AP = 15 cm, find the area of the shaded region.
7 2

= 19.25
Hence, the area grazed by the horses is 19.25 m2 .

Area of TABC = 1 # AB # BC

= 1 # 24 # 7 = 84 m2
Area of the field that cannot be grazed by these
animals = Area of triangle - Area of three sectors
= 84 - 1925 = 64.75 m2
Ans : [Board Term-2 2016]
51. In the given figure, a chord AB of the circle with Here OA = 17 cm AP = 15 cm and DOPA is right
centre O and radius 10 cm, that subtends a right triangle
angle at the centre of the circle. Find the area of the Using Pythagoras theorem, we have
minor segment AQBP . Hence find the area of major
segment ALBQA. (Use p = 3.14 ) OP = 172 - 152 = 8 cm
Area of the shaded region
= Area of the sector TOAB – Area of DOPA

= 60 # pr2 - 1 # b # h
360 2

= 60c # 22 # 17 # 17 - 1 # 8 # 15
360c 7 2

= 151.38 - 60 = 91.38 cm2

53. Find the area of shaded region shown in the given

figure where a circular arc of radius 6 cm has been
drawn with vertex O of an equilateral triangle OAB
Ans : [Board Term-2 Foreign 2016]
of side 12 cm as centre.
Area of sector OAPB ,

= 90 p ^10h2 = 25p cm2


Area of DAOB , = 1 # 10 # 10 = 50 cm2


Area of minor segment AQBP ,

= ^25p - 50h cm2
= 25 # 3.14 - 50
= 78.5 - 50 = 28.5 cm2
Also area of circle = p ^10h2 Ans : [Board Term-2 Foreign SQP 2016]

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Since OAB is an an equilateral triangle,we have Area of minor segment,

+AOB = 60c pr2 q - 1 r2 sin q = p ^14h2 60c - 1 # ^14h2 # 3
360c 2 360c 2 2
Area of shaded region = Area of major sector + (Area
of DAOB - Area of minor sector) = 22 # 14 # 14 # 60c - 1 # 14 # 14 # 3
7 360c 2 2
= 300c # 22 # ^6 h2 + c 3 ^12h2 - 60 # 22 # 62 m = b 308 - 49 3 l = 17.9 cm2 approx.
360c 7 4 360 7 3
= 660 + 36 3 - 132 = 36 3 + 528 cm2 Area of major segment = pr2 - b 308 - 49 3 l
7 7 7 3
54. In the given figure, find the area of the shaded region,
= 22 # 14 # 14 - 308 + 49 3
enclosed between two concentric circles of radii 7 cm 7 3
and 14 cm where +AOC = 40c. Use p = 227 .
= 1540 + 49 3 = 598.10

= 598 cm2 approx.

56. A momento is made as shown in the figure. Its base

PBCR is silver plate from the front side. Find the
area which is silver plated. Use p = 227 .

Ans : [Board Term-2 OD 2016]

Radii of two concentric circle is 7 cm and 14 cm.

Angle +AOC = 40c,
Angle +AOC = 360c - 40c = 320c
Area of shaded region,
q p R2 - r2 = 320c 22 142 - 72
360c 6 @ 360c # 7 6 @ Ans : [Board Term-2 2015]

From the given figure area of right-angled DABC ,

= 8 # 22 # (14 # 2 - 7) 1 AC AB = 1 10 10 = 50
9 #
2 2# #
= 8 # 22 # 21 = 8 # 22 # 7
Area of quadrant APR is the 4 of the circle of radii
9 3
7 cm.
= 8 # 154 cm2 Thus area of quadrant APR of the circle of radii 7 cm
1p 7 2 = 1 22 49 = 38.5 cm2
Required area = 1232 cm2 4 ^ h 4# 7 #
Area of base PBCR
= 410.67 cm2
= Area of DABC - Area of quadrant APR
55. Find the area of minor segment of a circle of radius 14
cm, when its centre angle is 60c. Also find the area of = 50 - 38.5 = 11.5 cm2
corresponding major segment. Use p = 227 .
57. The circumference of a circle exceeds the diameter by
Ans : [Board Term-2 OD 2015]
16.8 cm. Find the radius of the circle. Use p = 227 .
Here, r = 14 cm, q = 60c Ans : [Board Term-2 2015]

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Let radius of the circle be r . Ans : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2015]

Now as per question statement we have We have redrawn the given figure as shown below;

Circumference = Diameter+16.8 cm
2pr = 2r + 16.8 cm

2 b 22 l r = 2r + 16.8
44 r = 2r + 16.8

44r = 14r + 16.8 # 7

30r = 177.6
Let r be the radius of given circle. It is given that
r = 117.6 = 3.92 perimeter of given figure is 47 cm.
2pr - 1 ^2pr h + 2r = 47
Thus r = 3.92 cm 4
3pr + 2r = 47
58. In the fig., PSR, RTQ and PAQ are three semi-circles 2
of diameters 10 cm, 3 cm and 7 cm region respectively.
Find the perimeter of shaded region. Use p = 227 . r b 3 # 22 + 2 l = 47
2 7

r b 33 + 2 l = 47

r = 47 # 7 = 7 cm
Now, area of shaded region

A = area of circle - 1 area of circle

= area of circle
Ans : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2014]
= 3 pr2 = 3 # 22 # 7 # 7
Perimeter of shaded region 4 4 7
= Perimeter of semi-circles PSR + RTQ + PAQ
= 3 # 77 = 115.5 cm2
= p ^5 h + p ^1.5h + p ^3.5h 2

= p ^10h 60. Find the area of the adjoining diagram.

= 22 # 10 = 220 = 31.4 cm
7 7
59. In fig. APB and AQP are semi-circle, and AO = OB
. If the perimeter of the figure is 47 cm, find the area
of the shaded region. Use p = 227 .

Ans : [Board Term-2, 2014]

The given figure is combination of one rectangle and

two semicircle of same radii .
Required area,
= area of two semi-circles + area of rectangle

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= area of one circle + area of rectangle = 60c # 22 # 21 # 21

360c 7
= pr2 + ^l # b h
(where r is radius of circle and l and b are length and = 1 # 22 # 3 # 21
breadth of rectangle)
= 11 # 21 = 231 cm2
= 22 # 72 + ^16 # 14h
7 63. In fig., find the area of the shaded region ( p = 3.14 )

= 22 # 7 # 7 + ^16 # 14h

= 154 + 224 = 378 m2

Perimeter of shaded region is 31.4 cm approx.

61. In the figure, TABC is in the semi-circle, find the

area of the shaded region given that AB = BC = 4
cm.(Use p = 3.14 )

Ans : [Board Term-2 2011, Delhi 2015]

We have redrawn the given figure as shown below.

Ans : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2014]

As TABC is a triangle in semi-circle, +B is right

AC = 42 + 42 = 4 2 cm

Radius of circle 4 2 = 2 2 cm
Area of shaded portion,
= Area of the semi-circle-(Area of TABC )

= & 1 p # ^2 2 h 0 - & 1 # 4 # 40
3 + r + 2r + r + 3 = 14
2 2
4r + 6 = 14 & r = 2
= & 1 # 3.14 # 80 - 8 Thus radius of the semi-circle formed inside is 2 cm
and length of the side of square formed inside the
= 12.56 - 8 = 4.56 cm2 semi-circle is 4 cm.

62. In a circle of radius 21 cm, an arc subtends an angle Area of square ABCD
of 60c at the centre. Find the area of sector formed = 14 # 14 = 196 cm2
by the arc.
Ans : [Board Term-2 Delhi Compt. 2017] Thus area of 4 semi circle = 4 # 1 pr2
We have r = 21 cm and q = 60c
= 2 # 3.14 # 2 # 2 = 25.12 cm2
Area formed the sector = q # pr2
360 Area of the square formed inside the semi-circle

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(2r) 2 = 4 # 4 = 16 cm2
Area of the shaded region,
= area of square ABCD
- (Area of 4 semi-circle +Area of square)
= 196 - ^25.12 + 16h
= 196 - 41.12 = 154.88 cm2

64. In the figure, TACB is in the semi-circle. Find the

area of shaded region given that AB = 42 cm.

Ans : [Board Term-2, 2012]

Area of a circle with DO as diameter

pr2 = p b 7 l = 22 # 7 # 7 = 77

2 7 2 2 2

Area of semi-circle with AB as diameter

pr 12 = 1 p 7 2 = 1 22 7 7 = 77
2 2 ^ h 2# 7 # #
Ans : [Board Term-2 2014]
Area of TABC = 1 # 14 # 7 = 49
Here base of triangle is equal to the diameter of
semicircle which is 42 cm. Area of shaded region
Base of triangle = diameter of semicircle = Area of circle +Area of semi-circle -Area of TABC
= 42 cm
= 77 + 77 - 49 = 66.5 cm2
and its heigh = radius of semicircle
66. Find the area of the shaded region in figure, if
= 42 = 21 cm BC = BD = 8 cm, AC = AD = 15 cm and O is the
centre of the circle. (Take p = 3.14 )
Area of shaded portion,
= Area of semicircle-area of TABC

= 1 pr2 - 1 #base#height
2 2

= 1 # 22 # (21) 2 - 1 # 42 # 21
2 7 2

= 1 # 22 # 21 # 21 - 1 # 42 # 21
2 7 2

= 11 # 3 # 21 - 21 # 21
= 693 - 441 = 252
Ans : [Board Term-2 2012]
Hence, the area of shaded portion = 252 cm2
Since +ADB and +ACB are angle in a semicircle,
65. AB and CD are two diameters of a circle +ADB = +ACB = 90c
perpendicular to each other and OD is the
diameter of the smaller circle. If OA = 7 cm, Since TADB , TACB
find the area of the shaded region. Thus arTADB = arTACB

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= 1 # 15 # 8 = 60 cm2 1 pr 2 = 1 22 7 7 = 77 cm2
2 2 2# 7 #2#2 4

and arTADB + arTACB = 2 # 60 = 120 cm2 Area of shaded region

= Area largest semicircle + smallest semicircle
Now in TABC , we have

AB = AC2 + BC2 = 693 + 77 = 770 = 192.5 cm2

4 4 4
= 152 + 82 = 225 + 64 68. In the given figure, TPQR is an equilateral triangle of
side 8 cm and D, E, F are centres of circular arcs, each
= 17 cm of radius 4 cm. Find the area of shaded region. (Use
p = 3.14 ) and 3 = 1.732
Area of circle pr2 = 22 # 17 # 17
7 2 2

= 226.87 cm2
Area of shaded portion,
= area of circle-area of sum of TACB and TADB .
= 226.87 - 120 = 106.87 cm2
Hence, area of shaded region
= 106.87 cm2
Ans : [Board Term-2, 2012]
67. In the given figure, AB is the diameter of the largest
semi-circle. AB = 21 cm, AM = MN = NB . Semi- Here angle +P = +Q = +R = 60c because triangle
circle are drawn with AM, MN and NB as shown. is equilateral. side of triangle is 8 cm.
Using p = 227 , calculate the area of the shaded region. Consider circular section PDE . Radius of circular arc
is 4 cm.

Ans : [Board Term-2 2012]

We have AB = 21 cm Area of sector PDF ,

q 2 60c
Radius of semi-circle with diameter AB , # pr = # 3.14 # 4 # 4
360c 360c
R = 21
2 = 1 # 3.14 # 16 = 8.373
Here AM = MN = NB = 21 = 7 cm Area of shaded region
= Area of TPQR - 3 (area of sector)
Thus radii of smaller semi circle r = 7 cm
3 8 2 - 3 8.373
4 ^ h
Area of semi-circle with radius R = #
1 pR 2 = 1 22 21 21 = 693 cm2
2 2# 7 # 2 # 2 4 = 16 3 - 3 # 8.373

Area of semi-circle with diameter AM , MN and NB = 16 # 1.732 - 25.12

are equal
= 27.712 - 25.12 = 2.59 cm2

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69. In fig., sectors of two concentric circles of radii 7 cm 71. Adjoining fig, ABCD is a trapezium with AB | | DC
and 3.5 cm are given. Find the area of shaded region. and +BCD = 30c. Fig. BGEC is a sector of a circle
Use p = 227 . with centre C and AB = BC = 7 cm, DE = 4 cm and
BF = 3.5 cm, then find the area of the shaded region.
Use p = 227 .

Ans : [Board Term-2 2012]

Area of shaded region,

Ans : [Board Term-2 OD Compt. 2017]
q p (R2 - r2) = 30c 22
# 7 # ^7 - 3.5 h
2 2
360c 360c We have AB = 7 cm

= 1 # 22 # ^7 + 3.5h^7 - 3.5h DE = 4 cm, and

12 7
BF = 3.5 cm
= 1 # 22 # 10.5 # 3.5
12 7 Now DC = DE + EC = 4 + 7 = 11 cm

= 1 # 22 # 21 # 7 = 77 = 9.62 cm2 Area of Trapezium ABCD

12 7 2 2 8
70. A wire when bent in the form of an equilateral triangle Area j = 1 (DC + AB) (BF)
encloses an area of 121 3 cm2. If the wire is bent in
the form of a circle, find the area enclosed by the = 1 ^11 + 7h # 3.5 = 1 # 18 # 3.5
2 2
circle. Use p = 227 .
Ans : [Board Term-2 OD 2017] = 31.5 cm2
Let l be length of wire. If it is bent in the form of an Area of circular sector,
equilateral triangle, side of triangle will be 3l .
Area enclosed by the triangle, Area7 = 30º # 22 # 7 # 7
360º 7
3 l 2 = 121 3
4 #b3l = 1 # 22 # 7
1 l 2 = 121
4 # b 3l = 12.83 cm2
Area of shaded region,
1 l = 11
2#3 = Area j - Area7
l = 66 cm = 31.5 - 12.83 = 18.67 cm2
Same wire is bent in the form of circle. Thus
circumference of circle will be 66.
r = 66 = 66 22 = 21
2p 2 # 7 2
72. In the given figure ABCD is a trapezium with
Area enclosed by the circle AB | | DC, AB = 18 cm and DC = 32 cm and the
distance between AB and AC is 14 cm. If arcs of
pr2 = 22 # 21 # 21 = 693 = 346.5 cm2 equal radii 7 cm taking A, B, C and D have been
7 2 2 2
drawn, then find the area of the shaded region.

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Ans : [ Board Term-2 Foreign 2017] Ans : [Board 2018]

In trapezium ABCD, we have AB = 18 cm, CD = 32 Radius of each arc drawn is r = 12

2 = 6 cm.
cm AB | | CD and distance between || lines = 14 cm
and the radius of each sector = 7 cm. Area of one quadrant is 1
4 pr , thus area of four

Area of trapezium ABCD ,
4 # 14 pr2 = p # 62 = 3.14 # 36
Area j = 1 (18 + 32) # 14 = 113.04 cm2
Area of square ABCD ,
= 1 # 50 # 14
= 12 # 12 = 144 cm2
= 350 cm2
Hence Area of shaded region
Let, +A = q , +B = q 2, +C = q 3 and +D = q 4
= 144 - 113.04 = 30.96 cm2
Area of sector A,
74. Find the area of the shaded region in Figure, if ABCD
q 1 pr 2 = q 1 22 is a rectangle with sides 8 cm and 6 cm and O is the
# 7 #7#7
360c 360c centre of circle. (Take p = 3.14 )

= q 1 # 154 cm2

area of sector B = q 2 # 154 cm2


area of sector C = q 3 # 154 cm2


area of sector D = q 4 # 154 cm2

Ans : [Board 2019 Delhi]

area of 4 sectors = q 1 + q 2 + q 3 + q 4 # 154

360c In TABC , +B = 90c
Using Pythagoras theorem, we have
Area 4 7 = 360c # 154 = 154 cm2
360c AC 2 = AB 2 + BC 2
Thus area of shaded region, = 82 + 62
= Area j - Area 4 7 = 64 + 36 = 100

= 350 - 154 = 196 cm2 AC = 10 cm

Since, AC is the diameter of circle,
73. Find the area of the shaded region in Figure, where
arcs drawn with centres A, B , C and D intersect in Radius of circle, r = 5 cm
pairs at midpoint P , Q , R and S of the sides AB , Area of the shaded region
BC , CD and DA respectively of a square ABCD of
side 12 cm. [Use p = 3.14 ] = ^area of the circleh - (area of the rectangle)

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Page 354 Areas Related to Circles Chap 12

= pr2 - ^AB # BC h 76. In Figure, ABCD is a square with side 2 2 cm and

inscribed in a circle. Find the area of the shaded
= 3.14 # 5 - ^8 # 6h
region.(Use p = 3.14 ).
= 78.5 - 48
= 30.5 cm2

75. Find the area of the shaded region in Figure, if

PQ = 24 cm, PR = 7 cm and O is the centre of the

Ans : [Board 2019 OD]

Side of square, a = 2 2 cm.

Area of square a2 = (2 2 ) 2 = 8 cm2
Ans : [Board 2020 OD Standard] Length of the diagonal of a square is given by,

We have PQ = 24 cm d =a 2

PR = 7 cm = 2 2 # 2 = 4 cm
The angle in the semicircle is right angle, therefore Since, the square is inscribed in a circle, hence the
diagonal of square will be the diameter of the circle,
+RPQ = 90c
Radius, r = d = 4 = 2 cm
In TRPQ , RQ2 = PR2 + PQ2 2 2

RQ2 = (7) 2 + (24) 2 Area of the circle,

= 49 + 576 = 625 pr2 = 3.14 # (2) 2 = 12.56 cm2
RQ = 25 cm Therefore, area of shaded region
= Area of circle - Area of the square
Area of TRPQ = 1 # RP # PQ
= (12.56 - 8) = 4.56 cm2
= 1 # 7 # 24 77. In the figure, O is the centre of circle such that
diameter AB = 13 cm and AC = 12 cm. BC is joined.
= 84 cm2 Find the area of the shaded region. ( p = 3.14 )

area of semi-circle = 1 # pr2


= 1 # 22 # b 25 l

2 7 2

= 11 # 625 = 6875 cm
7#4 28
Now, area of shaded region
= area of semi-circle - area of TRPQ
Ans : [Board Term-2 OD 2016]
= 6875 - 84 = 6875 - 2352
28 28 We redraw the given figure as below.
Radius of semi circle ACB ,
= 4523
r = 13 cm
2 2
= 161.54 cm

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Area of semicircle,
p r2 = 3.14 13 13
2 2 # 2 # 2

= 3.14 # 169 = 530.66 cm2

8 8
The angle subtended on a semicircle is a right angle,
thus +ACB = 90c

Area of square – Area of 4 sectors = 24 cm2

90 º 24
^2r h - 4 b pr # 360º l = 7
2 2

4r2 - 22 r2 = 24
7 7

28r2 - 22r2 = 24
7 7
6r2 = 24
AC2 + BC2 = AB2
r2 = 4 & r = ! 2
2 2
12 + BC = 169
Thus radius of each circle is 2 cm.
BC2 = ^160 - 144h = 25
79. In Figure, a square OABC is inscribed in a quadrant
BC = 5 cm OPBQ . If OA = 15 cm , find the area of the shaded
Also area of triangle DABC , region. (Use p = 3.14 ).

D = 1 # Base # Hight

= 1 # AC # BC

= 1 # 12 # 5

= 30 cm2
Area of shaded region, Ans : [Board 2019 OD]
p r2 - T = 530.66 - 30 We have redrawn the figure given below.
2 8

= ^66.3325 - 30h cm2

= 36.3325 cm2

78. Four equal circles are described at the four corners of

a square so that each touches two of the others. The
shaded area enclosed between the circle is 247 cm2.
Find the radius of each circle.
Ans : [Board Term-2 SQP 2017]
Using Pythagoras theorem in TBAO ,
As per question statement the figure is shown below.
Let r be the radius of each circle. OB2 = OA2 + AB2 = 152 + 152
= 225 + 225 = 450

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OB = 450 = 15 2 Now, AP = 5 3 dm
Thus radius OB = 15 2 cm. Area ^TOAP + TOBP h = 25 3 = 43.25 cm2
Area of square = (OA) 2 = (15) 2 = 225 cm2 Area of sector OACB ,
Now, area of quadrant, = 25 # 3.14 # 120c = 26.16 cm2.
pr2 = 1 3.14 (15 2 ) 2
4 4# #
Shaded Area = 43.25 - 26.16 = 17.09 cm2

= 1 # 3.14 # 225 # 2 81. Fig. depicts a racing track whose left and right ends
are semi-circular. The distance between the two inner
parallel line segments is 60 m and they are each 106
= 3.14 # 225
2 m long. If the track is 10 m wide everywhere, find the
area of the track.
= 353.25 cm2
Therefore, area of shaded region
= Area of quadrant OPBQ - area of square OABC
= 353.25 - 225 = 128.25 cm2

80. An elastic belt is placed around the rim of a pulley

of radius 5 cm. From one point C on the belt elastic
belt is pulled directly away from the centre O of the
pulley until it is at P, 10 cm from the point O. Find
the length of the belt that is still in contact with the
pulley. Also find the shaded area. Ans : [Board Term-2 2011]
(Use p = 3.14 and 3 = 1.73 )
Width of the inner parallel lines = 60 m
Width of the outer lines = 40 # 2 = 80 m

Radius of the inner semicircles = 60 = 30 m


Radius of the outer semicircles = 80 = 40 m


Area of inner rectangle = 106 # 60 = 3180 m2

Area of outer rectangle = 106 # 80 = 4240 m2.

Ans : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2016] Area of the inner semicircles

= 2 # 1 # 22 # 30 # 30 = 19800 m2
2 7 7
Here AP is tangent at point A on circle.
Thus +OAP = 90c Area of outer semicircles

Now cos q = OA = 5 = 1 = cos 60º = 2 # 1 # 22 # 40 # 40 = 35200 m2

OP 10 2 2 7 7
Area of racing track
Thus q = 60º
= (area of outer rectangle + area of outer semicircles)
Reflex +AOB = 360c - 60c - 60c = 240c
– (area of inner rectangle + area of inner semicircles)
Now arc ADB = 2 # 3.14 # 5 # 120c
360c = 4240 + 35200 - b 3180 + 19800 l
7 7
= 20.93 cm
= 1060 + 15400 = 7420 + 15400
7 7
Hence length of elastic in contact is 20.93 cm.

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= 22820 = 3260 m2 PS and QR with centre at O, the intersection of its

7 diagonals. Find the total area of the two flower beds
Hence, area of track is 3260 m2 (shaded parts).

82. Find the area of the shaded region in Figure,

!!! !
APD, AQB , BRC and CSD , are semi-circles of
diameter 14 cm, 3.5 cm, 7 cm and 3.5 cm respectively.
Use p = 227 .

Ans : [Board Term-2 OD 2015]

Radius of circle with centre O is OR .

Let OR be x then using Pythagoras theorem we have

Ans : [ Board Term-2 Foreign 2016] x2 + x2 = ^42h2 & x = 21 2 m

Area of segment of circle with centre angle 90c
Diameter of the largest semi circle = 14 cm
= 90c # 22 # (21 2 ) 2
Radius = 14 = 7 cm 360c 7

Diameter of two equal unshaded semicircle = 3.5 cm = 1 # 22 # 21 # 21 # 2

4 7
Radius of each circle = 3.5 cm = 11 # 3 # 21 = 693
Diameter of smaller shaded semi-circle = 7 cm
Area of triangle 3 ROQ ,
Radius = 3.5 cm
= 1 # (21 2 ) 2 = 21 # 21 = 441
Area of shaded portion
Area of the one side flower bed
= area of largest semi-circle+
= 693 - 441 = 252 m2
+ area of smaller shaded semicircle+
Area of flower bed of both
– area of two unshaded semicircles
= 2 # 252 = 504 m2
= 1 # 22 # 7 # 7 + 1 # 22 # 7 # 7
2 7 2 7 2 2 84. In the figure, ABC is a right angled triangle right
angled at +A . Find the area of the shaded region, if
- 2 # 1 # 22 # 3.5 # 3.5 AB = 6 cm, BC = 10 cm and O is the centre of the
2 7 2 2
circle of the triangle ABC .
= 1 # 22 ;72 + b 7 l - 2 b 7 l E cm2
2 2

2 7 2 4

= 1 # 22 # (7) 2 :1 + 1 - 1 D
2 7 4 8

= 11 # 7 : 9 D

= 693 sq. cm or 86.625 cm2

83. In figure, PQRS is square lawn with side PQ = 42
metre. Two circular flower beds are there on the sides

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Ans : [Board Term-2 2015]

Let r be the radius of incircle.

Using the tangent properties we have
BC = 8 - r + 6 - r
10 = 14 - 2r
, 2r = 4 & r = 2 cm

Area of circle pr2 = 22 # 2 # 2 = 88 = 12.57 cm2

7 7
Ans : [Board Term-2 2014]
Now,area of TABC ,
Since AOB is the diameter of the circle, area of
T ABC = 1 # 8 # 6 = 24 cm2 shaded region,
= (Area of semi-circle - Area of TABC )
Area of shaded region
Area of semi-circle
= Area of TABC - Area of the circle
pr 2 = 1 22 21 21 cm2
= 24 - 12.57 cm2 = 11.43 cm2 2 2# 7 # #

85. Two circular beads of different sizes are joined = 1386 = 693 cm2
together such that the distance between their centres
is 14 cm. The sum of their areas is 130p cm2. Find the Area of triangle = 1 # 21 # 42 = 441 cm2
radius of each bead. 2
Ans : [Board Term-2, 2015]
Area of shaded region = 693 - 441 = 252 cm2
Let the radii of the circles are r1 and r2 .
87. In the fig., ABC is a right-angle triangle, +B = 90c,
r1 + r2 = 14 ...(1) AB = 28 cm and BC = 21 cm. With AC as diameter,
Sum, of their areas, a semi-circle is drawn and with BC as radius a quarter
circle is drawn. Find the area of the shaded region.
p ^r12 + r22h = 130p
r12 + r22 = 130 ...(2)

^r1 + r2h2 = r1 + r2 + 2r1 r2

2 2

^14h2 = 130 + 2r1 r2

2r1 r2 = 196 - 130 = 66

^r1 - r2h2 = r1 + r2 - 2r1 r2

2 2

= 130 - 66 = 64

Thus r1 - r2 = 8 ...(3)
From (1) and (3), we get Ans : [Board Term -2 2011, Foreign 2014]
2r1 = 22 & r1 = 11 cm In right angled triangle TABC using Pythagoras
r2 = 14 - 11 = 3 cm. theorem we have
AC2 = AB2 + BC2
86. A round thali has 2 inbuilt triangular for serving
vegetables and a separate semi-circular area for = 282 + 212
keeping rice or chapati. If radius of thali is 21 cm, find
= 784 + 441
the area of the thali that is shaded in the figure.
or AC2 = 1225 & AC = 35 cm

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Area of shaded region, + 1 # 56 # 56 + 1 # 56 # 56

4 4
= area of TABC +
+ area of semi-circle with diameter AC + = 1 # 28 # 56 b 22 + 22 + 2 + 2 l m2
4 7 7
- area of quadrant with radius BC
= 7 # 56 b 22 + 22 + 14 + 14 l m2
= 1 ^21 # 28h + 1 # 22 # b 35 l - 1 # 22 # ^21h2

2 2 7 2 4 7 = 56 # 72 = 4032 m2.

= 21 # 14 + 11 # 35 # 35 - 1 # 22 # 21 # 21 89. The given figure shows a sector OAP of a circle

7 2 2 4 7
with centre O , containing +q. AB is perpendicular
= 21 # 14 + 55 # 35 - 11 # 3 # 21 to the radius OA and meets OP produced at B
2 2 2 . Prove that the perimeter of shaded region is
r = 6tan q + sec q + 180
- 1@
= 294 + 481.25 - 346.5
= 775.25 - 346.5 = 428.75 cm2.

88. In fig., two circular flower beds have been shown on

two sides of a square lawn ABCD of side 56 m. If
the centre of each circular flower bed is the point of
intersection O of the diagonals of the square lawn,
find the sum of the areas of the lawn and flower beds.

Ans : [Board Term-2 OD 2015, 2016]

As per question statement we have redrawn this figure

as given below.

Ans : [Board Term-2 2011]

Side of square = 56
Diagonal of square = 56 2

Radius of circle = 12 # 56 2 = 28 2

Total area = Area of sector OAB +

+ Area of sector ODC +

Here OAP is sectors of circle with centre O ,
+ Area of TOAD + +POA = q and OA = AB .
+ Area of TOBC Perimeter of shaded region = BP + AB + AP (1)

= 22 # ^28 2 h # 90c + 22 # ^28 2 h # 90c +

2 2
7 360c 7 360c Now tan q = AB & r tan q = AB ...(2)

+ 1 # 56 # 56 + 1 # 56 # 56 sec q = OB & r sec q = OB

4 4 r

= 1 # 22 # ^28 2 h + 1 # 22 # ^28 2 h +
2 2
OB - OP = BP & r sec q - r = OP ...(3)
4 7 4 7

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Length of arc AP , Semi-circles are drawn as shown in the figure. Find

! the area of the shaded region. Use p = 227 .
AP = q # 2pr

= q # 2pr = qpr ...(4)

360 180
Substituting values from equation (2), (3), (4) in
equation (1) we get perimeter of shaded region as

= r tan q + r sec q - r + qpr


= r :tan q + sec q + qp - 1D
Hence, Proved.
Ans : [Board Term-2 2011]
90. In fig., find the area of the shaded region. Use p = 22
7 .
Area of shaded region
= 2 (Area of semi-circle of radius 7
2 cm)
- 2 (Area of semi-circle of radius 7
8 cm)

= 2 ;1 # 22 # b 7 l E - 2 ;1 # 22 # b 7 l E
2 2

2 7 2 2 7 8

= 2 # 1 # 22 # b 7 l ;1 - b 1 l E
2 2

2 7 2 4

= 77 :1 - 1 D = 77 # 15 = 1155 cm2
2 16 2 16 32

= 36.09 cm2
Ans : [Board Term-2 2011]
92. Two circles touch internally. The sum of their areas is
Area of square = ^14h = 196 cm
2 2 116p and the difference between their centres is 6 cm.
Find the radii of the circles.
Ans : [ Board Term-2 Foreign 2017]
= 22 # b 7 l cm2
Area of internal circle
7 2 Let the radius of larger circle be x and the radius of
smaller circle be y . As per question statement we have
= 77 = 38.5 cm2 shown diagram below.
Area of semi-circle with 14 cm diameter

= 1 # 22 # 72 cm2
2 7

= 77 cm2
Area of two quarter circles of radius 2 cm

= 2 # 1 # 22 # b 7 l = 77 = 19.25 cm2

4 7 2 4

Shaded area = 196 - 38.5 + 77 + 19.25

Now x-y = 6 ...(1)
= 292.25 - 38.5
and px2 + py2 = 116p
= 253.75 cm2.
p ^x2 + y2h = 116p

91. In fig., AC = BD = 7 cm and AB = CD = 1.75 cm. x2 + y2 = 116 ...(2)

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Chap 12 Areas Related to Circles Page 361

From (1) and (2) we have 94. In the given figure, TABC is a right angled triangle
in which +A = 90c. Semicircles are drawn on AB, AC
x2 + ^x - 6h2 = 116 and BC as diameters. Find the area of the shaded
x2 + x2 - 12x + 36 = 116 region.

x2 - 6x - 40 = 0
x2 - 10x + 4x - 40 = 0
x ^x - 10h + 4 ^x + 10h = 0
x = 10, and y = 10 - 6 = 4
Hence, radii of the circles are 10 cm and 4 cm.

93. A park is of the shape of a circle of diameter 7 m.

It is surrounded by a path of width of 0.7 m. Find
the expenditure of cementing the path. If its cost is Ans : [Board Term-2 OD 2017]
Rs.110 per sq. m.
Ans : [Board Term-2 Foreign 2017] In TABC we have
As per question statement we have shown diagram +A = 90c, AB = 3 = 3 cm, and AC = 4 cm
Now BC = AB2 + AC2 = 32 + 42 = 5 cm.
Area of shaded Area

= Area of semicircle with radius 3 cm

+ area of semi circle with radius 4 cm
+ Area of triangle TABC)

- Area of semicircle with radius 5 cm

= p b 3 l + p ^2 h2 + 1 # 3 # 4 - p b 5 l
2 2

2 2 2 2 2 2
The inner diameter of park = 7 m
= 9p + 2p + 6 - 25p = 9p + 16p - 25p + 6
radius = 7 = 3.5 m 8 8 8
= 6 cm2
Width of path = 0.7 m
Radius of park with path 95. In the given figure, two concentric circle with centre
O have radii 21 cm and 42 cm. If +AOB = 60c, find
= 3.5 + 0.7 = 4.2 m the area of the shaded region. Use p = 227 .
Area of the path = p ^4.2h2 - p ^3.5h2

= 22 ^17.64 - 12.25h

= 22 # 5.39 = 22 # 0.77

= 16.94 m2
Cost of the cementing the path
= 16.94 # 110 Ans : [Board Term-2 Foreign 2016]

= Rs.1863.40 We have redrawn the given figure as shown below.

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Area of shaded region

= Area of sector OQBPO - Area of square OABC

= pr2 90c - ^20h2


= 3.14 # (20 2 ) 2 # 90c - ^20h2


= 3.14 # 200 - 400

Here +AOB = 60c and +COD = 60c
= 628 - 400 = 228
R = 42 cm, r = 21 cm
Required area is 228 cm2.
Reflex of +AOB ,
97. In the given figure, O is the centre of the circle with
q = ^360c - 60ch = 300c
AC = 24 cm, AB = 7 cm and +BOD = 90c. Find the
Now, area of shaded region area of the shaded region.

pR2 q - pr2 q = qp ^R2 - r2h

360c 360c 360c

= 300c # 22 # ^422 - 212h

360c 7

= 5 # 22 # ^42 - 21h^42 + 21h

6 7

= 5 # 22 # 21 # 63
6 7

= 5 # 11 # 63 = 3465 cm2
Thus area of shaded region is 3465 cm2.
Ans : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2017]
96. A square OABC is inscribed in a quadrant OPBQ of We have redrawn the given figure as shown below.
a circle. If OA = 20 cm, find the area of the shaded
region. [Use p = 3.14 ]

Here TCAB is right angle triangle with +CAB = 90c

Ans : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2014]
In right TCAB , by Pythagoras theorem, we have
BC2 = AC2 + AB2 = 242 + 72
We have OB = OA2 + AB2
= 576 + 49 = 625
= 202 + 202 = 800 Thus BC = 25 cm which is diameter. Now radius is
Thus OB = 20 2 cm 2 or 12.5 cm.

Area of shaded region,

Radius r = 20 2
= area of semicircle +area of quadrant - area of TACB

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Chap 12 Areas Related to Circles Page 363

= 1 pr2 + 1 pr2 - 1 # AB # AC
2 4 2

= 3 pr2 - 1 # 7 # 24 = 3 # 22 # 625 - 7 # 12
4 2 4 7 4

= 368.3035 - 84 = 284.3 cm2

Thus area of shaded region = 284.3035 cm2

98. In given figure ABPC is a quadrant of a circle of

radius 14 cm and a semicircle is drawn with BC as
diameter. Find the are of the shaded region. Ans : [Board Term-2 OD 2017]

Area of shaded region,

= Area of rectangle ABCD - area of semicircle

= 21 # 14 - p # 72

= 294 - 1 # 22 # 7 # 7
2 7

= 294 - 77 = 217 cm2

Perimeter of shaded area
Ans : [Board Term-2 SQP 2017] = AB + AD + CD + CB
Radius of the quadrant AB = AC = 14 cm = 21 + 14 + 21 + 22 # 7
BC = 142 + 142 = 14 2 cm
= 21 + 14 + 21 + 22 = 78 cm
Radius of semicircle = 14 2 = 7 2 cm Hence, area of shaded region is 217 cm2 and perimeter
is 78 cm.
= 1 p ^7 2 h
Area of semicircle
2 100.In the figure OABC is a quadrant of a circle of radius
7 cm. If OD = 4 cm, find the area of shaded region.
= 1 # 22 # 98
2 7

= 154 cm2
Area of segment BPCO
pr2 q - 1 r2 = r2 pq - 1
360c 2 b 360c 2 l

= 14 # 14 b 22 # 90 - 1 l
7 360 2

= 14 # 14 b 11 - 1 l
14 2 Ans : [Board Term-2 Foreign 2014]

= 14 # 14 # 2 = 56 cm2 Area of shaded region,

= Area of sector OCBAD - Area of TODC
Hence, area of shaded region is 56 cm2.
= p # 72 # 90c - 1 # 7 # 4
99. In the given figure, ABCD is a rectangle of dimensions 360c 2
21 cm # 14 cm. A semicircle is drawn with BC as
diameter. Find the area and the perimeter of the = p # 49 # 1 - 14 = 49p - 14 = 24.5 cm2
4 4
shaded region in the figure.

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Page 364 Areas Related to Circles Chap 12

101.Figure shows two arcs PAQ and PQB . Arc PAQ is

a part of circle with centre O and radius OP while
arc PBQ is a semi-circle drawn on PQ as diameter
with centre M . If OP = PQ = 10 cm show that area
of shaded region is 25 a 3 - p k cm2.

If we subtract area of two semicircle AOD and COB

, from square ABCD we will get area of part 1 and
part 2.
Area of square = 14 # 14 = 196 cm2

Radius of semicircle = 14 = 7 cm

Area of semicircle AOB + DOC

Ans : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2016]
= 22 # 72 = 154 cm2
We have +POQ = 60c
So, area of each of two shaded part
and OP = OQ = PQ = 10
196 - 154 = 42 cm2
Area of segment PAQM ,
Hence, area of four shaded parts is 84 cm2.
= c 100p - 100 3 m 103.In the given figure DACB is a quadrant of a circle
6 4
cm2 with centre O and radius 3.5 cm. If OD = 2 find the
area of the region.
Area of semicircle = p5 = 25p cm2
2 2

Area of shaded region,

= 25p - b 50p - 25 3 l
2 3

= 25 a 3 - p k cm2.
102.In fig. ABCD is a square of side 14 cm. Semi-circle are
drawn with each side of square as diameter. Find the
area of the shaded region. Use p = 227 . Ans : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2017]

Area of shaded region,

= area of quadrant OACB - area TDOB

= 1 pr2 - 1 # base # height

4 2

= 1 # 22 # 3.52 - 1 # 2 # 3.5
4 7 2

= 3.5 b 1 # 22 # 3.5 - 1l
4 7

Ans : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2016, STD SQP 2021] = 3.5 b 11 - 1l = 3.5 # 7 = 6.125
4 4
We have redrawn the given figure as shown below. Hence the area of shaded region is 6.125 cm.

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Chap 12 Areas Related to Circles Page 365

104.As ABDC is a quadrant of a circle of radius 28 cm round is equal to the circumference of circle.
and a semi-circle BEC is drawn with BC as diameter. Radius of the circle formed by long hand = 6 cm. and
Find the area of the shaded region. Use p = 227 . radius of the circle formed by short hand = 4 cm.
Distance travelled by long hand in one round
= circumference of the circle 2 # 6 # p
Distance travelled by long hand in 24 rounds
= 24 # 12p = 288p
Distance travelled by short hand in a round = 2 # 4p
Distance travelled by short hand in 2 round
= 2 # 8p = 16p
Sum of the distance = 288p + 16p = 304p
Ans : [Board Term-2 SQP 2017] = 304 # 3.14 = 954.56 cm
As ABC is a quadrant of the circle, +BAC will be
106.Three semicircles each of diameter 3 cm, a circle of
diameter 4.5 cm and a semicircle of radius 4.5 cm are
In TABC , BC2 = AC2 + AB2 drawn in the given figure. Find the area of the shaded
= ^28h2 + ^28h2 = 2 # ^28h2

BC = 28 2 cm
Radius of semi-circle drawn on BC ,

= 28 2 = 14 2

= 1 p ^14 2 h
Area of semi-circle

= 1 # 22 # 14 # 14 # 2
2 7
Ans : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2013]
= 616 cm2
Area of shaded region
Area of TABC = 1 # 28 # 28 = 392 cm2
= Area of semicircle with d = 9 cm
Area of quadrant = 1 # 22 # 28 # 28 + Area of semicircle with d = 3 cm
4 7

= 616 cm2 - 2 # area of semicircle with d = 3 cm

Area of the shaded region - area of circle with d = 4.5 cm

= 1 # p #b9l + 1 # p #b3l
2 2
= Area of semi-circle +area of T - Area of quadrant 2 2 2 2
= 616 + 392 - 616 = 392 cm2.
- 2 # 1 # p # b 3 l - p # b 4.5 l
2 2

2 2 2
105.The long and short hands of a clock are 6 cm and 4 cm
long respectively. Find the sum of distances travelled
= p [(9) 2 + (3) 2 - 2 (3) 2 - 2 (4.5) 2]
by their tips in 24 hours. (Use p = 3.14 ) 8
Ans : [Board Term-2 Foreign 2015]
= p [4 (4.5) 2 + (3) 2 - 2 (3) 2 - 2 (4.5) 2]
Long hand makes 24 rounds in 24 hours 8
and short hand makes 2 round in 24 hours.
Distance travelled by tips of hands in one = p [2 (4.5) 2 - (3) 2] = p [2 (3 # 1.5) 2 - (3) 2]
8 8

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XIX Commonwealth Games; a major sporting event.

p (3)
= [2 (1.5) 2 - 1] = 9p [4.5 - 1]
8 8

= 9 # 22 # 3.5 = 99 = 12.375 cm2

8#7 8

Thus area of shaded region is 12.375 cm2.

107.In fig., ABCDEF is any regular hexagon with different

vertices A, B, C, D, E and F as the centres of circle
with same radius r are drawn. Find the area of the
shaded portion.
Jawaharlal Nehru stadium is conducting the annual
sports competition soon. The curator of the stadium
is tasked to figuring out the dimensions for carving
out some areas allotted for a hockey court and a
shooting range, as shown in the figure below.

Ans : [Board Term-2 2011]

Let n be number of sides.

Now n # each angle = ^n - 2h # 180c
6 # each angle = 4 # 180c
each angle = 120c
The shapes of the hockey court and the shooting
Area of a sector = pr2 # 120c range are square and triangle respectively. Both of the
360c courts have a common edge that touches the centre
of stadium. The construction of the shooting range is
Area of 6 shaded regions = 6pr2 # 120c
360c such that the angle to centre is 90c. The radius of the
stadium is 200 metres.
= 2p r 2
(i) What is the area allotted to shooting range ?
(a) 12, 600 m2
(c) 20, 000 m2
108.Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium is a multi-purpose sports (d) 16, 880 m2
stadium and a very popular sports stadium of Delhi.
The stadium is a part of the Jawaharlal Nehru (ii) What is the area allotted to hockey court ?
sports complex in central Delhi, which also houses (a) 12, 600 m2 (b) 22, 000 m2
the headquarters of the Sports Authority of India, (c) 20, 000 m2 (d) 16, 880 m2
the field arm of the Ministry of Youth Affairs and
Sports, and the Indian Olympic Association . It (iii) If the team of the curators managing the stadium,
has a capacity to seat 60,000 people. It is the third likes to allot space for some more sports, how
largest multi-purpose stadium in India. In 2010, the much area is available to them?
Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium was the main stadium for (a) 85, 600 m2 (b) 95, 800 m2
(c) 60, 040 m2 (d) 76, 980 m2

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Chap 12 Areas Related to Circles Page 367

(iv) If the boundaries of the hockey court and shooting For triangle, length of AB ,
range are to be fenced, then what is the required
AB = OA2 + OB 2
length of the fence ?
(a) 200 ^2 + 5 3 h m (b) 200 ^2 + 3 2 h m = 2002 + 2002
(c) 200 ^2 + 5 2 h m (d) 200 ^2 + 3 3 h m = 200 2 m
(v) If the cost of fencing is Rs 6 per metre, what is Perimeter of triangle,
the total cost of fencing ?
OA + OB + AB = 200 + 200 + 200 2
(a) Rs 2400 ^2 + 3 2 h (b) Rs 1200 ^2 + 5 2 h
(c) Rs 1200 ^2 + 3 2 h (d) Rs 2400 ^2 + 3 2 h = 400 + 200 2

Ans : Perimeter of square,

(i) Here TAOB is a right-angled triangle in which 4a = 4 # 100 2 = 400 2
AB is a hypotenuse.
Boundary need to be fenced,
Now AO = OB
= 400 + 200 2 + 400 2
= radius of circle = 200 m
= 400 + 600 2
Thus area of TAOB ,
= 200 ^2 + 3 2 h m
= 1 # OA # OB Thus (b) is correct option.
(v) Cost of Fencing = Length of Fence # Rate
= 1 # 200 # 200 = 20, 000 m2
= 200 ^2 + 3 2 h # 6
Thus (c) is correct option.
(ii) Here OCDE is a square whose diagonal is equal to = 1200 ^2 + 3 2 h
the radius of the circle. Let a be side of square. Thus (c) is correct option.
Now a + a = ^200h
2 2 2
109.A barn is an agricultural building usually on farms and
2 used for various purposes. A barn refers to structures
2a = 200 # 200
that house livestock, including cattle and horses, as
a = 100 # 100 # 2 well as equipment and fodder, and often grain.

= 100 2 m

a2 = ^100 2 h = 20, 000 m2

Area of square
Area of hockey court is equal to area of shooting
Thus (c) is correct option.
(iii) Unoccupied area of stadium,
=Area of circle - (Area of hockey court + area Ramkaran want to build a barn at his farm. He has
made a design for it which is shown above. Here roof
of shooting court) is arc of a circle of radius r at centre O .
= pr - ^20, 000 + 20, 000h
2 (i) What is the value of radius of arc ?
(a) 4 3 m
= 40, 000p - 40, 000
(b) 4 2 m
= 40000 (p - 1)
(c) 4 3 m
= 40, 000 # 2.14 = 85, 600 m2 (d) 2 2 m
Thus (a) is correct option.
(ii) What is the curved width of roof ?
(iv) Boundaries need to be fenced (a) 2p 3 m (b) 4p 2 m
= perimeter of triangle + perimeter of square (c) 2p 2 m (d) 4p 3 m

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(iii) What is area of cross section of barn ? = 48 + 8p = 8 ^6 + p h

(a) 8 ^6 + p h m2 (b) 4 ^6 + p h m2 Thus (a) is correct option.
(c) 8 ^3 + p h m 2
(d) 4 ^3 + p h m 2
(iv) Curved surface area of roof
(iv) If the length of the barn is 12 meters, what is the = 2p 2 # 12
curved surface area of roof?
= 24 2 p m2
(a) 32 2 p m2 (b) 16 2 p m2
Thus (d) is correct option.
(c) 48 2 p m2 (d) 24 2 p m2
(v) Storage capacity of barn,
(v) What is the storage capacity of barn ?
= Cross section area # Length
(a) 48 ^6 + p h m3 (b) 48 ^6 + p h m3
(c) 96 ^6 + p h m3 (d) 96 ^3 + p h m3 = 8 ^6 + p h # 12

Ans : = 96 ^6 + p h m3
(i) We redraw the cross section of barn as shown Thus (c) is correct option.
below. 110.The tunnels are defined as the underground passages
that are used for the transportation purposes. These
permit the transmission of passengers and freights, or
it may be for the transportation of utilities like water,
sewage or gas etc. The tunnel engineering is one of the
most interesting disciplines in engineering. The work
is complex and difficult throughout its course, even
though it is interesting.

In right triangle TAFO ,

AO = AF2 + FO2

= 42 + 42 = 4 2 m
Thus AO = 4 2 which is also radius of curved arc.
Thus (b) is correct option.
(ii) In right angle triangle TAFO is also isosceles
Thus, +FAO = +FOA = 45c
Similarly, +FOC = 45c
Earth is excavated to make a road tunnel. The tunnel
Thus +AOC = +AOF + +FOC is a cylinder of radius 7 m and length 450 m.
A level surface is laid inside the tunnel to make road.
= 45c + 45c = 90c
Figure shows the circular cross - section of the tunnel.
The level surface is represented by AB , the centre of
Curved width 2prq = 2p # 4 2 # 90c
360c 360c the circle is O and +AOB = 90c. The space below
AB is filled with rubble (debris from the demolition
= 2p 2 m buildings).
Thus (c) is correct option.
(iii) Area of cross section
= Area of AECD +
+ Area of section ABCO - Area of triangle ACO

p ^4 2 h # 90c 1

= 8#8+ - #4#8
360c 2

= 64 + 8p - 16

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Chap 12 Areas Related to Circles Page 369

Steel girders are erected above the tracks to strengthen

the tunnel. The girders are erected at 6 m intervals Area of cross section of tunnel,
along the length of the tunnel, with one at each end. = Area of circle - Area AMBC
(i) What is the cross section area of tunnel before
= Area of circle - (Area of OACB - Area of TOAB )
filling debris on ground plane ?
2 2
(a) 154 m2 = pr2 - c pr - r m
4 2
(b) 140 m2
2 2
(c) 155 m2 = 3pr + r
4 2
(d) 145 m2
(ii) What is the area of cross section of tunnel after = r ^3p + 2h
filling debris on ground plane?
(a) 138 m2 (b) 140 m2
= 7 # 7 c 3 # 22 + 2 m = 140 m2
4 7
(c) 152 m 2
(d) 145 m 2

Thus (b) is correct option.

(iii) What is the length of each girder ?
(iii) Length of each girder is length of curved part of
(a) 11 m (b) 22 m
(c) 33 m (d) 44 m
2pr ^360c - 90ch
(iv) How many girders are erected ? 360c
(a) 76 (b) 75
2 # 22 # 7 ^360c - 90ch
(c) 74 (d) 73 = 7
(v) If the weight of 1 meter girder is 25 kg, how much
steel is required ? = 2 # 22 # 270c = 33 m
(a) 2508 quintals (b) 627 quintals 360c

(c) 2246 quintals (d) 1646 quintals Thus (c) is correct option.
(iv) Since 1 girder is placed at every 6 m, total girder
Ans :
(i) Cross section area of tunnel before filling debris on
ground plane, = 450 + 1
pr2 = 7 # 7 # 7 = 154 m2 = 75 + 1 = 76 girder

Thus (a) is correct option. Thus (a) is correct option.

(ii) The geometry of cross-section is shown below. (v) Total requirement of girder
= 76 # 33 = 2508 meter
Total weight of girder
= 2508 # 25
= 62700 kg = 627 quintal
Thus (b) is correct option.

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Thus area of TAOB = r
Area of circular section OACB
2 2 2
= pr q = pr 90c = pr
360c 360c 4

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