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Pericles Tells ef the Greatness of Athens (ANCIENT GREECE) Pericles delivered Hes speteh commemorating tre Abeaian selditrs uko died im te butte OF Atens and Sparta ( 47) ~404 80), Marten by Thucydides, © Bepore [pane the dead, | must port out by what Prinuples op achun we Se rl pinnae undey Weak shivhans aad treauyh what manner of lire me became great, su thenghty may pergit Hee astubly of cihzens and shaagers . pur forte of govern does aok enter tafu rivaley wit the imshihons sp ofbans, sue da nok Copy oar reishbers , bet are an exam ple b thers |b ig tue that ue are called | a domveraty, for tee administrahon 1s ta the hands of the many, net op the few. But while law secures eral Shee all alle '% Prim prvate di putes, the claim op exullence Js also recequized and whoa cihren 15 any way Austinguihed he is petfercd be the public seavuee, Rot as « matter op privilege, but as the reward op merits Neither 16 poverty & hindrance, bua maa may benegit his countny whatever be tre hidden-ness of hes tadition, Thea ts no exclusivencss tn oat public ge, ard im Our prvate cowesahans me are not suspicians of ene arothty , nor acgry wih OF heighbor re be dees what be hues 5 we do not pub on sour levles at him which trough harmless, are not pleasant, While we are nok corstmined 'n our prvale cawersahans a spint of Teertare pavedes aur publie act 5 me are preveated fram doing wring by respect Gor tre authorities and for te laws, having an especial regarel for those. fasted Go the protechon of fhe layered fend we Wave not forgitta te proale for our tired spits many relonheet fri Fil; Me have regular games angl sacrifies Hermglark the year, out homes are beau ~ Dhol eye, gad tre delight we Aaily Geel ta all Frere thing helps to banish sadaess Because of the greutness of owe City Ane rib op the eat Elaw & vpm us pe enyoy tre qeods of other comnnes a freely as our own. Me rely Kot upm management nor dncluury but upon on heart and hands. Anda the mate, ef eduahom wacat They (rom carly youth are always undergoing lahorians exercises TP mala Hen brave, we live ab ease and yet ant equally ready ty fate the perils whit Pay (A «toe do not anhupate the pair, altraugh, wha tre hoe Comes me can be ac brave as trole who neuer Hllav themselves ty rest) oar city, thee, 1s equally admirable Iw pence, fa war, We an lovers of be beauhpel , yet Simple in owe fastes and we Culhvaht ae mind witht loss op shengh op character. We use wealH not for frlle and bragging , (shaw oft) bat when trae 1s real use for it To admit poverhy Gor us, 16 no disgrace = The tre disqrau Us doing nothing ty prevent prverty swe reqard a man who tales do rakeeesk 1g public apparrs, hot 45. harmless, but a useless chameHy . For we have a | peculiar pomta tf tuntiing before me ach and power of acting too, Wule of-er men act coarnges frome wynorance, WE 490 slaw fy retlech. Are te benvest Spinks who, raving tre clearest seave bon of the pains andl pleasures op het, de not Sheinle fame anger In Being geod, agar Ire are nok he the others + me male oun Erlend by giving, nob by reuervirg Iw aor he ve ques for Heat 15 called He friend, for he may fale bus kindness dnd beep alive the memory of aa oblegchon to be paid, and alse tue reece, 5 IA fess Veeaunn Me lines Hat ve giving bathe tre othe’ geneesty le will not be thanked , becmse he i only paying a debt» We alone de ged t ow neghbers mot by calculating of interes, bul i the Coupideae of freedom yaad id a franle, fearless spicy Such is Fhe aity for whose sale tree men mebly fought and died , they could not bear the Thaght treb she might be taken away fom then v- we who suevive shold gladly work om her behale, “ The High- minded ,The Petty and tre Vane (ANCIENT GREECE) by ActStoHe ( 394-322 BC) Micomachern Etnics High- mindedness somns te be caer with great and lopty malas. A man 5 regarded as high-minded ver be thins he desewes great rings aed actvally deserves them; one who thinks he desemes trom but dees not \s a Fool A persn whe ceserves We and Hanks he casernes lMHe is nek high-minded , but if a man who ums Ins Mmifations A high minded man dees not alec small rss dnd sinw there are aly a few ftuings ulish he lhonors, be ts nok even ford of risks. Put he mall face great risks, and In tre midst op trem he will not save bs own lye, aware that hte at any cost is not worl having He is the lind of man whe wll do gerd , but who ty ashamed +o acceph a gard because” giving “15 a Sign of ae Sup ter man, “recaving" 15 somefiing Iapertor, He will relven gord unth a greater goods. Trey Iter wil pleasure ty what hey have done ut with displeawure to what good Hey have reaived. IIs furtier, typical op a high~ painded man wot to asle for any favors ,or only reluctantly , but to offer help readily. He will not g¢ 19 for qursulty frat the common people valve, nor fer tuose in which the sh plaw belongs to otters Ke 1s slow to act, excep when sume great hornet ts at stale . His achons are few yy Rca great and distinguished He must be open tn hate and open im love, & for be bale one's feelings dnd dv care mere fur the opinion of viters than (or Huth IS tee pits He canook adyst hey lige ty doother, exupt a frend, for te do se ts pra ts why all Flutterers ace secvile and peeple (ram lower linds op mind ner. HE mot given qo admerahon for notcng is greak fo hin. : peas no gevges, gor iF ic wok Hypa of a high-minded man te have « long especially For WMA S, but rather ty overlovle them + He is nok 4 gessip, for slash ace (latte He memeny y he will Halle neither about hinsele nom abort oberg, since he is not mleresfed In bearing humsely prarsed or alters pulled dawn, Wor ayaa he given to praise: Fer ds reitsay he dees nok speal evil ef Oferg, not even of Ait enemaes edcept fo Scorch them . hey he enconbers mo fortnes tak ane unaverdable er insighiticant, he will nel Tament nor aste gor help Fer tha, me thats of a slow gait as a sign op iigh-minded man a deep yore a deliberate way ef Spealing. For a man who tiles few things seriously, is valilely tbe ta a hurry , Not eve To be excitable. Vain pesple om He other hand; are fols ard do not lmww teuselves aad they slow it openly Tey tale 1m hand honorable enkerprises ef which fey are rot worthy, and they ace fond oF. Tey Gill themselves with clothes and Showy gear and wish so publiwze What Gorbune ([vck) has given thom « They Frlle about fren Erbe, beheving that tf will give them hener. : EVCHEIRIDION Cmanyal) by Epictetvs (Ad. 50-30) ANCIENT GREECE Sime things are mder ovr control, while other are not under our combo], Under cur cnato\ are. thayhts , choiee, desire, In sherk, everything that 1s ovr own doing. Not under aur control ace ant bedy , HF prapeahy repyinhion , ofpice yin sherk, ereagtning you wish bo Cartro| what 1s Rot unler yoor conty| then you nle only what 1S your ame noone, there tat is nef oar own Doing « (¢ will Grieve, you will blame. bot ged aad men, while ie you He own what yor can combo] then no one will binder you, you wall bl will be no harm that can ford yu © tlh evengfiing whisk enfertrins yau / 8 useful, Om yor are (endl of ,remonbe, to say te yoarsele at fhe beginning ," Maat rs ib nalvre 2” le you ae fond of a Jug, Say, “tam fond oa ug” for whew tt is broken you will nok be disturbed - lp you less Your own Child, wige or parent, Say to yoursele that yor are Merssing a human’ being se when it dies ye will nok be distebed . HFS nok the things tamselees frat dsfurk men , but fair yuidgments about dese Anings HE 1s 4 sign of an uneducated pers ty blame others when he experiences rue abo rawsing « Laeghy , (0 IS ia lead of behavior fat ships easily by vulgarity certain de lessen the reseeck others have frward you tb dangeress and alse Pe Gall wate fort language, Meregore (Cb happens, reprove Phe person ube has fallen te ik, or hep sileyh Showing Jat yo ave des plensed fe yor eetrtalec a role whl ys keyed your powers, you both dis genet yoursele dad at te sume He neglect the role whi might have been accomplished vy ethers Twa mace o¢ ha unagicked maa fo spend co much hime for his body af in pavek exerci, PU eating, muck evaleing , mvc copulabing « Let your attend ion rastead be Acvoted fo the mind - You art ro longer « bey, but alecady 4 growing up yourg man ale you are now neglectful and easy gorey, aad always maleing one delay a¢ker anotrer, pale up yar mind there core , before IF is too late, realize trap if depends on a Singlt day ca Single action wheter progness is lost or saved , Tao TE CHING (bao ne INL Y ANCIFNT CHINA

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