Deutsch in 30 Tagen

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Deutsch in 30 Tagen German in 30 Days Der kompakte Sprachkurs A language course for beginners yo poses sete + Ako lable ax at wth an ado LI) L Langenscheidt aor Langenscheidt Deutsch in 30 Tagen German in 30 days Von Angelika G. Beck Langenscheidt Berlin - Minchen «Wien »Zirich - New York i ya65- nn beet M22 yosanegsunsnzg/2/u0o"eqn3t Heme Sea Unwekinwes geuck au eho glue Papi Unschlggetlung Independent Medicn Dei Zachman im tse Ul Marner aed ebsra Macon Techies (© 1998, 2000, 201 by Langenacheide KG, Resin und Munchen Druck: Druckhas Langenei, Bein Pic in Gsm ISBN 3-46829507-9 solange de Introduction 12 ‘Spelling and pronuncavion SSCS Grammar personal pronoun present tense: regular verbs resent rense: selmand haber » affirmative statements ‘ questions: with and without a question word Lifein Germany. Forms of address» Dialects Grammar: nouns: gender » definite and indefinite article sverb with the nominative and verb with the accustive definite and indefinite article: nominative and accusative ® question words for persone and thinge: nominative and accusative modal verbs: Kennen, ditfon and ,méchten* Life in Germany: Greeting someone and saying goodbye Grummar parle dean present tense: regular verbs ‘= modal vets wollen, sollen and muissen » modal verb and ‘eib: word order a the meaning of the modal verbs f= pronoun man = negation nicht» prepositions with the ‘ccusative « prepsicion in Life in Germany: Local transport oa no ee ee andy 7153 2 yosynogbunznzg/2/uoo"eqayn6k 2 \ 5 Grammar: word formation: compounds ‘etumbers: 01000000 « cime sim of day « day of the week * word order with time words» countries and nationalities ‘definite and indefinite article: nominative and accusative (Gingula and plural) © nouns: singular and plusal, Life in Germany: Opening hours Grammar: parcle aber a demonstrative pronoun: nominative and accusative m personal pronoun: nominative and accusative ‘years money telephone numbers and postcodes Life in Germany: Post office w Post codes Currency cz] Grammar: adjective afer soln adjective folowing the definite atile: nominative and accusative w adjective following the [Nore tht the polit fem Seis used for both che 2nd person singular and plural. Wohnen Stein Munchen? (frau Gtiek) Wetec Origen or Mita (rau Gluck and Herr Mayer) Do you live in Munich? So. os SS oes oe 2 ee [Note that che forms ofthe Ist and 3rd person plural (wie and sle) and the polite fous of the 2nd person singular and plural (Sie) have the same ending as the infinitive: en ‘The forms ofthe 3d person singulat (er sle Jes) and 2nd person plural (ih have dhe same ending: - Complete the woret in Deutschland. feminine) sentences using the ‘rinast ier Hy comet personal 5 pronoun: eee tink Te. (masculine) kommt aus Meiko. (feminine) seat 47 seen Exercise, Grammar Lesson 2 wt carn ene a 7 TN ‘Complete the 11 the(lermen) Deutsch. 1 Sie iz ick. OB scree using the 2, wir wonnen) in Berlin, 2 Wir Pech, of) ‘correct form of the“ 4 was snr rns as 95 mete 3 singular plural A ‘en bin wir a A ‘ah bist ie oad a ‘Sie ‘sind ‘Sie sind fe eye peiet oi 5. os singulae pl E ‘on ate ‘i haben a w hast ior habe E Sie haben Sie haben ¥ 3 r/sie/es hat sie haben sy Bilin the comect 4. Ou in Nomberg. 6 BY emote 2g fa Moncton 3.Sie ‘aus Kain. (stich and Per) 4. Wann wire Marcher? on komme aus Luxemburg. Icome fiom Luxembourg. ee yrs subject verb In statements the subject is in postion 1 and the verb in position 2 Wo wohnen Sie? ‘Where do you live? aes verb Eubject With question words (wana, wo...) the veb isin position 2 and the subjece in position 3, Kommen Sie aus Deutschland? Do you come from Germany? etd verb subject Without a question word, the verb isin position 1 and the subjetin position 2. 19 #2 jason Exercise, Vocabulary Vocabulary, Life in Germany Lesson 2 ey Nog Mate weet wobeunlcy Tokio Toyo 2B towing oa Peck haben te ek of FA searences: : on ae Sapporo Sapporo und. and ae: 3. Wo wotnt Theresa? sin robe wane? iced 2 saan Se yout) Wien Vienna \/ en cone wl ‘Stewardess, stewardess wir we , 4 Sie tint Kaffee und Mh ‘die wot where y: Stunden, die hours wohnen olive © 1 Se wont bei Frau Gk en ier ee 2 Sie wotet Luxemburg Tee der tea wet ~o fa fi 4 Nain, sie kommt aus Sapporo a ‘iis the polite form of. é helen Sie (Whats your A eae ame); We wohaen Slo, Frau Mer? (Where do you ig ae on peered ae tive Mee Miller). but she form of tes foe fends, ee en — acquaintances and relatives as well as for children and eae Hesecideeted be bene Young people up o about 16: Wle elt (Whats tae fam overs abe our ume), Wo wobnet Franz? (Where do you lv, gE EE Actin == America ich 1 me 92 PR Aveta, Anbu, in in 3 divs in ye S “Frau Glick Japan Japan ght Led nee ae oki is now in Munich, Munich sin 3 ina EE erie Comany antisthe cpied , £——Dewacland Germany Ka Cologne eee ae Ls, Dest Gown fname: seine some difficulty understanding people who spoke Bavarian. Sy Dursthaben co bethirsty Luxemburg Luxembourg, He Gest eae eg wna fetes Rar ese see o, excuseme Mann, der) man a Wa Mexiko Mexico something so Mil de mills, A dink fait ith 5 French Milnchen Munich woman ein 0 Gh, dase Tay Namberg Nuremberg “Glick haben oder or haben tohave —memelch Asis awn cwnomes 2 ak Fro lik Yi: For Glick Yi: 93 a 5 Gj ys = jmvez Re ‘ Taki: Fra Gl f ik For Clk i va Zane GL Tag Guten Tag, Frau Gluck! Ich bin Yuki ‘Guten Tag! Willkommen in Deutschland! [Bice kommen Sie hecin Danke! ler er das Wohnsimmer. Bist, nchmen Sie Plata! Sie sind sicher dueig, Méchten Sie cin Waser, cinen Kaffee oder cine Cali? Eine Cola bitte inf Hier ist die Kuch. Hier essen wit, Das ist las Schlafimmer, Das it das Bad. Da ken- nen Sie duschen. Und das Zimmer i fur Sie (Oh! Das Zimmer ist geoff und hell. Da habe ich viel laa, Es ibrauch einen Femscher! Jay Si konnen hier fernsehen oder im Wohnzimmer. Und wee ist das? Das ist Mainzc, die Kaee, Sie drfen Main- acl cuhig stsicheln, Ich liebe Ter. Ich habe 24 Hause cinen Hund, Er hei Minnchen, Dialogue, Grammar Lesson 2 ving at Mes Glick’, Yi lo, Ms Glick, Tn Yo Ny Glick Hall weleome to Germany. lee, come in ae Tank you, Me Glick ere he ving room. Passe, ave 2 et. suze po must be thy, Wald ou li ag wae, Tote or sole? Yai Neoke plane ‘Min licks eis he chen. Wet here. That the bedroom. That dhe baton You con have chow hee Aad ths rooen Bry ve (Os he rom sigan igh Ther lt of oom, Then TV, o, Mn Gls Ye you can wa tevin here in she Ling tits Kind who tha ‘Min Glick; Thats Mina shee. You may stoke Mana, you as Tove animal. gota dogat home, Hi nome Minnchen Each noun has its own gender, The definite article shows the gender: masculine dor, newer da, feminine de das Kind (das Bo das Wasser You should always learn nouns together with the article: der Fernseher, das Wasser, de Mich. ‘There ate some rules which help you recognise the gender, bur not for ll nouns Female persone are normally feminine, male persons are ‘masculine. However, there ate exceptions e das Madehon, Ibecause nouns withthe ending chen ac always neuter and ‘ake thearile das: das Brotchen, das Katzchen orewnonwee 23 rok Hy ~~ = any 75 2: yosqneqbunsnzg/2/uoo*aqnynBé~ Ne Sa Sear ‘Complete the sentences with dor, das or de: seer Grammar, Exercise Hund nett Miche, Baby sche Zimmer ist fr Sie, Bad ist p08. Femseher ist m Wohnzimmner. Grammar, Exercise Lesson 2 ‘masculine ‘neuter feminine der /ein ann das /eln Kind le / ene Frau ‘der ein Ketfee das /eln Wasser dle /elne Mich ‘You use the indefnice article ein, en, eine when something is unknown of new in che text. You use the definite article ‘der, dae, de when somthing is known or not new: Das ist etn Zimmer. Das Zimmer ist g1o8 urd hel. (That isa room. ‘The room is big and light) Complete correct article: bas ist Frau, Fru heist Yuk 2.0as it un. Hund eit Ménnchen. pe we ee Nouns cam be in four diferent cases: nominative, accusa- tive, dative oder genitive. Bir nat, jbunznrg/2/woo"aqagn6A-anhy /:5033 3 “The web determines which case the noun and article tke . seb with salma be \ the nominative Das st le Kiche, ‘That isthe kitchen, 4 verbs with haben, hauler, raucbon, g the acusaive taken, nohmen, magen fiiie of : ich mache). , to ave, w buy, to need to drink, wake, # tolike 3 Le (0) habe ne Katze. ave act as en monte einen Kalo, I like of. $y “ | ete and inde aie naminativ ad acon, \, singular masculine neuter——_‘feminine fominaive dere das /ein die / one Kato Wasser” Cola accustive den/enen das/en de /ene tattoo Wasser” Cola Exercise, Grammar Exercise, Grammar Lesson 2 Complerethe 4. eh méchte 00 und 5 sentences with Wasser. A in, one 4 2, len netme vatteem: I ‘oder einen: on FS 23 Yh rink cata 4 Yui nat Hua. 5. Frau Glick hat Katze. 2.0asist ate. Katze heft Mainz! ee a Person(s) Das ist Yow. (Das sind Yuk tnd Frau Gok Ian sone Yok Jen sone Yuko tind Frau Glick, Thing) (Das sind ewer Femscher. ich sene einen Jon sone zwei Fernsehen. Wer ist. das? Who is thae Wer sind die Frauen? Who are the women? Wen sehen Sie? Wen sehen Sie? Was ist das? Was sind cos? Was senen Sie? Was senen Sie? Whotm) do you see ‘Whotm) do you see? Whac is that What are these? ‘Whac da you sce? ‘Whar do you sce? > seoennormee 27 “2 pesson2 Exercise, Grammar Exercise, Vocabulary Lesson 2 BY, py Conplaate ee °° BA scnchees sng DS) cree es \/ y oan 2. on at da? Das it Frau Glick 2. conn kd? Ein Fernscher 2. leh she oie Letverin. nu eben Sie? 4. leh nehme einen Kaffee. rnehmen Sie? 1. Wir sehen YU nn sehen Sie? pata Ye sonmen cin i cr fan wir ‘kono é a famst—iw—tt 3 Se ‘éonen Se onnen 3 r/sie/es tan se —_Aoonen 3 Atrfony 3 im art wr hrton a a dortst nor 3 Se diren Sie ron i or/se/es dat ie irton 3 sméchten* would lke (Subjuncive 1! ofmaeen) vi Ea ‘nochte tr mehton yh w rmochtnt ity mente al} Sie ‘mocien Se mdchton Py r/ se /es michele —-méchton \V y - Complerethe 4. Was (méehten). trnken? correc form of Snare Met) irri and vméehten:: pees 3. Yuk (kémnen) sm Won szmmer femsenen, 4 he (kéonen) im ad sduschen, 5. bu (aurfen) ier rauchen, Ankunf, ——artival fur for . die," gro big 5 auch 109 guten Tag! hallo Fi ‘Auto, das,-s car halt Tighe A Baby, das,-s baby herein in: in ES Badydas,-"er bathtoom kommen Sie brauchen ro need herein chen, das, roll hier here Biro, dass office Hund, des,-e dog Cola, die, coke Kater, det - tomcat a then Katzchen, das, -kiten danke thankyou Katze die, cat Dienstag, Tuesday” kaufen robuy dene kénnen toca Donnerstag, Thursday Kiche, diey-n kitchen Lehrer, der, teacher may Lehterin, teacher thirsy dic, nea ddaschen (sich) cohavea lieben colike; love shower Madchen, itl, exgibe theres! das, there are Mitwoch, Wednesday essen wast dere femnschen towatch TV. méchten would like Fernscher, der, -tclevision(se) mogen rolike Freitag, der,-e Friday Montag, des.-e Monday pe neuwaeewaee — 29 Vocabulary, Life in Germany vessow | 5 Bye enc RO TT hea ee Teh Hi Y wouke cher sre 7 rake a sear ‘Sonntag, der, -e Sunday cd) e. Steward de + svar \/ ot scien controle Yuki Ich macht indie Sad faen Re Gender geen pean teal Frou Gluck: Da nchmen Sie am besten de U-Baho , Opaden-+ fanddnd—winken dink Yuki Wolst dean die Halestle? gates fopuik —Vaten den er father Frou Glick Gleich um die Eke e Platz, der,-"e room viel alot of Ya Wohin fihre die U-Bahn? fg Radio gs alta i ey Fra Glick Dit ne Zener, y aa arc wee inca Yili ‘Wie viele Stationen muss ich denn fahren? ee es oe cas Frau Glick Vier Srsionen bi os Zentrum 2 rule aoe Yuki; Wokann ih ine Farka fr de U-Bahn ys tren Woke, rng oom ‘aun? s Samstag, Saturday iad Frau Glick; Am Automaten oder am Kiosk. Kaufen Sie a ars fe ae am besten cine Senate ae Schlafsimmer, bedroom au Hause at home (am Kio) 3 ‘hn eee Yds Guten Morgen Eine Scien, bite. ys Herr Schmidt: Bitte schon! 15 DM. LS Cate Tl Sede Whe vie Suen Os ‘At any time of the day ‘muss ich stempeln? > 8 eee ueae Her Side De Setien hi Widerihen! 2 Formally by sing 3 {Guten Tag (ood day) F and shaking hands. In he morning une about 10am E You can aio get cach other with Guan Morgen! (God pi Inoeing an rom abou pm. ith Guten Abend! (Good evening). When you leave, you say Auf Wleder sehen! (Goodbye), and shake hands again. The informal way to eee someone isco say allo! oF Gris deh! The informal vay of saying goodbyes Tsehis (Bye. nese enuvoonesse 32 a any 78a ie Seer rete 1ungng/2/w0o" aan: IS oH KD tosineba Me 32 Calogue, Grammar Graneat vesson 3 Yali wans ogo cn Seats po favo Tek ere Eclat onthe degen fare i taven Mo Miocscnde coger is at Sige dows helo ot se fahren Sie fahren Mase Rygubistn tye (a fos ta 26 aren ge eon eres eal Meck er opediete torveton speak Hine Ghee Thy see she Uden eect ecm ‘Mrs Glick; From the ticket machine at Kock Pe bs sing pseeari cu scnat tr. sorect ee) Se Seooman Si oracn SS Gani ip pine ‘MrScbmide: Here you are 18 atl lene er/ sie /es spricht se sorechen eee eter hee ea, Sonny oe eae aT a salon wane ed Pana “ a wet a Se oon Se nebmen to rake en rene wr pohmen a ieet le nett Se fehmen Se netmen (er/ 21/05 nlmmt ie nehmen| soln should eh ‘ol! a solst Se ‘allen er/ se /es soll ion ‘muse oo muset Se missen HE PEER PEEL Bees oneunooewiess 33 Berrie eee 3. Wohin fst du? 4. Was rimmst du? foes Eoaus scot eae beers Ronis 2 Mo sot wom sf Ok ne fee ores a0, cn "Noe the position of che modal verb and infinitive in the following sentences. The infinitive always comes athe end of the sentence Yuki kana ity Watnzimmer —_fernseben, Wai will inde Stack faren question word: Wo kann ich eine Fatrharte kaufen? ‘Wie wele Stationen muss ich denn fahren? Lesson 3 Exercise, Grammar Grammar, Exercise omens poy Make questions 4. Was méchtest du tinken? PY using the ae Ff Sie foe: ‘oh Moinzel_—strelcheln? A 2. Wohin wist du fatvon? ‘modal verb infinitive ‘When dhe contea is clea. itis possible roomie the infiniive Ich mochte cinan Kaffee. (rken) Ti ke a cup ofeofee. Yuki win de Stadt. fahren) want to got town, Make sentences with modal verbs verbs in the infinitive: 11. Yuk! spict Deutsch. (kénnen) 2. Yu fae in be Stadt (wotlen) 3. Sle haut eine Fahrkate. (missen) 4. Sie stempott de Fanrkarte.(missen) wollen: oki wi ince Stat fanren. Yuki wants co go co rowa, Wolion expresses an intention ora wish. Children use this ‘word alo: ch wif ein Eis. (I want an ice-cream.) When sults wane something, they generally use the subjunctive ‘oF mogen: Ich mochte einen Katee, ( would like a coffee) allen: Ste sollen rich rauchen. You shouldn't smoke. ‘Satin expresses piece of advice ora recommendation. rinruncomcsse 38 ts Ne ee 2 no any 78a ee Sree eee eter uanzg/2/u0o qe IS —_ QD itosineati Me Yuki kann Deutsch serechen. Yuki can speak German. Yk kann auch Yuki can watch TV Wornammer fersehen, in the living room. ‘annen expresses possibility ability or permission. dirten: ier dart man rauchen. You are allowed ro smoke here Herder man nich rauehen. You ae no allowed to Dart ich ole Katze streinein? May I stroke the ca? Permission, prohibition, oF i used in palice questions. Complete oD 4. Hier / sentences wi ‘man parton. the correct forms ofan, re pe cr ee 3. Her man abbiegen @ 4. He rman nicht 5. ter man Kaffee tenken, ‘Verbs are made negative wich mle. Ie comes after the verb. ‘kommen Sie 2us Do you come from Deutschland? Germany? ‘Nein, ch komme nicht No, I dont come from ‘aus Deutschlan. Germany. > Lesson 3 Grammar Exercise, Grammar Lesson 3 Completethe a, leh then das ea, sentences with Zimmer zeigen? Yui muse 2 Streiten sterpeln. Yuki has ro stamp owo the correct forms ee Se ee ac Rio cine Farharte is auton ‘Miss expreses 4 necesscy or compulsion, mage presses 4 necessiy or compl Sollen or wollen: 3. Yi 200! Strofen noon: sterel, YuAt kann am Kiosk eine Yuki can buy a ae teem Fatrharte kaufen. sicker a the kiosk a7 wes jagnza/o/uoo" oqaanB&- anh 7788394 (2 in tar reese CIEE KD a tosaneasu E> Grammar, Exercise Das Zimmer it kein. ‘The room i small nein, das Zimmer No, che room sit small Istnleht kien. Ina sentence with a modal verb and an infiitive ‘lone comes berweea the two vebs aia English Jenkann mieht kommen,‘ eanecome, Du solist lene rauenen. You should smoke. Form sentences with not: 2 ich gohe in de Stat. 2. Wir fahren nach Pai. 3. len macnte femsehen. 4. Die Lat fet ins Zentrum, Complete the a. lernt Yun? sentences with te SR, peg tam era era 3 Ist de Hatestete? 4 wi Yuki Ftven? 8. wot Yi? 6 Stren muss Yok! Stampein? 2 {ahve die UBare? Grammar Lesson 3 Prepositions are normally found before a noun and require a paccular case (accusative, dative or genitive). Prepositions that take he accustive only ace: bls, dureh, fr, gen, ‘ohne od um. ‘Dor Zug fre dureh den Tunnel ‘The tain gos cough the cunnel Das Medikament it fir das Kind. ‘The medicine for the child Das Auto fat gegen den Baum, ‘The ear doves ino the ee. Wicreisen ome Gold um dle Wel Weare uxelling around world wichoue any money. reuwnoonesse 39 ean a Oe osanedéu Ne Exercise, Vocabulary cabal Life in Germany teason 3 Complete the ohne without Taxi das, + ash sentences wich YHA fhe sen paren fopark Tunnel canned tur, fr gegen, 2. geht 1 den feten fotmel den ne, um, Bs ee Sihoholde, —chocale —Uellaba, ——_Undesground ie Ce sellen sould um around Sprache, Language Mier four 4. Der2ugranrt Frank tien Wald, forest sprechen | wospeak den, “er See Eat Stadudie."e town welche which Station, Sop Wel world 6. Das Ato fart ie Ete deen dic, en aoa stempeln —cosamp ——wieviele how many? eee Strife, ip Wohin? where? eal Masi er wollen to wane Swrcifenkarte, sip cher Zentrum, Gente tien das die abbiegen tocar fale cop scien quart! Zeniren (PL) am (an dem) a Fablarte, —icer Student, Stadene Zag sain in'am Kiosk die deren de, ambestenthebestthing Fugaeug, plane aufWieder goodbye dase Sehen segen in into {nal big cies uch Bein, Me ele ember (local transport) inte inch cage deren Baum Frankfurt and Stactgar, cere Baum der, "e ce Geld, das, er money axe good public anspor systems. You can usally ge the Bite schin! here you are gleich just Same ket on buses, rams, che Underground or sub bis bisins co Fhatestell, —Satton ban rain. You cam get ches athe hiss in che sation, enteum dig-n from tckec machines and fom the diver onthe bus Blume die,-a flower ins (im das) ovo “Many ticket machines only eke coins, bur some aso cake Buch. das, "er book Kiosk dene Mosk Wand 20 DM nots. Ifyou travel onthe Underground denn then Mein sonal ‘or suburban cans in the ety cente, you must stamp your dickens sight man one ticket before going on she porn direkt ins Medikament, iedicine Zencrum dase durch hough misen must Ecke,dig a corner machin 0 Eisdas fercream "nach Pars 40 vere smunoverns 42 1 2G Pass * Heute Morgen gebt Yuki in di Scude. Dey Dentschunter rich beginnt, Die Ssteilnebmer kommen aus Frankie England elin, Spanien Polen, China Bolin, den USA tond Afthanitan. Ale wollen Deutch lrnen Fran Holzer: Guten Morgen! Heralich willkommen in der Schule. leh heife Frau Holzer. Ich as ek e ‘komme aus Deutschland und wohne in fi inci kh ce legen heme g tence Woke kommen Ss 95 ft eee € Pr Hole: Ged i belbon Se 5 Tae Lenka Nak : fe Hates dean | FRE Aiden lfc Maes eh i Ieee Funan Tule ; ae Hater Unda ae g Olivia: ‘ch komme aus Bolivien, aus La Paz bs Hate be Biche art cn Sanden 2 $e bite ode Bs Une begi a Seca cog Ube Von (01S Be 10S 3 eee Vidi: ——-‘Konnen wir eewas2u trinken kaufen? 2 yosaneat EER . ca \/ Dialogue Lesson 4 Fru Hole a Si konnen in ie Cafe gehen. Die Minayppase beans um 12-30 Une Nach- mite begin der Unc un 13.30 Uh Er date bs 1600 Uh Wee 2 Waheed pected ae ee ae ee ee Biblick gehen, Sc schics um 17.00 lie Wesage cree iieseap ae! eee ee tae es Raum 7 im EndgechosJeden Dientag pet ane ees Meee eevee eu ere 15.00 Uhr Heute Aend fee wi cine ele pete eee coe a Welw Sere Hee ere iiinrie a es iter eee er Toe Gerace ‘cin weksags um 20.00 Uht und irsapun ie One ‘The German course This marning Vis oig whe orgaay chal. Her Geran lng arte tog. Tech meme ecco fm Fem ‘Engl ic Spin Da CP, te USA and nt Thy a et kara re Meter” Goo morning. Welcame tothe hao: My name er Hale i rs Gray an ven Munich [keto get toknow you al. Where do you come at [mom Jpn fom Seppo MrHaleer. nd whats out tame? a My nas oki Nats Mm Her: Ande ae yx? Jamlaes” — Myeames eto Lc Mathie, I come fom France, cc Tele Me Holes Where yu come frm? Olnse cae fos Bala, or La Ps oneuwnoversig 4. a i “ lenme Dialogue, Grammar Exercise, Gommar Lesson 4 & 5 ‘MH, Socks mls ne ry, Hr ys me ae a py Hiker ery set amet bain by Skt 033% 1005, : sii Cectay sooeing ike rs Tae Peers teen scar erumeiog e 1230: Lemteanr agar 30m the encom ad \ eon ded ser ys we Sea, cae ata ne Mier: fer oles oan he ifr an hr 52 ted at Sak On Mondns Welneay ad ‘ c F z Tad chem wear te npege in feu onthe pd oe Ox eye el Te ¢ ‘Le weate inthe video rom Se aero Taay Be i S ec ed cbc Tati ging * fa apeeepetisen at eer eenlt Onut Sy edl yee Lens 12a 21 erdmonng 0 vrig 5 vate “HE the eg sam Le ee ee ee 2 sop. Siw 13 deaom 23 cede 6D sec z Ma thee: Teepe fine Shope ae at lak o0 & swelaprandat 4 acon Senda Oe re amen 2 ae, ai Sv 15 neem 25 Rang aD ach 3 6 sts 18 sabe 25 satuninanng 9D oan pS Sa 7 ston 47 satin 27 seboundramig 100 fenhincrt an Sam 18 ain 28 tte os New word cn be made a German by combining a noun ie 18 aie eames > g with nother now, soz 20 swig 30 eg 2 das Veo» derRaum = der Vidoraum 100 fnhundet 3 ideo oom video room 20 moninart 2000 mecasend 20000 monnlasserd 2 : oe 430 conde 3000 aetamend 20000 dedgoised | eee ee eee ae 2) S500 fart 5000 faaerd 50000 ffngasené die Stunden (P) + der Plan = der Stnderoln 00 sesndet GOD setinend DOWD secngacend ae phn dmetble 100 setrmacet 7000 sebetarend 70000 sateen? {Ro achmndet 8000 atauendSDOH ached {0 rentoret S000 newtavend SOOO reasons Bi] Form compounds 4. de Stat das Zatum 41000 (enfaerd 10000 rmtavsed 10000 feotundert BY and il inthe ae - “ = 1010000 ee ten Ei 2. ce Bucher (PL) cer Savane 44 vexunoneno rreworeren 45 at a6 A= nny xorcse 2 Berrie eee Serer weabunznzg/2/woo"aqnae Grammar, Exercise From number twenty onwards you ead the second digit fis, then add und followed by the ise digi. With three fc numbers you read the hundreds and chou 2 emmdevonig 245 awohundetsecsundveig ‘5 linn 1307 emausendeunderslotenanneaag White in the 1. slebenundereisg numbers: 2. aweundviersig 3, neununcneuna 4 achthundertslebenundsechaig 5. neunnundertsieberuncacttagtausend ‘einhuncertsachs| Wie spat ist es? / Wie viel Unrist os? What time isi Everyday language (On the radio and tevision (informal) (formal) 8.00 acne Une ‘ent Ute 8.15 Wertt nach acht / ache Ute tnt fintaohn Minton nach acht Grammar, Exercise 8.20 2vanag nach acht geht Uhr zmanzig 8.30 hate neun ache Un deg {8.35 fanf nach halo neun /__acht Un fanfundereig anfurdewanaig Minuten vor ace 8.45 Wirt wor neun /———_acht Un Unfuncoraig Aintonn Minuten vor neun ‘de Sekunde second de Sekunden PI.) seconds die Minute minute le Minuten (PL) minuces ‘ie Stunde hour dle Stunden (P.) hours You sy ol Un, but halb eins and lertel vor ens. Writeourthe 4. 9.15 / time ofthe day in fll (informal ‘and formal) 2.1230 1 3.445 / 4.810 fA Heute Abend feem wir. Weate giving a purty tonight. INachinttags beginne der ‘The lesson begins at 1-30 in Untericht wn 13.30 Uhr. the afternoon. Lesson a ar ‘ i 2 yosqnea! ‘ees \7 Grammar in the morning (ea) very morning eal) in the morning very morning in the sfirnoon every alfernoon, ore oe ma po ae eee, Se eet 2 io cer Soret SEL oe fa cote ee See Se ee Se ter eae ee 2 Sie Sa ee, ce ee ae ee = ores Tn southem Germany people usually say Samstag and samstags, whereas in northern Germany people usually ‘Sy Sonmabend ind sonnabends, Days ofthe week and the ime of the day are masculine Exception: alle Nacht (igh) Lesson 4 Grammar, Exercise “Time words ae often atthe beginning of the sentence, In this ease the postion ofthe subject and che ver changes. Dor Untericht begin Um acht Ube beinnt ‘When the rime words ae atthe end ofthe sentence, the position of dhe subject and the ve stays the same tum ache Une. dor Unterricht. (Complete the sentences with samstags, morgens, imittags, abends or | 2. hachts: chit Peter immer bis 8.00 Une. macht er immer eine Pause. 3. Nicole gett immer toh ins Ber. 4. Sie tine rich Katee Sie kar sonst ret shite. sehoBen aie Geschatte un 16.00 Uv. ‘Counties and nationalities g country female Afghanistan Afghanisan dhe Aghanin damien Egypt she Aeypterin ‘ustraben Attala die Austraienn Bowen” Bolivia the Botvanenn ching China the Chinesin Dinemak Denmark die Dinin Deutschland Germany te Deutsche py Eory) 49 ee a youngnzg/2/woo"aqnyn6A-anhy /:5033% een Sire ne eieree CHEE CN woe ancat ui Grammar Grammar, Exercise - = - a Lesson 4 fngland England oer Englindor he Engen ie Freiond Finland derFime ie rein pepe eee Foch Fran dorranzose de Fann Tame Fam Sian, fan Tay rer Fe) from Tukey. (where From?) Grecheniand Grecce derGrieche 3 Grechin inden Ind devinder i inden {ch komme aus dn Mederanden, aus den USA. (woher?) ee ee ee econ come from the Netherlands, ram the USA, (where from?) fren ely, der faloner se aenerin Jopan. Japan der-lapaner_—_e Japarein aes Monto Mexico. der Mexaner ie Menkanerin ‘omplete the 4, Gal kort aus den USA = fe Wieder che Nether der Mieder” die Medeor sentences with aa A onde (PL) lands ander’ nin the respective 3 Neen Ne Geis aniereesr fationaltes: 2. Gerard kort aus Frankie, : Polen Poland. derPole ie Poin pat bs Portugal Porcgal dor Portugioe ie Portusiain Russland Rusia der Russe oe Russin 8. Danuta hort aus Polen. Scrmeden Sweden der Sahwede Ge Schwedin aie tte Server Switcrland der Swewer de Sehwatzeon SpanenSpuin derSpaner” ie Spanien 4. Ergin komt aus der Tir fieTirkes Turkey der Torna Thin it die Vreingten the United dor Amenkar ie Amerika ee pincer tee Unt, ee = ee Se ee Look at che ‘Angetka Deutschland ~ England “The names of counces do nor normally take an acc example and ‘Angelika hort aus Deutschand urd Exceprion: feminine: Bundesrepbik Devschiand make sentence fahrt rach England Jen fate in (the Federal Republic of Getmany), le Scholz (Switzerland), ao Torkel (Turkey) ‘masculine: der ran (Iran), dor tk (Ieaq) plural: dle Nederlande che Netherlands), fle USA ale vereinigten Staaten von Amerika) (the United States of America) lo Sei, i de Trke. (wobin?) Po tavelling to Switetland, 10 Turkey (where to?) fen fate in de Niederiande. in le USA. (wohin?) Ta teavelling to the Netherlands, 10 the USA. (where 02) 2. Agno ~ Schweden — USA 2. Cats Spanien Polen 3. Jomn~ England - Schwoiz 4. David lsraet- Portugal on n6 A nad pao" 29406 K nny bungnza/: NY CN goeancat Grammar Article Inthe nominative: singular and plural singular indefinive article ‘matculine fen Feroscher the television a television neuter das Geschat ein Gschatt the shop shop feminine ce Stunde ire Stunde the hour an hour plural masculine de Fernseher ———Femsaher thetelevisions ——_— televisions neuter de Geschite —- Gaschaite the shops = shops Feminine de Sturcen = Stunden the hous hours Article in the accusative: singular and plural singular definite article indefinite article masculine den Ferscher einen Farsehor the television ——_aelevision neuter (das Geschit ein Gaschatt the shop. shop feminine de Stunde ine Stunde the hour an hour plural fnasculine dle Ferseher ——— Farsaher fhe televisions — televisions eater de Goschite ——_—~ Geschaite the shops = shops Grammar Lesson 4 feminine de Stunden = Stunden the hours hours [Nore the plural ofthe articles. Denice article: dl for mas caline, feminine, neute. Indefinite article: zero article. Nouns: singuar and plural ‘As there are no bard and fas eules on how ro form the plural of nouns, iris advisable co learn the aticle and the Plural along wich the noun: das Haus. dle Mauser, + Note thar a 0, wis usually 4, 6, din the plural: der Apt (Se) ‘ie Apel 1) the apple the ples die mutter (Se) ce matter P.) the mother the mothers er ater.) die Vater (1) the father the fathers 1. sogul plural a8! einZimmer ‘ie ~ Zimmer the a coom the / rooms der! ein Kuen die | - Kucnen | the/ acake the /~ cakes der ein Apt. fo! — Apfel the Jan apple the /— apples ‘das! ein Madchen aie | Madchen the agi the ~gils as ein Blumlein ia ~Blimiain the / alte flower the /— litte Rowers ‘Nouns with the ending e-em -l -ehon, foln are the same in che singular and the plutal . reknorinae 59 eon pata sy ‘yosynegbunznza/o/uoo" oqnanB AAR, hand Ge y vi ‘One syllable neuter nouns and somte masculine nouns tke the placal ending er. 4, singular plural ‘de/sine Sunde sie /~ Stunden hour hours she /eine Pause de /—Pausen break breaks he / eine Ube ‘de/— Utven, lock lacks Neatly all feminine nouns ending in - ake the plural ‘ending a, Neal all feminine nouns ending with a con- Sonant ake the plural ending en Grammar Grammar Excise, Vocabulary Lesson 4 2 singular 5. singular plan ten Bet tte / eine Oma fe /~mas me grande grandmas der en Abend das / on ato the /-Atoe cvcang ar an das ein Geschat is / Tax he /— Tove ep ou xe der /ein Stns dos /en Hote! sie /— How char tore foc Nouns with the ending 2, -0, 4nd many foreign wouds take the plural ending Pucthe mount 4. Yuki hat ze “ in the pl (ookaten A 2. be Kurstoinahmer sen 4 (cae un), EY 2. Am Koss kann man saute, (de Stetesate) Ye haut (er se) 5 Minchen und Kan sind gobo (0 Stat Abend, dere evening ————Begrifung, —grecing = Abendeten, supper evening die, -en 5 das met Beprifunge (welcoming) Aigeasigne feared oe H all al silicic Fury ‘Apfel, dex” ple diem Bepinoen’ toad, dat er picmse rumors ~ Ae. aa eas ya Ae nay 725 Bir nat, vecatuiry Vecstvag ifein Garman Lesson Bima, da, ine ower ingen co hang anlar area onerce | tev = Dimi) ey ‘chleien fod der Meme eco (ce dem) Schaledie-n school Veo, video euch da fee te Stay See cece ase Pee ede ta rege gece ee vere cere Retest ee eee Shraclabon guage baer e Bichenchank bokcxe lemen knw fase Mieteh’ quar dene Vote des, - see se eet a Gites, cael Keen de- Gae is Sade von fom. unl a toe) oe al a pee ea ere i de,"2 cst Vormiinge—moring cee ae ce cmieeeale ae Pr ee Ee Pe at in Dita, noe oie Denschaner finn ee ee ee cea ge ae Nana rs Tenge ewlong ede aie aes ie caer ce are Engand England Kafeemschne mae oe ae Enigachon, gn! min Name ny name i im 8 Ube wievid Une wha sets coe een Unc envelope “ata We een d= mea ‘ohne fone webs) weit in ds Minagpae, lunch eck te bir ee) Ibendesen ie chi inver ace eg seer Meroe te oping dee Zeindieren sine ee oan fo morning Fane Nachminag, aeons ae a er | Opening hours | sesh nig cies e ee Nach die nigh Se ee fan iy SS rues ee ee oe a oes See ee eae oe Eo, hp ee ees eee neers ae ch in noch sl eet eri are) apace cles gemeie—ifyoulle "Zaha eee ee on Pre dra break ee eee Erne Pena Se eee Com Goad oor et ee ee Mae cores noe commis 57 4 by Ya mice ccna ce Pao ry, Pee ie fea creck fees \ Beamer: Per Lufepost? ye. Yuki: Jabine. y: ee cee Se ee fe ee ec ee ae oe vee Be are 2avei Mark, Diese Poskarte mchre ich in de Schweie schicken Dialogue Beamer: Yak Beamer. Mabie Lesson 5 urine Pasar in die Schweiz brauchen Sie cine Briefmarke fir eine Mark. Das ‘mache ausammen elf Mark. Zwannig Mark. Bann bekommen Se nach neun Mark auc Bice schén. Ich aichte noch Geld umeauschen, 100000 Yen in Deutsche Mark. Gerne. 1000000 Yen, das macht 1 300 DM. ‘Wie michten Sie das Geld haben? Einen ‘Tausender und drei Hunderter oder 2c unthunderer, einen Zweihundercer und ‘vel Fnfaiger) Zi Funthundener und dei Hundenes, Thepost office 1a wa a trend «oat i Teofilo Yak: fs eof dot Yat pede Yet Ia det tees tof ck ei ofc cer ow much dos en ved thier pun? By aime? Ye plea Jan's momentplene have towrigh it Thelener trohe 6 pammes That 10 acs Tit ethrapesie ‘a plene lkewe Smak commemarative stamp. {im er ve only gor 2-mark commemorative sam Theil take fie Ema commemorate stamp {want send this posta to Swine ou end» omar fora posed wo Sitcand, Thats cen mak shopether Fen maka And nine marks change. Hee yous Take want te chagy some mony. 19000 Yen ino German mass Cea madam, 100000 yen, that makes 300 ‘mak How would yu ike the money AT 00-matk ote and tra 10-mark ots ot 900 mak oe, fe 200 mark noe apd two $0-mask nate? Tow S00 mack oer and hee 100-mark nots, ple. newwnorowas 69 Dialogue Exercise, Grammar ‘Yuli goes shopping, das Brot Look atthe len mochte cheses Brot ‘example and Was kostet dieses Brot? farm sentences: te 4. der Kase: Mi 2. de Wars: SE 3 en ‘A demonstrative pronoun: dleseris usd ra refer to a pai- cular object. 4. das Bier: Demonstrative pronouns are declined in the same way as pada jagnzg/o/uoo" oqnanB A nahy/ 7834, Bi-naty 2 le : singular phil 5. cor Hon . ‘masculine neuter feminine nominative dieser dieses dose ese b (en) (do) (Ge) i) 9 OS gt ga gee hicks Rare een aes . (en) (das) (eo) deren wine der Cognac brandy [Note tat in che accusative ony the masculine form chan er Chempagner champagne der Whiskey. whiskey J Hy Vv {gs from dleserco lesen: Yahi machte dlesen Brie, dss Telogramm und dese Post ee eae | Peon eth metie yaaa sume: dese, Nenmen Sie diesen Wein? Ja, ich nehme Im. Yuki mache diese Grief, dese elogramme und dese Post ‘Areyou taking this wine? Yes, Lam, arten autgeben. (accusative plural) Konnen Sie dese Frou? Ja, ich kenne ale Do you know this woman? Yes Ido. lesen Sie deses Buch? Ja, ich loses. ‘Are you reading ths book? Yes, am. > 60 secu eownoseours 6 Grammar, Exercise plural a ‘euen Se Se Was kostt dese Scnokolade? Was kostet sie? bya personal pronout 2. leh méchte diesen Chamnagnes. 2. Wohin got Era Glick? 13 Yuk wit rane 6 ie 4 Yo tf Han und 5 a | Wo wohnt Herr Mier? Ns e a Qe You write: 1997 You say: neunzehnhundersiebonundneunag You weite: 1812 You say: achtzehnhundertweit ae Ne 62° avcunosionee (Grammar, Exercise Lesson 5 You write: 1,50 DM or DM 1,50 You sy: eine Mark fontig You write: 0,50 DM or 50 Yous): finag Pfennig Fr notes you say: ‘in Zoho? oF ein LOMark Schein fein 2wanzger —or_———_ein 20.MarkSohcin ‘in Funtger er en SOMarkSchain fen Hunderter or ein J00-Mark Schein fen Zwestunderter ax ein 200:Mark Schein fen Finfmunderer or ein SO0-Mark Schon fein Tauserder of in 1000 Mark Schein Look atthe 4293 0M ceample and {cif Mark und drelundneunag Pfennig fill in the ams ‘of money in words: 4. 4,68 OM 2.18.17 OM 3.12735 0M 4,1345,11 OM 5. 10699,20 DM «6, 216222,99 DM orennostcne 69 You write: You say \ "4 . " ae a nae ye Bir andy _ypeqnogbungng/2/uoo"aqnqn6 k aahy Erte tener 9 any S Ss Mz a Which number ‘or numbers ae Grammar, Exercise 089 /62 30 8413, ul acne neu sechs 24a ort nul cht ver eins rei hull act neun zwoundsechaig dels virund ‘chez teen 80805 Minchen _enizigachtzigfnf Manchen (On the telephone you often say mo instead of wel 1.721642 66 «a sechshundetawelunaerigaechs- Undsechog bb scons var wo sachs sachs ce sechs zvoundverag sechsundsechaig 2, Jahreszanl 1996 's neunzehnhundertsechsuncneunaig B eintausendneunhundertsachsuncs eure, ‘eneunsehn sachsundneunig 3.12750 2 tausendenetundertnfundsieba Mark b eintausendsveinundertinfundslebaig Mark « cintausendeweihundertsiebenund funtag Mark Exercise, Vocabulary Add the plus article se Lesson 5 de Postharte, dle Telefonzell, ‘de Adresse, do Brletmarke, ‘er Brlethaston, das Paket ‘er Brietumschlag, der Brlttrager ie OF ee 2 s. 2. a a 2 4 a Adresse, address Brot, das,-e bread die, Champagnes, champagne aufgeben in: to send der eine Postar Cognac, brandy aulgeben des -s bekommen in: co.gerback dann then Geld mureck- ddas mache thar makes bekommen dieser,-e-e8 this Bies.das,-e beer diese (PI) these Bricfkasten, lewerbox Ei das-er exp der. cinkaufen to buy Bricfrager, postman Ende, das, en end der, emtdecken 10 discover onrunostcnne 65 Bir nat, 3 j : i ee y eee eo ee — ier cars eee ee Fertile paren es oer potieesnae So ee ee ee Nunca oes aera Le ee ha anes coher bes oe au oe oes a eee : pee are ee a aa he a eee ee Geog es Tee ee pete a a age Neacee Reema ta NSA eee eee oe canara umn Pen ecu ee aes Cee Soo eee eer ase ee a a ae “ie os re ee ise a Peg ee ace ee cs a a setenmostoune 67 Test 2 2 yen a... eer i Tee We ois Goback number 8 | es plecuemies 2... i =... a see 334 a5 boo =..--. ED me Acme YA re 3 PF we En sind rfl Sout 323 IIE oven le iin. Sch Te hued Frau Glick und Yuki wollen einen Einafibunmel machen. Vai mochte einen belle Mantel. cin Paar schwarse Sube tind villi eim hbsches Kid kaufen. Yat ‘Wohin sllen wie gehen? Fran Glick Am besten gehen wit in cin profes Kaufhaus iam Sadraentrum, Da kanm aman guastig ein- auf, ra Glick und Yk sind i Kanfous. ‘a Glick Gehen wie 2uersin den ersten Stock in die Abreilung fur Damenbeldeidung. Da finden ‘wir sicher cin hubsches Kleid und einen ‘neuen Mancel fir Sie pata 2. 8 ‘yosynegbunznza/2/uoo" oqnanB AAR, 3 Yai Das is cine gute Idee Vrkdufrin: Kann ich Ihnen helfen? Yai Ja gerne. Ich suche cin res Sommerkled Verkaufevin: Welehe GroBe haben Sie? Yat Grote 36 Verktufvin: In GroBe 36 haben wir eine groBe Auswahl Birce kommen Sie. Viki mehe und finder ein hubsces Kei. Yuki Dieses Kleid ist sehr hubsch. Kann ich es anprobieren? A all Se Dialogue Lesson 6 Verkiuforin: Natulich! Die Unleidekabine da drben fac fi Yai Dieses Kleid past scr gut. Es is niche 24 lang und niche 21 eng. Die Fae x wun- derschon. Ich glaube, ich nehme es Verkiufvin: Getne. Brauchen Sie sonst noch ews? Yat Fk Ich suche noch einen hell, schicken Sommermantel, Wo finde ich Sommer ‘mance Verkiafoin: Gleich da dren. Kommen Si, bite Vik che and finder einen bllen Sommermantel Verkaufvin:Beauchen Sie sonst noch was? Ya ‘hich brauche noch en Paar sehwarze Schuhe, Verkaufvin: Gehen Sie in den driten tock. Dai die Schuhabreilung,Siekonaen dann alles im vierten cock bezahlen. Da ist die Sammel- Jase Yai Vielen Dank fir Ihre Hilfet An der Sanmelbase Kasiererin: Bezahlen Sic in bat oder mic Schecl2 Voki Kann ich mic Kredtkare aalen? Kasiererin: Selbaversindlch Ina department store "Me lic and Yat wet look around the shop, Yi weld ite to ‘lgleclurd caste pair of blk stoe and ala pry des rt ‘Whe arene ging te ‘Mr Glick: Thebes hing for ust gt pe depanmen ste tae Oy conve Tog ereeonaly ep ‘Mes lic and a ae te dperment ts Malick Late go es ote lade ahion deparimen onthe Fi fy Thre mete sured cy dean Yai ‘Theces goals Shop eit Can hap you? > ewnostens 74 5) vesson 6 Dialogue, Grammar excise, Grammar Lesson 6 a i Ss ee vouthows 2 > Spice Wil dcae ake Sa 36 Sopantsene ‘Thee baile losin she Pens come whe ees Tel ik rand face py dee e Sean ah te aacae ter ate Cea apa \ Sopaleel Cre 1 eagles oe ech ys m anoint omrenteget rors Me ge Wi leardl ise Tek Aedes 59 Sopacnene Coy hreanying yu eit z Te king aru i clue sume ton. Ween find urmer ena gestae Jeter tea Come a pia Fe ako fod ager mmc et Sep sae bch shin ce yor pet Tk Non Iso ned pi of ck shoe. ‘Sp ann Go he th rer, The tine dpertet shee “Then you en payor eeyching a he our ee ie eee eres 6h nny / 52 og ti: ‘Thank you very mich for your belp. F ‘he mai chee 3 Caer Rou paying in ck oy chee? ye We” Colmer Es Cater: leo oO 8 a 3 Doses Hot st ibsoh, This dress pry E Nouns cn he quali by accives 5, Noe that when the ajecive comes fir the vt sem ii =f sordid v \ Lookarthe al nlbsoh got ster gusts 5 gampleand eid as Kiedis guns. Ye using sitable Zimmer. 2 siccve Ne 72 zweunostene ‘deser nelle Mantel dieses bunte Hemd Giese weibe Bluse lesen helen Mantel dieses bute Hemd dese welke Buse ‘diese helen Mints) ‘diese bunten Homden Giese ween Blusen ‘masculine cle Pollen Mantel diese helen Mantel ‘de unten Hemden diese buntenHemden ‘de weifen Guzen diese weisen Blucen [Nore tht adjctives after rand oleser in che nomi ‘Singular always take the ending -, in accusative singular ‘masculine the ending -em in accusative singlar neue and feminine the ending. [nthe plural all the endings ae che same: en. oneunosiane 73 y j ‘7 A a jungng/2/woo"aqngn6A-anky /:50334 AS Parrett 2 yosanedts 2 y aN Lesson 6 Grammar, Exercise Brercise Lesson 6 Look at the ein Kei (hash) cerample and Wi wil ee nubsches Kl ingular nominative masculine o'n/ ken hller Mantel neuter en/ken—buntes: Heme feminine ene /hoine well Suse ‘masculine einen /keinen ellen Montel neuter ein/ken— buntes. Homa feminine ene /heine weife Buse plural nominative ‘masculine -/kane ella ‘Mantel newer keine bunte Hamden feminine ~/keine weigen Busen ‘masculine -/keine hell. Mante! neuter” -/keine ——_buntg Hemen feminine -/ keine [Nore that adjptves after che indef ‘nominative singular end in: masculine a, neuter es, fermi “tn the accusative singular both neuter and femi- ine, adjectives take the same endings as in the nominative, the masculine Form only ending in en. Inthe plural there iso indefinite aril. Al adjectives end. ‘The negative of elm hain sao declined like an indefinite article In contrast 0 ol, hain also exists inthe plus smakesentences 4. am Buch (neu) Yuki méchte 2. en Fabwrad (ginstig) uni bravent 3. one Bluse (wei) oki sucht 4. ene Idee (gut) ya nat 5. ene Zeitung neu) Yuki brunt “Match the words tothe pictures: der Regenschirm, die Handtasche, der Aktenkofer, dle Bluse ‘der Rock de Strumpthose, dle Schuhe, der Hut, das Halstuch dias Homd, dle Hose, das Jacket, dle Krawatte > Err oo 75

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