February Calendar of Health Events

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I. Heart Month

Basic Facts:
1. Heart disease still remains the number 1 cause of death in the country.
2. More and more people of younger age are dying or getting sick of
diseases of the heart.
3. We celebrate February as the “Heart Month” to increase our
awareness, so we can reduce the risk of having the disease.

Key Messages:
1. Risk Factors Towards Developing Heart Diseases:
a. Non-Modifiable Factors
 Age - if you are 40 years old and above
 Family history - it is hereditary and runs in the
 Sex - men are more prone before the age of 40 while
women after menopause

b. Modifiable Factors
 Smoking - if you smoke or live with people who
smoke everyday
 Cholesterol level - if you have high levels of total
cholesterol and low density lipoprotein or bad
 Blood pressure - if you have blood pressure of
140/90 mm Hg or higher
 Overweight and obesity
 Diabetes
 Physical inactivity - if you have a sedentary lifestyle
and don’t exercise regularly
 Diet - if you love to eat highly refined, fatty and
salty foods.
“Being aware of the risk factors is an initial positive step towards a
healthy heart”

II. Dental Health Month

Basic Facts:
1. Proclamation No. 559 signed by President Arroyo on February 24,
2004 declared the month of February of every year as National Dental
Health Month.
2. An estimated 92.4% Filipinos suffer from dental caries while 78%
suffer from periodontal diseases.( NMEDS, 1998)
3. Tooth decay remains one of the most common chronic childhood
diseases in the Philippines.
4. The incidence of poor oral health conditions is rising in early
childhood (0-6 years of age, comprising 17.5% of the total population)
5. Prevention is critically important strategy in promoting oral health
among children. This means daily tooth brushing using fluoridated
toothpaste and regular dental check-ups.
6. The Oral Health Campaign is a priority national thrust integrated in the
bigger Bright Child Campaign of the Arroyo Administration.

Key Messages:
1. An orally fit child is a bright child. Instill the habit of caring for the
teeth of babies, toddlers and preschoolers.
2. Oral health starts in the womb, so it is important that women of
reproductive age to be responsible about their own health and nutrition.
3. The basic oral health care are:
a. Proper TOOTH BRUSHING with fluoridated toothpaste
b. Eat fruits and vegetables to keep your teeth healthy
c. Regular (at least every 6 months) DENTAL CKECK-UPS.

III. Responsible Parenthood Campaign

Basic Facts:
1. The Philippine Constitution mandates that the state shall adopt an
integrated and comprehensive national policy on RESONSIBLE
PARENTHOOD, effective population management and sustainable
human development that values the dignity of every human person and
affords full protection to people’s rights.

2. Responsible parenthood refers to the will, ability and commitment of

parents to respond to the needs and aspirations of the family and
children more particularly through FAMILY PLANNING.

3. Responsible parenthood takes into consideration financial capacity,

psychological preparedness and current social conditions.

Key Messages:
1. The couple has the right and duty to determine the desired number of
children they want and when to have them based on their capability to
bear, raise and support these children in a healthy environment
conducive to the attainment of their optimum growth and development.

2. Proper birth spacing with three (3) years interval reduces the risks of
maternal morbidity and mortality.

3. Pregnant and non-pregnant women should undergo regular check-up

which include breast examination, pap smear and advice on proper
nutrition and breastfeeding.

4. Family planning emphasizes the moral responsibility to uphold human

life. It does not allow “abortion”.
5. Responsible parenthood is the first step to the BRIGHT CHILD
Program of the government.

IV. National Health Insurance Program (NHIP)Month

Basic Facts:
1. Republic Act No. 7875 (National Health Insurance Act of 1995) signed
and approved on February 15, 1995 by then President Fidel V. Ramos
is an Act Instituting a National Health Insurance Program for all
Filipinos and Establishing the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation
2. The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation is an attached agency of
the Department of Health with the following general objectives
a. Provide all citizens of the Philippines with the mechanism to
gain financial access to health services
b. Establish the NHIP to serve as the means to help people pay for
health care services
c. Prioritize and accelerate the provision of health services to all
Filipinos, especially that segment of the population who cannot
afford these services

Key Messages:
1. The program covers the following:
a. Employed Members - all those employed in the government
and private sectors.
b. Individually Paying Members - self-employed, overseas
Filipino workers
c. Non-paying members - the following are entitled to lifetime
 Retirees and pensioners of the GSIS and SSS
 Members who have reached the age of retirement and
have paid at least 120 monthly contributions
 Sponsored members – under the indigent component
of the program

2. Benefit Packages:
a. Inpatient hospital benefits of:
 Subsidy for room and board and operating room fees
 Allowances for drugs and medicines, laboratories and
doctor’s professional fees including those of surgeon
and anesthesiologist fees
* Each benefit is subject to a certain limit or ceiling depending on the
case/type (ordinary, intensive or catastrophic) and the category of the
accredited hospital. (primary, secondary, tertiary)

b. Outpatient Benefits
 Services of health care professionals
 Diagnostic, laboratory and other medical examination
 Personal preventive services
 Prescription drugs and medicines
* Outpatient benefit package can only be availed by members in Rural
Health Units which are PHIC accredited.

c. TB-DOTS Benefits
 Consultation Services
 Diagnostic Work-up
 Anti-TB drugs
* TB-DOTS benefit package can only be availed by members in Rural
Health Units and health facilities which are PHIC accredited.

3. Legal dependents of members entitled to free coverage:

a. Legitimate spouse, none-member
b. Children (legitimate, illegitimate, adopted and step child)
below 21 years old.
c. Parent of the member who are none-member

* Children 21 years or above but suffering from any congenital

disability either physical or mental or any disability acquired that
render them totally dependent on the member for support.


V. Leprosy Control Week - February 19-25

Basic Facts:
1. The Leprosy Control Program (LPC) envisions to eliminate leprosy as
a human diseases by 2020.
2. LPC is also committed to eliminate leprosy as a public health problem
by attaining a national prevalence rate of < 1 per 10, 000 population.

Key Messages:
1. Program thrusts is toward finding hidden cases of leprosy and put
them on Multi-Drug Therapy (MDT), emphasizing the completion of
treatment within the WHO prescribed duration.
2. Strategies of the Leprosy Control Program are case-finding; treatment,
advocacy, rehabilitation, manpower development and evaluation
3. Seek the advice of a health worker for any signs and symptoms of skin

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