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In each of the following sentences, identify the subjects and verbs,

and decide how many clauses there are:

a. I like bananas, but I don’t like oranges. 2 clauses

b. My mother always falls asleep when she goes to the movies. 2 CLAUSES
c. Jenny played volleyball and soccer in high school. 1 CLAUSE
d. She will call if she’s late.
e. My sister Bella and my brother Diego are both in university. 1 CLAUSE
f. The doctor told me to get more exercise, so I will try to do that. 2 CLAUSES
g. Where did you park your car when you came to my house last night? 2
h. We usually watch movies and play games on Friday nights. 2 CLAUSES
i. Don will finish washing the dishes before he starts his homework.
j. I will stay at my sister’s house until she comes home.
k. Before Trevor leaves, he will come and say goodbye.
l. I always get worried when I walk home alone in the dark.
2. Look at each person’s plans for tomorrow. Use the information to
answer the questions with time clauses and will:

Tom a. What will Tom do after he brushes

his teeth?

He will get dressed after he brushes

his teeth.

b. Until when will Tom be in bed?

He will in bed until 7:00 a clock

c. What will Tom do when he eats

Whe he eat the breakfast

7:00 wake up

eat breakfast &

read the newspaper

7:30 brush my teeth

7:45 get dressed

Yolanda d. What will Yolanda do before she
eats lunch?
She will meet a coworker

e. What will Yolanda do after she eats

She will call customers & check

f. When will Yolanda check her


She will go to eat lunch

11:00 meet with a coworker

12:00 eat lunch

call customers &

check emails
Max g. What will Max do before he has a

h. When will Max take a nap?

i. What will Max do after he takes the

bus and takes a nap?

1:00 study English

2:30 have coffee

take the bus &

take a nap

3:30 play soccer

Victoire j. When will Victoire make dinner?

k. What will Victoire do after she

makes dinner?

l. Until when will Victoire watch TV?

get home &

make dinner

6:30 watch TV

7:00 go to class
3. Finish these sentences with information about yourself. Write
complete clauses (subject + verb):

a. When I get home from school tonight, I will watch TV.

b. I will go to school until next morning .

c. Before I buy new clothes, i´ll try them on .

d. Until I speak English perfectly, i´ll study hard .

e. I will get dressed before I go to work out .

f. When I get together with my best friend, .

g. Until this class is over, i´ll pay attention .

h. Before I get too old, i´ll go to the gym .

i. When I get some money, i´ll buy new clothes .

j. After I eat lunch, i´ll sleep .

k. Before I eat dinner tonight, .

l. When I buy a new car, I will go to car wash .

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