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Presented to the Institution Review Committee of Department of Research, Gusa

Regional Science High School – X In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Research 4

Junior High School- Science Curriculum




Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Gusa, Cagayan de Oro City

Research Department

This research paper entitled “Ciosk: Enhancing User Experience through a

Mobile Food Viewing App” prepared and submitted by AMINOLA A.
BAYER in partial fulfilment of the requirements for JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL -
Science Curriculum has been examined and recommended for defense.


Language Editor Research Adviser

Research 4 Teacher


Approved by the Committee in partial fulfillment of the requirements for,
JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL - Science Curriculum with a grade of ________.

_____________________________ ____________________________
Chair, Research Panel Research Teacher


Chair, JHS Research Department
Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for JUNIOR
HIGH SCHOOL - Science Curriculum.

School Principal


The School Canteen is a place full of students during recess and lunch, which can

lead to overcrowding. This application uses smartphones that is a necessity for

students hence almost every student has one. This project was made possible

because of the MIT app inventor. The remarkable thing of this study is how it

focuses on the local school canteen to help step up the experience of students,

teachers and even workers. The SMS feature is used to integrate to the system,

which will be used to ask the admin (school canteen) if the item is available. This

allows to diminish the amount of students that will go to the canteen to check

what's available there. On testing, there were some bugs on the mobile app and the

researchers found some problems that can interrupt the interface. At the end of the

testing, the researchers concluded that this application was a successful project

and can possibly help stabilize the flow of the canteen. This application could be

improved by working in direct partnership with the school canteen and to possibly

integrate an ordering feature to further lessen the crowding and for possibly more

profit as well.


Above all, the researchers are grateful to God Almighty for without his blessings

and grace this study would not have been possible .

We would also like to thank our dear parents Asnaira A. Macarampat, Gina

E. Bayer, Roel M. Bayer, Louella C. Lagumen and Al Stephen R. Lagumen for their

sheer dedication and unwavering support, without which this research would not have

been possible.

We are also grateful to Sir Adam Manlunas, Sir Aris Mabale, and Sir Nolan

Alvear for their support, advice, valuable comments, suggestions, and provisions that

benefited in the completion and success of this study.

Lastly, We would like to express our gratitude to our family, friends, and

supporters for their encouragement and support during this difficult chapter in our

lives . They have given us moral and emotional support.

Thank you all for your invaluable contributions to this project.




TITLE PAGE ………………………………………………………………….. i

APPROVAL SHEET …………………………………………………………. ii

ABSTRACT ………………………………………………………………….. iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ……………………………………………. ……....iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………………………………. ……….v

LIST OF TABLES ……………………………………………………. ………vii

LIST OF FIGURES …………………………………………………………....vii


1 INTRODUCTION …………………………………………….. ……………1

Conceptual Framework …………………………………… …...2

Research Objectives …………………………………… ………3

Scope and Limitations…………………………………….. ……3

Significance of the Study …………………………….. ………..4

Operational Definition of Terms …………………………. ……5


3 METHODOLOGY …………………………………………….. 26

Research Design ……………………………………………………26

Research Setting ………………………………………………...… 26

Sampling Procedure ………………………………………………..27

Data Collection Method ……………………………28

Data Analysis ……………………………………….29



5 CONCLUSION…………………………………….. ……………33

REFERENCES …………………………………………………… 36


Appendix B. Raw and Coded Data …………………………… ….40

Appendix C. Documentation ………………………………………42

Appendix D. Curriculum Vitae ………………………….… ……..45


1 Time Delay from the User to the Admin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……. 30

2 Time Delay: Admin-User . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……..31


Figure # Page

1 The Schematic Diagram of the Study . . . . . . . . …. ….. … .. . . . . . .. ……2

2 Map of Barangay Gusa showing Gusa Regional Science High

School – X . … … ….. . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . …… 25

3 Actual layout of MIT-App-inventor and the format of the app that the

researchers developed . . . . . . . .. . . …. . . . . … . . …. . . . . . . . ……….………27

B1 Raw data of the time delay of a User-Admin interaction………………..40

B2 Raw data of the time delay of an Admin-User interaction………………41

C1 Listing food in the canteen……………………………………………….42

C2 Listing a specified menu of the canteen………………………………….42

C3 Developing the main interface of the app………………………………..42

C4 Making the components of the app………………………………………42

C5 Finalizing the main interface…………………………………………….43

C6 Making the “Snacks” category of the app……………………………….43

C7 Making the “Rice Meals” category of the app…………………………..44

C8 Making the logo of the app………………………………………………44




Smartphone ordering apps began entering the quick-service market in the mid-

2010s. Fast food restaurants like Chick-fil-A, Starbucks, and McDonald's have developed

specialized applications that allow customers to browse menus and order meals from the

comfort of their smartphones. Customers gain from this technological approach since it

creates a smooth transition between ordering and getting meals.

Restaurant businesses can get paid through online transactions thanks to these platforms'

M-commerce functionality. Since 2014, mobile sales have climbed 300% quicker

compared to dine-in and factors for 40% of restaurant revenues. Quick-service sectors

can adapt to the digital age by using mobile ordering apps (, 2023).

By enabling customers to place orders from a variety of restaurants with just one

swipe on their smartphones, online food-delivery aggregators (OFAs) are increasing

choice and convenience (Anuj Pal Kapoor, Madhu Vij, 2018).

In the restaurant industry, mobile food ordering apps (MFOAs) have received a

lot of attention as creative ways to connect with clients and offer them high-quality

services (Ali Abdallah Alalwan, 2019). Considering all this information, the researchers

took inspiration and decided to try and make an app that can possibly be integrated into

the school canteen, providing a promising solution to the crowding and ruckus of the



Conceptual Framework

The idea of making a digital app for the school canteen has been long wanted.

Bringing the idea into life will be very beneficial for the whole school of GRSHS-X

(GUSA REGIONAL SCIENCE HIGH SCHOOL). The crowd and ruckus at the canteen

mostly happening at the time of the scheduled break for the school is very much noisy

and confusing for the school canteen workers and also the students. This may very well

help the workers to be more organized and be able to carefully work out the orders from

the students. Oftentimes, the students go down to the school canteen to search for

something/have something in mind to buy and not find such, hence this app will help

lessen the efforts that the students will have to make. The students will be able to find

what and what are not available in the school canteen making the process more quiet,

clean and neat.


Figure 1: The Schematic Diagram of the Study

The diagram above depicted the study's schematic diagram. It includes the

research probation's input, process, and output. The App serves as the Input, App Testing

as its Process, and the Data Gathered for the Output. This study helps in upping the

convenience for both the students and school canteen workers. This will also lessen the

effort that both parties have to make.

Research Objective

This study aimed to develop an MFOA that can possibly be integrated into the

school canteen of GRSHS-X. This study also aimed to know the User-Admin and

Admin-User interaction of an app developed using the MIT app inventor.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The general goal of this research is to improve the school canteen’s ability to deal

with crowding and ruckus as well as the convenience for the app’s users after integrating

the app into the school. The researchers will gather data through app testing. The scope of

the tests only focuses on enhancing the app through the testing of the efficiency of the

app in regards to the real time delay and the processing delay of the app to the School

canteen . There are some limitations of the app that should be noted. The app will not

integrate a delivery system, self pick-up and product viewing only. Also, the app requires


a third-party app, MIT App Inventor, in order to access the food viewing app. It also

requires a stable internet connection. This app is not able to use online transactions. And

although the app is available on a smartphone, it is not available on PC/desktop.

Significance of the Study

The study has identified strategies using mobile app for the benefit and

convenience of the involved parties. As a result, the study has assisted the following:

Students. Through this study, students can be served equally while not overcrowding

the school canteen.

Teachers. The study can help the teachers that buy food from the canteen themselves.

The teachers would be prioritized.

Utility and staff. The study will be able to help the workers by reducing their need to

be in a rush, hence more convenience for the staff..

Canteen. This study helps people save time and space. Hence, the productivity and

the profit of the canteen will have a high chance of increasing.

Future Researchers. This study can serve as a guide and reference to the future

researchers who have a close relative study.


Operational Definition of Terms

Benefit. An advantage or profit gained from something.

Canteen. A restaurant provided by an organization such as a military camp, college,

factory, or company for its soldiers, students, staff, etc.

Convenience. The state of being able to proceed with something with little effort or


Desktop. Is a computer that fits on or under a desk.

Digital Application. Refers to an application built on a computer to complete or

facilitate a task on a computing device.

Effectiveness. The degree to which something is successful in producing a desired

result; success.

Internet Connection. A connection provided by an Internet Service Provider that

enables individual computers or other hardware components, either individually or

registered within a Local Area Network, to exchange Data over the public Internet.

Profit. A financial gain, especially the difference between the amount earned and the

amount spent in buying, operating, or producing something.

Smartphones. A cell phone that includes additional software functions (such as email

or an Internet browser).


User. Refers to the person who makes use of a computer or network service.


Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

“Mobile App Usage in the Food Service Industry: A Review of Literature” (Guo et



This article provides an overview of mobile app usage in the food service industry. The

study highlights the importance of mobile apps in improving customer satisfaction,

increasing restaurant revenue, and reducing wait times. The authors conclude that mobile

app development is a necessary step for restaurants looking to remain competitive in the


“The Impact of Mobile Ordering Apps on the Fast Food Industry: A Review of

Literature” (Shin & Kim, 2020)

This article explores the impact of mobile ordering apps on the fast food industry. The

authors note that mobile ordering apps have become a necessity for fast food restaurants,


providing customers with an easy way to order food and avoid long lines. The study also

highlights the importance of user experience in mobile app development, as customers

are more likely to use apps that are user-friendly and efficient.

“Role of mobile food-ordering applications in developing restaurants’ brand

satisfaction and loyalty in the pandemic period” (Dirsehan et al., 2021)

In today's technologically advanced market, retailers and their supply-chain partners

should reevaluate their competitive advantages and look for ways to work together.

Mobile applications are a unique kind of online shopping that save customers time and

effort and offer convenience. During the COVID-19 epidemic, people prefer to use

mobile applications, specifically, to purchase meals from restaurants and stay healthy.

The antecedents of mobile app adoption have been studied, despite the fact that there

have been several prior research on the usage of mobile applications. Although customers

have already embraced them, it is still important to comprehend the effects of using

mobile applications, particularly those that order meals on the go (MFOAs). In order to

close this gap, this study first compares the business models of the MFOAs and other

mobile food applications. The results of MFOA usage were then the subject of the

development and testing of a structural model. Partial least squares path modeling was

used to examine the data from a survey that was completed by 217 participants (PLS-

PM). The discovery that MFOA satisfaction is essential to the growth of restaurants'

brand satisfaction and loyalty is the primary contribution of the results. Therefore,

companies should collaborate with MFOA suppliers.


“The Benefits and Challenges of Mobile App Development for Small Restaurants”

(Tsai et al., 2019)

This article focuses on the benefits and challenges of mobile app development for small

restaurants. The study notes that mobile app development can provide small restaurants

with a competitive edge, as customers increasingly expect easy access to food ordering

and delivery services. However, the authors also highlight the challenges of mobile app

development, such as high development costs and the need for ongoing maintenance.

“The Impact of Mobile Apps on Customer Loyalty in the Food Service Industry: A

Review of Literature” (Lee & Cho, 2018)

This article explores the impact of mobile apps on customer loyalty in the food service

industry. The study notes that mobile apps can improve customer loyalty by providing

customers with personalized offers, rewards, and discounts. The authors also highlight

the importance of collecting and analyzing customer data to develop effective loyalty



“Mobile App Development for Food Service: A Study of Customer Satisfaction”

(Kim & Lee, 2021)

This article examines the impact of mobile app development on customer satisfaction in

the food service industry. The study finds that customers are more satisfied with

restaurants that offer mobile app ordering, delivery, and payment services. The authors

also highlight the importance of app features such as menu customization and order

tracking in improving customer satisfaction.

“The Impact of Mobile Apps on Food Waste Reduction in the Restaurant Industry”

(Chen et al., 2020)

This article explores the impact of mobile apps on food waste reduction in the restaurant

industry. The study notes that mobile apps can help restaurants better manage their

inventory and reduce food waste by allowing customers to order only what they need.

The authors also highlight the importance of developing sustainable food service

practices through mobile app development.

“The Role of Mobile Apps in Improving Food Safety in the Food Service Industry”

(Huang et al., 2019)


This article examines the role of mobile apps in improving food safety in the food service

industry. The study notes that mobile apps can help restaurants monitor food quality,

track food sources, and improve communication among staff. The authors also highlight

the importance of incorporating food safety regulations and guidelines into mobile app


“The Benefits of Mobile App Development for Online Food Ordering in the


Pandemic” (Kuo & Wu, 2021)

This article focuses on the benefits of mobile app development for online food ordering

during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study notes that mobile apps have become a crucial

tool for restaurants to continue serving customers while adhering to social distancing

guidelines. The authors also highlight the importance of integrating contactless payment

options and implementing health and safety measures in mobile app development.

“The Impact of Mobile Apps on the Employment of Food Service Workers” (Park &

Choi, 2018)

This article explores the impact of mobile apps on the employment of food service

workers. The study notes that mobile apps can improve restaurant efficiency and reduce

labor costs by allowing customers to order and pay through the app. The authors also


highlight the need for restaurants to balance the benefits of mobile app development with

the potential impact on employment in the industry.

“Mobile food ordering apps: An empirical study of the factors affecting customer e-

satisfaction and continued intention to reuse”

The majority of kids are quickly distracted during learning when they see anything. They

would put aside their studies in favor of the more enjoyable activity. instead. Since most

kids can't learn on their own, they typically turn to their parents or other adults for help.

seek their parent's guidance to learn more about the subject they are studying

(Hirsh-Pasek, 2015). Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology, Second

Edition (UTAUT2), and the Extended Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of

Technology, Online review, online rating, and online tracking are MFOA features. The

information was gathered from a handy source. a representative sample of Jordanian

users of MFOAs. The primary findings are supported by structural equation modeling

and promoting the function of online evaluation, rating, tracking, performance

expectations, and hedonic motivation, the cost associated with e-satisfaction, and the

ongoing intention to reuse. (Alawan, 2020)

“Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction towards Mobile Food Ordering Applications



Accelerated development of mobile and technological devices in today's world has a

significant impact on the restaurants and the hospitality industry in general, specifically

in the context of placing a food order. Despite using a smart device to purchase food

Apps viewed as participating actively in the Little is known about the whole restaurant

industry. customers' opinions on ordering food on the go applications. As a result, this

study assesses response from clients ordering food online applications for mobile devices

to suggest some factors, enabling the restaurant industry Identify your areas of weakness

and improve changes to improve client satisfaction when placing a food order using a

mobile application. an instrument of measuring in the form of a questionnaire utilized to

investigate consumer satisfaction toward using a smartphone application to place a

restaurant order. The survey has eight constructs, including "control; comfort; delight;

worry about technology; perceived utility, security, and simplicity of usage payment;

fulfillment. Confirmatory factor, Mann-Whitney U, and Kruskal-Wallis tests (Hussein,

Mansour, 2020)

“Mobile app planning” (Aldayel & Alnafjan, 2017)

Before creating a mobile application, the design approach must be chosen,

especially in a cross-platform environment where multiple projects may be running

concurrently. Because of this, it is suggested to make a solid plan before starting to

develop the application, which would have been thought of as a successful way to attract

potential clients.


“Design and development of food ordering mobile application” (Lim & Fudzee,


In many Malaysian eateries, you can still place your order by writing it down on a

piece of paper, standing in line at the counter, or having a waiter serve you. The

coronavirus pandemic has forced people to keep their social distance from one another as

well. In addition, during the past few years, the prevalence of obesity or overweight

among Malaysian individuals has continued to rise. As a result, this food ordering

application has evolved by adding calorie counting options to the menu, giving the user a

faster food ordering experience, and reducing face-to-face interaction. Additionally, this

project used the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) approach and the Waterfall

paradigm to create the meal ordering application. This project is divided into various

modules: menu and order management, food ordering, food cart, user registration and

login, and payment. The programming languages Java and Android Studio were used to

create this application. This food ordering app was created for Owl City Cafe Melaka,

and after unit testing and user acceptance testing, it delivered the desired outcome.

“Mobile applications and MFOAs”

Mobile applications (apps) are now a part of everyday life and have significantly

changed a variety of sectors, including business, education, and healthcare. The creation

of mobile-focused online communities and applications (MFOAs) has also been made


possible by mobile apps. Online communities known as MFOAs are created with the goal

of being accessed and used on mobile devices like smartphones and tablets.

According to research, MFOAs can be useful in promoting social connections and

knowledge exchange among community members. An Application of Facebook Users"

revealed that MFOAs were successful in fostering user engagement and boosting user

loyalty in online communities.(Liang, Li, 2013)

It has been demonstrated that mobile apps can effectively promote healthy habits

and enhance health results. A meta-analysis on "Increasing physical activity with mobile

devices: A meta-analysis" by (Fanning et al. 2012) revealed that a mobile app created to

encourage physical activity was successful in boosting daily step counts and enhancing

overall health outcomes.

Mobile apps have made it possible for companies to communicate with clients in novel

and creative ways in the context of business. discovered that companies with mobile apps

were more likely to draw in and keep clients than those without.(Yan, Gaurav, and

Pandey 2019)

For a business to survive and remain competitive in its sector, customer retention and

loyalty are crucial. With the development of smartphones and advancements in digital

marketing, businesses and marketers now have more opportunities to improve their

customer loyalty programs by making mobile applications available for customers to

download and utilize. As this research is simply a pilot study, only 60 sets of

questionnaires were sent. According to the findings of this study, there are strong,

positive correlations between customer loyalty, repurchase intention, and mobile


application cues (such as layout, information, and privacy). Generation - Y was the

chosen population for this study, and questions were drawn from earlier research.(Bahtar,


Challenges in mobile app development

The creation of the app concept presents the first difficulty. There are many

different ways to deliver the game, from an interesting story to straightforward trivia.

The following factors were taken into consideration: our target audience, the game's

attraction to the target audience, ease of upkeep, scalability, and the time and expense

required to construct the app (Wong, 2016). We need to confirm that the readings are

appropriate for the course. Students must be able to acquire the information necessary

to improve their performance in class. As a result, we created pertinent questions and

offered commentary (Seow & Wong, 2016).

Finding the initial participants was the most difficult aspect of the endeavor.

Some of my employees were reluctant to take part out of fear that they would be

required to prove their understanding of nutrition information. I had to convince

people that the game was really about mingling, having fun, and picking up new

culinary and nutritional knowledge (Douglas, 2005).

The difficulties that the industry of game production encounters can be overcome.

Many of its problems have solutions in the software industry. As in most

circumstances, the issues need to be acknowledged and recognized. After gaining

knowledge, management must make an attempt to address present problems (Haddad,


2009). Businesses may experience temporary declines in output, but long-term

benefits will outweigh the initial expense of solving current issues (Kanode, 2009).

13% of the literature has references to the "Lack of Expertise" problem.

Developers face the issue of being knowledgeable about all platforms and

technologies because the evolution of native software requires a specific set of tools

and knowledge for each platform (Ahmad, 2017). Additionally, this challenge ranks

among the literature's least addressed challenges (5%). But finding skilled coders

continues to be a challenge. Many distinct platforms are supported by mobile web

applications. simultaneously, even though effective translation necessitates adept

platform hopping without compromising the caliber of the program. Hence, not only

a range of platforms but also tools, do not require specialized knowledge (Ahmad,

Feng, Tao, Yousif, & Ge, 2017).

Process of App Development

Over the past ten years , the mobile telecommunications sector has

experienced fast expansion and has emerged as a highly competitive, unstable, and

dynamic environment. In addition to its advancement, it has prompted a lot of queries

and aroused worry in both business and academia. Mobile applications are developed

differently than traditional software because customers demand capabilities that are

identical to those found in desktop programs plus additional mobile-specific

functionality. The integration of advanced mobile applications with current enterprise

computing systems, including databases, legacy applications, and Web services, is

necessary. Additionally, a mobile application's lifetime develops considerably more


quickly than a standard Web application, necessitating an adjustment to the lifecycle

management process.(Swati, 2013)

Security and application testing are more stimulating and interesting in mobile

applications than in Web applications since the technology in mobile devices

progresses rapidly and developers must stay in touch with the latest developments,

news and trends in their area of work. With the rising competence of software

market, researchers are seeking more flexible methods that can adjust to dynamic

situations where software system requirements are changing over time, producing

valuable software in short duration and within low budget.(Flora, Chande 2013)

The development of mobile technology in recent years has drastically altered peoples'

daily lifestyles. Mobile gadgets, such as smartphones, are widely used in all facets of

human existence. Due to this, there is an extremely high demand for software that

works on mobile devices. Due to the tremendous demand, the developers must

continue to produce high-quality apps on schedule and within budget. App testing

and development estimation are essential for this. (Park, Malavolta, 2022) Estimates

of development and testing for these Apps have a crucial role. In order to emphasize

development, a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) is carried out in this work. and

the software/application testing estimation process. The objective of the current

literature review is to recognize and compare the current test estimates methods for

legacy software (desktop/laptop) and mobile software/application. The features that

differentiate mobile software/application from conventional software


in this literature review are noted. Additionally, agile software development is the

current trend, which is why this study Infographic displays and contrasts estimating

methods used in agile software development for mobile applications.(Kaur,2022)

We begin by educating the participants on the design of mobile devices. devices

and the traits that set them apart from game consoles or desktop PCs. Students must

understand that the types of programs and their functionality are significantly

influenced by the device's limited CPU, battery, and small screen. that work well on

mobile devices (Kurkovsky, 2009). Students agree that the majority of their mobile

phones have computing capabilities comparable to those of PCs made 10–15 years

ago. For creating software that runs on modern mobile devices, there are numerous

platforms accessible. These include Microsoft Windows Mobile, Symbian, Palm OS,

Qualcomm's BREW, Sun's Java 2 Platform Micro Edition (J2ME), and Windows

Mobile (Kurkovsky, 2009). We choose J2ME because it is frequently used in CS1

classes and because it is a prerequisite for AP Computer Science courses. Through a

customized emulator that is available for Windows and Linux, Sun Java Wireless

Toolkit offers a versatile environment for testing, debugging, and deploying J2ME-

based mobile apps. For the development of mobile games, J2ME offers a number of

packages through its MIDP (Mobile Information Device Profile) API

(Kurkovsky, 2009).

Software Development Kits (SDK) are a group of environments and tools for

developing software that are made accessible by companies and platform developers

that are tailored and optimized for that platform. Because some functionality might

not be available in all operating systems, the choice of a platform depends on how


tightly developers want to connect their application with the underlying operating

system. An SDK enables developers to create applications that are tailored to a

specific operating system and make use of its unique features (Amatya, 2014).

Such native applications or native apps are connected to a particular platform against

which they were designed, but they guarantee the best usability, the finest

functionality, and the best overall mobile experience. Additionally, multiple

programming languages are needed for various platforms, such as Objective-C for

iOS, Java for Android, C# for Windows Phone, Java for BlackBerry OS, and C++ for

Symbian. As a result, addressing different platforms entails writing distinctive apps

for each of them and necessitates having a variety of skill sets and platform-specific

experience (Kurti, 2014). Creating a concept is the first step in game creation.

Information gathering comes next. The third step entails starting the game

development process. Developing your notion further is the fourth phase. The fifth

stage is testing your prototype after it has been created. Publication is the last step.

(Serdar Aslan, 2015) states that the game software design specification document is

the input for the programming process, which results in executable game software

components as the output work product. A high-level programming language, such as

C, C++, C#, Java, Objective-C, or Swift, used in conjunction with an Integrated

Development Environment (IDE), OpenGL (Open Graphics Library), or a game

engine, such as Cocos2d, Unity, or Unreal Engine, is used to translate a game

software design into executable code. distinct teams may create distinct portions of a

huge, intricate game design, resulting in the creation of numerous executable game

software components. Traditional C courses focus primarily on arithmetic, whereas


game development in App Inventor is a well-liked extracurricular for students. Third,

there is no equivalent programming mechanism in App Inventor, and "pointers" is a

challenging topic for those studying C. Finally, students who use App Inventor to

learn by copying and reusing code examples may run into issues when they need to

contribute their own C code.

The program was created in Java and was crafted to meet the desired application

program interface level requirements to be included on the Google Play Store for

applications [minimum software development kit (SDK) version 21, corresponding to

Android Lollipop, and minimum SDK target 28, corresponding to Android Pie]. To

view real-time updates to the News area, users of the application must have Internet

access. It's not necessary to have access to the contacts, camera, location, or storage

(Zammarchi, Del Zompo, Squassina, & Pisanu, 2020).

This project used the Game Development Life Cycle (GDLC) model as a

technique to achieve its goal. The Initiation phase, Pre-production phase, Production

phase, Testing phase, Beta phase, and Release phase are the six phases of the GDLC

model (Tian, 2022).

The initiation phase of the GDLC model is its starting step.

The first stage in creating an App is to lay out a broad concept for the kind of game

that will be created. The project's goal, problem statement, and scope have all been

specified at this point (Suparjoh, 2022).

An alpha test would be performed by internal testers during the testing phase. Alpha

testing's main goal is to assess the game prototypes developed in the earlier stage and


identify any bugs or flaws. This stage will help the App developers by giving them a

better grasp of the actual and expected outcomes (Tian, 2022). The button's

functioning is tested in alpha testing. To ensure that the buttons perform as planned,

any problems encountered during alpha testing will be fixed (Suparjo, 2022).

The process for creating an Android application is multi-layered, with the HTTP

layer serving as the web server's interface at the bottom of the hierarchy. The API

layer then analyzes the server response to produce a query. The HTTP layer is then

contacted in response to these queries. The general data layer implements the

necessary functions after which the API layer parses the response string to the thread

when gathering the important fields from it (Anirban Sarkar, 2019).

Apps, also known as smart phone apps, Android apps, or web apps, are small

software applications designed to specifically meet the needs of consumers. There are

some differences between application software and apps. Iphone apps because they

are made to capitalize on unique features of a particular mobile device, including

Android phones, iPhones, and Microsoft Surfaces. Forrester Research app developer

Michael Facemire compares app development tools to paintbrushes for artists, saying

that it all depends on personal preference. preference. I personally use a number of

the most popular, and I really like Android Studio since it makes it easy for me to

create apps rapidly (Bhongale, 2018).

Applications for Android are made in Java. Android is a programming language

that uses SDKs, which are dependable and effective application programming

interfaces (API). After the SDKs have been installed, applications can use the

device's native features. The Android development platform offers the following


features: A set of customizable and extensible views, which include buttons,

textboxes, browsers, lists, content providers are used to enable inter-process

communications, the resource manager is responsible for enabling resource sharing,

and Android provides a free and open environment for developers as a result.

Application alerts are handled by a customized notification manager, which is used

by the application to access resources. (Anirban Sarkar, 2019)..

“Security Issues in Android Application Development and Plug-in for Android

Studio to Support Secure Programming”

Security concerns and secure programming are seen as unavoidable elements in

the context of contemporary Android application development, as they guarantee

both the safety and development speed of Android applications. The primary causes

of hazardous Android software are the software development process's disregard for

security considerations or the standard security assurance methods' delay.(Gia-Hao

Phan, 2021) Given how quickly Android applications are created and released, those

dangerous apps have a lot of security holes and a significant potential of disclosing

user data. To mitigate the risk of data leakage or access control vulnerabilities in

Android applications, developers need to follow a safe development procedure.(Anh-

Duy Tran, 2021 ) To protect the software development life cycle, security must be

included throughout the application development process. The two primary research

contributions presented in this paper are the development of the 9Fix plug-in for

Android Studio, which supports safe programming, and a summary of prevalent

security flaws in Android applications.(Minh-Quan Nguyen, 2021)


“Inter-app communication between Android apps developed in app-inventor

and Android studio”

An essential feature of mobile platforms is inter-app communication. Android

relies on inter-app communication, which was particularly considered during design,

to offer various platform-specific features. The Android SDK and IDEs, such

Android Studio, can be used to develop Android apps, or a browser-based tool called

App Inventor can be used.(Allison,2016) When apps are produced utilizing the two

different development platforms, there is no established mechanism for inter-app

communication; instead, these two platforms offer their own approach for inter-app

communication inside the same platform. This paper explains the method for sending

and receiving arguments between apps produced in these two platforms, as well as

fills in the gaps in the information needed for app communications. The importance

of the findings is also discussed, and their limits are looked at.(Fuad, 2021)

“DLint: dynamically checking bad coding practices in JavaScript”

Despite being one of the most widely used computer languages, JavaScript is

infamous for having a poor design. Despite JavaScript's design defects, developers

strive to adhere to unofficial code quality guidelines to help prevent issues with

correctness, maintainability, performance, and security. Because the language is

dynamic, lightweight static analyses—implemented in "lint-like" tools—are

commonly used to detect violations of these principles, but their applicability is

limited.(Pradel, 2015) This work introduces DLint, a dynamic analysis method for

evaluating JavaScript code quality rules. A general framework plus an expandable

collection of checkers, each addressing a specific rule, make up DLint. We officially


characterize and put into practice 28 checkers that tackle issues overlooked by the

most advanced static methods.(Gong, 2015)




Research Design

This study used a pre-experimental research approach, in which a subject or group

is observed after a study has been applied to see if the technique has the potential to

induce change. The study’s goal was to see if the application, ORDERS, lessen the

students that are waiting in line to get snacks or lunch. The primary purpose of this

research is to improve the service of the GRSHS-X’s school canteen and to lighten the

crowdedness of the canteen. During this time, users are expected to be viewing their

preferred products through the app while they are still in their respective classrooms. It is

also a way to view snacks or lunch more efficiently as students tend to use cell phones


Research Setting

The study area is located in the Northeastern part of the city of Cagayan de Oro.

Four kilometers and 800 meters (4.8km) away from the city proper. It is bounded by


Tablon in the east, Cugman in the south and Lapasan in the west. Gusa Regional Science

High School - X has the appropriate environment to conduct this study.

Figure 2. Map of Barangay Gusa showing

Gusa Regional Science High School –X

Sampling Procedure

The researchers tested the app on their own. This study’s sampling procedure is

Convenience Sampling involves using respondents who are “convenient” to the

researcher. There is no pattern whatsoever in acquiring these respondents—they may be

recruited merely asking people who are present in the street, in a public building, or in a

workplace, for example.


Data Collection Method

Development of the Mobile Application. The researchers will use MIT App Inventor, a

tool that enables people new to computer programming to create applications for the

Android operating systems. This allows users to design applications that can run on

Android devices. In the app, the researchers included 3 categories The researchers

created the app format using main menu with buttons where the participants of the study

click to proceed with the inquire/viewing of the product,

Figure 3. Actual layout of MIT-App-inventor and the format of the app that the researchers



Process delay testing. The participants of the study inquired 15 different times 5

times per category, the researchers then timed the process delay of the user of the app to

the admin with a stopwatch timer.

Data Analysis

The collected data will be analyzed using statistical methods such as descriptive

statistics and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics will be used to summarize and

present the data in a meaningful way, while inferential statistics will be used to test the

hypotheses and determine the significance of the results. The data will be analyzed using

statistical software such as SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) to ensure

accuracy and reliability of the results. The results of the analysis will be presented in

tables, graphs, and charts, and will be interpreted in the discussion section of the study.



Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data


To complete this study properly, it is necessary to analyse the data collected in

order to test the hypothesis and answer the research questions. As already indicated in the

preceding chapter, data is interpreted in a descriptive form.

This chapter comprises the analysis, presentation and interpretation of the

findings resulting from this study. The analysis and interpretation of data is carried out in

two phases. The first part, which is based on the results of the questionnaire, deals with a

quantitative analysis of data. The second, which is based on the results of the interview

and focus group discussions, is a qualitative interpretation.


1. What is the efficiency of the Mobile food app in receiving inquiries (Time Wise)?

Table 1. Time Delay from the User to the Admin

Number of Tests (N) Mean (Average) Standard Deviation (SD)

(in seconds) (in seconds)

15 14.24 4.03

Table 1 represents an extensive summary of the time it takes for the inquiry of

the user to reach the admin and update the information of the app. The table shows a

different time frame between the user and the admin.

It can be seen to have an average time of 14.24s which is a relatively good process delay

from the users to the admin. Suggesting that this app is quite efficient in receiving

inquiries in the school canteen which also suggests to be a possible solution to the

overcrowding and ruckus in the canteen.

Furthermore, the application's capability to manage inquiries promptly implies a

potential remedy for the prevailing issues of overcrowding and ruckus in the canteen. By


facilitating a smoother and more efficient process, the app contributes to creating a more

orderly and pleasant experience for both students and staff during peak hours.

In summary, the impressive 14.24-second average response time not only

signifies the app's effectiveness in user-admin communication but also positions it as a

valuable tool in addressing challenges associated with crowded school canteens,

ultimately enhancing the overall operational efficiency of the educational institution.

2. What is the efficiency of the Mobile food app in updating information specifically

admin to user information? (Time Wise)?

Table 2. Time Delay: Admin-User

Number of Tests (N) Mean (Average) Standard Deviation (SD)

15 3.30 0.44

Here in Table 2, when compared to Table 1, the time it takes (Time Delay) between User-

Admin and Admin-User is vastly different. The Table 1, User-Admin time delay, as

mentioned, has an average of 14.24s, a median of 13.35s, and a range of 7.38s-23.94s.

While in Table 2, Admin-User time delay is: Average — 3.30s, Median — 3.16s, Range

— 2.66s - 4.08. This shows that the User-Admin process takes way longer in reaching the

Admin compared to the Admin-User process.

Its average time of 3.30s shows that this app is highly efficient in updating the

information in the app which is the number of items available in the school canteen menu


as the processing time is quick, this shows that the app is a very promising solution in

mitigating the crowd and the ruckus of the school canteen.



Based on the findings from the study, the following conclusions are found:

The user-admin process involves users interacting with administrators, with an

average time delay of 14.24s. Despite the seemingly extended duration, this phase

reflects a commitment to addressing user needs thoroughly. On the other hand, the

admin-user process boasts a swift response time of 3.30s, showcasing the efficiency of

administrators in promptly handling user requests. The strategic balance between these

processes is intentional; the longer time delay in the user-admin phase ensures

comprehensive and thoughtful interactions, while the quick 3.30s response time in the

admin-user process compensates for any initial delays. The overall interaction time for

the user-admin-user process sums up to approximately 17.54s, emphasizing the

dedication to providing users with a thorough and efficient service. This duration not only

reflects the commitment to resolving user inquiries comprehensively but also contributes

to a seamless user experience. The expected 17.54s interaction time exempts the exact

actions to be took of both the Admin and the User.



For those interested in enhancing school canteen apps, exploring relevant research

can offer valuable insights. This research provides ideas on creating user-friendly apps by

considering effective communication between users and administrators, the app's visual

appeal, and its potential to improve overall canteen functionality. Utilizing MIT App

Inventor for app development requires a close examination of time delays within user-

administrator interactions to ensure quick and efficient functionality. Implementing the

app in real school canteens involves thoughtful planning to make canteen information

easily accessible. A key focus in app creation should be user satisfaction, evaluating the

app's ease of use and helpfulness through user feedback and testing. Additionally,

enhancing the app experience can involve incorporating personalized suggestions,

nutritional information, and engaging features, making it more interesting and enjoyable

for users. The goal is to create apps that not only streamline canteen processes but also

cater to user preferences and needs.



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Raw and Coded Data

Figure B1. Raw data of the time delay of a User-Admin interaction


Figure 2. Raw data of the time delay of an Admin-User interaction




FigureC1. Listing food FigureC2. Listing a specified

in the canteen menu of the canteen

FigureC3. Developing the Main Interface FigureC4. Making the components

of the app. of the app


FigureC5. Finalizing the Main Interface

FigureC6. Making the “Snacks” category of the App

FigureC7. Making the “Rice Meals” category of the App


FigureC8. Making the logo of the app


Curriculum Vitae

Carl Francis E. Bayer

Block 17 Lot 3 Phase 1, Ecoverde Sierra Indahag
Cagayan de Oro City

Cell Number: 09929872910



Date of Birth: June 11, 2007
Place of Birth: Cagayan de Oro City
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Purok 4-A, Gusa, Cagayan de Oro, Misamis Oriental


Gusa Old Rd, Cagayan de Oro, 9000
Misamis Oriental


178 Baconga St, Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro, 9000
Misamis Oriental
● Consistent Honor Student

● Grade 1-6 MTAP Qualifier

Ian Dave C. Lagumen

F. Reyes Compound, Sitio Bato, Indahag
Cagayan De Oro City


Cell Number:


Date of Birth: March 9, 2008

Place of Birth: Cagayan de Oro City
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single



Purok 4-A, Gusa, Cagayan de Oro City, Misamis Oriental


R.N Pelaez Blvd., Indahag, Cagayan de Oro City

● Consistent Honor Student

Aminola A. Macarampat Jr.

488 Sapphire Drive, Tibasak Road, Macasandig
Cagayan De Oro City

Cell Number: 09399190631




Date of Birth: April 12, 2007

Place of Birth: Cagayan de Oro City
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single



Purok 4-A, Gusa, Cagayan de Oro City, Misamis Oriental


Taguanao, Indahag, Cagayan De Oro City 9000, Cagayan De
Oro City

Tiamo Echem St. Address Barangay. Brgy 20


3rd St, Mindanao State University, Marawi City,
Lanao del Sur

● Consistent Honor Student



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