Davisa Data Assignment Description Sec 1 and 2

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Data Analysis Assignment Instructions

Marketing Research
MAR 3613
Point Value: Up to 200 points total

The purpose of this exercise is to give you experience analyzing data and drawing conclusions
from the analysis.

Per the description on the syllabus, this assignment is governed by the USF Academic Integrity
Policy and thus is to be completed only by the person whose name appears at the top of the
submitted assignment.

If you are asked to describe an analysis method or why it is appropriate, be sure to do so in

your own words. Do not just copy and paste from the internet or from our class

Methods, statistics, and examples will be, or have been, discussed in class. You must use the
‘Taqueria Los Anaya’ dataset, which can be found in Canvas. Do not make ANY changes to
the dataset. This dataset can only be opened in SPSS.

Your assignment must be typed in Word. Be sure to clearly label which question you are
answering (i.e., Section 1, Question 1a, 1b, 1c, etc). The easiest way for you to copy your output
from SPSS into your Word document is to take a screenshot on your computer using the “print
screen” option or the snipping tool and paste it into your Word document.

Submit your assignment via Canvas by 11:59pm on the due dates. I will not be able to
accept late assignments.

Context: You have been hired by Taqueria Los Anaya, a Mexican restaurant in Los Angeles.
Your manager is in charge of retaining current customers and attracting new customers. Based
on some qualitative research into consumer behavior, your manager paid a market research
company to conduct a survey of consumers. The questionnaire contained a number of items
designed to provide important and actionable insights. Unfortunately, your manager failed to pay
attention in his marketing research course and thus has charged you with the job of analyzing the
data and reporting the findings.

Section 1: Use the below two variables for section 1:


1. Answer the following questions:
a. Create one table presenting the descriptive results (mean, median, mode, range,
variance, and standard deviation) for both of the above variables.

b. Provide a separate frequency table for each variable.

c. Create a separate histogram with a normal distribution curve for both variables.
Do these variables appear to be normally distributed? Why or why not?
The X2 variable appears to be normally distributed since that data is bell shaped
where the mean, median, and mode are in the middle of the histogram. The X11
variable does not appear to be normally distributed since the data doesn’t appear
in a bell shape, there is no data in the middle of the histogram. The X11 variable
appears to be more left skewed rather than normal distribution.
2. Now explain what the data tells you by answering the questions below:
a. What is your sample size?
My sample size is 405.

b. What is your valid N for variables X2 and X11?

My valid N for X2 variable is 404. My valid N for variable for X11 is 405.

c. Why might your valid N be smaller than your sample size?

My valid N might be smaller than my sample size because a participant could have
missed that question. Like in the example for the variable X2, I have a sample size of
405 but my valid N for X2 is 404. One participant missed that question resulting in a
smaller valid N than my sample size.

Section 2: The second assignment you have is to determine if there is a relationship between
which Mexican restaurant that participants most recently dined at and income.

You can determine if there is such a relationship using CROSS-TABS with CHI-SQUARE to
analyze the data. The two variables you want to use are Mexican Restaurant Most Recently
Eaten At (x_s4) and Gross Annual Income of $40,000 or More (x_s3).
1. Why is a chi-square test an appropriate method?
The chi-square test is an appropriate method because we are trying to assess whether the
two variables (Mexican Restaurant Most Recently Eaten At and Gross Annual Income of
$40,000 or More) are correlated to one another.

Use this output to answer the following questions:

2. Is the relationship between x_s4 and x_s3 statistically significant? How do you know?
Please provide the appropriate output here (cross-tab table and chi-square output).
There is a significant relationship between x_s4 and x_s3. I know this because in the
results of the Chi-Square Test the Pearson Chi-Square p value is less than 0.05. Which
means we reject the null H0 (the H0: there is no difference in Mexican restaurant choice
based on mostly recently dined at and income) because the p value is less than 0.05.
3. Describe the relationship by telling your manager what the data reveal about this aspect
of consumer behavior and what this insight suggests managerially. Create a bar chart to
portray the results to your manager.
Consumers with a lower annual income of $40,000 or less typically frequent Jose’s
Southwestern Café. Consumers with an annual income of $40,000 or more typically
frequent Taqueria Los Anaya. If I was giving this analysis to the manager of Jose’s
Southwestern Café, I would tell the manager that to gain more consumers his marketing
strategies should target households with an annual income less than $40,000 since these
are the consumers who are coming into their restaurant. I would give the same analysis to
the other restaurant (Taqueria Los Anaya) but with a different target audience of
households with an annual income of $40,000 or more.

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