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CWC at wardha: August offer promising Cripps Mission:

Congress did not support Dominion Status Promise of Dominion Status;
British during WW2 Constituent Assembly (India)

1940 Oct, 1940

1939 August, March,

1940 1942

Pakistan Individual Satyagraha

Resolution was passed movement was launched
by Muslim League to affirm the rights to speech. Vision IAS 1
Launch of QIM Desai Liaquat pact, Three Upsurges:
Demanding immediate in pursuance to unity (Over INA trials against
British withdrawal between INC and ML, sentencing of Rashid Ali,
from India came but it was failed too. and RIN (Navy) Revolt).

1944 June, 1945

Aug,1942 1945 Winter of


Rajaji Formula to Wavell Plan:

solve deadlock between Formation of Indian
ML and INC. executive Council
which act as interim
government; negotiations
on new constitution.

Cabinet Mission Plan:

Mountbatten to draw constitution of India and
plan facilitate interim government.

Dec, 1945-
July, 1947 Feb, 1947 Jan, 1946

June, 1947 1946

Indian Attlee’s General election:

Independence Act statement INC emerged as
the largest party.

Copyright © by Vision IAS

All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without prior permission of Vision IAS. Vision IAS 2


Different opinions on the question of Indian support to British war

efforts in WW2:

Mahatma Subhas Bose and Nehru's View: No The Muslim

Gandhi other socialists, Indian League viewed
advocated an such as Acharya the war situation
Narendra Dev Participation in
unconditional WW2 and at the as one from which
and Jaya prakash
support to the Naray an were of same, no it could profit in
Allied powers. the view to take opportunistic view getting a British
advantage of the assurance on
situation of Ww2 of the situation
by immediately either. its demands.

Keeping in consideration all the views, Congress Working Committee at

Wardha (September 1939) passed a resolution:
India could not be a party to a war being fought for democratic freedom,
while that freedom was being denied to India.
The government should declare its war aims soon and, also as to how the
principles of democracy were to be applied to India.

Ramgarh session of INC

Immediate Congress (March 1940)
Response (a) Decided that India would
Linlithgow's Statemen (a) No Indian support for war. accept nothing short of
(1939) promising: complete independence.
(b) But no immediate mass (Unlike dominion status as
(a) Modification of GOI
struggle to be launched. promised through Linlithgow
Act 1935.
(C) Congress ministries in statement’s).
(b) Immediately a
"consultative committee" provinces to resign. (b) A possibility of CDM was
to be formed for advisory also proposed in the future.
Note: Jinnah and the Muslim
function. League celebrated this Note: Further in March
occasion as a “day of 1940, "Pakistan Resolution”
Note: British refused to
passed at the Lahore sessio
state its war aims. deliverance”.
of Muslim League. Vision IAS 3


August Offer (1940) Individual Satyagraha Cripps Mission (1942)

British got into conciliatory In late 1940s, Gandhiji Headed by Sir Stafford
mood owing to Hitler’s decided to initiate a limited Cripps, it offered:
advances to seek Indian satyagraha on an individual
Support, so this offer was (a) An Indian Union with a
basis. The aims were: dominion, with right
(i) To show that nationalist to withdraw from
(a) Promise of the expansion
patience was not due to commonwealth.
of the Executive Council
weakness; (b) Constituent Assembly
(ii) to express that Indians (Solely Indians) to
(b) Dominion status as the
objective for India. made no distinction frame a new constitution.
between Nazism and (c) Freedom to any province
(c) Promise of Constituent autocracy that ruled
Assembly (mainly unwilling to join the
Indians) post WW2.* India; and Union to have a separate
(iii) to give another agreemnt with Britain.
(d) No future constitution to
be adopted without the opportunity to the Note: Congress objected to
consent of minorities. government to accept dominon status and right
Congress’demands of provinces to secede. ML
* For the first time, inherent peacefully.
right of Indians to frame objected to pakistan not
their Constitution was Note: The first Satyagrahi stated.
recognised. selected was Acharya
Note: Both congress & ML Vinoba Bhave. Second
rejected it. Nehru said, Satyagrahi was Jawahar
“Dominion status concept is Lal Nehru. Third was
dead as a doornail.” Brahma Datt.


Immediate causes
Failure of Cripps Mission.
Advancement of Japanese forces to Indian shore shattering the myth of
British invincibility. Public discontent against
Wartime hardships. Vision IAS 4

Quit India Resolution
The Quit India Resolution was ratified at the Congress meeting at
Gowalia Tank, Bombay, on August 8, 1942.
Gandhi’s General Instructions to Different Sections :
(a) Government servants: Do not resign but declare your
allegiance to the Congress.
(b) Soldiers: Do not leave the Army but do not fire on compatriots.
(c) Peasants: If zamindars are anti-government, pay mutually agreed
rent, and if zamindars are pro-Govt then do not pay rent.

Spread of the Movement

On 9th August, all top leaders of congress were arrested. Aruna Asaf Ali,
presided over the Congress committee session, and hoisted the flag.
Underground Activity: Many nationalists went underground and took
to subversive activities. Eg. Rammanohar Lohia, Jayaprakash Narayan,
Aruna Asaf Ali, Usha Mehta, Biju Patnaik, Chhotubhai Puranik, Achyut
Patwardhan, Sucheta Kripalani and R.P. Goenka. Usha Mehta started
an underground radio in Bombay.
Parallel Government was formed: eg. Ballia under Chittu Pandey ;
Tamluk (Midnapore) under Jatiya Sarkar (organised Vidyut Vahinis);
Satara (“Prati Sarkar”), under leaders like Y.B. Chavan, Nana Patil, etc.

Note: All other parties eg. ML, Hindu MahaSabha, Princely states, Communist
(sympathetic to Russian cause against NAZI attack) etc. stayed aloof to the
movement. Further, to condemn violence of State, Gandhi ji under took fast.


CR Rajagopalachari's Formula (1944)

The main provisions in the CR Plan were:
ML to endorse Congress demand for independence.
ML to cooperate with Congress in forming a provisional government at centre. Vision IAS 5

After the end of the war, the entire population of Muslim majority areas in the NW and
NE India to decide by a plebiscite, whether or not to form a separate sovereign state.
In case of acceptance of partition, agreement to be made jointly for safeguarding
defence, commerce, communications, etc.
Note: The formulae failed as it was opposed by major sections eg. ML complaining
about plebiscite of the entire population (not just Muslims alone) even in the Muslim
majority districts, Akali Dal, some congress Leaders, Hindu Mahasabha etc also
opposed it.

Desai-Liaquat pact (1945)

Bhulabhai Desai, and Liaqat Ali Khan, deputy leader of the Muslim League came
up with the draft proposal for the formation of an interim government at the centre,
consisting of—
an equal number of persons nominated by the Congress and the League in the
central legislature.
20% reserved seats for minorities.
Note: No settlement could be reached between the Congress and the League on
these lines.

Wavell Plan (June 1945)

Main Proposals Reasons for Failure

a) With the exception of the a) The Congress objected to the plan as

governor-general and the commander-in “an attempt to reduce the Congress to
chief, all members of the executive council the status of a purely caste Hindu party”
were to be Indians. (b) Muslim League wanted all Muslim
(b) Caste Hindus and Muslims were to members to be League nominees and
have equal representation . claimed a communal veto in the
(c) The reconstructed council was to executive council.
function as an interim government within
the framework of the 1935 Act.
(d) Possibilities were to be kept open for
negotiations on a new constitution once
the war was finally won. Vision IAS 6

Post-War National Scenario

Government's Attitude Three Upsurges– Winter of Elections:

softened (Reason: Labour 1945-1946 Elections were held in the
Party won in England; Upsurge 1 (November 21, winter of 1945-1946.
Change in balance of 1945) in Calcutta over The elections to the central
Power post WW2; Anti INA trials.
legislature were held
Imperialist sentiments Upsurge 2 (February 11,
among masses; Tired 1946) in Calcutta against under the terms of the
British troops etc. seven year sentence to GOI Act 1919 (Because
Rashid Ali. Princely States refused All
Upsurge 3 (February 18, India Federation of GOI
1946): In Bombay, strike act 1935)
by RIN. Naval Ratings of Outcome:
HMIS Talwar went on a
INC emerged as the
strike to protest against
racial discrimination, largest party( 57 out of
unpalatable food, 102 seats in the Central
abuse by seniors, etc. Assembly, got majority in
most provinces except in
Note: Congress did not
support these upsurges. Bengal, Sindh and
The ML won all Muslim
constituencies, but failed
to win any other seats. It
captured the 30 reserved
INA Trials: seats in the Central
INA soldiers were captured.They were taken to court Assembly and got a
martial at the Red Fort of Delhi. majority in Bengal and
Some of theprominent examples: Colonel PremSahgal, Sindh
Gurubaksh Singh Dhillon and Major General Shah These were the last
Nawaz Khan. general elections in
Senior leaders like Bhulabhai Desai, Tej BahadurSapru, British India.
K.N. Katju, J. Nehru and Asaf Ali defended PoWs.
The cause was supported by many organizations
with varying degree like Congress, ML, Communist
Party, Unionists, Akalis, Justice Party, RSS, Hindu
Mahasabha etc. Vision IAS 7

The Cabinet Mission, May 1946

The Attlee government announced the decision to send a high-powered mission

of three British cabinet members (pethick Lawrence, Secretary of State for India;
Stafford Cripps; and A.V. Alexander) to India.

Mains provisions:

Rejection of the demand for full-fledged Pakistan

Grouping of existing provincial assemblies into three sections: Section-A (Hindu-
majority provinces); Section-B: Punjab, North-West Frontier Province and Sindh
(Muslim-majority provinces); Section-C: Bengal and Assam (Muslim-majority
Three-tier executive and legislature at provincial, section and union levels.
A constituent assembly was to be elected by provincial assemblies by proportional
representation (voting in three groups-General, Muslims, Sikhs).
In the constituent assembly, members form groups A, B and C were to sit
separately to decide the constitution for provinces and whole constituent assembly
would sit together to formulate the union constitution.
A common centre would control defence, communication and external affairs. A
federal structure was envisaged for India.
Communal questions in the central legislature were to decided by a simple
majority of both communities present and voting.
Provinces were to have full autonomy and residual powers.
Princely states were no longer to be under paramountcy of the British government.
They would be free to enter into an arrangement with successor governments o
the British government
Meanwhile, an interim governments was to be formed from the constituent

Objectives of Cabinet Mission

To obtain an agreement with the Indian leaders as to the framing of a

constitution for India.
To formulate a constitution-making body (the Constituent Assembly of India).
To establish an Executive Council with the support of the major Indian parties. Vision IAS 8

Acceptance and Rejection

The Muslim League on June 6 and the Congress on June 24, 1946 accepted the
long-term plan put forward by the Cabinet Mission.
On July10, 1946, Nehru stated, “We are not bound by a single thing except the we
have decided to go into the Constituent Assembly (implying that the Constituent
Assembly was sovereign and would decide the rules of procedure). The big
probability is that there would be no grouping as NWFP and Assam would have
objections to joining sections B and C.”
On July 29, 1946, The League withdrew its acceptance of the long-term plan in
response to Nehru’s statement and gave a call for “direct action” from August 16
to achieve Pakistan.
Note: Finally an interim government was formed under leadership of Nehru on
September 2, 1946.Wavell quietly brought the Muslim League into the Interim
Government on October 26, 1946.


Attlee’s Statement Feb, 1947

Here, British Prime Minster Clement Attlee outlined:
A deadline of 30 June 1948 for transfer of power even if Indian politicians
had not agreed by the time on constitution
British would transfer the power to provincial governments or some
form of central government or other if constituent assembly was
not fully representative. Thus it had clear hint of balkanization of India
into numerous states.
Reactions To Attlee’s Statement
Congress accepted the provision of transfer of power to more than one
centre as this facilitated current constituent assembly to form constitution
for areas whereas ML launched civil disobedience movement.

Dickie Bird Plan May 1947

Mountbatten Prepared this plan (earlier to Mountbatten plan of June ).
The main proposal of this plan was that provinces should become first independent
successor states rather than an Indian Union or the two dominions of India &
Nehru rejected the plan right away and told him that this plan would invite
Balkanization of India and would provoke conflict and violence.
Consequently, this plan was cancelled Vision IAS 9

Mountbatten Plan, June 3,1947.
The viceroy came up with another plan called the June 3 Plan. This plan was the
last plan for Indian Independence. It is also called the Mountbateen
Main Provisions:
Punjab and Bengal Legislative Assemblies would meet in two groups, Hindus
and Muslims, to vote for partition. If a simple majority of either group voted for
partition, then these provinces would be partitioned.
In case partition, two dominions and two constituent assemblies would
be created.
Sindha would take its own decision.
Referendums in NWFP and Sylhet district of Bengal would decide the fate of these
Thus the league’s demand was conceded to the extent that Pakistan would be
created and the Congress’ position on unity was take into account to make
Pakistan as small as possible. Mountbatten’s formula was to divide India
but retain maximum unity.

Indian Independence Act 1947

On July 5,1947 the British Parliament passed this Act which was based on the
Mountbatten Plan, and the Act got royal assent on July 18, 1947
The Act was implemented on August 15, 1947.
The Act provided for the creation of two independent dominions of India and
Pakistan with effect from August 15, 1947
As per the provisions of this Act, Pakistan become independent on August 14
while India got its freedom on August 15, 1947. M.A. Jinnah become the first
Governor- General of Pakistan. India, however, decided to request Lord Mountbatten
to continue as the Governor-General of India Vision IAS 10


Jammu and Kashmir

On 26 October 1947, the Maharaja
Hari Singh of Jammu & Kashmir
A Plebiscite was
singned the Instrument of Accession,
held on Fed 1948
the legal document that ceded J&K to
and population
the Dominion of India as per the
favoured to join
Indian Independence Act 1947.

It was annexed via
polic action. under
operation Polo of
India Army (Sep
Daman and Diu:
and Goa
was annexed by
India in 1961. Puducherry
Pradesh Ceded to India in

Tamil Nadu


S.C Bose was the first man to call Mahatma Gandhi “Father of the Nation”, in
his address from Singapore.

In 1923, Bose was elected the President of the All India youth Congress and
also the Secretary of Bengal State Congress.

Bose took over as the elected president of Indian National Congress in

1938 (haripura). Vision IAS 11

Bose was re-elected as the president in 1939 (Tripuri) but soon resigned (Tripuri
Crisis) from the presidency owing to his ideological differences with Gandhiji
and formed the all India Forward Bloc (1939), a faction within the Congress
which aimed at consolidating the political left.

The Idea of the Indian National Army (INA) was first conceived in Malaya by
Captain Mohan Singh.

INA composed of Indian POWs and volunteering Indian expatriates in South-

East Asia, with the help of the Japanese. It had a women’s regiment named
after the legendary Rani of Jhansi of 1857 fame

In June 1942, a united Indian independence League, was born as a civilian

political body having controlling authority over the INA. Rash Behari Bose a
veteran Bengali revolutionary was chose its chairman.

In 1943, S C Bose traveled to Japan and took leadership of the Indian

Independence Movement in East Asia. With Japanese aid and influence, he
took the leadership of a trained army of the India National Army.

In October 1943, S C Bose formed Azad Hind Government, a Provisional Free

Indian Government In exile which was immediately recognized by Japan and
later by eight other government including Germany and Fascist Italy.

During the WW2, the Andaman and Nicobar island were captured by the
Japanese and handedover by them to the INA.

Copyright © by Vision IAS

All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without prior permission of Vision IAS. Vision IAS 12

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