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Cruzado, Denmark R.


storytelling and high-quality production

values in television.

5. Intended Purpose: Through its

informative and entertaining
presentation, the advertisement aims to
pique viewers' curiosity and anticipation
for "Pulang Araw," effectively building
excitement and engagement leading up
to the series' release.

6. Embedded Lifestyle/Values: The

advertisement subtly promotes values
such as resilience, patriotism, and the
exploration of Philippine heritage,
presenting the show as not only
entertaining but also educational and
culturally enriching. Its effectiveness in
influencing viewers to embrace these
values depends on their reception to the
1. Message Conveyed: The show's themes and messages.
advertisement effectively communicates
the premise and excitement surrounding 7. Facts in the Advertisement: Key
GMA's upcoming historical action factual information provided in the
drama, "Pulang Araw," by immersing advertisement includes the title of the
viewers in the nostalgic atmosphere of series, the names of the main cast
the Japanese colonization period, while members, and the historical setting of
also teasing the star-studded cast and the Japanese colonization period,
promising an engaging storyline filled grounding the promotional material in
with action and drama. concrete details.

2. Rhetorical Appeals: 8. Hidden Message: Beneath its surface,

- Ethos (Emotion): Through its warm the advertisement subtly encourages
lighting and nostalgic visuals, the viewers to reflect on the importance of
advertisement taps into viewers' preserving and honoring Philippine
emotions, creating a sense of history, particularly during times of
anticipation and nostalgia for the adversity, emphasizing the resilience
historical drama genre. and heroism of past generations.
- Pathos (Credibility): By featuring
popular actors like Alden Richards and 9. Techniques Used: Leveraging
Barbie Forteza, the advertisement emotional appeal through warm lighting
establishes credibility and and nostalgic visuals, alongside
trustworthiness, assuring viewers of the promotional tactics highlighting the
show's quality and entertainment value. star-studded cast and historical context,
- Logos (Reason): The inclusion of the the advertisement effectively captures
historical context of the Japanese viewers' attention and imagination,
colonization period adds intellectual making the upcoming series more
depth to the advertisement, appealing to believable and enticing.
viewers' curiosity and interest in
Philippine history. 10. Bias: While the advertisement
admirably celebrates Filipino resilience
3. Representation of Reality: The and heroism during the Japanese
advertisement effectively transports colonization period, it may inadvertently
viewers to the historical setting of the overlook more complex and nuanced
Japanese colonization period, offering aspects of history, potentially presenting
an authentic glimpse into the themes, a somewhat idealized or simplified
atmosphere, and struggles of that era, portrayal of the era.
thereby enhancing the show's credibility
and appeal. 11. Personal Agreement: Whether one
agrees with the advertisement ultimately
depends on individual preferences for
4. Target Audience: With its focus on historical dramas and interpretations of
historical drama, action-packed Philippine history. While some viewers may
storylines, and a star-studded cast, the appreciate its celebratory and nostalgic tone,
advertisement targets a diverse audience others may seek a more critical or nuanced
interested in Philippine history, exploration of the past.
particularly those who enjoy immersive

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