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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 7 – 3rd Quarter

Prepared by: Baby Gie U. Tausa

I. Objectives
At the end of a 50-minute period, the Grade 7 learners are expected to:
a. solves the mean, median and the mode of sets of ungrouped data
b. illustrate the formula of mean, median and the mode.
c. participate in expressing the answer in a collaborative work.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Measures of Central Tendency
Learning Competency:
Calculates the measures of Central Tendency of Ungrouped Data [M7SP-IVf-g-1]
Concept: The topic will focus on computing the values of the mean, median and the mode.
References: K to 12 MELCs
Math 7 Self Learning Modules
Instructional Materials: PowerPoint Presentation and Laptop
Skills: identification, analysis, solving problems
Values Integration: participation and respect

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

 Preliminary Activities

Good morning, class!

Students: Good morning, Ms. Tausa!
Kindly pick up the pieces of paper
under your chair, throw it to the
garbage and go back to your proper (The students will pick up the pieces of paper
seats. and throw it to the garbage immediately and
will sit to their chairs properly.)
Yes, Ma’am.


Okay Howard, kindly lead the prayer. (Howard will lead the prayer.)
Our father thou art in heaven
hallowed be thy name. Your kingdom
come your will be done on earth as it
in heaven… Amen.

Okay class, before you sit let us sing

Oh it’s Math time after all
Ready, sing
Oh it’s Math time after all (3x) (The students will sing)
Oh it’s Math time, after all…


You may all take your seats.

Vevencio, is there any absent from Students: Thank you, Ma’am.
this class? Vevencio: No, Ma’am.

You are all present today, very good!

Let us give ourselves three claps for
being complete today.

1, 2, 3... (The students will clap).

Before we continue, let us remember

or recall our guidelines when we were
having our lessons inside the
1. To be prepared (Vevencio Biabe will raise his hand.)
2. To be positive or to be happy
3. To be productive and be
4. To be respectful to your classmates
and teacher

Do you understand?
Students: Yes, ma’am.

 Developmental Activities

Before proceeding to the next topic,

who can recall for our topic
yesterday? Anyone?

Yes, Claire.
Claire: Our topic yesterday is about the
graphical representations of frequency
Very good. Our topic yesterday is
about the graphical representations of
frequency distribution.

To be clear that you have learned well

from our lesson yesterday. I will be
asking questions and anyone can
raise their hands to answer.

What is a graph?
(Angela will raise her hand)
Yes, Angela.

Angela: A graph is a tool used for conveying

information very quickly.
That is correct.

Now, what forms can be used to

summarize data?
(Rhea will raise her hand)
Rhea: They are in a form of tabular,
numerical or graphical forms.

Excellent. What are the most common

graphical methods?
(The students will answer in chorus)
Line graph, time series, line charts,
histogram, frequency polygons, pie
charts, pictographs and logarithmic
Yes. Excellent.

 Motivation

Now, let us have an activity. Please

get your notebook and I want you to 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,,10,11,12,13,14,1
write numbers 1-30. 5,16,17,18,1,20,21,22,23,24,25,2

Are you done writing? Students: Yes, Ma’am.

 Presentation of the lesson

Okay, let us use that numbers for our

lesson for today. Our lesson for today
is all about measures of central

 Discussion

Now, I want you to add the numbers

1-30? (The students will add the numbers from 1-
Is everybody finished?
Students: Yes, Ma’am.

What is the sum?

Yes, Jane.
Jane: It is 465.
That is correct.

Now, I want you to divide 465 to 30

since 30 is the total number. 465/30 = 15.5

What is the quotient? (Yrra will raise her hand)

Yrra: The quotient is 15.5.

From that answer, we can say that

15.5 is the mean of the ungrouped
data. Using that term, which is mean
and the number 15.5. What do you
think is the meaning of the mean of
the ungrouped data? (Rica will raise her hand)
Rica: Mean is an average.

That’s correct. Are there any other

answers? (Cherry will raise her hand)
Rica: The mean is the sum of all numbers
divided by the total numbers.

Now, using what we did earlier in our
activity in our formula in finding the
mean of ungrouped data is this,


The mean is the average of the

numbers in a set.

This is the symbol for mean

This represents all the numbers

added and n represents the total
number of data.
Do you understand?
Students: Yes, Ma’am.
Let us have an example.

14, 11, 18, 22, 34, 10, 13, 16, 19, 20 and

What is the mean of the following

numbers? Use your calculator.

Who can tell me the mean?

(Ben will answer.)
Ben: The mean is 18.09
That’s correct.

Now, let us try again to look at these

set of scores.

14, 11, 18, 22, 34, 10, 13, 16, 19, 20 and

What can you say about this?

(Nathan will answer.)
Nathan: The smallest number is and the
biggest is 34.

Are there other answers?

(Rose will answer.)
Rose: The numbers are not arranged
That is correct. properly.

Now, using your small illustration

boards, I want you to write the (The students will arrange the numbers in
numbers properly from smallest to their illustration board)

Now, who can write the proper

arrangement of the numbers on the
board? (Jhon Mark will volunteer)
Jhon’s answer will look like this

10, 11, 13, 14 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 22 and


Are the numbers arranged properly?

Students: Yes, Ma’am.

Since the numbers are arranged

properly. What do you think is the
(Jearim will answer.)
middle number of the set?
Jearim: The middle number is 16.

Are there other answer? (Nathan will answer.)

Nathan: I think the middle number is 18.

Yes, Nathan that is correct.

Remember class that in a set of data
there is always a middle number. And
we call it the median.
In finding the median we can use this


The median is the middle

number in a set of data.

This is the symbol for the median and

n represents the total number of data
used. The answer from this formula
will not exactly tell the median.
However, it will only tell the location of
the median in our data.

Do you understand class?

Students: Yes, Ma’am.

Okay, let us use this formula and let

us solve for the median in our
examples using calculator.

4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15,

19, 23, 24

How many numbers are used in our

Students: 11, Ma’am
Okay, let us solve for the median
using the formula.

6 is not a median but the median in

our example is in the sixth location.
Now, what is the sixth number in our

Yes, therefore the median in our data

is 10. Students: 10, Ma’am

Moving on, let us examine this


2, 5, 5, 6, 8, 9

What can you say about the

(Trashel will answer.)
Trashel: The lowest value is 2 and the
highest value is 9.
What else? Are there other answer?
(Kim will answer)
Kim: The number five appeared twice in the
Exactly. Now, we can say that the
number five is called the mode. The
mode is the third measure of central
tendency. Using this number five,
what do you think is the meaning of
the mode? (Dani will answer)
Dani: The mode is the number that appears
twice or more in the set of data.
That is correct. The mode is the most
frequently occurring score in a group
data. There is no formula in finding
the mode in the set of data. You just
have to look for the numbers that
appear twice or more in the set. Do
you understand?
Students: Yes, Ma’am.

Very good.

Let us have another example.

4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 19,

2, 11, 11

As you can see, the numbers are not

yet arranged properly. So, we have to
arrange the numbers in ascending
Who can arrange the numbers in the
board? (Job will answer)

Remember that you have to arrange (while Job is answering, the teacher will
the numbers properly in ascending discuss)
order before identifying the mean,
median and the mode. Do you

Very good. Thank you, Job. You may

now sit. (This is the answer of Job)
Okay, since the numbers are
arranged properly. What do you think 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 11, 11,
is the mode of the data? 13, 15, 19

Students: 11, Ma’am.

Very, good. We can say that 11 is
unimodal since there is only one
mode in the data. If there are two
modes or two numbers that occurred
twice or more, we can say that they
are bimodal and if there are three
modes or three numbers that
occurred twice or more they are called
multimodal. Remember, we can also
say that there is no mode of the data
if there is no number that occurred
twice or more.
Is that clear?
Students: Yes, Ma’am
Very good.

 Application

Now, let us have a group activity. I will

group you into two. Before we
continue let us recall our guidelines in
doing group activity inside our

What is the first step?

1. Read the directions carefully.

2. Cooperate with your classmates.
3. Work silently.

Exactly. Now, I will give each group

an activity card and a manila paper. I
want you to read the directions
carefully and I want you to write the
answer and the solution in the manila
paper. After that, you have to choose
a representative that will discuss your
answers here in front.
Is that clear?
Okay, you have five minutes to (The students are doing their activity)
answer this activity.

Is everybody finished?
If you are finished clap three times.
(The students will clap in three times)

You can now go back to your seats.

Let us now start to our reporting.

(The group 1 will choose Vevencio as their
Activity for group 1. reporter)

Examine the following numbers.

This is the presentation of Group 1.
12, 11, 14, 15, 18, 19, 21, 24,
11, 13, 30
1. Ascending order
1. Arrange the numbers in
ascending order. 11, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19,
21, 24, 30
2. Find the mean, median and
mode. 2. Mean: 17.09
Median: 15
Mode: 11(Unimodal)

Very good, let us give five claps to

group 1.
(The students will clap five times)

Let’s proceed to group 2.

Activity for group 2. (The group 2 will choose Leni as their

Examine the following numbers.
This is the presentation of Group 2.
23, 11, 24, 24, 24, 25, 21, 19,
20, 18 1. Ascending order
1. Arrange the numbers in 11, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 24,
ascending order. 24, 25
2. Find the mean, median and 2. Mean: 20.09
Median: 22
Mode: 24(Unimodal)

Very good, group 2. Let us give five

claps to the group 2 as well. (The students will clap five times)

 Generalization

Based from what you have done

earlier, what did you do to finish the
activity on time? (Joshua will answer)
Joshua: We cooperated to each other.
Excellent. In order to get the job done
easily, we must cooperate and help
each other. Just like on how the front
liners helped each other to cure
people that have been affected by

Now, let us recall the three measures

of central tendency.
Rhea: The measures central tendency is the
Yes, Rhea.
mean, the median and the mode.

Very good. What is the mean of the

ungrouped data? Claire: It is the average numbers in the set.

How about the median?

Angela: It is the middle number of the set.

And what is the mode? Kim: It is the most frequently occurring

number in the data.

Excellent. Now what should we do

first before identifying the mean, the
median and the mode?

Yes, we have to arrange the numbers

in ascending order.

 Evaluation

Get ½ sheet of paper and answer the

following. You have 1o minutes to
answer this activity.

Directions: Find the measures of

central tendency of the following
sets of ungrouped data.
1. 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 22,
25, 27
2. 42, 12, 45, 78, 23, 21, 12, 11,
15, 11, 11
3. 54, 22, 77, 77, 78, 97, 21, 77, 97
(The students are answering)
4. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
5. 65, 32, 45, 78, 98, 43, 43, 43
Is everybody finished?

Okay, exchange your paper and let us


Answer key:

1. Mean= 18.5, Median=18.5,

Mode= None
2. Mean= 25.55, Median=15,
Mode= 11, 12
3. Mean= 66.67, Median=77,
Mode= 77
4. Mean= 5, Median=5, Mode=
5. Mean= 60.56, Median=45,
Mode= 43, 98

Okay, class. Kindly pass your papers

to the in front and gave it to me.

Thank you.

Now, get your Mathematics notebook

and copy the assignment.

Direction: Arrange the numbers in

ascending order and find the
measures of central tendency.
23, 45, 46, 49, 97, 31, 1, 25, 57,
29, 19

Is everybody finished writing?

Students: Yes, Ma’am.

Okay, then pack your things and let
us have our closing prayer.

 Closing Prayer

Our father thou art in heaven

hallowed be thy name. Your kingdom
come your will be done on earth as it
in heaven… Amen.

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