Computer Fundamental, Organization and Architecture

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Government College Narela, Bhopal


Subject- Computer fundamental, organization and architecture
Submit to :- Dr Rais Khan

1. Provide an overview of the block diagram of a computer system,

highlighting the major functional units. What is the role of each unit in the overall
operation of the computer?
2. Explain the function of the central processing unit (CPU) in the block
diagram of a computer. How does it interact with other components, and what
are the key tasks it performs during data processing?
3. Describe the role of memory in a computer's block diagram. What types of
memory are typically included, and how does data flow between different
memory units and the CPU during program execution?
4. Discuss the significance of input and output devices in the context of a
computer's functional units. How do these devices facilitate communication
between the computer and its users or other external systems?
5. Explore the role of the control unit and the arithmetic logic unit (ALU) in the
CPU. How do these units collaborate to execute instructions, and what specific
functions do they perform during the processing of data in a computer system?

Provide an overview of the block diagram of a computer system, highlighting

the major functional units. What is the role of each unit in the overall operation
of the computer?


Block Diagram of Computer System

Explain the block diagram of a computer and its various components.
With technology upgrading rapidly, now computers have now become part of our
daily lives.
From performing basic operations like watching a movie to high-level functions
like manufacturing a car. The computers are doing it all.
But have you ever thought about how a computer works? What processes go
inside it? What are the fundamentals of a computer? Just like the other machines,
the computer has also a basic architecture. It comprises multiple elements. These
elements process the input and produce the desired output.

Let us look at the basic block diagram of the computer. Then, we will understand
how each part contributes to its functioning.
Block Diagram of a Computer :-

Figure 1. Block Diagram of a Computer

All the data received by the computer goes through the input unit. The input unit
comprises different devices like a mouse, keyboard, scanner, etc. In other words,
each of these devices acts as a mediator between the users and the computer.

The data that is to be processed is put through the input unit. The computer
accepts the raw data in binary form. It then processes the data and produces the
desired output.

The 3 major functions of the input unit are-

1. Take the data to be processed by the user.

2. Convert the given data into machine-readable form.
3. And then, transmit the converted data into the main memory of the
computer. The sole purpose is to connect the user and the computer. In
addition, this creates easy communication between them.

CPU – Central Processing Unit

Central Processing Unit or the CPU, is the brain of the computer. It works the
same way a human brain works. As the brain controls all human activities,
similarly the CPU controls all the tasks.

Moreover, the CPU conducts all the arithmetical and logical operations in the
Now the CPU comprises of two units, namely – ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) and
CU (Control Unit). Both of these units work in sync. The CPU processes the data as
a whole.
ALU – Arithmetic Logic Unit

The Arithmetic Logic Unit is made of two terms, arithmetic and logic. There are
two primary functions that this unit performs.

1. Data is inserted through the input unit into the primary memory. Performs
the basic arithmetical operation on it. Like addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division. It performs all sorts of calculations required on
the data. Then sends back data to the storage.
2. The unit is also responsible for performing logical operations like AND, OR,
Equal to, Less than, etc. In addition to this it conducts merging, sorting, and
selection of the given data.

CU – Control Unit

The control unit as the name suggests is the controller of all the activities/tasks
and operations. All this is performed inside the computer.

The memory unit sends a set of instructions to the control unit. Then the control
unit in turn converts those instructions. After that these instructions are
converted to control signals.

These control signals help in prioritizing and scheduling activities. Thus, the
control unit coordinates the tasks inside the computer in sync with the input and
output units.
Memory Unit
All the data that has to be processed or has been processed is stored in the
memory unit. The memory unit acts as a hub of all the data. It transmits it to the
required part of the computer whenever necessary.

The memory unit works in sync with the CPU. This helps in faster accessing and
processing of the data. Thus, making tasks easier and quicker.

There are two types of computer memory-

1. Primary memory – This type of memory cannot store a vast amount of

data. Therefore, it is only used to store recent data. The data stored in this
is temporary. It can get erased once the power is switched off. Therefore, is
also called temporary memory or main memory.

2. RAM stands for Random Access Memory. It is an example of primary

memory. This memory is directly accessible by the CPU. It is used for
reading and writing purposes. For data to be processed, it has to be first
transferred to the RAM and then to the CPU.

3. Secondary memory – As explained above, the primary memory stores

temporary data. Thus it cannot be accessed in the future. For permanent
storage purposes, secondary memory is used. It is also called permanent
memory or auxiliary memory. The hard disk is an example of secondary
memory. Even in a power failure data does not get erased easily.
There is nothing to be amazed by what the output unit is used for. All the
information sent to the computer once processed is received by the user through
the output unit. Devices like printers, monitors, projectors, etc. all come under
the output unit.

The output unit displays the data either in the form of a soft copy or a hard copy.
The printer is for the hard copy. The monitor is for the display. The output unit
accepts the data in binary form from the computer. It then converts it into a
readable form for the user.

Let us finally look at what the data flow looks like inside the computer step by

1. The data is accepted by the input unit. It is given by the user. It is then
converted into binary form for the computer to read it.
2. The information is then sent to the memory unit for storage and
3. The required data, that needs to be processed is accessed by the CPU. It is
accessed from the primary storage. The arithmetic and logical operations
are then performed on the data. The control unit schedules all the activities
for the smooth working of the computer.
4. The data is then sent to the storage unit. It is used for storing or further
processing purposes.
5. Then the output unit receives the final processed output.
Question :- 2.

Explain the function of the central processing unit (CPU) in the block diagram of
a computer. How does it interact with other components, and what are the key
tasks it performs during data processing?

Answer:- 2
Central Processing Unit (CPU) consists of the following features −

1. CPU is considered as the brain of the computer.

2. CPU performs all types of data processing operations.
3. It stores data, intermediate results, and instructions (program).
4. It controls the operation of all parts of the computer.

CPU itself has following three components.

1. Memory or Storage Unit

2. Control Unit
3. ALU(Arithmetic Logic Unit)

Memory or Storage Unit

This unit can store instructions, data, and intermediate results. This unit supplies
information to other units of the computer when needed. It is also known as
internal storage unit or the main memory or the primary storage or Random
Access Memory (RAM).
Its size affects speed, power, and capability. Primary memory and secondary
memory are two types of memories in the computer. Functions of the memory
unit are −

1. It stores all the data and the instructions required for processing.

2. It stores intermediate results of processing.

3. It stores the final results of processing before these results are released to
an output device.

4. All inputs and outputs are transmitted through the main memory.

Control Unit
This unit controls the operations of all parts of the computer but does not carry
out any actual data processing operations.

Functions of this unit are −

1. It is responsible for controlling the transfer of data and instructions among
other units of a computer.
2. It manages and coordinates all the units of the computer.
3. It obtains the instructions from the memory, interprets them, and directs
the operation of the computer.
4. It communicates with Input/Output devices for transfer of data or results
from storage.
5. It does not process or store data.
ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit)
This unit consists of two subsections namely,

1. Arithmetic Section
2. Logic Section

Arithmetic Section
Function of arithmetic section is to perform arithmetic operations like addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division. All complex operations are done by
making repetitive use of the above operations.

Logic Section
Function of logic section is to perform logic operations such as comparing,
selecting, matching, and merging of data.

Describe the role of memory in a computer's block diagram. What types of

memory are typically included, and how does data flow between different
memory units and the CPU during program execution?
Answer:- 3.
In a computer's block diagram, memory plays a crucial role in storing and
retrieving data for the CPU during program execution. The various types of
memory included in a typical computer system are:

1. **Registers:**
 Located within the CPU.
 Extremely fast but limited in capacity.
 Used to store small amounts of data and intermediate results during

2. **Cache Memory:**
 Sits between the main memory and the CPU.
 Designed to provide faster access to frequently used instructions and data.
 Divided into levels (L1, L2, L3) based on proximity to the CPU.

3. **Main Memory (RAM - Random Access Memory):**

 Larger in capacity compared to registers and cache.
 Stores data and instructions that the CPU is actively using or will use in the
near future.
 Volatile memory, meaning it loses its content when power is turned off.
4. **Secondary Storage (Hard Drives, SSDs, etc.):**
 Non-volatile storage for long-term data retention.
 Used to store the operating system, applications, and user data.
 Slower access compared to RAM.

During program execution, the data flow between different memory units and the
CPU follows a typical sequence:

1. **Instruction Fetch (IF):**

 The CPU fetches instructions from main memory.
 If the instruction is not in cache, it is loaded from main memory into cache.

2. **Instruction Decode (ID):**

 The CPU decodes the fetched instruction to determine the operation to be
performed and the required data.

3. **Data Fetch (DF):**

 The CPU fetches data from memory (registers, cache, or main memory)
based on the decoded instruction.

4. **Execution (EX):**
 The CPU performs the specified operation on the fetched data in the
arithmetic logic unit (ALU).

5. **Write Back (WB):**

 The results are written back to memory (registers, cache, or main

This cycle repeats for each instruction in the program. The memory hierarchy is
designed to exploit the trade-off between speed and capacity. Registers and
cache provide fast access to small amounts of data, while main memory and
secondary storage offer larger capacities at slower speeds. The goal is to minimize
the time the CPU spends waiting for data, optimizing overall system performance.

Discuss the significance of input and output devices in the context of a

computer's functional units. How do these devices facilitate communication
between the computer and its users or other external systems?

Answer:- 4.
Input and output devices are essential components of a computer system,
playing a crucial role in facilitating communication between the computer and its
users or other external systems. They serve as the interface through which users
interact with the computer and receive information. Here's an overview of the
significance of input and output devices:

Input Devices:

1. User Interaction:
 Input devices enable users to provide commands and data to the
 Common input devices include keyboards, mice, touchscreens, and

2. Data Entry:
 Users can input textual and numerical data, as well as various commands
through input devices.
 This is fundamental for tasks such as programming, document creation, and
data entry.

3. Control Mechanism:
 Input devices help users control the computer's operations and navigate
through software applications.
 They are crucial for gaming, graphic design, and other interactive activities.

4. Sensors and Specialized Input:

 Some systems use sensors as input devices, such as cameras, scanners, or
environmental sensors.
 These devices can capture and input complex data like images, sound, or
environmental conditions.

Output Devices:

1. Information Presentation:
 Output devices present information generated by the computer to the user
in a human-readable form.
 Examples include monitors (for visual output), speakers (for audio output),
and printers (for hard copy output).

2. Feedback Mechanism:
 Output devices provide feedback to users, confirming that their inputs have
been received and processed.
 Feedback is crucial for user understanding and interaction.

3. Data Visualization:
 Output devices play a key role in data visualization, presenting complex
data in a comprehensible format.
 This is important for tasks like graphical analysis, design, and scientific
4. Communication with External Systems:
 Output devices may facilitate communication with external systems by
presenting data in a format that can be interpreted by other devices or
 For example, output devices can display information for human users or
generate signals for other machines.

Communication Between Computer and Users/External Systems:

1. User Interface:
 Input and output devices collectively form the user interface, enabling
users to interact with the computer and receive information.

2. Interconnectivity:
 Input and output devices provide a means for the computer to connect
with other systems and devices, allowing for data exchange.

3. Enhanced User Experience:

 Well-designed input and output systems contribute to a positive user
experience by providing efficient and intuitive ways for users to interact
with the computer.

4. Multimodal Interaction:
 Modern systems often involve multiple input and output modalities (e.g.,
touchscreens, voice recognition, virtual reality), enhancing the versatility
and accessibility of computer systems.

Explore the role of the control unit and the arithmetic logic unit (ALU) in the
CPU. How do these units collaborate to execute instructions, and what specific
functions do they perform during the processing of data in a computer system?

Answer:- 5.
The Control Unit (CU) and the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) are two fundamental
components within the Central Processing Unit (CPU) of a computer. They work
together to execute instructions, perform calculations, and control the flow of
data within the CPU. Let's delve into the roles of the Control Unit and the ALU and
understand how they collaborate during the processing of data:

Control Unit (CU):

1. Instruction Fetch:
 The Control Unit is responsible for fetching instructions from the
computer's memory. It retrieves the next instruction from the program
counter, a register that keeps track of the memory address of the current

2. Instruction Decode:
 After fetching an instruction, the Control Unit decodes it to determine the
operation to be performed and the operands involved. It extracts the
opcode and operand addresses from the instruction.
3. Control Signals:
 The CU generates control signals based on the decoded instruction. These
signals direct the operations of other components within the CPU and the
overall flow of data.

4. Sequencing:
 The CU controls the sequencing of operations, ensuring that instructions
are executed in the correct order. It manages the flow of data between
the CPU, memory, and other peripheral devices.

5. Branching and Decision Making:

 The CU handles branch instructions and decision-making processes. It
determines the next instruction to be executed based on conditional
branches or jumps in the program.

6. Coordination with ALU:

 The Control Unit coordinates with the ALU to ensure that the correct
operation is performed on the data specified by the instruction.

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU):

1. Arithmetic Operations:
 The ALU is responsible for carrying out arithmetic operations such as
addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It performs these
operations on data received from registers or memory.
2. Logical Operations:
 In addition to arithmetic operations, the ALU performs logical operations
such as AND, OR, and NOT. These operations are crucial for decision-
making and data manipulation.

3. Data Comparison:
 The ALU can compare data and provide results such as equality, greater
than, or less than. This is essential for conditional branching in program

4. Bitwise Operations:
 At the binary level, the ALU performs bitwise operations, manipulating
individual bits within binary numbers.

5. Register Operations:
 The ALU operates on data stored in registers. It receives operands from
registers, performs the specified operation, and stores the result back in

Collaboration between Control Unit and ALU:

1. Instruction Execution Cycle:

 The Control Unit and ALU work together in a series of steps known as the
instruction execution cycle. The CU fetches, decodes, and executes
instructions, while the ALU performs the specified arithmetic and logic
2. Data Movement:
 The Control Unit ensures that data is moved between the CPU, registers,
and memory as needed for instruction execution. The ALU then operates
on this data.

3. Synchronization:
 The Control Unit synchronizes the activities of different components
within the CPU, ensuring that instructions are executed in a coordinated

4. Feedback to Control Unit:

 The ALU may provide feedback to the Control Unit, indicating the status
of operations (e.g., overflow in arithmetic operations) or results of logical

In summary, the Control Unit and the ALU are integral parts of the CPU, working
collaboratively to execute instructions and perform calculations. The Control Unit
manages the flow of instructions and data, while the ALU handles arithmetic,
logical, and bitwise operations on the data. Together, they form the core
processing unit of a computer, responsible for the execution of programs and

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