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Vince Jethro U.

1AE- 204

Threshold 8 and CONSCIENCE

Psychologist App

Break the stigma, break your Problema

We live in a world where mental health is not talked that much especially in
provinces and especially with older people. Despite the adequate education to people
about the issues that people, especially teenagers face, shame prevails which result to
self-medication of people. With this app, people no longer need to be anxious in seeking
for professional help because they can easily access their needs through this app.

Another good reason is empathy; I’ve experienced firsthand to have mental

health problems; thus, this app can spark powerful changes towards people where you
take care yourself not only physically but mentally.

Conscience plays a vital role in this project, because without it; I won’t be able to
imagine myself in the shoes of other people thus, the app. These days, values such us
this are no longer considered. The sad reality is that money takes over the purpose of
people in inventing, but I do hope that we take part in creating a much humane and
integral purpose in this lifetime.
I commit to live a life of conscience.

I commit to adapt this value not only for the sake of this activity, but because of
the change that I want to see in the world; because I know that there will be no change
in a world where it is not seen from within me.

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