Java 1

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• Strong experiences with databases Oracle 9i/10g/11g, My SQL, SQL Server.

• Strong implementation knowledge of Objected Oriented Analysis & Design using Agile &
• Good communication skills. Ability to quickly adapt to new environments and learn new

Professional Experience
Client: Coventry Health Care, Bethesda, MD
Date: July 2017 to Present
Role: Java Developer

Worked as a full stack developer to develop web applications using spring, Rest based Web
services. Used HTML5, CSS3,
JavaScript, JSP, JQUERY, Angular JS, AJAX and Bootstrap in front end.
• Involved in Design, Development, Unit Testing and maintenance of CEC application.
• Involved in discussions with Business Analysts and designed the TDD (Technical Design
• Involved in writing Spring Configuration XML files that contains declarations and other
dependent objects
• Designed and documented REST/HTTPAPIs, including JSON data formats and API versioning
> Developed cross-browser/platform HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript to match design specs for
complex page layouts
while adhering to code standards.
• Used advanced level of HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3 and pure CSS layouts (table less layout).
• Used Spring JPA to design entity data mapping with Oracle DB.
• Implemented Log4)1.2 for Logging Errors, debugging and tracking using loggers, appenders.
• Involved in JAD sessions with the client and functional team and gave demos on developed
• Involved in production support for resolving user problems.
• Involved in pre-testing the Web-Service calls with Postman (Plug-in for chrome).
• Developed JUnit test classes for Controller, Service and Data layers
• Performed code reviews and provided guidelines for best practices of software management,
and Code Commenting for better understandability.
• Used Mockito for data mapping along with J-units.

Client: Vanguard, Malvern, PA

May 2016 - June 2017
Role: Full Stack Java Developer
• Involved in the requirements review, Design, Development, Unit testing and Bug fixing of the
system and used
Agile Development methodology.
• Involved in developing the pages using HTML 5, CSS3, Bootstrap and worked on CSS3 effects
to enhance user
experience as per the client requirements.
• Used Flux application architecture to build client -side web application.
• Designed modular and reusable React components using Flux Architecture
• Implemented client-side interface using React JS.
• Developed various screens for the front end using React JS and used various predefined
components from NPM
(Node Package Manager) and Redux library.
• Developed complex SPA using React Router.
• Used Backbone JS to optimize in-browser use and to load the module and to improve the Speed
• Extensively used JQUERY, JSON, AJAX and DOM scripting to create interactive web
applications like message
posting and auto complete form validations
• Built backend REST API with Node.js, Express.js.
• Implemented modules into Node JS to integrate with designs and requirements.
Managed software packages of Node IS with NPM and the project through Github.
• Used Async Module to control the execution flow of call backs.
• Developed server-side application by using Node IS and Express IS for interacting with No
SQL Database Mongo
• Implemented Mongo DB to store and handle unstructured data.
Used Mongoose connector as the Driver to establish Express JS to Mongo DB connection.
• Used Webpack module bundler for splitting the code base into multiple bundles with reacts.
• Worked on Webpack to create the graph of application dependencies.
• Used Babel to create the pipeline which is built out of plugins also converted JSX syntax using
Responsible for implementing the business requirements using Spring Framework
Involved in user interface design using Spring Boot Framework and web-based user controls
Worked on Spring Controllers and configured using annotations to handle the presentation
Deployed and consumed web services based on REST protocols using Jaxb and Jersey api.
Used JSTL for developing the JSP.
Used JAXB, JAXP for parsing auditing information in xml format
Used Hibernate for connecting to the database and mapping the entities by using hibernate
Written automation scripts using Java and Selenium and implementing automation scripts using
Sauce Labs. Used
jmeter for performance testing
Performed unit testing using JUNIT framework and Clover tools
• Configured Log4j for adding the debugging information in the code base.
• Extensively used Mocha and Chai JavaScript unit Testing tools for testing JavaScript pages.
• Involved in designing and developing of Object-Oriented methodologies using UML and Use
Case, Class.
• Used Putty for UNIX login to check the server logs.
• Proficient in using SVN version control and wrote build and deployment scripting using ANT
Supported the application in production and used Splunk to review the production logs.
Used Jenkins for Continuous Integration and deployment into WebLogic application Server.
• Deployed and Monitored Micro Services Using Spring Cloud Foundry Also Managed Domains
and Routes with the
Cloud Foundry.

Environment: Java, J2EE, JMeter, Servlets, JSP, JDBC, Spring MVC, Angular js, Node js,
Backbone js, Bable, webpack,, Hibernate,
Rest, Web Services, Mongo DB, Apache Ant, CVS, Design Patterns, HTML, Java Script, AJAX,
Developer, Mocha ,chai, JUnit, JIRA, cloud foundry, UNIX

Client: Gordmans, Inc, Omaha, NE

Date: October 2014 - April 2016
Role: Java/J2EE Developer
Identified the Business Requirements of the project.
• Involved in preparing the Detailed Design document for the project.
• Use Case documentation for all the features in the project.
• Designed the sequence diagrams and class diagrams using Rational Rose.
• Developed the application using Struts framework.
Created tile definitions, struts-config files, and validation files for the application using Struts
Implemented Action Classes and Action Forms using Struts framework.
• Involved in the development of Entity beans.
• Developed Session Beans as part of EJB to handle business logic and deployed them on Web
sphere application
• Used 12EE design patterns like Value Object Pattern, Service Locator Pattern and Session
• Developed parser classes to parse the input xml and populate the appropriate data objects.
Use MySQL extensively by developing different tables and ran SQL queries on them. Also
developed stored
procedures using callable statements and created triggers and functions based on the project
• Developed Stateless Session Beans and Data Access Objects using JDBC and Hibernate for
business and persistence
Developed Java classes that used JMS to communicate with the Queue managers.
• Developed Unit Test & Test Suite Classes for testing.
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Client: Macys Plano, 1X

Date: March 2013 - October 2014
Role: Java Developer
• As a technical developer, involved in design and development and support the application.
• Object-orientated analysis/object-orientated design of the current system.
• Developed the JSPs required for service management and user management modules.
• Worked on spring framework to enhance the existing current application.
• Add the restful web services integration to the struts and Spring framework.
Worked on the multithreading environment to role access to group admin.
• Involved actively in frequent calls with business to gather requirements from the client and
analyze the technical

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