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NO CHANGE OVER TIME.........................................................................................2

CHANGE OVER TIME..............................................................................................15
MIXED CHARTS AND TOTAL.................................................................................27
PROCESS................................................................................................................ 40


Practice 1:

- leisure and sports activities = pastimes and physical activities=hobbies and sporting activities =
recreational and sports-related pastimes

- to spend on something = dedicate to something = allocate to


Practice 2: The graph below shows the hours of teaching per year done by each -
teacher in four different countries in 2001.

- the number of teaching hours conducted by each teacher annually =each teacher's yearly
teaching workload in terms of hours =the annual hours dedicated to teaching by each educator =
yearly teaching time allocated to each instructor


Practice 3: The table shows a survey on the preference of three age groups for
different TV programmes in a European country in 2021.

- preference of three age groups for different TV programmes = the choices of various television
programs among three different age demographics = the inclinations of three distinct age groups
regarding a variety of TV shows = the liking for different television programs among three age
categories = the favored TV program selections across three age cohorts

- somebody + be inclined to/ prefer + favor something


Practice 4:

- how much money = the financial preparations = the financial arrangements= the financial

- a single person and a couple = single individuals and couples= singles and couples = individual
retirees and couples = individual people and pairs

- need for a comfortable lifestyle after they retire = need to secure a comfortable retirement
lifestyle = require for a comfortable retirement


Practice 5: The pie-charts below show the percentage
of water used for different purposes in six areas of the world.

Percentage of water used for different purposes in six areas of the world.

- water used for = water usage for= water allocated to= water utilization for= water distributed
- different purposes= for various purposes= different uses
- in six areas of the world= across six regions of the world= in six different global areas = in six
distinct areas of the world = across six specific regions of the world


Practice 6: The bar chart below shows the results of
a survey and shows factors
affecting work performance.

- factors= elements=aspects=
attributes= components

-affect = influence= impact= have an

impact on = have an effect on

- work performance = job

effectiveness= occupational

-team spirit =spirit within the team

-chance for personal development =

opportunity for individual growth

-relaxed working environment= a

laid-back work atmosphere

-competent boss= capable manager

- respect from colleagues=

recognition by coworkers

- promotion prospects= opportunities for career advancement

- job satisfaction= job contentment

- work environment= professional setting

-money= financial incentives


Practice 7: The table below gives information on
consumer spending on different items in five different countries in 2002.

- consumer spending on different items = consumer expenditures for various goods = how
consumers + allocate their spending among different items
- in five different countries = in five distinct nations

Practice 8: The first chart below shows the
percentages of women and men in a country involved in some kinds (cooking,
cleaning, pet caring and repairing the house). The second chart shows the
amount of time each gender spent on each task per day.

- somebody + (be involved in = be engaged in= participated in) = the involvement of somebody
- some kinds (cooking, cleaning, pet caring and repairing the house) = various activities like/such
as/including food preparation, tidying/house cleaning, pet tending/pet care, home
fixing/household repairs = a range of domestic tasks
- the amount of time each gender spent on each task per day= the daily time allocation for each
gender in these activities= the time each gender dedicates to/perform these tasks on a daily
basis = the daily time spent/expended by each gender by these tasks

Practice 9: The world health organization recommends
that people should eat five or more portions of fruit and vegetables per day. The
bar chart shows the percentage of males and females in the UK by age group in

- eat five or more portions of fruit and vegetables = consume a minimum of five portions of fruits
and vegetables daily = include at least five servings of fruits and vegetables in their daily diet=
incorporate five or more servings of fruits and vegetables in their daily food intake.
- Recommended/suggested/ amount of something

Practice 10: The table below shows the salaries of
secondary/high school teachers in 2009.

- the salaries of secondary/high school teachers = the earnings of secondary/high school teachers
= how much somebody made/earned/be paid
- starting/ initial salary = the salary teachers received when they began their career
- after years = following 15 years of service = after a 15-year period
- maximum=peak= highest
- salary=pay= income
- reach = achieve = attain
- It took somebody x years to Vo = somebody +reached /achieve/attained something after a span
of x years/ after a x-year period = Reaching/achieving/attaining something + required somebody
x years.

Practice 11: The pie charts give information about the
world’s forest in five different regions.

- The proportion of global forests distributed across five distinct regions = the share of the world’s
forests in five diverse areas
- the world’s forests in …. = worldwide forests found/situated/located in…..
- region X’s contribution to the total global forests + (be) %

Practice 12:
The charts below show the class size of four states of Australia.

- class size= students in each class

- classrooms with under 20 students = with fewer than…. = having fewer than…..
- classrooms with 21-25 students = classrooms accommodating……= classrooms with a student
range of 21 to 25 = classes containing a student count of 21-25
- classrooms with more than 30 students = …..containing over 30 = …..with a student population
exceeding 30 = ….having beyond 30 students

Practice 13: The chart below compares the percentage of time Australian
mothers and fathers spent helping their children with four activities in 2018.

- Australian mothers and fathers devoted to assisting their children with….= Australian moms and
dads invested in aiding their children in……. = Australian mothers and fathers allocated to
supporting their children with….=
- four specific activities= four designated tasks= four particular activities
- Getting dressed
- School assignments
- Engaging in recreational activities = Participating in leisure games
- Getting ready for sleep = Readying for bedtime


Practice 1:

- go to cinema = visit the cinema= attend the cinema = go to the movies

- once a month or more = monthly or more frequently = at least once every month

…Practice 2:

- absenteeism = employee absenteeism = non-attendance

- reasons people gave for not going to work= explanations individuals provided for their absence
from work = causes cited by people for their work absence = factors mentioned by individuals for
their nonattendance at the workplace


Practice 3: The table below shows the income and
expenditure of Hackley Hall, a public place for hiring over the period of 3 years.
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Income of hiring room £ 34,000 £ 35,000 £ 32,000
Income of Cafe £ 3,500 £ 3,000 £ 4,000
Funding from Local Council £ 22,000 £ 22,000 £ 21,000
Funding from other sources £ 24,000 £ 25,000 £ 27,000
Total income £ 83,500 £ 85,000 £ 84,000
Expenditure £ 56,000 £ 60,000 £ 62,000
Profit £ 27,500 £ 25,000 £ 22,000

- income= earnings = the amount of money earned

- expenditure = spending
- income and expenditure = financial situation
- a public place for hiring= a venue available for renting= a publicly available venue for rent
- income of hiring room = room rental income = room reservation earnings= income generated
from renting rooms
- income of café = café revenue= revenue form the café = income generated by the café
- funding from local council= financial support provided by the city council = monetary assistance
from the local authority= funds allocated by the town council
- funding from other sources = monetary support from various funding channels =funds received
from alternative sources
- total income = overall earnings = total revenue

Practice 4:

- the percentage of volunteers by organisations= the proportion of volunteers within organizations

= volunteer percentages among different organizations = organizational volunteer rates
- environmental associations
- athletic organisations
- medical organisations
- academic organisations
- other unspecified organizations

Practice 5:
- the number of people per
household by percentage=
the percentage distribution
of people per household =
the percentage breakdown
of individuals within
households as a

Practice 6:

- the number of employees and factories = the total workforce and factory
- employees= workers
- factories= manufacturing facilities

Practice 7: The monthly price of exported rice from Thailand and Vietnam from
2012 to 2015 (Million dollars per tons)

- monthly cost of rice exports from = the monthly rates for rice exported from….= the monthly
costs for exported rice from

Practice 8:

- Unemployment rates = joblessness figures

- Leave the country= depart the country= emigrate

Practice 9:

- Employment categories = employment types

- Education training = educational and vocational preparation
- Hotel industry= hospitality sector
- Medical field = healthcare domain
- Business = commerce
- self-employed= self-employment
- unemployed = jobless= out of work

Practice 10: The graph below shows average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions
per person in the United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy and Portugal between 1967 and

- average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per person = average carbon footprint per person = the
typical CO2 emissions for each person
- emit = release = produce

Practice 11:

- people who went for international travel = travelers who undertook trips abroad =
individuals who traveled internationally = those who traveled to foreign destinations

Practice 12: The graph below gives information
from a report in 2010 about the use of energy in Australia since 1980 with
projections until 2030.

- the use of energy = energy consumption= the utilization of power

- oil energy = petroleum-based energy
- coal energy= energy derived from coal
- natural gas= gas extracted from nature

Practice 13: The charts below give information
about the price of tickets on one airline between Sydney and Melbourne,
Australia, over a two-week period in 2013.

- ticket prices = airfare = cost of tickets= the price of air tickets

- a specific airline= a particular airline
- within/over/during a two-week period/span/duration

Practice 14: The charts below show the percentage
of Australian men and women in three age groups who were employed in 1984,
2001, and 2014.
-the employment rates for
Australian men and women
across three age brackets =
the percentages of
employed Australian males
and females within three
distinct age categories = the
proportion of working men
and women in Australia
within three age groupings


Practice 1: The chart below shows the value of one country’s exports in various
categories during 2015 and 2016. The table shows the percentage change in
each category of exports in 2016 compared with 2015.

- in various categories= across different categories = categorized by various sectors

- oil-based commodities
- manufactured items
- precious stones and adornments
- farm and crop products
- fabric and clothing items
- the export values = the economic value of exports

Practice 2: The graph and chart below give information about migration to the
UK. The graph below shows how long immigrants in the year 2000-2008 intended
to stay in the UK. And the pie-chart shows reasons for migration in 2008.

- the anticipated duration of residence for immigrants in the UK = the expected length of stay for
immigrants in the United Kingdom = the intended period of residence for immigrants in the UK=
the duration that immigrants planned to spend in the UK
- reasons for migration = motives behind migration= driving factors for migration

Practice 3: The bar chart below shows the passenger kilometres traveled by
different means of transport in the UK in 1990 and 2000.

- the passenger kilometres traveled by different means= the distance covered using
various modes of transportation = travel distance via different forms of transportstion


Practice 1: The plans below show the layout of a university’s sports centre now,
and how it will look after redevelopment.


- university’s sports facility

Practice 2: The two maps below show road access to a city hospital in 2007 and
in 2010.

- road access to a city hospital = roadway leading to a hospital in the urban area
- staff car park = employee parking lot =staff parking area
- parking space accessible to both staff and visitors

Practice 3:

- learning resources center= educational materials hub

Practice 4: The maps below show the centre of a small town called Islip as it is
now, and plans for its development.

- the central area of a small town named Islip= Islip, a small town’s center= Islip’s town center
- ring road
- pedestrianized road
- pedestrian street

Practice 5: The maps below show the changes that took place at the waterfront
area of a town called Darwin between 2009 and 2014.

- waterfront region of a town named… = waterfront vicinity of the town of Darwin

Practice 6:

- river body
- take place

Practice 7: The map below describes changes to a park
in 1980 and now.

- Trees-covered area
- Picnic area= outdoor dining space
- A new path leading to all four sides
- Playing field
- flowerbed

Practice 8: The map shows changes in a city in 1950 and now.
Map of a City in 1950

- accommodate
- dissect
- dam(v)

Practice 9: The maps below show a science park in 2008
and the same park today.

- untouched natural land

- research and development center
- circular IT center
- train station
- southernmost tracks
- walkways
- to branch off

Practice 10:

- flower display area = open space for flowers

- the florist shop


Practice 1: The diagram below shows the recycling process of aluminum cans.

- collect
- recycling bins
- recycling facility
- impurities
- shred into small pieces
- crush
- melt down
- liquid
- pour into molds
- shape into thin sheets = roll out flat to a thickness of …

Practice 2: The diagram below shows one method of manufacturing ceramic


- dig up = mine

- clay-like substance

- mold into the shape of a pot

- dry for…in molds

- fix something into their final shape
- dip in color

Practice 3:

- precipitation
- household use
- gutter
- attach to
- seep into
- carry through
- a system of pipes
- storage tank
- remove impurities
- pass through
- treat with
- fit for consumption= safe for drinking
- lead back to houses

Practice 4: The diagram below shows the life cycle of a Honey Bee.

- immature insect
- shed skin
- moulting stage

Practice 5: The diagrams below show the life cycle of
a species of large fish called salmon.

- be laid among stones at the base of reeds/ sheltered by reeds and small stones

- in the upper part of

- slow-moving waters

- lower, faster-flowing part of the river

-migrate upstream to their birthplace

- salt water environment

-open sea

Practice 6: The diagram below shows the manufacturing process for making
sugar from sugar cane.

- grow tall enough for

harvesting =

- specialist machinery

- crush to form juice

- extract

- liquid content

- leave behind a syrup

- be spun at a high
enough speed
- separate out

Practice 7: The diagram below shows the production of olive oil.

- ripe olives/ mature olives

-pick/ gather

- sent on a conveyor belt

- to grind

- to remove the pits

- olive seeds

- compressed

- extracted

Practice 8: The diagram below shows the water cycle, which is the continuous
movement of water on, above, and below the surface of the Earth.

- fall to the ground

- sun’s heat
- be taken from
- be formed
- pour into
- absorbed into ground
- freshwater aquifiers

Practice 9: The picture below shows the process of growing and making
products from pineapples.

- the smallest ones

- the medium-sized ones
- tops
- sliced off
- rinds
- peeled
- a juice extractor
- coated in wax
- in crates

Practice 10: The diagram details the process of making leather products.

- hang out the hide on a line in the open air

- by lorry
- submerged in vats of soap and water
- soaked in lime
- smoothed and flattened
- a liquid called tannin


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