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s M.D.


Identity Creator,
A 10 Step Guide
to Overcome Limiting
Beliefs and Practices
M.D. Johnson’s Identity Creator, A 10 Step Guide to Overcome Limiting Beliefs and Practices
Copyright © 2024 by M. D. Johnson

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission except in
the case of brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews.

Cover Design by M.D. Johnson Design’s

Table of Contents

Step 1: Identification
Step 2: Character Blueprint
Step 3: Create Your Character
Step 4: Define Your Motives
Step 5: Create a Short Autobiography
Step 6: Dying to Oneself
Step 7: 3 days Mourning
Step 8: Prepare to Wake up a New Person
Step 9: Wake Up
Step 10: 1% is not a lot, but it's Enough
Step 1: Identification
The first step in creating your new identity is
Examining who you think you are.

Identifying Limiting Beliefs and Programming

Reconciling Your Beliefs with Spiritual Discernment

Finding alignment between what you believe and what you have experienced in the spiritual realm is
crucial. As someone who has gone through the internal battle of leaving Christianity, I understand the struggle.
However, I learned that the true power of Christianity revealed these truths to me. I maintain and cultivate my
spiritual relationship with Source without the confines of an organized religion.

Breaking Invisible Chains

What are the invisible chains that hold us back? What beliefs have you been taught about gender and
identity? We were taught that we are made up of skin, organs, water, blood, and bones. But doesn’t your
personal experience tell you that there’s more to it than that? These belief systems were instilled in us from
childhood, but we can move beyond them. We can create a new identity and leave the old falsehoods behind.

A New Identity for the Age of Aquarius

Why do we need a new identity now? It’s because the veil that separated the Holy from the Holy of Holies
in the Bible will be lifted in this new age, the Age of Aquarius. When Christ ascended to heaven, the veil that
separated the Holy from the Holy of Holies was supernaturally torn down. Likewise, when the kundalini energy
ascends up your 33 vertebrae and your third eye is activated, the veil of this matrix will also be removed.
Though the veil that separates dimensions and conceals secret things remains, the new age will eliminate the
old. As a result, we must release what we know to be false and not carry that into the new age. The
consequences of maintaining your lower nature are unknown, but we all sense the change we must make.


 Self-Reflection Exercise: Describing Yourself in One Word

 Try this simple exercise to learn more about yourself:
 Write down one-word descriptions of everything you know to be true about yourself.
 Cross out any attribute that you would like to change.
 Look at the remaining words and see if there are any that don’t feel right to you.
 Ask yourself why that word or label is bothering you.
 Wait for a response – it may come in a variety of ways.
 Repeat this process for the entire list.
·Step 2: Character Blueprint
“Acting is behaving truthfully under imaginary circumstances.”
-Sanford Meisner

Character Development
Crafting a New Identity with Careful Deliberation
When creating a new identity, it’s essential to take into account a wide range of characteristics, motivations,
and lifestyle choices. To help guide this process, we’ve outlined Some qualities you may want for your new
identity below:

Key Traits:

If you're looking to be the best version of yourself, consider cultivating these eight characteristics:

1. Positive Mindset: Approach life with a resilient and optimistic outlook.

2. Empathy: Demonstrate understanding and compassion towards others.
3. Discipline: Maintain self-discipline in all aspects of life.
4. Generosity: Share wealth and resources to positively impact others.
5. Health Conscious: Prioritize physical and mental well-being through a balanced lifestyle.
6. Creativity: Nurture creative pursuits and embrace innovative thinking.
7. Lifelong Learner: Continuously seek knowledge and personal development.
8. Altruism: Engage in activities that contribute to the greater good of society.

Adopting a Healthier Lifestyle:

Consider these three lifestyle choices to promote a healthier you:

No Addictions:
Take a firm stance against any type of addiction.

Healthy Eating:
Consume a balanced and nutritious diet for overall well-being.

Physical Activity:
Incorporate regular exercise for physical fitness and mental clarity.

Remember, this new identity involves a total departure from any negative habits or addictions, with a
commitment to building a fulfilling, positive, and purpose-driven life. It's crucial to stay dedicated during the
initial phase until the new identity is firmly established.

Motivations That Drive Us:

Personal Growth: Continuously strives to improve and better oneself.

Making a Difference: Finds meaning in contributing to the betterment of others’ lives.

Building Connections: Values strong relationships and fosters meaningful connections.

Moving Beyond the Pisces Age: Navigating Trauma and Identity Shifts
In the Pisces age, victimization was common. I’ve found that once I’ve healed from a painful experience, it can
become a powerful tool. Instead of asking “why did this happen to me?”, I ask “what can I learn from this
experience?” This approach has allowed me to understand and empathize with others who have gone through
similar traumas. However, I realized that holding on to my old identity and past traumas was preventing me
from truly moving forward. Although I retained the knowledge gained from those experiences, I no longer
wanted to view the world through a lens of pain and suffering. It’s important to remember that as we shift our
identities and grow, we are also creating a new world for ourselves and those around us.
·Step 3: Create Your Character
Write down all the characteristics you want your new identity to have. Include what motivates the
character. If they are wealthy, do they help others? What are their hobbies? Concerning possessions, don’t hold
back; anything you desire for yourself, include it. Include as many details as possible. If you’re dealing with
addiction, to anything—sugar, drugs, porn, sex, shopping, scratching, overeating, gambling, prostitutes,
anything—you have to be strict in these areas with your character to stay true to the new assumed identity. If
you want to eliminate it, then your character does not engage in the action. For example, I don’t smoke. You
may smoke, but the character or new identity doesn’t smoke. So a total departure is necessary. Now if you don’t
drink and your new character drinks socially, that’s an identity shift, not continuing an addiction. But if you’re
an alcoholic and you want your new character to drink socially, you are continuing in the addiction. So if your
goal is to quit, a total departure is necessary. The character’s response would have to be, “I don’t do blank
action.” Now, once the new identity is mastered, typically takes a full year, then one can change from a non-
drinker to a social drinker in another identity shift. Every case is different; however, a total departure is
recommended until the new character identity is solidified.

Discovering True Motivations: A Personal Anecdote

On several occasions, I have been prompted to check my motives. I recall one instance early in my career
where I was tasked with a task at work that everyone despised. Despite the unpleasantness of the task, I
completed it to the best of my ability and proceeded to take on other undesirable tasks. It was then that I was
interrupted by a voice asking, “Why are you doing that?” It was the Lord.

Initially, I didn’t respond because I wasn’t sure how to answer. I took a moment to reflect on my actions
and came to the realization that I was seeking attention and validation – Brown Nosing to be exact. I felt
ashamed of my behavior and saw that I was going above and beyond to be recognized for my efforts aka
attention seeking behavior.

Today, I use my experiences to assist others in overcoming similar obstacles. I’m passionate about helping
others create new identities and find their true calling. While my passion may evolve over time, I remain fluid
and adaptable, like water.

The purpose of this exercise is to identify your highest passions and avoid operating out of your lower
nature. Don’t waste your time and effort pursuing things that don’t align with your true motivations.

Look over your list of desired characteristics, goals, possessions from Step 3 Journal Exercise and ask
yourself the question, why are you doing that?
·Step 5: Create a Short Autobiography

Crafting Your Autobiography for Your New Identity

Imagine your new identity five years from now, and write a brief autobiography about your new life. In the
past five years, I have had some incredible experiences. I traveled across the country, established an off-grid
farm, and sailed on a yacht for six months. Along the way, I also did some gold prospecting and journeyed to
Europe and Africa. That was my previous identity. But now, it’s time to take the limits off and start anew. This
autobiography is your chance to document your history, so be sure to make it count. One final note: please don’t
add your death to the story. After all, your new identity doesn’t have to die.
·Step 6: Dying to Oneself

A New Identity: Transitioning with Ease

It’s time to embrace your new identity! But before that, Mike, put Timmy to bed. Youth is a gift that’s
wasted on the young, but with some effort, one can become young again. Your subconscious mind is a powerful
tool; it has the potential to make you believe you’re 17 again, even if you’re 70.

Alzheimer’s, in my opinion, is just a lowering of the veil that separates past, present, and future. Time is an
illusion – its relevance is only to mortals. We’re programmed to believe that we’re mortal, and this is reinforced
by the constant proof of death that we witness. But what if what we’ve witnessed is merely the power of
collective consciousness? The effects of a stage 4 terminal cancer diagnosis, for instance, can be devastating to
the body. However, some people reject the diagnosis, change their habits, and live long, prosperous lives. It’s all
in the mindset.

In this case, the old you has to go. It’s time for your transition to your heaven on earth. You don’t need to
do anything weird; just write an obituary about your old identity in second person. Wait, is that weird? Ha!

List all the accomplishments of your former self and everything you learned from that phase. Replay your
life’s good memories before your eyes, like it would in the end. Don’t focus on the bad, just celebrate all that
your old identity did and accomplished. Honor them for paving the way to a better future for you and your
family. Thank them for enduring the trauma so your new character doesn’t have to. Be grateful for their life and
experiences that you benefit from without having to experience it yourself. Your new identity will never know
poverty; your previous identity walked that journey for you. Your new identity gets all the benefits like a
wealthy heiress or heir of some multi-national corporation, without any of the hang-ups or hard work it took to
get there. Your new identity benefits from the empathy and compassion acquired by your previous identity. You
are being made partakers in another man’s labor in this life. Celebrate your old identity, for it ran well.
·Step 7: 3 days Mourning

Three days is a transformative timeframe. In the Bible, which I know to be full of hidden esoteric
knowledge and principles, there are many transformations happening in three days. Jonah spent three days in
the belly of the whale, considering himself a goner, before emerging as a new man ready to take on a task he
originally fled from. Furthermore, Jesus Christ, according to the scriptures, descended into the lower parts of
hell for three days before being resurrected with all power.

In addition to these biblical instances, history provides us with other non-biblical examples where three
days proved to be a transformative timeframe. One such instance is the transformation of Siddhartha Gautama,
who, according to Buddhist tradition, attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree after three days of intense
meditation. Another example is the process of metamorphosis in certain butterfly species, where the caterpillar
transforms into a chrysalis and emerges as a butterfly after approximately three days. This natural phenomenon
symbolizes a profound transformation in the life cycle of these creatures.

The truth Is, we are not our identity, but we are attached to it, even fond of it. If nobody else liked the old
identity, you did. It was comfortable and known versus the unknown. Your old identity was a good person, and
after all, nobody is perfect. Allow yourself to feel the loss of your former identity; it’s no longer with us. You
won’t see them or their bad habits again. When a person transitions, initially, let them off the hook for past
issues. However, as time goes on, if they were difficult, you may remember. Acknowledge the good and bad of
this identity and make amends for any indiscretions.

When my previous identity transitioned, I got upset at some of the choices that identity made. Dive into
these emotions, come out the other side in peace. Create a journal entry for each day of mourning to document
your experience and reflect in the future. Since you’ve never had someone this close transition, there will be
emotions; don’t suppress them. Remember, this identity had to transition to make room for your new,
prosperous life, unburdened by the baggage of the past. Your new identity is always planning for the future,
making decisions to benefit the future you.
Step 8: Prepare to Wake Up a New Person

Transitioning to Your New Identity: Practical Tips for a Smooth

Congratulations on your new identity! As you mourn the transition from your former self, it’s time to
embrace your new life. Start by replacing all of the hygiene items that belonged to your previous identity. This
is a necessary step, especially if you’ve noticed less-than-ideal flossing habits from your past self. While this
process doesn’t have to be expensive, it’s essential to move forward with new items that reflect your new

Make your new identity official by waking up to a new morning routine. Perhaps your new identity wakes
up earlier or has a different alarm sound. Consider placing a sign that says “Hi, [enter new identity name]” as a
daily affirmation. Choose clothes that your new identity would wear, and declutter any reminders of your past

If you plan to dress up daily as your new identity, keep your clothes neat and organized. Before going to
bed, write a journal entry as your new identity, rewriting your day’s events. As you replay the day in your mind,
you’ll internalize your new identity, making it a seamless transition.
Step 9: Wake Up
You are now a New Person
 Breaking Free from Old Habits with N.I (New Identity) Routines
Do you find yourself constantly falling into old habits? Avoid this trap by consciously acknowledging your
O.I (Old Identity) routines. When you catch yourself, say “I don’t do that. I do this,” and embody the mindset of
N.I. (New Identity) to promote positive change.

 Encourage Yourself with Gentle Self-Correction

It’s important to be kind to yourself, especially when you’re just starting out. Remember, it’s your first day
and you’re still learning how to be this person. So, be sure to provide gentle correction to yourself along the

 Improving 1% Daily with a Shift in Mindset

Your aim should be to improve by just 1% every day. Begin by refining your thought process. Adopt the
mindset of your future self and make decisions accordingly to solidify that new identity.

 Rewriting Your Day Before Bedtime

Before heading to bed, take a moment to rewrite your day as if it were a new persona. Consider what your
new identity would have preferred and make any necessary corrections to any mistakes made during the day.
This allows you to relieve the pressure and start fresh tomorrow.

 Be sure that there is a new nighttime routine for your new life.
Step 10: 1% is not A lot, But it’s Enough

Assuming Your New Identity: Tips for Success

Congratulations on your new identity! To fully embrace this new chapter, it’s essential to strive for daily
improvements. Take small steps each day to build the life you want, knowing that you are supported and guided
towards opportunities that align with your goals. Remember, how you see yourself affects all aspects of your
life. By embracing your new identity, your story will begin to reflect the true you.
Take baby steps and watch as your efforts compound into meaningful progress. Slow and steady wins the
race. As a new person with a new reality, you will attract positive experiences and people into your life. Say
goodbye to hostile conversations and hello to favorable outcomes by envisioning the result you desire in any
given situation.
At the end of each day, write a journal entry reflecting on your progress and changing the days events to
your preferred outcomes. This journaling will allow you to track your journey and celebrate your successes.
Don’t forget to share your experience with me on social media. P.S. don’t forget to have fun on your new path!



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