Catechist - Narrative Report

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As being part of students catechists, I was Excited and and quite nervous as well, this was my first time

teaching and being a catechist it means a big responsibility and comes with a great mission as well.
When we reached the waterfall elementary school we were a bit puzzled because it was really my first

We found our assigned classroom and was surprised because the students there were so attentive and
participative, we tackled about the love for parents and how important it is to listen and care and love
our parents because whatever they do, they do it for our sakes just as God wants us to do, to listen to
his plan even if we don’t understand it.
So the it was the second time that we teached, and I was a bit nervous because it has been a long time
since we taught at that school, like maybe the children have forgotten about us. We arrived at the
school same situation and feelings , excitement and unsureness. But it came to our attention that the
children or the students have been waiting on us and had already prepared the assignment we had
given them since last session. I can really say that I have missed those kids I felt like my heart has
already warmed up to them. So we have tackled about Noah’s Arc and stated the importance of
always being satisfied of what you have. Never allow greed and anger get the best out of you, must
always listen to God’s plan and be thankful of what he gives and cherish it just like this world of ours.
It was finally the last day of our session and teaching in waterfall elementary school, and I can really
that it was a really fun and an experience full of knowledge and lessons I also have learned a lot of
things along they way of our mission as student catechists. I missed those kids they have become a
part of my life and will never forget about them, the smile they had when we where teaching to them
about the ways and kindness of God was contagious and genuine, we teached them about Adam and
eve, to where was sin first made and how God punish sinners if they disobey him. We must always
obey God for this life that we all have are gifts from him and are temporary, he can take it anyway
when he wants do respect and pray to God, love him with all you have as he has too. It was a fun
experience and I am looking forward for more.

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