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MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Polymers- term degradation is most frequently

Corrosion Prevention and Control
 May dissolve when exposed to a liquid
Why study Corrosion and Degradation of Materials? solvent.
 May absorb the solvent and swell
By the end of this lesson, the student should be able
electromagnetic radiation (primarily
ultraviolet) and heat may cause alterations
1. Distinguish between oxidation and reduction in their molecular structures.
electrochemical reactions.
2. Describe the nature of the deteriorative process
for each of the eight forms of corrosion and Destructive and unintentional attack of a metal
hydrogen embrittlement and then note the Electrochemical and begins at the surface.
proposed mechanism. Ordinarily approximately 5% of an industrialized
3. List the five measures that are commonly used nation's income is spent on corrosion
to prevent corrosion. prevention and the maintenance or
4. Explain why ceramic materials are, in general, replacement of products lost or contaminated
very resistant to corrosion. as a result of corrosion reactions.
5. Discuss the two degradation processes that
occur when polymeric materials are exposed to
liquid solvents and the causes and For metallic materials, the corrosion process is
consequences of molecular chain bond rupture. normally electrochemical.
It is a chemical reaction in which there is
Topic Outline
transfer of electrons from one chemical species
Corrosion vs Degradation of Materials to another.
Corrosion Metal atoms characteristically lose or give up
Forms of Corrosion electrons in what is called an oxidation
 Uniform Attack Corrosion reaction.
 Galvanic Corrosion Examples in which metals oxidize are:
 Crevice Corrosion
Fe - Fe2+ + 2e- 1
 Pitting Corrosion
 Intergranular Corrosion Al - Al3+ + 3e -1
 Selective leaching Corrosion
 Erosion Corrosion
 Stress corrosion FORMS OF CORROSION
Hydrogen Embrittlement
Uniform Corrosion
Corrosion Environment
 A form of electrochemical corrosion.
Corrosion Prevention
 Occurs with equivalent intensity over the
Corrosion of Ceramic Material
entire exposed surface
Degradation of Polymers
 Often leaves behind a scale or deposit.
CORROSION AND DEGRADATION OF MATERIALS  The oxidation and reduction reactions occur
randomly over the surface.
Impair a material's usefulness as a result of the
 Examples: General rusting of steel and iron
deterioration of its mechanical properties, other
and the tarnishing of silverware.
physical properties, or appearance.

Metals actual material loss either by dissolution Galvanic Corrosion

(corrosion) or by the formation of nonmetallic  Occurs when two metals or alloys having
scale or film (oxidation). different compositions are electrically
Ceramics- resistant to deterioration. coupled while exposed to an electrolyte.
 The less noble or more reactive metal in the  Penetrate from the top of a horizontal
particular environment will experience surface downward in a nearly vertical
corrosion. direction.
 The more inert metal, the cathode, will be  Often going undetected and with very little
protected from corrosion. material loss until failure occurs.
 Example:  The same mechanism for pitting where
1. Steel screws corrode when in contact oxidation occurs within the pit itself with
with brass in a marine environment complementary reduction at the surface.
2. If copper and steel tubing are joined in  Prevention and Control Measures:
a domestic water heater, the steel will  Avoid scratching of the metal. A pit may be
corrode in the vicinity of the junction. initiated by a localized surface defect such
 Prevention and Control Measures: as a scratch or a slight variation in
 If coupling of dissimilar metals is necessary, composition.
choose two that are close together in the  Metals with polished surfaces whenever
galvanic series. possible. It has been observed that
 Avoid an unfavorable anode-to-cathode specimens having polished surfaces display
surface area ratio; use an anode area as a greater resistance to pitting corrosion.
large as possible.  Alloying metals. Stainless steels are
 Electrically insulate dissimilar metals from somewhat susceptible to this form of
each other. corrosion; however, alloying with about 2%
 Electrically connect a third, anodic metal to molybdenum enhances their resistance
the other two; this is a form of cathodic significantly.

Crevice Corrosion Intergranular Corrosion

 Electrochemical corrosion occurring  Occurs preferentially along grain
because of concentration differences of boundaries for some alloys and in specific
ions or dissolved gases in the electrolyte environments.
solution and between two regions of the  A macroscopic specimen disintegrates along
same metal piece. its grain boundaries.
 Examples:  Especially prevalent in some stainless steels.
1. Corrosion occurring in crevices and  When heated to temperatures between 500
recesses or under deposits of dirt. and (950 and ) for sufficiently long time
2. Corrosion products where the solution periods, these alloys become sensitized to
becomes stagnant and there is localized intergranular attack.
depletion of dissolved oxygen.  Prevention and Control Measures:
 Prevention and Control Measures:  Subjecting the sensitized material to a high
 Using welded instead of riveted or bolted temperature heat treatment in which all
joints the chromium carbide particles are
 Using non-absorbing gaskets when possible redissolved
 Removing frequently accumulated deposits  Lowering the carbon content below 0.03 wt
 Designing containment vessels to avoid % C so that carbide formation is minimal.
stagnant areas and ensure complete  Alloying the stainless steel with another
drainage. metal such as niobium or titanium, which
has a greater tendency to form carbides
Pitting Corrosion than does chromium so that the Cr remains
 Form of very localized corrosion attack in in solid solution.
which small pits or holes form.
Selective Leaching Stress Corrosion
 Found in solid solution alloys and occurs  Results from the combined action of an
when one element or constituent is applied tensile stress and a corrosive
preferentially removed as consequence of environment.
corrosion processes. a  Small cracks form and then propagate in a
 Example: direction perpendicular to the stress with
1. Dezincification of brass, in which zinc is the result that failure may eventually occur.
selectively leached from a copper-zinc  Failure behavior is characteristic of that for
brass alloy. a brittle material, even though the metal
2. The mechanical properties of the alloy alloy is intrinsically ductile.
are significantly impaired, since only a  Cracks may form at relatively low stress
porous mass of copper remains in the levels, significantly below the tensile
region that has been dezincified. strength.
 Prevention and Control Measures:
 Lower the magnitude of the stress.
Erosion Corrosion  Reducing the external load or increasing the
 Arises from the combined action of cross-sectional area perpendicular to the
chemical attack and mechanical abrasion or applied stress.
wear as a consequence of fluid motion.  An appropriate heat treatment may be used
 All metal alloys are susceptible to erosion- to anneal out any residual thermal stresses.
 Soft metals such as copper and lead are also
sensitive to this form of attack. HYDROGEN EMBRITTLEMENT
 It can be identified by surface grooves and
Various metal alloys, specifically steels, experience
waves having contours that are
a significant reduction in ductility and tensile
characteristic of the flow of the fluid.
strength when atomic hydrogen (H) penetrates into
 Propellers, turbine blades, valves, and
the material.
pumps are susceptible to this form of
 Commonly found in piping - bends, elbows,
and abrupt changes in pipe diameter, CORROSION ENVIRONMENT
positions where the fluid changes direction, Atmosphere
and flow suddenly becomes turbulent. Aqueous solutions
 Prevention and Control Measures: Soils
 Reducing fluid velocity normally decreases Acids, Bases, Inorganic Solvents, Molten Salts,
the rate of corrosion. Liquid Metals, and the Human Body.
 The nature of the fluid can have a dramatic
influence on the corrosion behavior.
 Change the design to eliminate fluid Atmospheric corrosion accounts for the greatest
turbulence and impingement effects. losses.
 Other materials may be utilized that  Moisture containing dissolved oxygen is the
inherently resist erosion primary corrosive agent
 Removal of particulates and bubbles from  Others - sulfur compounds and sodium chloride
the solution to lessen its ability to erode. (Example: Marine atmospheres)
 Dilute sulfuric acid solutions (acid rain) in
industrial environments can also cause
corrosion problems.
 Metals commonly used for atmospheric
applications include alloys of aluminum and
Environmental Alteration
copper, and galvanized steel.
 Changing the environment corrosion. character
significantly of the influence
 Lowering the fluid temperature and/or velocity
Aqueous Solution
usually produces a reduction in the rate at
 Water environments can also have a variety of
which corrosion occurs.
compositions and corrosion characteristics.
 Increasing or decreasing the concentration of
 Freshwater normally contains dissolved oxygen,
some species in the solution will have a positive
as well as other minerals several of which
effect (example: the metal may experience
account for hardness.
 Seawater contains approximately 3.5% salt
(predominantly sodium chloride), as well as
some minerals and organic matter.
 Inhibitors are substances that, when added in
 Seawater is generally more corrosive than
relatively low concentrations to the
freshwater, frequently producing pitting and
environment, decrease its corrosiveness.
crevice corrosion.
 The specific inhibitor depends both on the alloy
 Cast iron, steel, aluminum, copper, brass, and
and on the corrosive environment.
some stainless steels are generally suitable for
 Inhibitors are normally used in closed systems
freshwater use.
such as automobile radiators and steam boilers.
 Titanium, brass, some bronzes, copper-nickel
alloys, and nickel- chromium-molybdenum
Design Changes
alloys are highly corrosion resistant in seawater.
 The design should allow for complete drainage
in the case of a shutdown, and easy washing.
 The design should, if possible, include provision
Soils for the exclusion of air.
 Have a wide range of compositions and
susceptibilities to corrosion Application of Coatings
 Compositional variables include moisture,  Physical barriers to corrosion are applied on
oxygen, salt content, alkalinity, and acidity, as surfaces in the form of films and coatings.
well as the presence of various forms of  A large diversity of metallic and nonmetallic
bacteria. coating materials is available.
 Cast iron and plain carbon steels, both with and  It is essential that the coating maintain a high
without protective surface coatings, are found degree of surface adhesion, which undoubtedly
most economical for underground structures. requires some surface pre-application
 All three material types- metals, ceramics, and
CORROSION PREVENTION polymers, are used as coatings for metals.
Material Selection
 Judicious selection of materials once the Cathodic Protection
corrosion environment characterized. has been  One of the most effective means of corrosion
 Standard corrosion references are helpful. prevention is cathodic protection.
 Cost may be a significant factor.  Can be used for all eight different forms of
 It is not always economically feasible to employ corrosion and may completely stop corrosion.
the material that provides the optimum  Involves supplying, from an external source,
corrosion resistance; sometimes, either another electrons to the metal to be protected, making
alloy and/or some other measure must be used. it a cathode.
 One cathodic protection technique employs a
galvanic couple: the metal to be protected is  Dissolution
electrically connected to another metal that is  Occurs when the polymer is completely
more reactive in the environment. soluble
 The oxidized metal is often called a sacrificial  A continuation of swelling
anode, and magnesium and zinc are commonly
used as such because they lie at the anodic end  Bond Rapture
of the galvanic series.  Scission- the severance or rupture of
molecular chain bonds.
 Causes a separation of chain segments at
CORROSION OF CERAMIC MATERIAL the point of scission and a reduction in the
molecular weight.
Ceramic materials, being compounds between
 Result from exposure to radiation or to
metallic and nonmetallic elements, may be thought
heat, and from chemical reaction.
of as having already been corroded.
They are exceedingly immune to corrosion by
 Weathering
almost all environments, especially at room
 Many polymeric materials serve in
applications that require exposure to
Corrosion of ceramic materials generally involves
outdoor conditions.
simple chemical dissolution, in contrast to the
 Under these conditions deterioration is
electrochemical processes found in metals.
primarily a result of oxidation, which is
initiated by ultraviolet radiation from the
 Some polymers such as nylon and cellulose
Polymeric degradation is physiochemical physical are also susceptible to water absorption,
and chemical which produces a reduction in their
Polymers may deteriorate by swelling and hardness and stiffness.
dissolution, & covalent bond rupture (result of heat
energy, chemical reactions, and radiation).
1. Polyethylene if exposed to high temperatures in
an oxygen atmosphere, suffers an impairment
of its mechanical properties by becoming brittle.
2. Poly(vinyl chloride) become colored when
exposed to high temperatures although not
affect its mechanical characteristics.

 Swelling
 The liquid or solute diffuses into and is
absorbed within the polymer
 The small solute molecules fit into and
occupy positions among the polymer
 The macromolecules are forced apart such
that the specimen expands or swells.
 A partial dissolution process in which there
is only limited solubility of the polymer in
the solvent.

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