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Paul’s High school

Unit 1 Examinations

Sub: Chemistry Class: 7 Marks:25

Section-A Marks:10

Attempt any two Questions from this section.

Question 1

1. Identify the above states of matter explain its four properties and also examples. 5M

Question 2

1. Define interconversion states of matter. Explain the a) change of state by changing the temperature
and b) change of state by changing the pressure 5M

Question 3

Define physical and chemical change list out its characteristics and examples (any two)

Section B

Answer any 5 questions from the section

1. What are reversible and reversible changes? Give example.

2. Define natural and manmade changes.
3. What are the conditions that affect evaporation?
4. Explain an activity to prove that matter has mass and occupies space?
5. Is burning a physical change or a chemical change why
6. Explain the characteristics of particles of matter.
7. Define dissolving.
8. Explain the difference between evaporation and boiling?

Fill-in the blanks 5M

(Sublimation, solidification, evaporation, melting condensation)

The change of state from solid to liquid is………..The change of state from liquid to gas is………….The
change of state from gas to liquid is……..The change of state from liquid to solid is……..The change of
state from solid to gas is.....

All The Best

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