Smart Goal 1& 2

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Checklist for Assignments

1. I understand my professor’s expectations for this assignment. In particular, I understand
his/her specifications regarding collaborating with other students, consulting sources and
using artificial intelligence tools.

2. I completed this assignment without unauthorized assistance from others, including people,
websites, content or file-sharing sites, automated tools such as ChatGPT, translation,
paraphrasing, or grammar tools.

3. I used the documentation style recommended by my professor consistently throughout this

assignment (for example, APA, MLA, AMA, ACS, Chicago, McGill, etc.).

4. When including direct quotations, I have acknowledged the use of others’ words by
including quotation marks around the quoted material and I have provided full and accurate

5. For paraphrased material, I put the original author’s ideas into my own words and I have
provided full and accurate citations.

6. I have properly acknowledged the use of any photographs, illustrations, charts, diagrams,
figures, audio, video, etc. from outside sources.

7. For this assignment, I have saved all of the articles I cited, all of my notes, outlines and
rough drafts in the event that my professor asks to see these.

8. I have never previously submitted this assignment, or parts of this assignment, for any
other course.

9. I did not share my work with anyone else, and have no intention of doing so.

10.If someone else proofread my work and provided suggestions for revisions, I made all of the
changes myself.

11.I asked my instructor, a librarian or a tutor for citation help if needed.

12.I understand Sheridan’s Academic Integrity Policy, and aware of the consequences of
breaching this policy.

Student Name: Eunmi Jeon_ Date: Feb. 18, 2024


Assignment: #Smart Goal 1 & 2

Eunmi Jeon


Professor Jim Mactaggart

Feb. 18, 2024.


Name: Eunmi Jeon

My placement SMART Goal Plan: Goal # 1

S: Specific In my placement, I was introduced to a student who has a genetic

disorder. He is a middle school 8th-grade. He is characterized by

stiffness, difficulty chewing, unstable walking, slow movements,

non-verbal communication, need for potty training, and limited

academic abilities. I want to accomplish a goal that is based on his

disability. This goal would be to increase my knowledge about

coping strategies to help him through their everyday school routine.

The aim is to enable him to live independently in daily school life,

such as getting on and off the school bus, walking down the hallway

alone, packing their school bag alone, dressing, chewing, and toilet

training. This goal is to increase his confidence, improve their

quality of life, and develop the skills they need for independent

living, which we believe are essential to the environment of students

soon to enter high school. The goal is to develop specific strategies

and interventions to improve student engagement and success

within the school.

M: Measureable Develop and successfully implement the coping strategies he needs

to promote independence in various aspects of school life. Goals

will be achieved. Implement a customized plan to independently

perform tasks such as getting on and off the school bus and

walking. It also includes mastering things like packing a school bag,

dressing, chewing food, and toilet training. Feedback from teachers,

EA, and parents about his improved self-confidence, quality of life,

and participation in everyday school activities will be evidence of

goal achievement.

A: Attainable First, I will have an informal conversation with the EA who has the

most knowledge about this student’s needs.

Second, I will look for good sources such as websites and blogs to

find effective coping strategies. And I will collect it.

Third, I will ensure that the plan is a good fit for him, is realistically

feasible for the school, and is consistent with his independence


Fourth, I will implement coping strategies and interventions within

the school environment. Encourage the teacher and other EAs to

use this strategy effectively and provide guidance.

Fifth, I can adjust my plan by referring to continuous observation

and feedback. Also, provide support, encouragement, and praise.

R: Realistic His genetic disorder may present physical challenges such as

stiffness, unstable walking, and difficulty chewing, which could

hinder his ability to perform daily school life independently. - To


foster his autonomy within the school environment, I consistently

provide patient guidance, encouraging him to tackle tasks

independently. I allow him ample time without excessive prompting,

verbally articulating each step-in detail and observing his progress. I

readily offer praise and encouragement to bolster his confidence

and motivation.

His non-verbal communication may limit his ability to communicate

discomfort or chewing preferences, making it difficult for the student

to express their needs or receive appropriate support. - Provide

ample mealtime to minimize distractions, offer small foods that are

easy to chew, and try various foods to learn their preferences. And it

may help by stimulating the area around the mouth. I readily offer

praise and encouragement.

His need for potty training may require specialized support and

interventions within the school environment. - Toilet training is

carried out at a particular time, ensuring sufficient time and privacy,

verbal encouragement, praise, and waiting.

T: Timebound This goal will start on Feb.18 and conclude ongoing throughout the

end of April (this term).

My placement SMART Goal Plan: Goal # 2


S: Specific In my placement, I was introduced to a student with Down

Syndrome. She is a middle school 7th-grade. She is very smart,

knows and follows the school rules, and does well in class activities

by helping other students and teachers. Every morning, she helps

with school snacks and is independent, without needing physical

assistance, such as tying shoelaces, dressing, or going to the

bathroom. She is a quick learner and knows her numbers well. She

is a fan of BTS and especially Jungkook. So, she searched for their

songs on YouTube, listened to them, memorized them, and danced

to their songs. I want to accomplish a goal that is based on her

academics. This goal is to improve Computer Technology to support

her academic progress and daily activities. This goal is because, in

today's era, computer technology plays an essential role in the

educational environment, such as learning and assignments, and is

also included in daily life. The goal is to enable her to navigate her

studies independently and efficiently and acquire the necessary

computer skills to further enhance her learning skills by accessing

wider educational resources academically and in her everyday life,

which she will use as a development for her future. This is to allow

her to do so.

M: Measureable The goal will be accomplished when she demonstrates improved

proficiency in specific computer technology skills and typing. She

will independently navigate basic computer functions such as


turning the computer on/off, opening applications, and accessing

educational websites. She will be typing using all ten fingers. She

will independently utilize educational software or online resources to

reinforce learning in math, language arts, or other subjects of

interest. Evidence of goal achievement is observed through direct

observation of the student's ability to independently perform

assigned computer skills tasks that are required and required for


A: Attainable First, assess her current familiarity and proficiency with essential

computer functions and typing skills.

Second, let her know about and use online typing games. I inform

her of various educational sites and encourage you to use them. I

can have her research her favourite BTS or Jungkook on YouTube

and Google and read news and blogs during her free time. She

provides opportunities to practice and review her work and even

encourages her to use her computer to solve math or word puzzles.

Third, I can modify her strategies and increase activities depending

on her needs. I encourage her to work together to develop computer

and typing skills in class and at home.

R: Realistic Although she is smart and can learn, Down syndrome can make it

difficult for her to use complex computers or type using all ten

fingers. - Make learning fun with her online typing games and

encourage her to find websites and resources related to topics she

likes, like BTS or Jungkook, to increase her motivation and


She may not have an interest and enjoyment in learning computer

skills. - I can encourage her interest in music, dance, etc., and lead

her to acquire continuous computer skills through assignments such

as computer singing, dancing, etc., as an artist, or as a multimedia


I can provide positive reinforcement by providing consistent praise,

encouragement, and engaging and sharing her interests to help her

overcome barriers and develop computer skills for academic

acquisition and everyday life.

T: Timebound This goal will start on Feb.18 and conclude ongoing throughout the

end of April (this term).

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