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Which of the following terms refers to having a working knowledge of the cultural variablesaffecting management decisions?

A) multicultural sensitivityB) cultural accommodationC) multicultural transfer D) cultural intelligence Global managers that exhibit cultural intelligence and cultural sensitivity are most likely ableto ________.A) negotiate effectively in expatriate assignmentsB) request bonuses for overseas job assignmentsC) implement technological changes quicklyD) conduct efficient performance appraisals Which of the following terms refers to the belief that the management techniques used inone's own country are best no matter where or under what conditions they are applied?A) geocentrismB) nationalismC) parochialismD) ethnocentrismAnswer: D Which of the following terms refers to the expectation that "foreigners" should automaticallyfall into host-country patterns of behavior?A) geocentrismB) nationalismC) parochialismD) ethnocentrismAnswer: C

Med-Tex is a large pharmaceutical firm based in Texas. Med-Tex has three manufacturingfacilities in the U.S., and the firm wants to join other American pharmaceutical firms byexpanding overseas. The firm's executives are evaluating locations across the world for the mostsuitable place to build the latest Med-Tex manufacturing facility. Which of the following bestsupports the argument that Med-Tex should build a new facility in Ireland?A) Expanding into a similar culture reduces risks associated with different attitudes, values andcommunication styles.B) Med-Tex's main competitor received government incentives for building a newmanufacturing facility in the U.K.C) Collectivist societies like Ireland encourage the individual achievement necessary for scientific advancements in pharmaceuticals.D) Particularistic cultures apply rules and systems objectively, which is important within theMedTex organizational culture.Answer: A All of the following are value dimensions proposed by Hofstede EXCEPT ________.A) uncertainty avoidanceB) assertivenessC) power distanceD) individualismAnswer: B Workplaces in high power distance cultures will most likely be characterized by ________.A) flexible schedulesB) autocratic leadershipC) loosely defined chains of commandD) informality between customers and workersAnswer: B An autocratic style of management would be most effective in which of the following?A) low power distance countriesB) high power distance countriesC) low economic risk countriesD) high performance countriesAnswer: B

Societies such as Malaysia, Mexico, and the Philippines that accept strong hierarchical bosssubordinate relationships tend to score high on Hofstede's ________ dimension.A) uncertainty avoidanceB) collectivismC) masculinityD) power distanceAnswer: D According to Hofstede's value dimensions, ________ is the extent to which subordinatesaccept a hierarchical system in a company.A) uncertainty avoidanceB) power distanceC) individualismD) masculinityAnswer: B

Which of the Hofstede variables would be most closely responsible for the existence of formal rules and procedures within a given culture?A) individualismB) uncertainty avoidanceC) masculinityD) femininityAnswer: B

According to Hofstede's value dimensions, ________ refers to the tendency of people to look after themselves and their immediate family only and to neglect the needs of society.A) power distanceB) uncertainty avoidanceC) individualismD) masculinityAnswer: C

According to Hofstede, countries such as Japan, Portugal, and Greece have strict laws andprocedures to which their people adhere closely because they have ________, while countrieslike Denmark, Great Britain, and U.S. tolerate protests because they have ________.A) high power distance; high uncertainty avoidanceB) high masculinity; low individualismC) high uncertainty avoidance; low uncertainty avoidanceD) high individualism; low individualismAnswer: C

Jane greatly values achievements and success. In contrast, Fred values harmony. Based onHofstede's cultural dimensions, Jane is likely to come from a(n) ________ culture, while Fred islikely to come from a(n) ________ culture.A) high power distance; low power distanceB) high risk loving; low risk lovingC) individualistic; collectivistD) collectivist; individualisticAnswer: C According to Hofstede's research, there is a strong relationship among ________, wealth,and a political system with balanced power.A) low individualismB) high individualismC) low uncertainty avoidanceD) high power distanceAnswer: B Assertiveness, materialism, and a lack of concern for others are considered ________ valuesby Hofstede.A) masculineB) power distanceC) individualisticD) collectivistAnswer: A

According to Hofstede, all of the following are characteristic of organizations in countrieswith low masculinity EXCEPT ________.A) few job conflictsB) limited amount of job stressC) more social loafing at work D) more women in top executive jobsAnswer: C

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