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Kidapawan City Division

Weekly Activity Guide for ENGLISH 10
Week No. 1
Name: _____________________________________ Grade and Section: _________________
I. Objectives:
• Get familiar with technical terms in research. (EN10V-IVa-30)
II. Subject Matter:
• Topics:
✓ Technical Terms in Research
III. Procedure:
• Activity No. 1
✓ Read the text below.
Research establishes facts and new findings through a systematic investigation.
Abstract. This refers to a brief written statement of the main points or facts in a research paper.
Interview. It refers to a conversation where questions are asked and answers are given.
Appendix. It contains other related information such as graphs, charts, tables and lists.
APA. It is a style most commonly used to cite sources within the social sciences. It is based on the
guidelines of a scientific and professional organization that represents psychologists in the US.
Bibliography. It is meant to identify a work in full details; name/s of author/s, full title, place, publisher, and
date of publication.
Questionnaire. It is a set of printed or written questions with a choice of answers, devised for the purposes
of a survey or statistical study.
Interview Guide. It is like an outline that help you know what to ask about, in what sequence, how to pose
questions, and how to pose follow-ups.
Hedging. It allows writers to anticipate possible opposition to claims by expressing statements with
precision, caution, and diplomatic deference to the view of the colleagues.
Plagiarism. It is an act punishable by law. It involves copying of words or ideas from other researchers or
authors without giving credit.
RRL. It is an evaluative report of information found in the literature related to your selected area of study.
Author-date system. It is a parenthetical reference consisting of two basic elements – author’s name and
date of publication.
Hypothesis. It is formal statement that is not yet proven but leads to further study or discussion.
Introduction. It presents the background information, scope, and focus of the research paper.
Methodology. It explains how the research was conducted.
Results. It presents the information gathered through the research.
Conclusion. It provides the summary of the research.
Discussion. It evaluates the results of the study or research.
Dedication. It is the expression of friendly connection or thanks by the author towards another person.
Acknowledgment. It enables you to thank all those who have helped in carrying out the research. The
general advice is to express your appreciation in a concise manner and to avoid strong emotive language.

Table of Content. It is an organized listing of the chapters and major sections of your document.
Significance of the Study. It determines who benefits from the study and how that specific audience will
benefit from its findings.
Theoretical Framework. It is the structure that can hold or support a theory of a research study.
Conceptual Framework. It serves as a “map” or “rudder” that will guide you towards realizing the objectives
or intent of your study.
Rationale. It is the researcher’s explanation as to why the study is important, what purpose it serves and
what will be its outcome to society or the academic field.
Statement of the Problem. It pertains to the issue that exists in the literature, theory, or practice that leads
to a need for the study.
Dependent variable. It is the variable that the researcher measures; it is called a dependent variable
because it depends upon (is caused by) the independent variable.
Independent Variable. It is the one that the researcher manipulates.
Limitations of the Study. It means restrictions or boundaries set by the researchers to achieve the
objectives of the study.
Definition of Terms. It is a list that gives definitions of the hard or unusual words found in the research.
Objectives of the Study. These are statements of activities to be performed to shape research work. It is
basically important because it provides direction for the researchers.
Trustworthiness. The ability to be relied on as honest or truthful.
Research Evaluation:
Question. It is a question that can be answered with research that is feasible.
Population. It pertains to IN RESEARCH
all the members of a group, case or class of subjects, variables or phenomena
Match the terms in Column A with the samples in column B. Write the letter of the
Scope. Itcorrect
indicatesanswer only.
how comprehensive, inclusive or general a theory is to explain a range of situations
rather than just one.
Match Column A to Column B. Write only the letter of the correct answer.
Column A 1.What are the rhetorical Column moves Bpresent in the research
1. Trustworthiness of the Study a. acknowledgment of 51 research articles?
2. Hypothesis 2. What are the lexico-semantics associated with each of the
3. Research Questions moves in acknowledgment section?
4. Scope and Limitation of the Study …..Thus, this study will utilize Lincoln and Guba’s (1985) work
5. Definition of Terms b. on the evaluation of truth in a qualitative report to wit credibility,
6. Acknowledgment dependability, transferability, and confirmability….
7. Abstract
8. Bibliography Allison, D., Cooley, L., Lewkowicz, J., & Nunan, D. (1998). Dissertation
writing in action: The development of a dissertation writing
9. Dedication support program for ESL graduate research students. English
10. Table of Contents c. for Specific Purposes, 17(2), 199-217.
Atai, M., &Sodr, L. (2006). A cross-cultural genre study on hedging devices
in discussion section of applied linguistics research articles.
Proceedings of the 11th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of
Applied Linguistics, 42-57.

d. Chapter 1 Introduction 1-3

Purpose of the Study 4
Research Questions 4
Theoretical Lens 5
The objective of this study is to enhance student’s communication skill through
peer learning method for subject of GMJT3124 Regional Development Group
B. Most of the students are reluctant because they feel that they will have
difficulties to understand and communicate in English that will lead to insecure
and tentative feeling. They are unable to compete internationally because of
communication problems did not reach the levels required by employers. If this
e. issue still continuing, a fresh graduate from local university will face a difficulties
to obtain jobs in the future. This shows that students more comfortable
communicating in their mother tongue or introverted to change during their time
in university. This study applied observation and survey method to get
information. The results of a two-way ANOVA Statistical test show that there
are statistically significant differences between dependent (Student’s
Communication Skills) and independent variables (Student’s Group, Feeling
and Support). It is shown that the students are preferred to improve their
communication skills in English.

To my beloved partner in life, Elmer, my precious daughter,

Tamara, my mother dear, Nanay Meding, and to my siblings,
f. the source of inspiration
this study is wholeheartedly dedicated.

Dr. Jerson Catoto, my mentor and adviser who extended his intellectual
g. inputs and unending motivation in different ways for the success of this

There is no significant difference between gender and

h. communication skills.

This study is not conclusive since it is focused only in print

advertising. Words, phrases, and sentences are only considered not the
i. This study is limited to fifty one ads from different magazines and
newspapers published in the Philippines. Majority of the advertisements are
coming form magazines since newspapers have only few advertisements
related to the categories of this study.
Moreover, this study is limited to the morphosemantic and syntactic
features of print advertising and the illocutionary speech acts and issues of
persuasive advertising.
Morphosemantics are features embedded in print
advertisements. They refer to how the meaning of word are formed in
print advertising.
j. In this study, the morphosemantics are descriptive words,
neologisms, and adverbs.
✓ Give a sample of the following:
1. Significance of the Study
2. Objectives of the Study
3. Conceptual Framework
4. Conclusion
5. Theoretical Framework

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