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A Thesis Presented to the Faculty

Institute of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Baliwag Polytechnic College

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Hospitality and Tourism Management


NOVEMBER 21, 2022





BALIWAG POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, prepared and submitted by Del Rosario,

J.M. Et. Al in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of

Science in Hospitality Management, has been examined and is recommended for

acceptance and approval for oral examination.



Approved and accepted by the Committee on Oral Examination on November

21, 2022 with a grade of _____



____________________ ____________________
Member Member


Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

degree of Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management.


Dean, Institute of Hospitality and Tourism Management




Students attend their studies to build a better future for themselves. But if the finish

line is far from where they are, resources available to them should be carefully

invested to avoid any waste that they could regret. The purpose of this study is to

identify the factors influencing the demand consumption in fast food restaurants

among the students under the programs of Hospitality and Tourism Management in

Baliwag Polytechnic College. Survey was conducted to the ideal sample size to

acquire relevant data that will help the researchers formulate their conclusion towards

the main problem of this research. Responds were thoroughly investigated and

analyzed by the researchers, which allows them to draw out concrete findings.

Systematically, the sample size will represent the whole population of the study, but

researchers were confounded with the outcome of the survey as it really speaks for the

majority. Researchers found out that the students of the aforementioned programs

were reliant to the products and services offered by fast food restaurants as it is being

suitable to the financial capacity and time scheduling of the said population.

Nevertheless, the students, according to the survey, prefer fast food restaurant that

serve affordable and quality products and services. Convenience and food trend also

made the students convinced to dine. The preceding findings only proves that the

sociopsychological behavior of students affects their preference in patronizing a fast-

food restaurant despite of the conjunction of marketing strategies of the business and

the resources of the students. Respondents also agree with the idea of promoting fast

food restaurants only when they met the factors they are anticipating, and once they

are satisfied; in which researchers conclude that there is a significant impact to the

consumption demands of fast-food restaurants because of this type of customer

behavior. Researchers recommend to the future researchers to explore more area of

this study particularly on the business' community side, and a consultation to the

behavioral science experts.


I hereby certify that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of

my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by

another person nor material to which a substantial extent has been accepted for award

of any other degree or diploma of a university or other institute of higher learning,

except where due acknowledgement is made in the text.

I also declare that the intellectual content of this research is the product of my

work, even though I may have received assistance from others on style, presentation,

and language expression.

John Mark C. Del Rosario November 21, 2022

Advisee Date

Prof. Gino Espinosa, MSHTM November 21, 2022

Advisor Date


This is to certify that the undersigned has viewed and went through all the

pages of the research entitled “FACTORS INFLUENCING CONSUMPTION



BALIWAG POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE” written by Del Rosario, J.M. et. Al

aligned with the set of structural rules that govern the composition of sentences,

phrases and words in the English Language. And have found it complete and

satisfactory with respect to grammar, organization, and APA format and style as

prescribed by the Baliwag Polytechnic College.

Certified By:



Title Page …………………………………………………………………………. I

Approval Sheet …………………………………………………………………… II
Acknowledgement …………………………………………………………….... III
Dedication ………………………………………………………………………. IV
Abstract …………………………………………………………………………. V
….………………………………………………………………………………… VI
Certificate of Originality……………………………………………………….. VII
Certification Form for Language Editing …………………………………… VIII
Table of Contents ……………………………………………………………. IX
….……………………………………………………………………………… X



Introduction ……………………………………………………………….. 1
….………………………………………………………………………….. 2
Statement of the Problem …………………………………………………. 3
Hypothesis ………………………………………………………………… 4
Significance of the Study …………………………………………………. 5
….………………………………………………………………………….. 6
Scope and Limitations …………………………………………………….. 7
Definition of Terms………………………………………………………… 8


Theoretical Framework …………………………………………………… 14

Conceptual Framework …………………………………………………… 15
Synthesis…………………………………………………………………… 16

Research Design ………………………………………………………….. 17
Population, Sample, and Sampling Technique ……………………………. 18
….………………………………………………………………………….. 19
Research Instrument ………………………………………………….…… 20
Data Gathering Procedure ………………………………………………… 21
….………………………………………………………………………….. 22
….………………………………………………………………………….. 23
….………………………………………………………………………….. 24
….………………………………………………………………………….. 25
Ethical Procedure …………………………………………………………. 26
Data Analysis ……………………………………………………………… 27



Summary of Findings ……………………………………………………… 28
Conclusion ………………………………………………………………… 29
Recommendation ………………………………………………………….. 30





Students are fan of value meals. Having a limited budget or allowance,

encourages them to patronage food establishments that offers cheaper food products

regardless of health benefits it may have. However, in the modern times, students are

observed to be more critical to what they consume as it may reflect their personality

which they are conscious of.

Fast-food restaurants are food establishments that sells and promotes

convenient or ready-to-eat meals for its customers. This type of restaurant is known

for being casual and quick-service since their products are commonly comprised of

pre-made components, thus, ordering an item will not take too much time as it is only

subject for effortless assembling such as hamburgers, pizza, french fries, and the likes.

Hence, fast food restaurants are focused to cater family, students, and employees who

valued their time and who spend less. Baliuag is a first-class municipality and one of

the richest towns in the whole province of Bulacan. Due to the increasing population

and growth of its economic activity, many investors are considering the town to

establish their businesses; even the micro, small and medium enterprises already

started to enter the market. Because of the preceding facts, food establishments along

the streets of Baliuag are now having a stricter market share as competitors arise.

These fast-food restaurants are formulating their own marketing and advertising

strategies as observed by the researchers in order for them to surpass other food

businesses. Consequently, students who are part of the majority consumers of these

fast-food restaurants are enjoying those gimmicks that are favorable to them— and

the community of Baliwag Polytechnic College is definitely one of them.

Therefore, the researchers conducted this study to know the factors that

influence the consumption demand of consumers, specifically from the perspective of

students of the aforementioned school towards their favorite fast-food restaurants in

town. Results and conclusions of this study will be used to build not only the

reputation of emerging food establishments in Baliuag, but also for the businesses that

the future entrepreneurs’ prospect to establish.

Statement of the Problem

The researchers narrowed down pointers through the use of questions below.

The general question is subject to answer the end result of this study, which will only

be concluded once data are gathered and thoroughly analyzed. The specific questions

are subject to provide key solutions or supporting elements that will help to construct

this study more efficiently and effectively.

General Problem:

 What are the factors that influences the consumption demand of students from

Institute of Hospitality and Tourism Management in Baliwag Polytechnic

College to fast food restaurants?

Specific Problems:

 Do students prefer to dine-in in fast food restaurants to consume their meal

and snacks?

 What is/are the reason(s) why students continuously patronizing a fast-food


 How do social trends, particularly in gastronomy, influence the students'

preference in patronizing a fast-food restaurant?

 How impactful is the purchasing capability of students to the totality of fast-

food operation?

 Is there a psychosociological explanation behind the preference of consumers,

specifically the students in fast food restaurants?


The researchers evaluated their personal dining experiences in some of the fast-

food establishments in Baliuag to produce certain observations that they can be used

as a basis of hypothesizing the outcome of this study. After the researchers scrutinized

their findings, they come up with the following assumptions:

1. There are factors that influences the consumption demand of students in fast

food restaurant.

2. The influencing factors has a direct impact towards the generated revenue of

fast food restaurants.

3. Traditional and modern alteration in fast food restaurants concern students

4. Updated marketing strategies builds rapports with consumers.

5. There is a psychosocial explanation about the attitude of students in food

establishment they choose to patronize.

Significance of the Study

This study aims to produce information that are practical and convenient for

audiences who visioned to establish their own business or committed to manage a

food establishment, particularly a fast-food restaurant as the researchers sought to find

out the influencing factors that can affect its overall position in the market. The

following are anticipated to benefit from this research:


Students, particularly management majors, will benefit from this study as they

can acquire knowledge that will help them to understand the behavior of the present

consumers. Thus, being able to be aware about these people could give them concrete

data that they may use in formulating feasibility study and other business plans.


The entrepreneurs are the most beneficial of this study. After the researchers

concluded the result of this study, whether it is null or alternative conclusion,

entrepreneurs can still utilize coping ways in relation to sustainability and profitability

towards their businesses.

Future Researchers

Future researchers can use this study as a guide in creating an undergraduate

thesis as part of the completion of their program. This paper will serve as a reference

to other researchers that are aligned to the main idea of this study, which will also act

as an existing body of knowledge that is subject to improve or give a base foundation

to the research they will be conducted.


This study is also beneficial to the Baliwag Polytechnic College community as

it enriches the learning material or resources of students and other faculty personnel

within the campus. This research will provide academic heads of the aforementioned

school with the knowledge regarding the attitude of their students regarding to their

attachment to modernity, which these administrators can use to further develop the

whole institution.

Scope and Limitations

This research entitled "Factors Influencing Consumption Demand in Fast-

Food Restaurants Among Students of Institute of Hospitality and Tourism

Management in Baliwag Polytechnic College", is intend to determine the attitude of

students, specifically those who are under the programs of Hospitality Management

and Tourism Management, that potentially affects the success of food establishments

in the town. As the title imply, this study will be exclusively participated only by the

students of the aforementioned institute in Baliwag Polytechnic College in order for

the researchers to produce a clearer data as it will be gathered from one certain group

of people. Also, the participation of fast-food restaurants will be limited, as those

located in Baliuag are encouraged to join the progress of this study. Survey will be

employed to gather data. Personal information and company confidentiality will not

be required to comply.

Definition of Terms

The researchers aim to comprehend this study by its readers, hence words that

are high-sounding are defined below; such as:

alternative - available as another possibility.

fast food - of, relating to, or specializing in food that can be prepared and

served quickly.

gimmicks - a trick or device intended to attract attention, publicity, or


MSMEs - (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) any business activity,

enterprise engaged in industry regardless of type of business whose total assets

inclusive of those arising from loans but exclusive on the land where it


null - having no legal or binding force.

patronize - to be a frequent or regular customer or client of.

profitability - affording profits: yielding advantageous returns or results.

psychosocial - relating to the interrelation of social factors and individual

thought and behavior.

rapport - a close and harmonious relationship in which the people or groups

concerned understand each other's feelings or ideas and communicate well.

sustainability - of, relating to, or being a method of harvesting or using a

resource so that the resource is not depleted or permanently damaged.



Review of Related Literature


The association between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty is one of the

most important relationships in business especially in the marketing field. Customer

loyalty affects profitability of any business organizations. Businesses need to compete

and cooperate in or-der to survive and maximize its profits. A big deal in realizing this

two-fold goal is to satisfy their customers and retain them as loyal customers in the

long run. The relationship between satisfaction and loyalty of customers is associated

with customers’ attitudes toward products and/or services and buying patterns of

customers. The levels of satisfaction and loyalty may also vary based on the socio-

demographic characteristics of customers. Studying the relation-ships among these

three variables provides understanding on consumer behavior.

Nevertheless, customer satisfaction plays a vital role in making businesses

sustain their growth as evidenced by numerous customer satisfaction surveys being

conducted by companies. This is true to all kinds of industries specifically the food

service industry. Business owners of food service stores must understand that

customers who are dissatisfied with their products and services drive them away.

When customers are not satisfied with the products or services the company provides,

there is a higher chance that these unhappy customers will not patronize the company

anymore. Worse than that is they may spread the bad news instead of the good news.

When this happens, it creates poor customer service which translates to lower sales,

thus, lower profits. Therefore, organizations are required to change or modify their

existing marketing strategies and business policies in order to meet fast-changing

customer preferences.

It is imperative that fast food companies know customers’ needs and what

satisfies them. Knowing the preferences of the customers may start by getting

information on their socio-demographic characteristics. Preferences vary from one

customer to the other. A competitive market provides many options for the customers

to choose from. Understanding custom-er satisfaction would give business owners

ideas on how to keep their customers loyal to their companies, thus, conducting a

study on the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty is important.

In this study, four socio-demographic variables were used to describe the

characteristics of customers by means of frequencies and percentages. These profile

characteristics are age, gender, educational attainment, and income. Majority of the

customers are young, female, have bachelor’s degrees, and earn between P10,000 and

P20,000 monthly. Levels of satisfaction and loyalty were measured by using means of

Likert scale items. Customers of the fast-food store are generally satisfied with the

quality of food, service quality, and perceived value for money on one hand. On the

other hand, they are generally dissatisfied with the physical environment of the store.

However, customers agree that they would still be loyal to the fast-food store. In the

end, it is concluded that food quality, service quality, physical environment, and

price/perceived value for money are significantly correlated with repurchase intention,

word-of-mouth, and first-in-mind–indicators of customer loyalty. Significant positive

relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty is established.

Managers of any fast-food restaurant should be cognizant of the needs and wants of

the customers and offer them quality in all aspects of the business.

Enhanced policies and guide-lines should be designed to improve the service

quality and physical environment of the store such as: (1) respond to customer

feedback and/or satisfaction surveys as honest as possible; (2) continued preparation

of high-quality of food is important; (3) intensive marketing for the existing loyalty

program must be pursued; (4) service quality must be improved; (5) maintain

cleanliness of the physical environment of the store; (6) offer cash discounts for meal;

(7) the use of different forms of advertisement is highly recommended.


The pressures of working life along with time constraints have led to an increase

in the demand for fast food restaurants. Amid the economic problems and health

concerns, there has been a rapid growth in the fast-food industry in Turkey, with

3,453 restaurants currently serving the market. Fast food chains are set to register

68% constant value growth by 2014.

Fast food consumption is more popular among children and teenagers making

Turkey a very lucrative market, since almost half of the country’s 73 million

population is under the age of

25. The aim of this research is to explore young consumers’ overall behavior toward

fast food chains. More specifically, the purpose here is to identify the key factors that

influence these young consumers’ preferences of local and international brands of

fast-food restaurants.

The changes prompted by fast food have taken place very quickly and have been

so all-encompassing for consumers around the globe. The same can be said for

Turkish consumers and the rapid penetration of fast-food industry in the country. The

objective of this research was to explore the main factors that influence young

consumers’ preferences of local and international brands of fast-food restaurants in

Turkey. Factor analysis and semantic differential scales were used for this

investigation. Five underlying factors were identified as being influential in the brand

preferences of these young consumers’ fast-food consumption. These factors were

convenience, brand name reputation, cost, consistency and quality. The findings of

the study revealed that the most important attribute in fast food restaurant selection

was convenience. Furthermore, the study indicated that young consumers were

heavily influenced by the convenience and consistency elements of fast-food

restaurants. The brand’s reputation was also reported to be a prominent factor in their

restaurant selection. All categories of fast-food restaurants were mentioned in the top

ten, including McDonald’s & Burger King (burger & fries) to Hosta & Aba Piknik

(döner-meat on a stick grill), to Domino’s & Pizza Hut (pizza) and KFC & Popeye’s

(chicken). Even though these young consumers reported to be fond of the burger and

French fries at well-known global brands such as Burger King, they also demanded

traditional Turkish fast-food providers such as Hosta for döner, Simit Sarayi for

sesame doughnuts and Otantik Kumpir for baked potatoes. Cost and quality attributes

were also signified in the results of the study. College students are money-sensitive

since they live on limited budgets, and do not have full-time jobs. They would like to

get quick, high-quality fast-food meals at affordable prices with a consistent taste and

service level. The results from this study also suggested even though gender had an

impact on the frequency of fast-food consumption, age had no significance. Lastly,

income level was reported to be significantly correlated with fast food consumption


The results provide useful information not only to domestic and but also to

foreign fast-food retailers. International fast food restaurant chains coming to Turkey

and planning to target youth segments will better understand their consumers’

perceptions and preferences.

Theoretical Framework

Continuous growth
Determinants of
on consumption
students towards fast Convenience demand for fast


According to the five studies that the researchers analyzed in Review of

Related Literature, there are three main factors or determinants that students consider

in dining-in with fast food restaurants; such as: (1) affordability, (2) convenience, (3)

and quality. As what the illustration shows, these factors are connected with each

other because majority of the respondents from the conducted foreign studies said that

the fast-food restaurant should possess these attributes before, they convince

themselves to dine-in. However, findings also projected that these factors can stand on

their own and can still produce the same outcome towards fast food restaurants as

some students agree with the importance of having at least one factor considering

their limited budget, time, and health. Therefore, fast food restaurants should continue

to develop marketing strategies aligned with the determinants of students towards

their products and services.

Conceptual Framework

Independent Mediating Variables Dependent Variables



Nutrition Value High Support from


Market Trends

Costumer Behavior

The researchers drafted their own concept and analysis so that readers can easily

understand the main focus of this study.

Under Independent Variables are the following factors which researchers presume

to affect the consumption demand of students in fast food restaurants, such as: price,

nutrition value, convenience, and their behavior.

In Mediating Variable, only market trend was listed as researchers perceive this

factor as linking consequence between the two other variables.

And lastly, the dependent variable or the subject that requires independent

variables in order for it to function is the "high support from students".

As mentioned, independent variables are found to be essential in achieving the

dependent variable. But market trend also plays a big role in enabling the independent

variables to be functional and to efficiently put an effect to the dependent variable.

Researchers also eyeing for the behavior of students that greatly influence the market for

food nowadays.


After a complete investigation, the researchers were able to establish a clearer

objective of this research as existing foreign studies reviewed in Theoretical

Framework are closely parallel to the anticipated outcome drafted in Conceptual

Framework. Researchers agree that factors, particularly price, time, and food quality

affect the perception of students towards fast food restaurants, and thus directly cause

a reaction to the consumption demand to these food establishment. Therefore,

researchers will focus to further analyze if the same sentiments relate the perspective

of students from Baliwag Polytechnic College. Furthermore, discuss categorically the

behavior of students that influences their dining experience as observed by the




Research Design

The researchers utilized descriptive type of research design, as it is more

appropriate and suitable to establish in their study. Descriptive research are used to

describe various aspects of the phenomenon. In its popular format, descriptive

research is used to describe characteristics and/or behavior of sample population. It is

an effective method to get information that can be used to develop hypotheses and

propose associations. (Fox, W. & Bayat, M.S. [(2007] “A Guide to Managing

Research” Juta Publications, p.45)

The objective of this research is to observe the perception and behavior of

random students of Baliwag Polytechnic towards the products and services that fast

food restaurants offers, and how these factors affect the in economic activities of

those businesses.

Population, Sample, and Sampling Technique

As the title of this study indicated, the researchers will collect data from the

population of Baliwag Polytechnic College, and sample respondents will be its

students. Although, neither population nor sample will directly benefit from the

anticipated outcome of researchers, their perception is highly important to the success

of this study. Thus, a simple-random sampling technique will be employed upon

gathering data as it relies on using a selection method that provides each respondent

with an equal chance of being selected, giving each respondent the same probability

of being selected. Since the selection process is based on probability and random

selection, the end smaller sample is more likely to be representative of the total

population and free from researcher bias. That being the case, the most genuine

representation of the students' perception towards fast food restaurants will be acquire.

The figures below show the numerical amount of the Population, Sample Size,

and Margin of Error during the data gathering procedures which will be facilitated by

the researchers through an online survey in the later part of this study. Wherein, N is

the total population, n is the sample size, and e is the margin of error. Slovin's

Formula will be used in the computation.

Total Population

Hospitality Management Total Enrollees = 1746

Tourism Management Total Enrollees = 724

Therefore, 2740 is the total target population for this study.

Finding the number of Sample Size

Slovin's Formula: n= N/1+Ne²

Where, n =? ; N= 2740 ; e = 5%

Hence, we can say that:

n = N/1+Ne²

n = 2740/1+2740(0.05²)

n = 2740/1+2740(0.0025)

n = 2740/1+ 6.175

n = 2740/7.175

n = 344.25 or 344

Therefore, 344 is the sample size. These 344 students from the Institute of

Hospitality and Tourism Management will be the respondents for this study. They

will be chosen randomly in order for the researchers acquire a diverse perspective

towards the subject being implicated.

Research Instrument

The researchers will use survey in gathering data from the respondents. The

survey will be comprised of ten questions that are subject to perceive the pulse of the

sample with the dependent variable—happened to be the fast-food restaurants in the

study. These questions will ask the following information: (1) personal details; (2)

food establishment where they usually dine-in; (3) factors they consider why they

choose the particular food establishment. By resorting to this kind of questioning,

researchers, as first-hand examiners, they will be able to understand the correlation of

presumed factors and consumption demand to fast food restaurants.

Data Gathering Procedure

Since students are still in limited capacity of classes and are still encourage to

observe safety protocols due to the possible risk of the Covid-19 virus being

contagious, the researchers decided to conduct the survey in an online platform. This

data gathering procedure that the researchers contemplate to use, will minimize the

contact of surveyor and surveyed in which a way to protect both parties with the

indiscernible disease. Google form will be use as the main medium for the

respondents to answer the questions that researchers prepared for them; hence the said

platform will also serve as data storage of researchers for this study.

For every college year level inside the campus, at least twenty-five

respondents will be randomly selected to participate and wherefore represent the

whole population of the focus of this study regardless of their demographic profile; as

a way of being unbiased and to get the equal representation of the whole community

of Baliwag Polytechnic College.

Google form link will be given ahead of time so that respondents can answer

the survey based on their real sentiments, and not only be driven by pressure.

Respondents has a will to whether to reject or choose to participate in this study.

Finally, once the researchers gather one hundred percent of its target respondents, and

completed the survey, they will now start to assess and prepare to interpret the data

through the use of quantitively illustrations.


Personal Information

Name: (Optional)



Year level and Section:

1. Do you avail food products and services in fast-food restaurants?

- yes

- no

2. How often do you usually dine-in in fast food restaurants?

- once a week

- twice a week

- thrice a week

- everyday

- Others, please specify:

3. Is your allowance enough for your daily needs while going to school?

- yes

- no

4. Would you be willing to save some of your allowance to purchase products and

avail services in fast food?

- yes

- no

5. How much are you willing to save to purchase products and avail services in fast

food restaurants?

- At least for one product.

- For two or more products.

- I can purchase whichever product that my allowance can cover.

Others, please specify:

6. What is/are the reason(s) why you dine-in in a fast-food restaurant?

- To take breakfast.

- To take snack.

- To take lunch.

- To relax.

- To have chat with friends.

Others, please specify:

7. What are the factors you consider before availing products and services to fast food


- price

- product quality

- nutritional value

- convenience

- trends (food trends)

- brand ambassador/endorsers

Others, please specify:

8. Do you agree or disagree that the factors you choose to consider can create an

impact to the overall demand in fast food restaurants?

- agree

- disagree

9. In connection to the previous question, how customers like you create an impact on

overall demand in fast food restaurants? Or how it could not?

Please state your answer briefly:

10. Should happen that other fast-food restaurants which you have not tried yet,

introduced the factors you are looking for, would you be willing to avail their


- yes

- no

Do you think that customer psychological behavior directly influences the demand

consumption in fast food restaurants?

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

Ethical Procedure

Considering that the main focus of this study are students, researchers should

be prudent and treat them with utmost care since some of the respondents may be

under legal age to provide personal information. Thus, researchers will write a

consent letter which will contain the purpose of conducting this study, and the reason

why researchers targeted them for survey. The letter will be submitted in the office of

Vice President For Academic Affairs, and to the Research Director of the school

being the immediate personnel to supervise this matter. The letter should be signed by

the person who headed the office to validate its effectivity. Consent letter will also be

forwarded to respondents once signed together with the link of Google Form in order

for the students to be aware what this study is all about. Should happen that

researchers may need the participation of fast-food restaurants in town, the consent

letter will also be sent to their respective management.

Nevertheless, the respondents have the will whether to join or reject their

presence to this research. Furthermore, all the information that will be collected by the

researcher from the respondents will be identified as confidential. Hence, researchers

will not present their particulars to whoever may ask without their permission as they

are only intended solely for educational purposes.

Data Analysis

The table below shows the total number of population and the sample

size for this study. Researchers were able to draft and compute the numbers needed in

the data gathering procedure for them to be able to acquire a complete set of response

as they are trying to interpellate the main problem on this research paper. As titles

provided in the table, only students from the Institute of Hospitality and Tourism

Management will be given the opportunity to take part on this study as researchers

attempt to produce a solid conclusion on the problem only from a uniform group of

people. Consequently, respondents will represent the whole population, regardless of

what their answers to each questions reflects.

Program Total Percentage in Number of Frequency in

Enrollees Total Respondents Random

Population to be Taken Sampling

Hospitality 1746 70.69% 243 1:7


Tourism 724 29.31% 101 1:3


Total 2470 100% 344 N/A

Chapter 4: Interpretation of Data

After the survey was finally conducted, researchers will now interpret the data

they gathered from the sample—students of the Institute of Hospitality and Tourism

Management (IHTM) in Baliwag Polytechnic College, and will transcribe each

finding that will help them formulate a well-founded conclusion of this study.

Q1. Do you avail products from fast food restaurants?

With the result of the survey, the researcher asserts with the fact that casual

and fast-food restaurants are popular to the young ages, specifically with the students.

Having a dominant percentage, it clearly states that students are reliant to the

discounted and convenient products and services of these type of food establishment,

considering their financial capacity and time scheduling.

Q2. How often do you usually dine-in in a fast-food restaurant?

Based on the result of the survey, researchers draw different interpretations.

First is that students are one of the major contributors for business growth and

development of fast-food restaurants. As what the result shown, huge percentage of

respondents are frequent diners of these type of food establishments. Weekly

economic activities between the fast food and these students only proves their

connection and reliability to each other. Secondly, the respondents may somewhat

confuse to the definition of fast-food restaurants, and thus answered options that

researchers did not anticipated based on their observations. As fast-food restaurants

are food establishments that provides quick service and premade products regardless

of the facility they have; not only those superior brands we know. And lastly, since

the survey was conducted in the time where inflation rate is higher than usual,

researchers assumed that it may affect the answers of respondents like what the

survey result produced.

Q3. Is your allowance enough for your daily needs while going to school?

Majority of the respondents say that their allowance is enough while they are

going to school, garnering 129 response or a total of 64.5% of the total sample. While

71 of them answered no, or the remaining 35.5%. Since Baliwag Polytechnic College

is a local government funded institution, students of the said academe may belong to

the underprivileged sectors of our society, and thus could rely on cheaper ways of

consumption such as budget meals in order for them to survive their daily studies.

Q4. Would you be willing to save some of your allowance to purchase products and

avail services in fast food?

The response of the sample for this specific question only indicate that

majority of the students are loyal customers of fast-food restaurants. Factors that

made them decide will be discussed in the further part of this chapter, but researchers

were able to create a clearer perspective of the population's perception towards the

problem of this research. 174 students of IHTM or 87% of them are willing to

purchase and avail the products and services of fast-food restaurants, and 26 of them

or the 13% is not.

Q5. How much are you willing to save to purchase products and avail services in fast

food restaurants?

Based on the result of the survey, 92 or the 46% of the total respondents says

that they can save part of their allowance to purchase at least one product, and 77 of

them or the 38.5% of them are willing to purchase at least two products of their

preferred fast-food restaurant, and the remaining 33 or the 16.5% of the sample size

are more likely to purchase and avail products and services that their allowance can

cover. Researchers therefore conclude that part of attending school of the IHTM

students are to dine in a fast-food restaurant, whether to eat or do their things

whatever it may be.

Q6. What is/are the reasons why you dine-in in a fast-food restaurant?

The researchers have finally extracted new inference regarding the demand

consumption of students in fast food restaurants. Aside for the purpose of sustaining

themselves by the means of consuming products on these food establishments,

relaxation also become a significant and primary reason of students why they choose

to dine-in in a fast-food restaurant. Researchers assumed that due to the relaxing

ambience and calming atmosphere of the modern fast-food restaurants, students

preferably want to be in a space where they can eat and at the same time clear their

minds with all the stress from studying. Researchers, want to disclaim that even

though they are not well-aware of psychological disciplines, the inference come from

observation and analysis of the population.

Q7. What are the factors you consider before availing products and services in fast

food restaurants?

According to the respondents, price and product quality are the top concerns

of students before dining-in on fast food restaurants. This supports the fact that the

students value what they pay, as they only have limited allowance and thus a

satisfying product which they can afford, and at the same time will able to provide a

pleasure to them is their main factors they consider. However, on the other hands,

convenience and trends also got huge numbers of response. Researchers connect this

pattern to the preceding findings relative to convenience, as students manage their

time due to limited access to breaktime. But the factor of trend or food trend seems to

be a new behavior of these customers—students in which researchers assumes to be

impactful to the growth of a certain food establishment. Therefore, researchers draw

out an assumption that students of IHTM are becoming more conscious in exposing

their socio-demographic profile, since they prefer affordable and current sounds in the

food industry.

Q8. Do you agree or disagree that the factors you choose to consider can create an

impact to the overall demand in fast food restaurants?

A total of 176 students of IHTM or 88% of the sample size strongly believe

that the factors mentioned above, and which they consider, has an impact on the

overall demand in fast food restaurant. As stated earlier, the youth particularly

students and young professional are one of the main target markets of this kind of

food establishment, as their financial capacity and time scheduling fits and therefore

beneficial to them; which resulted for students to continuously patronize fast food


Q9. In connection to the previous question, how customers like you Create an Impact

to the Overall Demand in Fast Food Restaurants? Or how it could not?

After a thorough analyzation of the researchers, they were able to come up

with a uniform and distinct answer from the respondents pertaining to the question

above. The demand behavior of students from the IHTM in Baliwag Polytechnic

College, affirms with the statement that they can create an impact to fast food

restaurants through the use of online advertisement, a sort of endorsement.

Respondents agree that they tend to promote products and services when they are

satisfied on what they receive. Even some of the sample will not tag photos with good

feedbacks, posting the place and food of the fast-food restaurant would be enough to

advertise what the business has. Consequently, they urge fast food restaurants,

whether it is widely-known or a new entry, to continuously know their market. Trends

are constantly changing, it is dynamic. The generation of the students’ part of this

study can greatly impact the overall reputation of the business, and thus marketers

should take this as an advantage and opportunity to make their business appropriate to

the lifestyle of market, particularly the students and young professionals.

Q10. Should happen that other Fast-Food Restaurants which you have not tried yet,

introduced the factors you are looking for, would you be willing to avail their


As the end of survey come to an end, researchers are becoming more certain

about the demand behavior of the students from IHTM as they confirm that they will

most likely to avail products and services if the factors they choose to consider is

present on food establishments that they have not yet tried. The result of the survey

proves that the sample is confident enough to purchase and be a customer of a fast-

food restaurant once these satisfying factors are met by the students, in which can

cause for the business to increase demand and of course their sales revenue.

II. Do you think that customer's psychological behavior directly influences the

demand consumption in fast food restaurants?

Huge percentage of the respondents are strongly agreed about the direct

influence of the customer's sociopsychological behavior towards the demand

consumption being receive by fast food restaurants. 94 and 69 responds garnered by

strongly agree and agree option, respectively. The votes by the positive side override

the negatives ones, this means that students of IHTM are convinced by the ideology

of influencing the demand consumption of fast-food restaurant by the

sociopsychological behavior of customers particularly the students. This conform the

findings regarding the affordability and food trends being top concerns of the sample.

Summary of Findings

After the researchers interpreted the data in the previous chapter, and analyzed the

result of the gathered data, they will now instigate the findings of this study.

 The researchers found out that students of Institute of Hospitality and Tourism

Management in Baliwag Polytechnic College have been engaging and

patronizing fast food restaurants. According to the, “fast food

restaurants often have meals produced en masse to meet the grab-and-go

demand.” The population did characterize fast food as what the latter

definition stated. Students tend to avail products and services that are

affordable and convenient in which suitable to their financial capacity and

time scheduling without disregarding the quality and its trend being beneficial

to them.

 The researchers were also able to draw out a different dimension of

perspective from the target sample, as the result of the conducted survey

revealed that students not only dine in a fast-food restaurant for sustenance,

but also for composing themselves, particularly for relaxation. The researchers

presume that because of the stressful environment that students may

experience while studying inside their school, they might look for a safe space

where they can gather all the thoughts and remove what needs to be an excess

in order for them to become functional again and be able to avoid mental

breakdown. Researchers disclaim that although this is not as psychological

study, or an investigative one, the presumption came based on their personal

observations and first-hand experiences which are a solid basis for their

statement regarding the matter.

 And lastly, researchers come up in with the findings that the sample

population is well-aware about the influence of sociopsychological behavior

of their fellows in which having a direct impact on the overall demand

consumption in a fast-food restaurant. The type of food establishment that the

students tend to patronize caters consumers like them who oversee the value of

money and time. Thus, fast food restaurants are making efforts through

marketing strategies in order for them to attract these young ages that may

bring a great number of demand and sales. However, due to the changing

lifestyle and buying pattern of every human being, the young ages, particularly

the students, are now becoming more conscious in availing products and

services as they are looking for satisfaction that can fit for their exposed

profile in the society. In return, a free promotion of the business' products and

services will be subconsciously spread by the means of the social media

platforms of these young consumers; making researchers to believe the

interrelation of students and fast-food restaurants in economic activities


At the end of this study, researchers were finally deduced concrete findings

that are extracted from the result of the conducted survey. These findings will help the

researchers to produce a well-founded conclusion regarding the problem they sought

to disclose, and thus will be able to guide the concerning persons of this study towards

the path of development; and in this research, the students under the programs of

Hospitality and Tourism Management, as well as the fast-food chains in Baliwag will

be the certain beneficiaries.

The researchers observed that the students of the aforementioned programs

seem to rely on the products and services of fast-food restaurants due to the

conjunction of their financial capacity and time scheduling to the business' prospect

marketing. In spite the fact that the fast-food restaurants originally offer affordable

and convenient products and services, researchers perceived the intuitions of these

food establishments to cater this particular group of consumers as it gives them an

additional footstep in achieving their organizational goals objectives. In consideration

of the foregoing, these students and the fast-food restaurants are having a direct

socioeconomic relationship that are being essential to their daily survival within the

marketplace. As what the previous themes explicated in connection to the

proliferation of favorable profit being imparted to one another, researchers are

becoming more certain to their conclusion in pointing out that the factors prefer to

consider by the students are having a direct influence to the consumption demand of

fast-food restaurants. Basis were presented in the fourth chapter, as respondents

positively corresponds to the idea of promoting fast food restaurants once the factors,

they are anticipating to enjoy are given to them, and in exchange by all means of

satisfaction. And although, students have limited budget, the huge number of their

population can create a drastic increase to a business sale. Moreover, as mentioned by

the majority of the representing sample, technological literacy could definitely

enhance the reputation and image of the business who provides the best products and

services. Consequently, students continue to support fast food restaurants, and vice


Researchers therefore conclude that the sociopsychological behavior of

students under the programs of Hospitality and Tourism Management in Baliwag

Polytecnic College impacts the demand consumption of fast-food restaurants in the

town. The students value the price and quality of every product and service they avail

as bounded concernments are logically present for them. On the other hand,

convenience and trend are also being consider by the students as they attempt to be

relevant to the imposed norms within their environment. Hence, researchers are

convinced to the occurrence of this relativity.


The researchers recommend to the future researchers of the studies related to

the problem discussed to extend their area of study specifically in food establishments.

The said recommendation will provide future researchers a different perspective from

the other side of the concerning group, and will able to produce a conclusive data in

relation to the effects of sociopsychological behavior of the students towards the

business' demand consumptions. Researchers also suggest to the future researchers to

consult a business strategist and sociologist or even psychologist that will help them

to interpret a more systematic and scientific explanation about the initial findings of

this study. A qualitative approach of research is also suitable to conduct in this study

due to the broad perceptions respond by the sample population that are left

unexpounded because of the nature of this research, which is quantitative.


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Socio-demographic Profile, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty in a
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November 21, 2022

HM/TM Students
Institute of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Baliuag Polytechnic College

Dear Ms./Mr.

Good day! We are the students from Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
who are currently conducting an undergraduate thesis for the partial fulfillment of the
course subject: Research in Hospitality, in which entitled "The Factors Influencing the
Consumption Demand in Fast Food Restaurants Among the Students of Institute of
Hospitality and Tourism in Baliwag Polytechnic College".

We hereby asking your consent to participate in the said study, as we firmly deduced
that your personal perspective and experience regarding the concerned subject is
highly significant in drawing a well-founded conclusion for this study.

The survey will be conducted through online. Google form link will be sent
accordingly once affirmed to the intent of this letter. All the data and information that
we may collect will be kept private and will be treated with confidentiality as we act
in accordance to the Republic Act. 10173 or The Data Privacy Act of 2012.

We will appreciate whatever you may contribute on our study. Thank you very much,
and God bless us all!

Yours sincerely,



Noted by

Prof. Gino Espinos
Research Adviser

Dr. Aida Ramos

Vice President for Academic Affairs

Dr. Mary Ann Villena

Research Director


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