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Biography of Wole Soyinka


➢ Wole Soyinka was born on July 13, 1934 in Western nigeria. He became a
dramaturgist at the Royal Court Theatre in London for six years. A Rockerfellar
bursary award. There, he taught drama and literature in various universities in
Ibadan, Lagos and Ife. He founded a theater group in 1960 and in 1964. During
a civil war in Nigeria, Soyinka appealed for ceasefire through an article and
because of this, he was arrested in 1967 and has been accused in conspiring
with the biafra rebels. He became a political prisoner for 22 months until he got
freed in1969. As a dramatist, he was influenced by writer J.M. Synge. He based
his writing on the mythology of his own tribe--the Yoruba. His poems show a
close connection to his plays collected in "Idantre and other poems" He was a
Noble Prize Laureate for Literature.


➢ Wole Soyinka is best known as a playwright. Alongside his literary career, he

has also worked as an actor and in theaters in Nigeria and Great Britain. His
works also include poetry, novels, and essays. Wole Soyinka writes in English,
but his works are rooted in his native Nigeria and the Yoruba culture, with its
legends, tales, and traditions. His writing also includes influences from Western
traditions - from classical tragedies to modernist drama.

by Wole Soyinka

The meeting is called

To odium: Forgers, framers

Fabricators Inter-

National, Chairman
A dark horse, a circus nag turner

blinkered Sprinter

Match three

We rate him--one for the knife:

Two for Mc'iavelli, Three~

Breaking speed

Of the truth barrier by a swooping detention decree

Project in view:

Mao Tse Tung in league

with Chiang Kai. Nkrumah

Make a secret

Pact with Verwood, sworn by Hashtings Banda

Prove: Arafat

In flagrante cum

Golda Mier. Castro drunk

With Richard Nixon

Contraceptives stacked beneath

the papa Brunk

...and more to come


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