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The philosophy associated with Pythagoras, known as Pythagoreanism, is often shrouded in

myth and legend due to the limited historical documentation available and the influence of later
interpretations and embellishments. While it is challenging to separate fact from fiction, it is
possible to discuss the mythical elements associated with Pythagoreanism. However, it is
important to note that some aspects of Pythagorean philosophy can be traced back to Pythagoras
himself, while others might have emerged later within the Pythagorean tradition.

1. The Divine and the Transcendent: One of the central mythical elements of
Pythagoreanism is the belief in the divine and the transcendent. Pythagoreans believed in
the existence of a divine realm, inhabited by gods or divine beings. Pythagoras himself
was often regarded as semi-divine or even a deity. These mythical elements elevated the
status of Pythagorean philosophy and added a sense of mystery and reverence to its

2. Numerology and the Harmony of the Spheres: Pythagoras and his followers placed great
significance on numbers and their supposed mystical properties. They believed that
numbers held the key to understanding the fundamental structure of the universe. The
concept of the “harmony of the spheres” attributed to Pythagoras suggests that celestial
bodies, such as planets and stars, produce harmonious sounds as they move through
space, reflecting the underlying mathematical and harmonious nature of the cosmos.

3. Metempsychosis and Reincarnation: Another mythical aspect of Pythagoreanism is the

belief in metempsychosis, or the transmigration of souls. Pythagoreans believed in the
cyclical nature of life and death, with the soul being reborn into different bodies over
time. This belief in reincarnation was linked to the idea of purifying the soul through
moral and intellectual development, ultimately leading to liberation from the cycle of

4. Esoteric Rituals and Secret Teachings: Pythagoreanism was associated with esoteric
rituals, secret doctrines, and a hierarchical structure within the Pythagorean community.
This secrecy contributed to the mythical aura surrounding Pythagoreanism, as it was
believed that only initiates had access to the true and hidden knowledge imparted by
Pythagoras himself.
5. Influence on Mathematics and Music: While the mathematical and musical contributions
attributed to Pythagoras and his followers are significant, they often take on a mythical
aspect when exaggerated or attributed solely to Pythagoras himself. The Pythagorean
theorem, for example, is named after him, but its discovery is likely the result of
collective efforts within the Pythagorean school.

It is essential to approach the mythical elements associated with Pythagoreanism critically. While
these mythical aspects contributed to the allure and fascination surrounding Pythagoras and his
philosophy, they should be understood in the context of the time and the subsequent
interpretations that emerged. Separating the historical Pythagoras from the mythical figure can be
challenging, but it is important to engage with Pythagorean philosophy while acknowledging the
mythical elements that have become intertwined with it over time.

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