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Interactivity: Crossword Topic 11 (int-2688)

Interactivity: Word search Topic 11 (int-2687)
Interactivity: Sudoku Topic 11 (int-3207)
Digital doc: Code puzzle: Christmas day, 1859 (doc-15899)
Digital doc: Summary (doc-00000)

11.10 Review questions

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question, go to your learnON title at Note: Question numbers may vary slightly.
Understanding and fluency
1. For the rule y = 3x − 1, what is y when x = 2?
A. –1 B. 1 C. 2
D. 5 E. 6
2. What is the gradient of the linear rule y = 4 − 6x?
A. 6 B. –6 C. 4
D. –4 E. −1
3. The graph with the rule 2y − x + 6 = 0 has an x-intercept of:
A. –2 B. 0 C. 2
D. 6 E. –1
4. The graph with the rule 2y − x + 6 = 0 has a y-intercept of:
A. –6 B. –3 C. 0
D. 3 E. 6
5. Consider a linear graph that goes through the points (6, –1) and (0, 5).
The gradient of this line is:
A. 5 B. –5 C. 1
D. –1 E. 0
6. A straight line passes through the points (2, 1) and (5, 4). Its rule is:
A. y = x–1 B. y = x + 1 C. y = 2x
D. 4y = 5x E. y = 2.5x + 3
7. The rule for a line whose gradient is –4 and y-intercept = 8 is:
A. y = –4x + 32 B. y = –4x + 8 C. y = 4x − 32
D. y = 4x − 8 E. y = −4x − 8
8. Which of the following linear rules will not intersect with the straight line defined by y = 3x?
A. y = 3x + 2 B. y = –3x + 1 C. y = –3x + 2
D. y = –2x + 1 E. y = x
9. If y = 2x + 1, then a point that could not be on the line is:
A. (3, 7) B. (–3, –5) C. (0, 1)
D. (2, 5) E. (–3, 0)
10. The solution to y = 3x + 1 and y = –3x + 1 is:
C. (0, − )
A. (0, 1) B. (1, 0)
D. (− , 0)
E. (–1, 1)

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11. Write down i the gradient and ii the y-intercept of each of the following linear graphs. You may need
to first rearrange the equations.
a. y = 8x − 3 b. y = 5 − 9x c. 2x + y − 6 = 0
2x − 1
d. 4x − 2y = 0 e. y =
12. Which of the following lines are parallel to the line with the equation y = 6 − x?
a. y + x = 4 b. y = 13 − x c. 2y − 2x = 1 d. x + 2y − 4 = 0
13. Determine which of the following rules will yield a linear graph.
a. 3y = − 5x − 12 b. y = 3x2 − 2 12 c. 3x + 4y + 6 = 0
d. x + y − 2xy = 0 e. 2y = 42x + 92
14. Find the gradients of the lines shown.
a. y b. y c. y
10 17

0 x 0 x 0 x
(5, –2)

15. Find the gradients of the lines passing through the following pairs of points:
a. (2, –3) and (4, 1) b. (0, –5) and (4, 0).
16. For each of the following rules, state the gradient and the y-intercept.
a. y = –3x + 7 b. 2y − 3x = 6 c. y = − 25x d. y = 4
17. For the following rules, use the gradient–intercept method to sketch linear graphs.
a. y = –x + 5 b. y = 4x − 2.5 c. y = 23x − 1 d. y = 3 − 54x
18. For the following rules, sketch the linear graphs.
a. y = –3x b. y = 14x c. y = –2 d. x = 3
19. Find the rules of the lines shown.
a. y b. y
(3, 6)

0 x
0 x 7

20. Determine the linear rules given the following pieces of information.
a. Gradient = 2, y-intercept = –7
b. Gradient = 2, x-intercept = 7
c. Gradient = 2, passing through (7, 9)
d. Gradient = –5, passing through the origin
e. y-intercept = –2, passing through (1, –3)
f. Passing through (1, 5) and (5, –6)
g. x-intercept = 3, y-intercept = –3
h. y-intercept = 5, passing through (–4, 13)
21. Find the midpoint of the line interval joining the points (–2, 3) and (4, –1).
22. Find the distance between the points (1, 1) and (4, 5).
23. Sketch each of the following, comparing it with the graph of y = x2.
a. y = x2 − 3 b. y = (x + 2) 2

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24. a. Plot the graph of y = 4x.
b. What sort of graph is this?
25. Sketch the following circle. Clearly show the centre and radius.
x2 + y2 = 16
Communicating, reasoning and problem solving
26. Louise owes her friend Sula $400 and agrees to pay her back $15 per week.
a. State a linear rule that demonstrates this reducing debt schedule and sketch the graph.
b. How many weeks does it take her to repay the debt?
c. How much does she owe after 15 weeks?
d. After how many repayments does she owe $85?
27. A bushwalker is 40 km from his base camp when he decides to head back.
He is able to walk 3.5 km each hour.
a. Determine the linear rule that describes this situation and sketch its graph.
b. How long, correct to 1 decimal place, will it take him to reach base camp?
c. How far will he have walked in 6.5 hours?
28. Sue is writing test questions. She has already written 25 questions and can write a further 5 questions
per hour.
a. Represent this information as a linear equation where t hours is the time spent writing test questions
and n is the number of questions written.
b. Predict the total number of questions written after a further 8 hours, assuming the same linear rule.
c. How long, to the nearest minute, will it take Sue to have 53 written questions?
29. Catherine earns a daily rate of $200 for working in her mother’s store. She receives $5 for each
necklace that she sells.
a. Write an equation to show how much money (m) Catherine earned for the day after selling (n)
b. Graph the equation that you created in part a, showing the two intercepts.
c. Which part of the line applies to her earnings? Explain.
d. Which part of the line does not apply to her earnings? Explain.
30. Calculate the gradient of the line passing through the points (2, 3) and (6 + 4t, 5 + 2t). Write your
answer in simplest form.
31. What is the point on the line y = 2x + 7 that is also 5 units above the x-axis?
32. An experiment was conducted, and data were collected for two variables p and t.
−1 1
p 2 2

t 2 14 1.75 –5.95

It is known that the relationship between p and t is a linear one. What are the two missing values?
33. The distance from the origin to the y-intercept of a linear graph is three times the distance from the
origin to the x-intercept. The area of the triangle formed by the line and the axes is 3.375 units2. The
line has a negative gradient and a negative y-intercept. What is the equation of the line?

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