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S: And I love a cup of tea.

UNIT 8.6 CD 3 Track 19
K: And I can thank Melitta Bentz from Germany

8 Page 67, exercise 7A

In the 1990s, I had a cell phone, but I didn’t have
for her invention! Her special filter helps me
make a cup of coffee at home. Melitta Bentz
was born on January 31, 1873, more than
a digital camera. I bought a digital camera in
140 years ago! In the early twentieth century,
8.1 CD 3 Track 14 2001, but then, in 2005, I bought a smartphone,
people made their coffee by putting it in a
so I didn’t use my digital camera after that.
Page 149, exercise 1 little bag, and then putting that little bag in
hot water, but it didn’t taste very good. Melitta
1 Laptop 8.7 CD 3 Track 20 Bentz invented a way to pour water through a
2 Toaster
Page 150, exercise 1 special piece of paper to make coffee. It was
3 Smartphone
delicious. She started her own company and
4 CD player 1 Be born 8 Get married gave it her first name. Melitta is a company that
5 Video player 2 Start school 9 Have a baby, have a is now over 100 years old. I usually spend two
6 Color TV 3 Finish school family to three pounds – um, three to four dollars–
7 Black-and-white TV 4 Go to college 10 Get divorced when I buy a coffee at a café. I can save money
8 DVD player 5 Get a degree 11 Retire by making coffee at home with this invention!
9 Dishwasher 6 Get a job 12 Die
10 Clothes dryer 7 Meet someone
11 Fridge 8.9 CD 3 Track 22
12 Microwave 8.8 (DVD 2); CD 3 Track 21 Page 150, exercise 1
13 Cassette player
14 Washing machine Pages 68 and 69, exercises 3, 4A and 5B 1 Begin, began 11 Say, said
15 GPS 2 Come, came 12 See, saw
K = Kate, S = Simon 3 Do, did 13 Leave, left
16 Digital camera
17 Freezer K: Hello, it's time for Learning Curve again. 4 Drink, drank 14 Speak, spoke
18 Vacuum cleaner That's right. Um, Simon? 5 Drive, drove 15 Get, got
S: Wow. And I’m just in time, Kate. My tube 6 Eat, ate 16 Take, took
station was closed. I took a taxi. I was lucky 7 Go, went 17 Think, thought
8.2 CD 3 Track 15
that the driver had a satnav. It’s a good thing 8 Give, gave 18 Write, wrote
Page 126 to have when the roads are very busy. It told 9 Hear, heard 19 Meet, met
us to drive here a different way. It only took 10 Know, knew 20 Have, had
I was busy last week.
fifteen minutes and it cost about £14.
We were busy last week.
K: A satnav? Oh, you mean a GPS? Yes, it can 8.10 (DVD 2); CD 3 Track 23
He wasn’t busy yesterday.
tell you exactly where the traffic is. And that
They weren’t busy yesterday. Page 69, exercises 6 and 7
brings us to today's topic: Inventions. What
inventions do you think are important? So, K = Kate, S = Simon, V = Vanessa,
8.3 CD 3 Track 16 tell us more about the satnav or, GPS, and M = Marcello, X = Xander
Page 126 the person who invented it, Simon.
S: These people did some great things with
S: In the UK, we call it satnav – that’s Satellite
There was a fridge in our kitchen. their lives. So, let's talk to people about
Navigation. In the US, it’s called GPS. Its full
There were a lot of books in my bedroom. what they're doing and what or who their
name is Global Positioning System. You call it
There was no freezer. inspiration is! Kate is in front of the building.
by both names, but it's a very easy and modern
There wasn’t any freezer. K: Thanks, Simon! So, Vanessa, where are you
way to help drivers find faster, better ways to
There weren’t any CDs. from?
get from place to place, and avoid traffic. The
V: I was born in Hong Kong. I went to university
inventor of this popular system was Roger
in London.
8.4 CD 3 Track 17 Easton, the “father of the GPS.” In 1943, Easton
K: Oh, so you live in London?
worked in the United States at a research
Page 67, exercise 5 V: Well, no. I am on vacation here from my job.
centre in Washington D.C. In the early 1960s,
I have my own fashion business.
1 The TV was in the living room. Easton studied objects moving around the
K: You started your own company? You're very
2 There wasn’t much free time. Earth in the sky. He thought that a good way
3 There were two bedrooms and a bathroom. to find the position of moving objects here on
V: Well, my birthday was last week. May 12. I’m 28!
4 Things were very different. earth was to put clocks on a system of satellites
K: Well, happy birthday, a week late! So, tell us
5 Dishwashers weren’t in every home. in the sky. It cost about 100 million dollars to
more about your company.
6 There weren’t many cars. build the first GPS. That’s about 76 million
V: First of all, when I was eighteen, I designed
pounds. On February 22 1978, the first GPS
a special computer program to help make
8.5 CD 3 Track 18 satellite, called Navstar, went to space. We can
clothes. Five years ago, I started my online
now use the system Roger Easton invented
Page 126 fashion store. It usually costs a lot of money
to travel easily from A to B. It's a very popular
to start a company, about £23,000, but I only
I bought a lot of books in the 1990s. machine! It helped the taxi driver find the roads
spent £11,000. Now, my company is doing
I didn’t buy expensive clothes. and helped me to arrive on time today! Are you
really well and I need to hire more people
enjoying that coffee, Kate?
soon. It feels good to give jobs to a lot of
K: Oh, yeah! I love a cup of coffee in the
K: Were you always interested in fashion?

A2 Elementary 1 Personal Best A2 © Richmond 2018


V: Oh, yes. Uh, when I was ten years old, I

8.11 CD 3 Track 24
started making my own clothes. I always
wanted to start a business. When I got my Page 69, exercise 8
degree in economics in 2012, I went back to
1 A: What do you do?
Hong Kong and began working on it.
B: I sell computers.
K: Well, you certainly know what you're doing
2 A: Can I ask you a question?
in your life.
B: Of course you can!
V: I hope so. Bye for now!
3 A: Bye for now! See you tomorrow.
K: Bye!
B: See you!
S: Kate, Marcello is with us on video chat from
4 A: Would you like a cup of coffee and a cookie?
New York.
B: Yes, please.
M: Hi!
5 A: How did you start writing books?
S: Hello, Marcello. What's your story?
B: First of all, I wrote a blog and then I wrote
M: Well, I was born in Rome, Italy. My mother
a book.
is American, so I grew up speaking two
languages. I came to New York to attend
university and I got a degree in English. 8.12 CD 3 Track 25
S: Good choice! Is your family there? Page 127
M: Yes! I got married three years ago and we had
a baby boy last year. I enjoyed the meal.
S: What do you do? I didn’t enjoy the movie last night.
M: Well, I teach online courses in Italian and We watched the movie together.
English. So the webcam and the computer We didn’t watch TV.
are my favorite inventions! My students are
from all over the world. We love Learning 8.13 CD 3 Track 26
Page 71, exercise 6A
S: Thanks, Marcello! Now, Kate is out on the
street with Xander. /t/ /d/ /ɪd/
K: Hello, I’m Kate from Learning Curve. What’s Looked Changed Wanted
your name?
X: Hello. I’m Xander. 8.14 CD 3 Track 27
K: So, what do you do?
Page 71, exercise 6B
X: I'm a technology student. Right now, I'm
using my new app. I invented it, see? Here /t/ /d/ /ɪd/
it is on my phone. It’s an app for sightseeing. Stopped Tried Decided
It tells tourists when places are open and Watched Traveled Waited
how to get there easily. It’s GPS with tourist Liked Played Ended
information in one app!
K: Wow. You invented it? 8.15 CD 3 Track 28
X: Yes, that’s right. I just finished it last month, on
Page 71, exercise 7
April 1. I started it as a class project in school.
K: In school? 1 We traveled all night.
X: Yes. I was always an excellent student in 2 I watched a movie last night.
technology and computer class. I was 3 The family saved a lot of money.
sixteen when I started work on this app. I'm 4 You needed a new cell phone.
at Harvard now. 5 My father worked on the weekend.
K: That’s great! So, which cities does your app 6 I wanted a new computer.
work in?
X: Tourists can use this app in London, Paris,
Boston, and New York!
K: Wow. And how much does the app cost?
X: One pound.
K: Hmm, so about $1.30. That’s great! So, how
old are you now, Xander?
X: I’m nineteen.
K: Oh. Can I try it?
X: Of course you can!
K: Oh, that's cool.
S: Kate, that app is very interesting! I love
hearing people's life stories. So, who or
what inspires you? What are your favourite
inventions? We'll see you next time on
Learning Curve!

A2 Elementary 2 Personal Best A2 © Richmond 2018

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