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Loreen: Live at Forbes College Main, Welcome to the Search for MR and MISS Sports Fest 2023 of
Forbes College.

Jerry: With the theme, “Conquer the Courts, Rule the Fields: Channeling the Forbesians Sportsmanship”

Loreen To formally start our program, let’s first honor the presence of our Almighty, to be followed by
our Philippine National Anthem, please all stand.


BOTH: Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen!

Jerry: My name is Mr. Jerry Rapera

Lors: And I am Ms. Loreen Lucana, and we will be hosting…

BOTH: the Search for Mr. and Miss SportsFest 2024 of Forbes College

Lors: Kamusta ka Sir? You look absolutely fresh and blooming.

J: I’m Good, salamat Ma;am, you look stunning as well. How bout you ma’am?

Lors: Ako? I am really excited because this the most exciting part of weeklong Intramurals Celebration.

J: That’s Right! This Intramurals celebration ignited the student spirit through fun, safe and structured
play experiences that promote the physical, mental and social development of every child.

Lors: Absolutely, Syempre we have 3 respective teams for our Intramurals celebration, and let’s hear
their voice!

J: Team Lannister

Lors: Team Targaryel

J: Team Starks

Lors: For the energy ang mga Forbesians! This morning we witnessed the energetic cheer dance by our
respective teams. Nanuod k aba Sir?

Joms: True Madam! This afternoon we will witness the stunning beauties of our candidates for their
irresistible charm and poise as they grace the stage to secure the crown.

J: Thank you so much students. Alam mo ba Ma’am Lors saan inspired ang ating theme for this year’s
sportsfest? This is based on the blockbuster American Fantasy Television Series titled GAME OF
THRONES. Napanuod mo na yun Ma’am?

L: Naku hindi pa Sir but I will add that in my bucketlist, how about the audience sino na nakapanuod ng
Game of Thrones?


Lors: To give us his opening remarks, please help me welcome our ever hard-working ------

(Introduction of Judges)

J: Thank you so much ___________ for your warm message to us. For us to be well aware of how the
candidates will be scored, allow us to introduce our set of judges. They will help us to ensure the
fairness and honesty in selecting our next Mr. and Ms. Sportfest 2024

Lors: welcome to our dear judges.

[Reading of Criteria for Judging]

Jerry: In order to guide our judges to select our Mr and Ms Sportsfest 2024, let’s call on Mr. Eric
Andes, the ever dedicated head of event to share with us the criteria for judging.


Lors: Thank you Sir!

Are you guys excited? Taas ang kamay sinong gusto na Makita ang candidates?


J: The long wait is over! A BIG round of applause to our 11 enticingly beautiful and handsome
representatives for their……..



Lors: Presenting our 12 representatives! A round of applause for these young men and women.

J: Wow! A pop-eyeing production number! Did I just saw the crowd gone wild and hype? Grabe ang
presence na dala ng ating mga naggagandahan at nagagwapuhang candidates!

Lors: Totoo Sir! Ramdam na ramdam ang gigil ng supporters!

J: Look at our stunning and handsome candidates, talaga namang all smiles and with grace sila sa kanilang
production number!

Lors: I can feel the confidence and strong aura ngg ating mga representatives wow!


Lors: Thank you so much. You may now go back stage please. Alam mob a Sir Jerry, we will also witness
today ang iba’t ibang talents n gating kapwa Forbesians.

J: Korek ka jan mam, at this juncture, seat back, relax, and let us be entertained by our first of
performers for their production numbers.

------------------ three intermission numbers---


(Sports wear)

Lors: Thank you so much to all our amazing and talented students! Kaya mo yun Sir?

Jerry: insert own lines mo go

Lors: Sports has always been the backbone of every school intramurals. Syempre hindi makokompleto
ang Mr and Ms Sportsfest ay hindi makokompleto kung walang Sports Attire.

J: Agree! At this juncture let us let us find out who among our candidates will rock their Sporty Attire
with edge and attitude!

Lors: Once again, let us all welcome our candidates in their….



Jerry: Wow you all look stunning in your sportswear!

Lors: Alright! As promise we will be awarding the second set of Minor Awards!
Insert first Set Awards List and Winner

Lors: Again, Congratulations everyone! Later magtatawag ulit tayo for the Second Set of Minor Awards,
baka andun na ang mga manok nyo.

Thank you Candidates!

[Second set intermission number]

Jerry: Basta Forbesians, talentadong bata yan! Here’s another intermission number for all of you.
Applause please!


J: Thank you for that wonderful performance!

[Theme Costume]

J: Alright we’re about to witness once again our lovely candidates in their last outfit which is their
Theme Costume Exposure. Are u guys excited?

Lors: All their outfits must be connected or must represent their respective themes which is inspired by
Game of Thrones.

Jerry: This time Let us judge every group’s creativity in crafting their theme costumes based on their

Lors: Alright, wag na natin patagalin pa at tawagin na natin an gating contestants for their…

Both: Theme Costume Exposure!


[second Set of Minor Awards]

Jerry: Look at that! The creativity at its finest! Isang masigabong palakpakan sa ating nag gagandahan at
naga gwapuhang kandidata!

Lors: Let’s also clap for the Creative team behind these artistic theme costumes!

Jerry: At this point, let us grant the second set of minor awards.

Insert 4th set of minor awards

Lors: Once again congratulations to our candidates!


Jerry: So eto na nga Ma’am Lors, to spice up our afternoon’s event, we have a special guest.

Lors: Agree! To Serenade our Representatives and our audience, please help me welcome, our pride and
very own…

Both: Mr. Nilo Betito Jr!


Awarding of Certificates and Tokens to the Judges

Awarding to all the winners


Lors: Congratulations to all our winners! Patikim pa lamang ito sa nagaatikabong Forbesians Sportfest

Jerry: As we enter our 3-day Intramurals, May we never forget the true essence of intramurals which is
sportsmanship and camaraderie!

Lors: Once again, I am Loreen Lucana Jerry: And I am Jerry Rapera, Signing off!
“Instilling Forbesians Values through

Mr. and Ms. Sports Fest 2024

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